Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | 13C-NMR spectroscopy studies of humic substances in subtropical perhumid montane forest soil. | Chung, T. L.; Chen, J. S.; Chiu, C. Y.; Tian, G. | Journal of Forest Research 17(6), 458-467 | | | |
2000 | 2-Oxoacid dehygrogenase mutlienzyme complexes in the halophilic Archaea: Gene sequence and protein predictions | Tolley, Keith; Maddocks, Deborah; Gyles, Shan; Siclair, Zoe; Tang, Sen-Lin; Dyall-Smith, Mike; Hough, David; Danson, Michael | MICROBIOLOGY 146, 1061-1069 | | | |
2005 | 2004年東沙環礁魚類現況 | 陳正平; 李展榮; 黃建華; 方力行; 邵廣昭 | 東沙海洋生物多樣性專刊,Platax. Mongr. 1 p.1-24 | | | |
2006 | 2006「推廣生態漁業」攝影比賽 | 邵廣昭; 自然生態攝影學會 | 農委會委託,95.10.11~95.12.31 | | | |
2008 | 2008 Taiwan Species Diversity II. Species Checklist. | Shao, K. T.; Peng, C. I.; Wu, W. J. | Taipei | | | |
2008 | 2008 Taiwan Species Diversity Ι. Research and Status. | Shao, K. T.; Peng, C. I.; Wu, W. J. | Taipei | | | |
2008 | 2008年澎湖寒害對珊瑚礁魚類的影響 | 陳靜怡; 蔡正一; 邵廣昭 | | | | |
2010 | 2010年北極科學考查之魚類多樣性 | 廖運志; 林龍山; 鄭森林; 項鵬; 余興光; 吳日昇; 邵廣昭 | | | | |
2010 | 2010年北極科學考查之魚類多樣性(Fish diversity during the 4th China Arctic Expedition in 2010) | 廖運志; 林龍山; 鄭森林; 項鵬; 余興光; 吳日昇; 邵廣昭 | | | | |
2012 | 2012臺灣周邊海域人工魚礁區全紀錄 | 詹榮桂; 劉毓興 | 台北南港 | | | |
2005 | 7th role of TaiBNET on ABS of Microbial resources. Symp. On “Access and benefit-sharing (ABS) of Microbial resourcel-7th role of BRC in the ABS problematic”. | Shao, K. T. | | | | |
2003 | 91年度新竹市濱海野生動物保護區生態保育對策及紅樹林研究 | 陳章波; 謝蕙蓮 | 91年度新竹市濱海野生動物保護區生態保育對策及紅樹林研究,71 | | | |
1984 | A biochemical aspect of phylogenetic study of Bambusaceae in Taiwan I. The genus Phyllostachys | Chou, C. H.; Yang, C. M.; Sheen, S. S. | Proceedings of the National Science Council : Part B, Life Science 8(2), 89-98 | | | |
1982 | A Biosystematic Study of Ludwigia sect. Microcarpium (Onagraceae) | Peng, C. -I. | Ph.D. dissertation, Washington University, St. Louis, USA. | | | |
2008 | A checklist of the fishes of southern Taiwan, northern South China Sea. | Shao, K. T.; Ho, H. C.; Lin, P. L.; Lee, P. F.; Lee, M. Y.; Tsai, C. Y.; Liao, Y. C.; Lin, Y. C.; Chen, J. P.; Yeh, H. M. | THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY Supplement 19, 233-271 | | | |
2020 | A Chemically triggered Transition from Conflict to Cooperation in Burying Beetles | Chen, B.-F.; M. Liu; D. R. Rubenstein; S.-J. Sun; J.-N. Liu; Y.-H. Lin; S.-F. Shen | ECOLOGY LETTERS 23(3), 467-475 | | | |
2024 | A chromosome-level genome assembly of the Asian house martin implies potential genes associated with the feathered-foot trait | Chan, Y.-F.; Lu, C.-W.; Kuo, H.-C.; Hung, C.-M. | G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 14(6), kae077 | | | |
2010 | A combinatory method maximizes taxonomy resolution in bacterial community analysis | Tseng, Ching-Hung; Chen, Chung-Pin; Lai, Hung-Chun; Chiang, Pei-Wen; Chang, Kai-Ti; Tang, Sen-Lin | | | | |
2005 | A comparison between clove oil and rotenone for collecting subtropical intertidal fishes | Wen, K. C.; Shao, K. T.; Ho, L. T.; Chen, L. S. | J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan 32, 29-39 | | | |
1998 | A comprehensive recovery plan for sika deer in Taiwan and an evaluation of current captive breeding program | Severinghaus, L. L.; McCullough, D. | 台北 | | | |