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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024聰明的網路「用路人」,你準備好上路了嗎?(印刷版)李德財 遠見 (Global Views Monthly) 第452期,頁20
22020科技始於人性 人文孕育利他胸懷──淺談數位典藏國家型科技計畫李德財 評鑑雙月刊 (Evaluation Bimonthly) 第88期,頁46-50
32020[開卷語]高教評鑑中心董事長李德財:教學及品保與時俱進 提升我國高等教育能見度李德財演講 ; 池俊吉; 郭玟杏; 杜奕廷評鑑雙月刊 (Evaluation Bimonthly) 第88期,頁1-5
42019O(f) Bi-criteria Approximation for Capacitated Covering with Hard Capacities(AACT 2019 Best Journal Paper Award)Mong-Jen Kao; Hai-Lun Tu; D.T. Lee Algorithmica 81, 1800-1817
52018The (1|1)-Centroid Problem in the Plane with Distance ConstraintsHung-I Yu; Tien-Ching Lin; D. T. Lee International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 28, 81-109
62018The multi-service center problemHung-I Yu; Cheng-Chung Li; D.T. Lee Theoretical Computer Science 705, 58-74
72017Tight Approximation for Partial Vertex Cover with Hard CapacitiesJia-Yau Shiao; Mong-Jen Kao; Ching-Chi Lin; D. T. Lee 
82016O(f) Bi-approximation for Capacitated Covering with Hard CapacitiesMong-Jen Kao; Hai-Lun Tu; D.T. Lee 
92016The (1|1)-Centroid Problem on the Plane Concerning Distance ConstraintsHung-I Yu; Tien-Ching Lin; D. T. Lee 
102016Broadcasting in Weighted Trees under the Postal ModelYu-Hsuan Su; Ching-Chi Lin; D. T. Lee Theoretical Comput. Sci. 621, 73-81
112016Optimal Time-Convex Hull for a Straight-Line Highway in Lp-MetricsB.-S. Dai; Mong-Jen Kao; D.T. Lee Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 53, 1-20
122015Online Dynamic Power Management with Hard Real-Time GuaranteesJian-Jia Chen; Mong-Jen Kao; D.T. Lee ; Ignaz Rutter; Dorothea WagnerTheoretical Comput. Sci. 595, 46-64
132015Capacitated Domination: Problem Complexity and Approximation AlgorithmsMong-Jen Kao; Han-Lin Chen; D.T. Lee Algorithmica 72(1), 1-43
142015The k-Nearest-Neighbor Voronoi Diagram RevisitedChih-Hung Liu; Evanthia Papadopoulou; D. T. Lee Algorithmica 71(2), 429-449
152014Efficient Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction Based on Geometric ReductionChih-Hung Liu; Chun-Xun Lin; I-Che Chen; D. T. Lee ; Ting-Chi WangIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 33(12), 1928-1941
162014Preface Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2012)Kun-Mao Chao; Tsan-sheng Hsu ; D. T. Lee Algorithmica 70(4), 694-695
172014Efficien Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction Based on Geometric ReductionChih-Hung Liu; Chun-Xun Lin; I-Che Chen; D. T. Lee ; Ting-Chi WangIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 33(12), 1928-1941
182014Using Geometric Structures to Improve the Error Correction Algorithm of High-Throughput Sequencing Data on MapReduce FrameworkWei-Chun Chung; Yu-Jung Chang; D. T. Lee ; Jan-Ming Ho 
192014Video Event Detection via Multi-modality Deep LearningI-Hong Jhuo; D.T. Lee 
202014Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2012)Kun-Mao Chao; Tsan-sheng Hsu ; D. T. Lee Theoretical Comput. Sci. 544, 1-2
212014CloudDOE: A User-Friendly Tool for Deploying Hadoop Clouds and Analyzing High-Throughput Sequencing Data with MapReduceWei-Chun Chung; Chien-Chih Chen; Jan-Ming Ho ; Chung-Yen Lin ; Wen-Lian Hsu ; Yu-Chun Wang; Der-Tsai Lee ; Feipei Lai; Chih-Wei Huang; Yu-Jung ChangPLoS One 9(6):e98146
222014An Efficient Bi-criteria Flow Channel Routing Algorithm For Flow-based Microfluidic BiochipsChun-Xun Lin; Chih-Hung Liu; I-Che Chen; D.T. Lee ; Tsung-Yi Ho
232014Online Dynamic Power Management with Hard Real-Time GuaranteesJian-Jia Chen; Mong-Jen Kao; D. T. Lee ; Ignaz Rutter; Dorothea Wagner
242014Discovering joint audio–visual codewords for video event detectionI.-Hong Jhuo; Guangnan Ye; Shenghua Gao; Dong Liu; Yu-Gang Jiang; D. T. Lee ; Shih-Fu ChangMachine Vision and Applications 25(1), 33-47
252013Reviving Globally Stagnant Careers of PostdoctoratesDer-Tsai Lee 
262013The Density Maximization Problem in GraphsMong-Jen Kao; Bastian Katz; Marcus Krug; D.T. Lee ; Ignaz Rutter; Dorothea WagnerJournal of Combinatorial Optimization 26(4), 723-754
272013CloudRS: An Error Correction Algorithm of High-Throughput Sequencing DataChen, Chien-Chih; Chang, Yu-Jung; Chung, Wei-Chun; Lee, Der-Tsai ; Ho, Jan-Ming 
282013Optimizing a MapReduce Module of Preprocessing High-Throughput DNA Sequencing DataWei-Chun Chung; Yu-Jung Chang; Chien-Chih Chen; Der-Tsai Lee ; Jan-Ming Ho 
292013Optimal Time-Convex Hull under the L_p MetricsBang-Sin Dai; Mong-Jen Kao; D. T. Lee 
302013Power Domination in Circular-arc GraphsLiao, Chung-Shou; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 65, 443-466
312012DR. ION: Disaster Rescue over Information-Oriented NetworkChung, Wei-Chun; Wu, Chi-Jen; Fu, Ku Chin; Lee, D. T. ; Ho, Jan-Ming
322012Obstacle-Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction: A Steiner-Point-Based AlgorithmLiu, Chih-Hung; Kuo, Sy-Yen; Lee, D. T. ; Lin, Chun-Syun; Weng, Jung-Hung; Yuan, Shih-YiIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 31(7), 1050-1060
332012Pandora Messaging: An Enhanced Self-Message-Destructing Secure Instant Messaging Architecture for Mobile DevicesTung, Tsai-Yeh; Lin, Laurent; Lee, D. T. IEEE WAINA 1, 100
342012Computing the Stretch Factor and Maximum Detour of Paths, Trees, and Cycles in the Normed SpaceC. Wulff-Nilsen; A. Grüne; R. Klein; E. Langetepe; D.T. Lee ; T.-C. Lin; S.-H. Poon; T.-K. YuInternational Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 22(1), 45-60
352011Finding Maximum Sum Segments in Sequences with UncertaintyHung-I Yu; Tien-Ching Lin; D. T. Lee 
362011An Output-Sensitive Approach for the L_1/L_infinity k Nearest Neighbor Voronoi DiagramLiu, Chih-Hung; Papadopoulou, Evanthia; Lee, D. T. 
372011Connecting Two Trees with Optimal Routing CostKao, Mong-Jen; Katz, Bastian; Krug, Marcus; Lee, D. T. ; Noellenburg, Martin; Rutter, Ignaz
382011Multiple-Instance Learning: Multiple Feature Selection on Instance RepresentationJhuo, I-Hong; Lee, D. T. 
392011The Density Maximization Problem in GraphsKao, Mong-Jen; Katz, Bastian; Krug, Marcus; Lee, D. T. ; Rutter, Ignaz; Wagner, Dorothea
402011Capacitated domination problemKao, M. J.; Liao, C. S.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 60, 274-300
412011Constructing Optimal Shortcuts in Directed Weighted PathsKlein, R.; Krug, M.; Langetepe, E.; Lee, D. T. ; Wagner, D.
422010Maximum Detour and Spanning Ratio on Rectilinear Path in L_1 PlaneGruene, A.; Lin, Tien-Chin; Yu, Teng-Kai; Klein, Rolf; Langetepe, Elmar; Lee, D. T. ; Poon, Sheung-Hung
432010國家型數位典藏計畫之回顧、現況與展望:以台灣為例陳淑君 ; 李德財 
442010Boosting-based Multiple Kernel Learning for Image Re-rankingJhuo, I-Hong; Lee, D. T. 
452010Multi-Party k-Means Clustering with Privacy ConsiderationYu, Teng-Kai; Lee, D. T. ; Chang, Shih-Ming
462010Boosted Multiple Kernel Learning for Scene Category RecognitionJhuo, I-Hong; Lee, D. T. 
472010Broadcasting in Heterogeneous Tree NetworksSu, Yu-Hsuan; Lin, Ching-Chi; Lee, D. T. 
482010Efficient Algorithms for the Sum Selection Problem and k Maximum Sums ProblemLin, T. -C.; Lee, D. T. Theoretical Comput. Sci. 411, 986-994
492009Geometric Minimum Diameter Minimum Cost Spanning ProblemSeo, Dae Young; Lee, D. T. ; Lin, T. -C.
502009Optimal Randomized Algorithm for the Density Selection ProblemLin, T. -C.; Lee, D. T. 
512009GR-Aligner: an algorithm for aligning pairwise genomic sequences containing rearrangement eventsTe-Chin Chu; Tsunglin Liu; D.T. Lee ; Greg C. Lee; Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih Bioinformatics 25(17), 2188-2193
522009GeoBuilder: A Geometric Algorithm Visualization and Debugging System for 2D and 3D Geometric ComputingWei, J. D.; Tsai, M. H.; Lee, G. C.; Huang, J. H.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15(2), 234-248
532009Fast Algorithms for the Density Finding ProblemLee, D. T. ; Lin, T. C.; Lu, H. I.Algorithmica 53, 298--313
542009Integration of a Concept Map Generator and a Knowledge-Portal-Based E-Learning SystemWei, J. D.; Chen, T. Y.; Tung, T. Y.; Lee, D. T. 
552009Analyzing the breakpoint regions of genomic rearrangement events at nucleotide level by sequence alignmentChu, Te-Chin; Liu, Tsunglin; Lee, D. T. ; Lee, Greg C.; Shih, Arthur Chun-Chieh 
562008A Fuzzy Neural Network Direct Adaptive Iterative Learning Controller for Robot ManipulatorsWang, Y. -C.; Chien, C. -J.; Lee, D. -T. 
572008An Output Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network Based Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear SystemsWang, Y. -C.; Chien, C. -J.; Lee, D. -T. 
582007Maximizing the Number of Independent Labels in the PlaneYu, K. L.; Liao, C. S.; Lee, D. T. 
592007A Visualization Tool to Construct the Reference-Based Relation Map for Group Knowledge of a Knowledge PortalWei, J. D.; Chen, T. Y.; Tung, T. Y.; Lee, D. T. 
602007Time Convex Hull with a HighwayYu, T. K.; Lee, D. T. 
612007Integration of Knowledge Management and E-Learning -- An Implementation towards Learning by TeachingWei, J. D.; Tung, T. Y.; Chen, T. Y.; Lee, D. T. 
622007Randomized Algorithm for the Sum Selection ProblemLin, T. C.; Lee, D. T. Theoretical Computer Science 377(1), 151-156
632007A Distributed Multicast Routing Algorithm for Real-Time Applications in Wide Area NetworksHuang, T. L.; Lee, D. T. Journal Parallel and Distributed Computing 67(5), 516-530
642007State-of-Charge Estimation for Electric Scooters by Using Learning MechanismsLee, D. T. ; Shiah, S. J.; Lee, C. M.; Wang, Y. C.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56(2), 544-556
652007Phylo-mLogo: an interactive and hierarchical multiple-logo visualization tool for alignment of many sequencesShih, Arthur Chun-Chieh ; Lee, D. T. ; Peng, Chin-Lin; Wu, Yu-WeiBMC Bioinformatics 8, 63
662007Detection of the inferred interaction network in hepatocellular carcinoma from EHCO (Encyclopedia of Hepatocellular Carcinoma genes Online)Hsu, Chun-Nan ; Lai, Jin-Mei; Liu, Chia-Hung; Tseng, Huei-Hun; Lin, Chih-Yun; Lin, Kuan-Ting; Yeh, Hsu-Hua; Sung, Ting-Yi ; Hsu, Wen-Lian ; Su, Li-Jen; Lee, Sheng-An; Chen, Chan-Han; Lee, Gen-Cher; Lee, D. T. ; Shiue, Yow-Ling; Yeh, Chang-Wei; Chang, Chao-Hui; Kao, Cheng-Yan; Huang, Chi-Ying F.BMC Bioinformatics 8, 1471-2105
672006Efficient Algorithms for the Sum Selection Problem and K Maximum Sums ProblemLin, Tien-Ching; Lee, D. T. 
682006An iterative distributed algorithm for multi-constraint multicast routingHuang, T. L.; Lee, D. T. Computer Communications 29(17), 3647-3661
692006Priority-based Genetic Local Search and its Application to the Traveling Salesman ProblemWei, J. D.; Lee, D. T. 
702006Design and Applications of an Algorithm Benchmark System in a Computational Problem SolvingChen, M. Y.; Wei, J. D.; Huang, J. H.; Lee, D. T. 
712006A Portable Geometric Algorithm Visualization System with Dynamic Camera Positioning for Tracking 3D ObjectsTsai, M. H.; Wei, J. D.; Huang, J. H.; Lee, D. T. 
722006SinicView: A visualization environment for comparisons of multiple nucleotide sequence alignment toolsShih, Arthur Chun-Chieh ; Lee, D. T. ; Lin, Laurent; Peng, Chin-Lin; Chen, Shiang-Heng; Wu, Yu-Wei; Wong, Chun-Yi; Chou, Meng-Yuan; Shiao, Tze-Chang; Hsieh, Mu-FenBMC Bioinformatics 7, 103
732006Gridding Spot Centers of Smoothly Distorted Microarray ImagesHo, Jinn; Hwang, Wen-Liang ; Lu, Henry Horn-Shing; Lee, D. T. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15, 342-353
742006Phylo-mLogo: An interactive multiple-logo visualization tool for large-number sequence alignmentsArthur Chun-Chieh Shih; D.T. Lee ; Chin-Lin Peng; Yu-Wei WuTR-IIS-06-007
752005Comments and an improvement on "A distributed algorithm of delay-bounded multicast routing for multimedia applications in wide area Networks"Huang, T. L.; Lee, D. T. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 13(6), 1410-1411
762005Randomized Algorithm for the Sum SelectionLin, T. C.; Lee, D. T. 
772005A Hybrid Adaptive Scheme of Fuzzy-Neural Iterative Learning Controller for Nonlinear Dynamic SystemsWang, Y. C.; Chien, C. J.; Lee, D. T. Int\'l J. Fuzzy Systems 7, 147-157
782005Gridding the spot centers of Microarray ImagesHo, Jinn; Hwang, Wen-Liang; Lu, Henry Horn-Shing; Lee, Der-Tsai 
792005Power domination problem in graphsLiao, C. S.; Lee, D. T. 
802005SinicView: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Comparison of Multiple Sequence Alignment ResultsArthur Chun-Chieh Shih ; D.T. Lee ; Laurent Lin; Chin-Lin Peng; Shiang-Heng Chen; Chun-Yi Wong; Meng-Yuan Chou; Tze-Chang Shiao
812005Crosstalk- and performance-driven multilevel full-chip routingHo, T. Y.; Chang, Y. W.; Chen, S. J.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design 24, 869-878
822005A visualization tool for the sitemap of a knowledge portal and the concept map of group knowledgeLin, Y. L.; Wei, J. D.; Lee, G. C.; Lee, D. T. 
832005A testing framework for web application security assessmentHuang, Y. W.; Tsai, C. H.; Lin, T. P.; Huang, S. K.; Lee, D. T. ; Kuo, S. Y.Computer Networks 48, 739-761
842005Labeling Points on a Single LineChen, Y. S.; Lee, D. T. ; Liao, C. S.International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 15, 261-277
852005Two Variations of the Minimum Steiner ProblemHsu, Tsan-Sheng ; Tsai, Kuo-Hui; Wang, Da-Wei ; Lee, D. T. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 9, 101-120
862005SinicView: A Visualization Environment for Comparisons of Multiple Sequence Alignment ToolsArthur Chun-Chieh Shih; D.T. Lee ; Laurent Lin; Chin-Lin Peng; Shiang-Heng Chen; Chun-Yi Wong; Meng-Yuan Chou; Tze-Chang ShiaoTR-IIS-05-005
872004Travel Time Prediction with Support Vector RegressionWu, C. H.; Ho, Jan-Ming ; Lee, D. T. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 5(4), 276-281
882004An Adaptive PID-Type Iterative Learning Controller for Unknown Nonlinear SystemsWang, Y. C.; Chien, C. J.; Lee, D. T. 
892004The Hausdorff Voronoi Diagram of Polygonal Objects: A Divide and Conquer ApproachPapadopoulou, E.; Lee, D. T. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 14, 421-452
902004Non-Detrimental Web Application Security AuditingHuang, Y. W.; Tsai, C. H.; Lee, D. T. ; Kuo, S. Y.
912004Time-based Voronoi DiagramsLee, D. T. ; Liao, C. S.; Wang, W. B.
922004A Cellular Automata Based Urban Development Simulation for Taipei Metropolitan AreaLin, F. T.; Lin, S. H.; Lee, D. T. 
932004A New Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem using Genetic Algorithms with Priority EncodingWei, J. D.; Lee, D. T. 
942004Verifying Web Applications Using Bounded Model CheckingHuang, Y. W.; Yu, F.; Hang, C.; Tsai, C. H.; Lee, D. T. ; Kuo, S. Y.
952004Securing Web Application Code by Static Analysis and Runtime ProtectionHuang, Y. W.; Yu, F.; Hang, C.; Tsai, C. H.; Lee, D. T. ; Kuo, S. Y.
962004Secure Transparent Mobile IP for Intelligent Transportation SystemsCheng, Ann-Tzung; Wu, Chun-Hsin; Ho, Jan-Ming; Lee, D. T. 
972004Palindrome-like Patterns in GenomesArthur Chun-Chieh Shih; D. T. Lee ; Chi-Fang Chin; Hong-Yuan Mark Liao; Wen-Hsiung LiTR-IIS-04-019
982004Web-Based Collaborative Problem Solving Environment Part II: Tele-Conferencing SystemLi-Chun Sung; Meng-Chang Chen; Ming-Yu Chen; Gen-Cher Lee; Jyh-Da Wei; Chien-Min Wang; D. T. Lee TR-IIS-04-013
992004Web-Based Collaborative Problem Solving Environment Part I: Knowledge ManagementGen-Cher Lee; Ming-Yu Chen; Yao-Wen Huang; Jyh-Da Wei; Chien-Min Wang; D. T. Lee TR-IIS-04-012
1002004Web-Based Collaborative Problem Solving Environment Part III: CSCW SystemChien-Min Wang; Shun-Te Wang; Gen-Cher Lee; Hsi-Min Chen; Shiang-Heng Chen; Shyh-Fong Hong; Jeng-Hung Huang; Shun-Wen Huang; Jyh-Da Wei; D. T. Lee TR-IIS-04-014      
1012004On the Crossing Distribution Problem in Two RegionsYu, T. K.; Lee, D. T. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 20, 1-25
1022003A Fast Crosstalk- and Performance-Driven Multilevel Routing SystemHo, T. Y.; Chang, Y. W.; Chen, S. J.; Lee, D. T. 
1032003An Advanced Traveler Information System with Emerging Network TechnologiesWu, Chun-Hsin; Su, Da-Chun; Chang, Justin; Wei, Chia-Chen; Ho, Jan-Ming; Lin, Kwei-Jay; Lee, D. T. 
1042003The Extension and Contraction Rules of Graceful TreesYu, T. K.; Lee, D. T. 
1052003數位典藏系統管理分析與設計 - 以故宮書畫為例范紀文; 何建明 ; 李德財 
1062003Design Parameters Study on the Stability and Perception of Riding Comfort of the Electrical Motorcycles under Rider LeaningLai, H. C.; Liu, J. S. ; Lee, D. T. ; Wang, L. S.Mechatronics 13(1), 49-76
1072003Knowledge Management for Computational Problem SolvingLee, D. T. ; Lee, G. C.; Huang, Y. W.Journal of Universal Computer Science 9, 563-570
1082002The Min-Max Voronoi Diagram of Polygons and Applications in VLSI ManufacturingPapadopoulou, E.; Lee, D. T. 
1092002Intelligent Control of Electric ScootersLee, D. T. ; Shiah, S. J.; Lee, C. M.; Wu, C. H.
1102002Bi-directional route optimization in mobile IP over wireless LANWu, C. H.; Cheng, A. T.; Lee, S. T.; Ho, J. M.; Lee, D. T. 
1112002Bi-directional Route Optimization in Mobile IP over Wireless LAN NetworksWu, Chun-Hsin; Cheng, Ann-Tzung; Lee, Shao-Ting; Ho, Jan-Ming ; Lee, Der-Tsai 
1122001從典藏資料交換角度探討Metadata設計與標準化問題范紀文; 何建明 ; 李德財 
1132001The L∞ Voronoi Diagram of Segments and VLSI ApplicationsPapadopoulou, E.; Lee, D. T. International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 11(5), 503-528
1142001Modeling Automatic Assembly and Disassembly Operations for Virtual ManufacturingMok, S. M.; Wu, C. H.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, PART A: Systems and Humans 31, 223-232
1152001Towards Web-Based ComputingAoki, K.; Lee, D. T. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 11, 71-104
1162000Algorithms and ComputationLee, D. T. ; Teng, S. H.
1172000A Faster One-Dimensional Topological Compaction AlgorithmChen, H. F. S.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 28, 390-421
1182000典藏數位化資訊環境之探討 (On creation and management of digital libraries: System environment, human-computer interface and research issues)Ho, Jan-Ming ; Huang, Shih-Kun; Chuang, Tyng-Ruey ; Lee, D. T. Journal of Library and Information Science 26(2), 38-48
1192000DAViD: A Distributed Algorithm Visualization and Debugging System for Geometric ComputingLin, L. H.; Lee, D. T. ; Aoki, K.
1202000Information Environment for Archive DigitizationHo, J. M. ; Huang, S. K.; Chuang, T. R.; Lee, D. T. 
1212000Content Management of Academia Sinica Digital LibraryHo, J. M. ; Huang, S. K.; Lee, D. T. 
1222000Computing and Combinatorics: ForewordTao, J.; Lee, D. T. Theoretical Comput. Sci. 240, 255
1232000A Web-Based Distributed Programming EnvironmentAoki, K.; Lee, D. T. 
1242000Parallel Algorithms for Maximum Matching in Complements of Interval Graphs and Related ProblemsAndrews, M. G.; Atallah, M. J.; Chen, D. Z.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 26, 263-289
1252000A System for Analyzing Automatic Assembly and Disassembly OperationsMok, S. M.; Wu, C. H.; Lee, D. T. 
1261999Critical area computation via Voronoi diagramsPapadopoulou, E.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design 18, 463-474
1271999Two-Way and Multi-Way Partitioning a Set of Intervals for Clique-Width MaximizationFarrahi, A. H.; Lee, D. T. ; Sarrafzadeh, M.Algorithmica 23, 187-210
1281999A Muscular-like Compliance Control for Active Vehicle SuspensionChang, S. L.; Wu, C. H.; Lee, D. T. 
1291999Skew Voronoi DiagramAichholzer, O.; Aurenhammer, F.; Chen, D. Z.; Lee, D. T. ; Papadopoulou, E.International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 9, 235-247
1301998Solving the All-pair Shortest Path Query Problem on Interval and Circular-arc GraphsChen, D. Z.; Lee, D. T. ; Sridhar, R.; Sekharan, C. N.Networks 32, 249-257
1311998On Crossing Minimization ProblemChen, H. F. S.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design 17, 406-418
1321998A New Approach for the Geodesic Voronoi Diagram of Points in a Simple Polygon and Other Restricted Polygonal DomainsPapadopoulou, E.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 20, 319-352
1331998GeoSheet: A Distributed Visualization Tool for Geometric AlgorithmsLee, D. T. ; Shen, C. F.; Sheu, S. M.International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 8, 119-155
1341998Two Guard Walkability of Simple PolygonsTseng, L. H.; Lee, D. T. ; Heffernan, P.International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 8, 85-116
1351997Finding Rectilinear Paths Among Obstacles in a Two-layer Interconnection ModelLee, D. T. ; Yang, C. D.; Wong, C. K.International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 7, 581-598
1361997The Smallest Pair of Non-crossing Paths in a Rectilinear PolygonYang, C. D.; Lee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.IEEE Trans. Comput. 46, 930-941
1371997K-best Cuts for Circular-arc GraphsTsai, K. H.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 18, 198-216
1381996The Steiner Minimal Tree Problem in the λ-geometry PlaneLee, D. T. ; Shen, C. F.
1391996Rectilinear Paths Among Rectilinear ObstaclesLee, D. T. ; Yang, C. D.; Wong, C. K.Discrete Applied Mathematics 70, 185-215
1401996Steiner Problems on Directed Acyclic GraphsTsan-sheng Hsu ; Kuo-Hui Tsai; Da-Wei Wang ; D.T. Lee 
1411996Computational GeometryLee, D. T. ACM Computing Surveys 28(1), 27-31
1421996A Faster Algorithm for Rubber-band Equivalent Transformation for Planar VLSI LayoutsChen, H. F. S.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(2), 217-227
1431996A Study of Neuromuscular-like Control in Rehabilitation RobotWu, C. H.; Chang, S. L.; Lee, D. T. 
1441996Steiner Problem on Directed Acyclic GraphsHsu, T. S.; Tsai, K. H.; Wang, D. W.; Lee, D. T. 
1451995An Optimal Algorithm for Roundness Determination on Convex PolygonsSwanson, K.; Lee, D. T. ; Wu, V. L.Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 5, 225-235
1461995An Optimal Algorithm for Shortest Paths on Weighted Interval and Circular-arc Graphs with ApplicationsAtallah, M. J.; Chen, D. Z.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 14, 429-441
1471995Finding an Approximate Minimum-Link Visibility Path Inside a Simple PolygonAlsuwaiyel, M. H.; Lee, D. T. Info. Processing Letters 55, 75-79
1481995Rectilinear Path Problems among Rectilinear Obstacles RevisitedYang, C. D.; Lee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.SIAM J. Computing 24, 457-472
1491995On Steiner Tree Problem with 45°  RoutingLee, D. T. ; Shen, C. F.; Ding, C. L.
1501995Point Set pattern matching ind-dimensionsdeRezende, P. J.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 13, 387-404
1511995Parallel Algorithms on Circular-Arc GraphsAndrews, M. G.; Lee, D. T. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 5, 117-141
1521994On Bends and Distances of Paths among Obstacles in Two-Layer Interconnection ModelLee, D. T. ; Yang, C. D.; Wong, C. K.IEEE Trans. Comput. 43, 711-724
1531994Restricted Track Assignment with ApplicationsSarrafzadeh, M.; Lee, D. T. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 4, 53-68
1541993Maximum Independent Set of a Permutation Graph in K TracksLee, D. T. ; Sarrafzadeh, M.International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 3(3), 291-304
1551993Minimum Spanning Trees with Bounded Number of BendsHo, Jan-Ming ; Lee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.
1561993Minimal Link Visibility Paths inside a Simple PolygonAlsuwaiyel, M. H.; D. T. Lee Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 3, 1-26
1571993The All-Pairs-Quickest Path ProblemLee, D. T. ; Papadopoulou, E.Info. Processing Letters 45, 261-267
1581992An Optimal Algorithm for the Maximum Two-Chain ProblemLou, R. D.; Sarrafzadeh, M.; Lee, D. T. SIAM J. Discrete Algorithms 5, 285-304
1591992On Bends and Length of Rectilinear Paths: A Graph-Theoretic ApproachYang, C. D.; Lee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 2, 61-74
16019921-segment Center ProblemsImai, H.; Lee, D. T. ; Yang, C. D.ORSA J. Computing. 4, 426-434
1611992Parallel Enclosing Rectangle on SIMD MachinesJeong, C. S.; Choi, J. J.; Lee, D. T. Parallel Computing 18, 21-229
1621991Topological Via Minimization RevisitedSarrafzadeh, M.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Transactions on Computers 40(11), 1307-1312
1631991Minimum Diameter Spanning Trees and Related ProblemsHo, Jan-Ming ; Lee, D. T. ; Chang, C. H.; Wong, C. K.SIAM Journal on Computing 20(5), 987-997
1641991Shortest Rectilinear Paths among Weighted ObstaclesLee, D. T. ; Yang, C. D.; Chen, T. H.International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 1, 109-124
1651991Out-of-Roundness Problem RevisitedLe, V. B.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence 13, 217-223
1661990Minimum Cut for Circular-arc GraphsLee, D. T. ; Sarrafzadeh, M.; Wu, Y. F.SIAM J. Computing 19, 1041-1050
1671990Planar Subset of Multi-terminal NetsLiao, K. F.; Lee, D. T. ; Sarrafzadeh, M.Integration, the VLSI Journal 10, 19-37
1681990Shortest Rectilinear Paths among Weighted RectanglesYang, C. D.; Chen, T. H.; Lee, D. T. J. Information Processing 13, 456-462
1691990Parallel Geometric Algorithms on a Mesh Connected ComputerJeong, C. S.; Lee, D. T. Algorithmica 5, 155-177
1701989Parallel Batched Planar Point Location on the CCCLee, D. T. ; Preparata, F. P.Info. Processing Letters 33, 175-179
1711989Minimum Delay NetworksHo, Jan-Ming ; Lee, D. T. 
1721989On-Line Bin Packing in Linear TimeRamanan, P.; Brown, D. J.; Lee, C. C.; Lee, D. T. J. Algorithms 10, 305-326
1731989A New Approach to Topological Via MinimizationSarrafzadeh, M.; Lee, D. T. IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design 8, 890-900
1741989Rectilinear Shortest Paths with Rectangular Barriersde Rezende, P. J.; Lee, D. T. ; Wu, Y. F.Discrete & Computational Geometry 4, 41-53
1751987An efficient new algorithm for 2-D line clipping: Its development and analysisNicholl, T. M.; Lee, D. T. ; Nicholl, R. A.ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 21(4), 253-262
1761986Geometric Complexity of Some Location ProblemsLee, D. T. ; Wu, Y. F.Algorithmica 1, 193
1771986Generating Binary Trees of Bounded HeightLee, C. C.; Lee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.Acta Informatica 23, 529-544
1781986Computing the Visibility Polygon from an EdgeLee, D. T. ; Lin, A. K.Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 34(1), 1-19
1791986Computational Complexity of Art Gallery ProblemsLee, D. T. ; Lin, A. K.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(2), 276-282
1801986Generalized Delaunay Triangulation for Planar GraphsLee, D. T. ; Lin, A. K.Discrete & Computational Geometry 1, 201-217
1811986On a Circle Placement ProblemChazelle, B. M.; Lee, D. T. Computing 36, 1-16
1821986Computing the Largest Empty RectangleChazelle, B.; Drysdale, R. L.; Lee, D. T. SIAM J. Computing 15, 300-315
1831985A Simple On-Line Bin Packing AlgorithmLee, C. C.; Lee, D. T. J. ACM 32, 562-572
1841985A Linear Time Algorithm for Partitioning a Set of Points in the PlaneChing, Y. T.; Lee, D. T. TR-85-002
1851985Geometric Complexity and Related ProblemsLee, D. T. TR-85-001
1861985The Power of Geometric Duality RevisitedLee, D. T. ; Ching, Y. T.Info. Processing Letters 21, 117-122
1871985The Power of Geometric DualityChazelle, B.; Guibas, L. J.; Lee, D. T. BIT 25, 76-90
1881985Computing the Relative Neighborhood Graph in the L1-metricLee, D. T. Pattern Recognition 18, 327-332
1891985Finding the diameter of a set of linesChing, Y. T.; Lee, D. T. Pattern Recognition 18(3-4), 249-255
1901984Computational Geometry: A SurveyLee, D. T. ; Preparata, F. P.IEEE Trans. Comput. 33, 1072-1101
1911984On a Circle-Cover Minimization ProblemLee, C. C.; Lee, D. T. Info. Processing Letters 18
1921984An Optimal Time and Minimal Space Algorithm for Rectangle Intersection ProblemsLee, D. T. International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 13, 23-32
1931984On 2-Dimensional Channel Assignment ProblemLee, D. T. ; Leung, J. Y. T.IEEE Trans. Comput. 33, 2-6
1941984Euclidean Shortest Paths in the Presence of Rectilinear BarriersLee, D. T. ; Preparata, F. P.Networks 14(3), 393-410
1951984Graph Algorithms on a Tree-Structured Parallel ComputerYeh, D. Y.; Lee, D. T. BIT 24, 333-340
1961984On the maximum empty rectangle problemNaamad, A.; Lee, D. T. ; Hsu, W. L. Discrete Applied Mathematics 8(3), 267-277
1971983On the X-Y Convex Hull of a Set of X-Y polygonsNicholl, T. M.; Lee, D. T. ; Liao, Y. Z.; Wong, C. K.BIT 23, 456-471
1981983Dynamic Voronoi DiagramsGowda, I. G.; Kirkpatrick, D. G.; Lee, D. T. ; Naamad, A.IEEE Trans. Infor. Theory 29, 724-731
1991983Visibility of a Simple PolygonLee, D. T. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 22, 207-221
2001983On Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple PolygonLee, D. T. International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 12, 87-98
2011983Ranking and Unranking of B-TreesGupta, U. I.; Lee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.J. Algorithms 4, 51-60
2021983(g0, g1,..., gk)-Trees and Unary 0L SystemsLee, D. T. ; Liu, C. L.; Wong, C. K.Theoretical Comput. Sci. 22, 209-217
2031982An Optimal Illumination Region Algorithm for Convex PolygonsLee, D. T. ; Silio Jr, C. B.IEEE Transactions on Computers 31(12), 225-1227
2041982An Improved Algorithm for the Rectangle Enclosure ProblemLee, D. T. ; Preparata, F. P.Journal of Algorithms 3(3), 218-224
2051982Ranking and Unranking of 2-3 TreesGupta, U. I.; Lee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.SIAM Journal on Computing 11(3), 582-590
2061982Medial Axis Transformation of a Planar ShapeLee, D. T. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence 4, 363-369
2071982On k-Nearest Neighbor Voronoi Diagrams in the PlaneLee, D. T. IEEE Trans. Comput. 31, 478-487
2081982Efficient Algorithms for Interval Graphs and Circular-arc GraphsGupta, U. I.; Lee, D. T. ; Leung, J. Y. T.Networks 12(4), 459-467
2091981Number of Vias: A Control Parameter for Global Wiring of High Density ChipsLee, D. T. ; Hong, S. J.; Wong, C. K.IBM J. Res. and Develop. 25, 261-271
2101981An On-Chip Compare/Steer Bubble SorterLee, D. T. ; Chang, H.; Wong, C. K.IEEE Trans. Comput. 30, 396-405
2111981Generalization of Voronoi Diagram in the PlaneLee, D. T. ; Drysdale, R. L.SIAM J. Computing 10, 73-87
2121981Record Allocation for Minimizing Expected Seek Delay TimeGupta, U. I.; Lee, D. T. ; Leung, J. Y. T.; Pruitt, J. W.; Wong, C. K.Theoretical Comput. Sci. 16, 307-319
2131981An O(n log n) Heuristic for Steiner Minimal Tree Problems on the Euclidean MetricSmith, J. M.; Lee, D. T. ; Liebman, J. S.Networks 11, 23-29
2141981Finding Intersection of Rectangles by Range SearchLee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.J. Algorithms 2, 337-347
2151980Two Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams in the Lp-metricLee, D. T. J. ACM 27, 604-618
2161980Quintary Trees: A File Structure for Multidimensional Database SystemsLee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.ACM Transactions on Database Systems 5(3), 339-353
2171980Two Algorithms for Constructing Delaunay TriangulationsLee, D. T. ; Schacter, B. J.International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 9, 219-242
2181980Voronoi Diagrams in L1 (L∞) Metrics with 2-Dimensional Storage ApplicationsLee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.SIAM J. Computing 9, 200-211
2191980An O(n log n) Heuristic Algorithm for the Rectilinear Steiner Minimal Tree ProblemSmith, J. M.; Lee, D. T. ; Liebman, J. S.Engineering Optimization 4, 179-192
2201979Location of Multiple Points in Planar SubdivisionLee, D. T. ; Yang, C. C.Information Processing Letters 9(4), 190-193
2211979An Optimal Solution for the Channel-Assignment ProblemGupta, U. I.; Lee, D. T. ; Leung, J. Y. T.IEEE Trans. Comput. 28, 807-810
2221979An Optimal Algorithm for Finding the Kernel of a polygonLee, D. T. ; Preparata, F. P.J. ACM 26, 415-421
2231979A Note on the All Nearest Neighbor Problem for Convex PolygonsYang, C. C.; Lee, D. T. Information Processing Letters 8(4), 193-194
2241978The All Nearest Neighbor Problem for Convex PolygonsLee, D. T. ; Preparata, F. P.Info. Processing Letters 7, 189-192
2251977Location of a Point in a Planar Subdivision and Its ApplicationsLee, D. T. ; Preparata, F. P.SIAM J. Computing 6, 594-606
2261977Worst Case Analysis for Region and Partial Region Searches in Multidimensional Binary Search Trees and Balanced Quad TreesLee, D. T. ; Wong, C. K.Acta Informatica 9, 23-29
2271976An Algorithm for Transformation of an Arbitrary Switching Function to a Completely Symmetric FunctionLee, D. T. ; Hong, S. J.IEEE Trans. Comput. 25, 1117-1123