| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 2024 | The combined effect of heterogeneous thermal conductivity, chemical density contrast, and heat-producing element enrichment on the stability of primordial reservoirs above the core-mantle boundary | J. M. Guerrero; Frédéric Deschamps ; Wen-Pin Hsieh ; Paul J. Tackley | EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 637, 118699 | | | |
2 | 2024 | A thermally conductive Martian core and implications for its dynamo cessation | Wen-Pin Hsieh ; Frédéric Deschamps ; Yi-Chi Tsao; Takashi Yoshino; Jung-Fu Lin | SCIENCE ADVANCES 10(12), eadk1087 | | | |
3 | 2024 | Zélandia, le continent perdu | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 178, 14-17 | | | |
4 | 2024 | Une exoplanète volcanique, LP 791-18d | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 178, 20-22 | | | |
5 | 2023 | Simulating Earth's basal mantle structures: Insights from thermochemical convection models featuring heterogeneous thermal conductivity and heat-producing element enrichment | Guerrero, J.M.; F. Deschamps ; Y. Li; W.-P. Hsieh; P.J. Tackley | | | | |
6 | 2023 | The combined effect of heterogeneous thermal conductivity, chemical density contrast, and heat-producing element enrichment on the stability of primordial reservoirs | Guerrero, J.M.; F. Deschamps ; Y. Li; W.-P. Hsieh; P.J. Tackley | | | | |
7 | 2023 | Stagnant-lid convection with tidal heating and temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and the thermal evolution of icy bodies | Chen, J.-C.; F. Deschamps ; W.-P. Hsieh | | | | |
8 | 2023 | Collision exoplanétaire | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 177, 6-9 | | | |
9 | 2023 | Les planètes telluriques se sont-elles formées plus rapidement que prévu ? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 177, 12-14 | | | |
10 | 2023 | Une enveloppe de roches fondues à la base du manteau martien | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 177, 22-25 | | | |
11 | 2023 | Dernière éclipse solaire totale avant la fin du monde : c’est pour quand ? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 175, 38-41 | | | |
12 | 2023 | Le noyau solide de la Lune | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 175, 20-22 | | | |
13 | 2023 | Inferring the relationship between core-mantle heat flux and seismic tomography from mantle convection simulations | Choblet, G.; F. Deschamps ; H. Amit; M. Lasbleis | PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS 342, 107072 | | | |
14 | 2023 | Des éclipses lunaires pour retracer les éruptions volcaniques médiévales | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 174, 14-16 | | | |
15 | 2023 | La planète engloutie | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 174, 6-7 | | | |
16 | 2023 | Combien y a-t-il de planètes dans le Système solaire ? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 173, 30-32 | | | |
17 | 2023 | L'eau du disque de la proto-étoile étoile V883 Ori | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 172, 16-19 | | | |
18 | 2023 | Vénus : une lithosphère moins épaisse que prévu | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 172, 12-14 | | | |
19 | 2023 | Tomographic filtering of shear and compressional wave models reveals uncorrelated variations in the lowermost mantle | Su, J.; C. Houser; J.W. Hernlund; F. Deschamps | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 234, 2114-2127 | | | |
20 | 2023 | Influence of heterogeneous thermal conductivity and heat-producing element enrichment on core-mantle boundary heat flux pattern : insights from simulations of thermo-chemical convection | Deschamps, F. ; J.M. Guerrero; P.J. Tackley | | | | |
21 | 2023 | Influence of heterogeneous thermal conductivity on the long-term evolution of the lower-mantle thermochemical structure: implications for primordial reservoirs | Guerrero, J.M.; F. Deschamps ; Y. Li; W.-P. Hsieh; P.J. Tackley | | | | |
22 | 2023 | Une trace d’activité volcanique contemporaine sur Vénus | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 171, 6-9 | | | |
23 | 2023 | La chute programmée de Kepler 1658b | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 171, 14-15 | | | |
24 | 2023 | Le ralentissement de la graine et ses conséquences imprévues | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 170, 16-18 | | | |
25 | 2023 | Et la Lune se forma (presque) instantanément … | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 169, 16-18 | | | |
26 | 2023 | De la fonte des glaciers à la désoxygénation des océans | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 168, 16-17 | | | |
27 | 2023 | Influence of heterogeneous thermal conductivity on the long-term evolution of the lower-mantle thermochemical structure: implications for primordial reservoirs | Guerrero, J.M.; F. Deschamps ; Y. Li; W.-P. Hsieh ; P.J. Tackley | Solid Earth 14(2), 119-135 | | | |
28 | 2023 | Quelles planètes pour les naines rouges ? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 168, 18-20 | | | |
29 | 2023 | Un nouveau regard sur la formation de Jupiter | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 167, 18-19 | | | |
30 | 2023 | L’érosion par collisions de la croûte terrestre | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 167, 16-17 | | | |
31 | 2023 | An analysis of core-mantle boundary related seismic waves using full-waveform modelling and adjoint methods | Koroni, M.; A. Borgeaud; A. Fichtner; F. Deschamps | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 232(2), 1259-1275 | | | |
32 | 2022 | Effect of Methanol on the Crystallization of Primordial Oceans and the Thermal Evolution of Large Icy Moons | Sanchez-Valle, C.; C. Yao; F. Deschamps | | | | |
33 | 2022 | L’origine des séismes profonds | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 166, 16-17 | | | |
34 | 2022 | Erg Chech 002 : la plus ancienne roche magmatique du Système solaire | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 165, 24-25 | | | |
35 | 2022 | Une signature gravimétrique du séisme de Tōhoku | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 165, 16-17 | | | |
36 | 2022 | 「湖」蘆壺裡糊裡糊塗的湖? 一窺土衛六泰坦的神祕風景 | F. Deschamps ; Chao, B. | 科學月刊(Science Monthly) 第634期,頁62-65 | | | |
37 | 2022 | Trois gros séismes martiens | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 163, 20-22 | | | |
38 | 2022 | InSight et BepiColombo : Regards sur l’intérieur des planètes telluriques | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 162, 30-31 | | | |
39 | 2022 | Jupiter : Juno passe le témoin à JUICE et Europa Clipper | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 162, 38-39 | | | |
40 | 2022 | 冰下之水、水下之火 水深火熱的歐羅巴 | F. Deschamps ; Chao, B. | 科學月刊(Science Monthly) 第632期,頁68-71 | | | |
41 | 2022 | Influence of heterogeneous thermal conductivity on the long-term evolution of the lower mantle thermochemical structure: implications for primordial reservoirs | Guerrero, J.; F. Deschamps ; Y. Li; W.-P. Hsieh; P.J. Tackley | | | | |
42 | 2022 | Estimating the core-mantle boundary temperature from changes in seismic attenuation and shear-wave velocity | Deschamps, F. ; A. Borgeaud; L.J. Cobden | | | | |
43 | 2022 | Uncorrelated velocity variations in the lowermost mantle: towards a new perspective | Su, J.; C.T. Houser; J.W. Hernlund; F. Deschamps | | | | |
44 | 2022 | The tidal-thermal evolution of the Pluto–Charon system | Bagheri, A.; A. Khan; F. Deschamps ; H. Samuel; M. Kruglyakov; D. Giardini | | | | |
45 | 2022 | La dispersion du disque de gaz protoplanétaire à l’origine de la migration des planètes géantes ? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 162, 10-11 | | | |
46 | 2022 | La taille de la graine de Mercure | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 161, 10-11 | | | |
47 | 2022 | Les super-terres possèdent-elles de gros satellites ? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 161, 4-5 | | | |
48 | 2022 | The effect of heterogeneous conductivity on the long-term thermo-chemical evolution of the lower mantle: implications for primordial reservoirs | Guerrero, J.M.; F. Deschamps ; Y. Li; W.-P. Hsieh; P.J. Tackley | | | | |
49 | 2022 | Estimating core-mantle boundary temperature from lateral variations in shear velocity and seismic attenuation | Deschamps, F. ; A. Borgeaud | | | | |
50 | 2022 | Towards waveform seismic filtering of mantle convection models | N. Fuji; N. Dhabaria; G. Roncoroni; R. Myhill; S. Durand; A. Borgeaud; P.J. Tackley; T. Nakagawa; F. Deschamps | | | | |
51 | 2022 | Hunga Tonga : une éruption sous surveillance | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 160, 4-7 | | | |
52 | 2022 | Kepler 16b : une exoplanète autour d’une étoile binaire | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 160, 14-14 | | | |
53 | 2022 | Les échantillons de Chang’e-5 livrent leurs secrets | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 159, 4-7 | | | |
54 | 2022 | Influence of composition-dependent thermal conductivity on the long-term evolution of primordial reservoirs in Earth's lower mantle | Yang Li; Frédéric Deschamps ; Zhidong Shi; Joshua M. Guerrero; Wen-Pin Hsieh ; Liang Zhao; Paul J. Tackley | Earth, Planets and Space 74, 46 | | | |
55 | 2022 | L’éruption sous-marine de Mayotte | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 157, 18-20 | | | |
56 | 2022 | Une super-Jupiter dans un système stellaire massif | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 157, 14-15 | | | |
57 | 2022 | 從地震探究火星構造跟著洞察號一起探索火星深處! | 戴夏飛 ; 林佳人 | 科學月刊 (Science Monthly) 第626期,頁60-65 | | | |
58 | 2022 | Une atmosphère terrestre primordiale dominée par le dioxyde de carbone | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 156, 17-17 | | | |
59 | 2022 | L’avènement de la croûte continentale | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 156, 14-16 | | | |
60 | 2022 | The tidal-thermal evolution of the Pluto-Charon system | Bagheri, A.; A. Kahn; F. Deschamps ; H. Samuel; M. Kruglyakov; D. Giardini | Icarus 376, 114871 | | | |
61 | 2022 | Estimating core-mantle boundary temperature from seismic shear velocity and attenuation | Deschamps, F. ; L. Cobden | FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 10, 1031507 | | | |
62 | 2021 | On the detectability of mantle plumes using seismic arrays | Cobden, L.J.; M. Afanasiev; M. Arnould; F. Deschamps ; M. van Driel; S. Rost; C. Thomas | | | | |
63 | 2021 | Full-waveform modelling and inversion to explore the core-mantle boundary region using adjoint methods | Koroni, M.; A.F.E. Borgeaud; A. Fichtner; F. Deschamps | | | | |
64 | 2021 | Reconciling 3-D Mantle Density Models using Recent Normal-Mode Measurements and Thermochemical Convection Modelling | van Tent, R.; L.J. Cobden; F. Deschamps ; A. Fichtner; L. Gebraad; S. Schneider; J. Trampert; A.F. Deuss | | | | |
65 | 2021 | L'hydrogène et l'hélium se séparent dans Jupiter | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 155, 4-5 | | | |
66 | 2021 | Le système de TRAPPIST-1 revisité | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 155, 8-9 | | | |
67 | 2021 | Des matériaux superioniques dans le manteau terrestre | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 154, 12-13 | | | |
68 | 2021 | Des volcans sur le plancher de l'océan souterrain d'Europe | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 153, 14 | | | |
69 | 2021 | InSight dévoile les profondeurs de Mars | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 153, 4-9 | | | |
70 | 2021 | Existence of Lower Mantle Composition Heterogeneity: P- and S-wave Tomographic Filtering of Dynamic Models | Su, J.; C. Houser; J. Hernlund; F. Deschamps | | | | |
71 | 2021 | Core-mantle boundary heat flux pattern inferred from models of seismic tomography and simulations of mantle convection | Deschamps, F. ; Gaël Choblet; H. Amit; M. Lasbleis | | | | |
72 | 2021 | Inferring core-mantle boundary heat flux pattern from seismic tomography models using mantle convection simulations | Choblet, G.; F. Deschamps ; H. Amit; M. Lasbleis | | | | |
73 | 2021 | Joint Seismological-Geodynamical Assessment of Lower Mantle Temperature and Composition Variations | Su, J.; C. Houser; J. Hernlund; F. Deschamps | | | | |
74 | 2021 | Des planètes et des volcans | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 151, 42-49 | | | |
75 | 2021 | Volcans ou impacts? Les limites de la planétologie comparée | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 151, 52-53 | | | |
76 | 2021 | InSight mesure la taille du noyau martien | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 150, 4-5 | | | |
77 | 2021 | Des morceaux de Théia enfouis dans le manteau terrestre | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 150, 16-17 | | | |
78 | 2021 | Saturne s’incline devant la fuite de ses satellites | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 149, 16-17 | | | |
79 | 2021 | SPIRou et la Neptune chaude | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 149, 18-19 | | | |
80 | 2021 | Deux disques protoplanétaires un peu particuliers | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 148, 10-11 | | | |
81 | 2021 | L’atmosphère vénusienne de la Terre primitive | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 148, 8-9 | | | |
82 | 2021 | De nouvelles mesures expérimentales pour mieux comprendre l’intérieur de Mercure | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 147, 14-16 | | | |
83 | 2021 | L’orbite de HD106906b : un modèle pour la planète 9 ? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 147, 17-17 | | | |
84 | 2021 | La profondeur des lacs de Titan | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 146, 14-15 | | | |
85 | 2021 | Coronae et panaches actifs sur Vénus | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 145, 4-7 | | | |
86 | 2021 | InSight mesure le champ magnétique à la surface de Mars | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 145, 12-14 | | | |
87 | 2021 | Scaling Laws for Mixed‐Heated Stagnant‐Lid Convection and Application to Europa | Deschamps, F. ; K. Vilella | Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126(10), e2021JE006963 | | | |
88 | 2021 | Seismic Attenuation and S‐Velocity Structures in Beneath Central America Using 1‐D Full‐Waveform Inversion | Borgeaud, A.F.E.; F. Deschamps | Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126(7), e2020JB021356 | | | |
89 | 2021 | Heat-blanketed convection and its implications for the continental lithosphere | Vilella, K.; F. Deschamps | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 126(2), e2020JB020695 | | | |
90 | 2021 | Constraints on the composition and temperature of LLSVPs from seismic properties of lower mantle minerals | Vilella, K.; T. Bodin; C.-E. Boukaré; F. Deschamps ; J. Badro; M.D. Ballmer; Y. Li | EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 554, 116685 | | | |
91 | 2021 | Stagnant lid convection with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and the thermal evolution of icy worlds | Deschamps, F. | GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 224(3), 1870-1890 | | | |
92 | 2020 | Investigation of core-mantle boundary topography using adjoint methods | Koroni, M.; A. Fichtner; A.F.E. Borgeaud; F. Deschamps | | | | |
93 | 2020 | Heat-blanketed convection: numerical simulations and implications for the evolution of the continental lithosphere | Deschamps, F. ; K. Vilella | | | | |
94 | 2020 | New insights on the interaction between seismic waves and mantle plumes | Cobden, L.; M. Afanasiev; F. Deschamps ; C. Thomas; F. Stockmann; O. Winkel; S. Rost; A. Fichtner | | | | |
95 | 2020 | L’origine de l’eau terrestre | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 143, 14-17 | | | |
96 | 2020 | Des orages dans la haute atmosphère de Jupiter | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 142, 4-7 | | | |
97 | 2020 | Deep mantle temperature and composition from shear velocity and attenuation: examples of the Western Pacific and Central America | Deschamps, F. | | | | |
98 | 2020 | Deep mantle temperature and composition from shear velocity and attenuation: examples of the Western Pacific and Central America | Deschamps, F. | | | | |
99 | 2020 | Titan prend la vague | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 141, 12-15 | | | |
100 | 2020 | La conductivité thermique du noyau terrestre et l’âge de la graine | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 141, 16-17 | | | |
101 | 2020 | Low thermal conductivity of iron-silicon alloys at Earth’s core conditions with implications for the geodynamo | Wen-Pin Hsieh ; Alexander F. Goncharov; Stephane Labrosse; Nicholas Holtgrewe; Sergey S. Lobanov; Irina Chuvashova; Frédéric Deschamps ; Jung-Fu Lin | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11, 3332 | | | |
102 | 2020 | À la découverte d’Arrokoth | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 140, 10-13 | | | |
103 | 2020 | L’origine d’Oumuamua, l’astéroïde qui venait d’ailleurs | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 139, 10-13 | | | |
104 | 2020 | Full-waveform analysis of core-mantle boundary structure using adjoint methods | Borgeaud, A.F.E.; M. Koroni; F. Deschamps | | | | |
105 | 2020 | Radial thermo-chemical structure beneath Western and Northern Pacific inferred from seismic waveform inversion | Deschamps, F. ; L. Cobden; K. Konishi; N. Fuji | | | | |
106 | 2020 | Probing mantle plumes using seismic arrays | Cobden, L.; M. Afanasiev; F. Deschamps ; F. Stockmann; C. Thomas; S. Rost; A. Fichtner | | | | |
107 | 2020 | L’épaisseur des mers lunaires | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 136, 6-8 | | | |
108 | 2020 | Spin Transition of Iron in δ-(Al,Fe)OOH Induces Thermal Anomalies in Earth's Lower Mantle | Wen-Pin Hsieh ; Takayuki Ishii; Keng-Hsien Chao; Jun Tsuchiya; Frédéric Deschamps ; Eiji Ohtani | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 47(4), e2020GL087036 | | | |
109 | 2020 | Océans magmatiques et impact géant | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 135, 8-11 | | | |
110 | 2020 | Le redémarrage du champ magnétique terrestre | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 134, 8-10 | | | |
111 | 2020 | Tidally heated convection and the occurence of melting in icy satellites: application to Europa | Vilella, K.; G. Choblet; W.E. Tsao; F. Deschamps | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 125(3), e2019JE006248 | | | |
112 | 2020 | Spin transition of iron in δ-(Al,Fe)OOH induces thermal anomalies in Earth's lower mantle | Hsieh, W.-P.; T. Ishii; K.-H. Chao; J. Tsuchiya; F. Deschamps ; E. Ohtani | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 47(4), e2020GL087036 | | | |
113 | 2020 | 3-D elastic and anelastic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath the western Pacific from finite frequency tomography | Konishi, K.; N. Fuji; F. Deschamps | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 125, e2019JB018089 | | | |
114 | 2020 | From cosmic explosions to terrestrial fires? : A discussion | Deschamps, F. ; F. Mottez | The Journal of Geology 128(4), 389-391 | | | |
115 | 2019 | Radial P-, S-velocity and anelastic structure beneath Central America using waveform inversion | Borgeaud, A.; F. Deschamps | | | | |
116 | 2019 | Constraints on the composition of LLSVPs | Vilella, K.; C.-H. Boukaré; T. Bodin; F. Deschamps ; J. Badro; Y. Li; M. Ballmer | | | | |
117 | 2019 | Saturne: des vents profonds et des anneaux moins massifs que prévu | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 133, 11-13 | | | |
118 | 2019 | Pluton: un océan souterrain bien isolé | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 132, 12-15 | | | |
119 | 2019 | Lowermost mantle thermal conductivity constrained from experimental data and tomographic models | Deschamps, Frédéric ; Hsieh, Wen-Pin | Geophysical Journal International 219(Supplement_1), S115-S136 | | | |
120 | 2019 | Séismes et petites failles lunaires | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 131, 10-11 | | | |
121 | 2019 | Pas de vagues sur Titan | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 131, 12-13 | | | |
122 | 2019 | Chang’E-4 : A la recherche d’échantillons du manteau lunaire | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 130, 10-13 | | | |
123 | 2019 | Aux sources de la Lune: rencontre avec Théia? | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 129, 12-20 | | | |
124 | 2019 | Première secousse pour InSight | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 128, 4-5 | | | |
125 | 2019 | Inferring the lowermost mantle thermo-chemical structure beneath the Western Pacific with seismic attenuation and shear-wave speed anomalies | Deschamps, F. ; K. Konishi; N. Fuji; L.J. Cobden | | | | |
126 | 2019 | 3-D elastic and anelastic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath the western Pacific from finite-frequency tomography | Konishi, K.; N. Fuji; F. Deschamps | | | | |
127 | 2019 | Waveform inversion for the radial elastic and anelastic structure of the lowermost mantle beneath Central America and the Caribbean | Borgeaud, A.; F. Deschamps ; K. Konishi; K. Kawai; R.J. Geller | | | | |
128 | 2019 | Le pôle nord magnétique à la dérive | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 127, 6-7 | | | |
129 | 2019 | Investigating the visibility of mantle plumes with seismic arrays | Cobden, L.J.; F. Stockmann; F. Deschamps ; A. Fichtner; M. Afanasiev; C. Thomas | | | | |
130 | 2019 | Le Bonhomme de neige" a fondu" | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 126, 4-5 | | | |
131 | 2019 | Mission Cassini: les derniers enseignements | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 125, 8-12 | | | |
132 | 2019 | Ultima Thulé: l’objet le plus lointain survolé à ce jour | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 124, 4-7 | | | |
133 | 2019 | Des tempêtes de poussières sur Titan | Deschamps, F. | L'Astronomie 123, 10-12 | | | |
134 | 2019 | Radial thermo-chemical structure beneath Western and Northern Pacific from seismic waveform inversion | Deschamps, Frédéric ; Konishi, Kensuke; Fuji, Nobuaki; Cobden, Laura | Earth and Planetary Science Letters 520, 153-163 | | | |
135 | 2019 | Core‐Mantle Boundary Dynamic Topography: Influence of Postperovskite Viscosity | Deschamps, Frédéric ; Li, Yang | Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124(8), 9247-9264 | | | |
136 | 2019 | Investigating the seismic structure and visibility of dynamic plume models with seismic array methods | Stockmann, Fabienne ; Cobden, Laura; Deschamps, Frédéric; Fichtner, Andreas; Thomas, Christine | Geophysical Journal International 219(Supplement_1), S167-S194 | | | |
137 | 2019 | Effects of the Compositional Viscosity Ratio on the Long‐Term Evolution of Thermochemical Reservoirs in the Deep Mantle | Li, Yang; Deschamps, Frédéric ; Yang, Jianfeng; Chen, Lin; Zhao, Liang; Tackley, Paul J. | Geophysical Research Letters 46(16), 9591-9601 | | | |
138 | 2017 | Reduced lattice thermal conductivity of Fe-bearing bridgmanite in Earth's deep mantle | Hsieh, Wen-Pin ; Frédéric Deschamps ; Takuo Okuchi; Jung-Fu Lin | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 122(7), 4900-4917 | | | |
139 | 2017 | Thermal convection as a possible mechanism for the origin of polygonal structures on Pluto’s surface | Vilella, K.; Deschamps, F. | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 122(5), 1056-1076 | | | |
140 | 2016 | Temporary patches of post-perovskite within lowermost mantle reservoirs of primordial material | Li, Y.; Deschamps, F. ; Tackley, P.J. | | | | |