| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 2023 | Capacity building for disaster risk reduction: a long-term program of IRDR International Centre of Excellence at Taipei (ICoE-Taipei) | Lee, Jian-Cheng ; Chung-Pai Chang; Ying Liao | Journal of Disaster Research 18(7), 691-699 | | | |
2 | 2022 | 淺談地熱發電與花蓮地區地熱資源探勘實例簡介 | 楊智豪; 譚志豪; 俞旗文; 李建成 ; 宋聖榮; 姜智文; 陳致言; 陳棋炫; 陳勉銘 | 大地技師期刊 第25期,頁60-67 | | | |
3 | 2022 | A new interpretation of the metamorphic core in the Taiwan orogen: A regional-scale, left-lateral shear zone that accommodated highly oblique plate convergence in the Plio-Pleistocene | Gong-Ruei Ho; Timothy B Byrne; Jian-Cheng Lee ; Lucas Mesalles; Ching-Weei Lin; Wei Lo; Chung-Pai Chang | TECTONOPHYSICS 833, 229332 | | | |
4 | 2022 | On analyzing GNSS displacement field variability of Taiwan: Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering based on Dynamic Time Warping technique | Kumar, Utpal; Cédric P. Legendre; Jian-Cheng Lee ; Li Zhao; Benjamin Fong Chao | Computers and Geosciences 169, 105243 | | | |
5 | 2021 | Variable vertical movements and their deformation behaviors at convergent plate suture: 14-year-long (2004-2018) repeated measurements of precise leveling around middle Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan | Horng-Yue Chen ; Jian-Cheng Lee ; Hsin Tung; Chien-Liang Chen; Hung Kyu Lee | JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 218, 104865 | | | |
6 | 2021 | Coulomb stress changes triggering surface pop-up during the 2016 Mw 6.4 Meinong earthquake with implications for earthquake-induced mud diapiring in SW Taiwan | Mai, Hue Anh; Jian-Cheng Lee ; Kate Huihsuan Chen; Kuo-Liang Wen | JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 218, 104847 | | | |
7 | 2020 | Surface traces and related deformation structures of the southern Sanyi Fault, Taiwan, as deduced from field mapping, electrical-resistivity tomography, and shallow drilling | Ho, Gong-Ruei; Ping-Yu Chang; Jian-Chen Lee ; Jonathan Lewis; Po-Tsun Chen; Han-Lun Hsu | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 273, 105690 | | | |
8 | 2020 | Probing the variation in aseismic slip behavior around an active suture zone: Observations of repeating earthquakes in eastern Taiwan | Chen; Yaochieh; Kate Huihsuan Chen; Jyr-Ching Hu; Jian-Cheng Lee | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 125(5), e2019JB018561 | | | |
9 | 2019 | Crowdsourcing Platform Toward Seismic Disaster Reduction: The Taiwan Scientific Earthquake Reporting (TSER) System | Liang, Wen-Tzong ; Lee, Jian-Cheng ; Hsiao, Nai-Chi | Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 79 | | | |
10 | 2018 | Probing the frontal deformation zone of the Chihshang Fault with boreholes and high-resolution electrical resistivity imaging methods: A case study at the Dapo site in eastern Taiwan | Chang, Ping-Yu; Huang, Wen-Jeng; Chen, Chien-Chih; Hsu, Han-lun; Yen, I-Chin; Ho, Gong-Ruei; Lee, Jian-Cheng ; Lu, Shih-Ting; Chen, Po-Tsun | Journal of Applied Geophysics 153, 127-135 | | | |
11 | 2017 | The arcuate fold-and-thrust belt of northern Taiwan: Results of a two-stage rotation revealed from a paleomagnetic study | Sonnette, Lionel; Lee, Jian-Cheng ; Horng, Chorng-Shern | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 147, 284-309 | | | |
12 | 2017 | Strong near-surface seismic anisotropy of Taiwan revealed by coda interferometry | Chen, Li-Wei; Chen, Ying-Nien; Gung, Yuancheng; Lee, Jian-Cheng ; Liang, Wen-Tzong | Earth and Planetary Science Letters 475, 224-230 | | | |
13 | 2010 | Growth normal faulting at the western edge of the metropolitan Taipei basin since the Last Glacial Maximum, northern Taiwan | Chen, Chih-Tung; Lee, Jian-Cheng ; Chan, Yu-Chang ; Lu, Chia-Yu | TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES 21(3), 409-428 | | | |
14 | 2007 | Thirty-year land elevation change from subsidence to uplift following the termination of groundwater pumping and its geological implications in the Metropolitan Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan | Chen, C. T.; Hu, J. C.; Lu, C. Y.; Lee, J. C. ; Chan, Y. C. | ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 95(1-2), 30-47 | | | |
15 | 2006 | Quantitative analysis of surface coseismic faulting and postseismic creep accompanying the 2003, Mw = 6.5, Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan | Lee, J. C. ; Chu, H. T.; Angelier, J.; Hu, J. C.; Chen, H. Y. ; Yu, S. B | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 111(B2), B02405 | | | |
16 | 2004 | Quantitative analysis of movement along an earthquake thrust scarp: a case study of a vertical exposure of the 1999 surface rupture of the Chelungpu fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan | Lee, J. C. ; Rubin, C.; Mueller, K.; Chen, Y. G.; Chan, Y. C. ; Sieh, K.; Chu, H. T.; Chen, W. S. | JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 23, 263-273 | | | |
17 | 2004 | 空載雷射掃描數值高程模型簡介(Introduction to the digital elevation model derived from airborne light detection and ranging) | 黃鐘; 胡植慶; 陳于高; 詹瑜璋 ; 李建成 ; 史天元 | 地質(Ti-Chih) 第23卷第1期,頁43-54 | | | |
18 | 2003 | Reply to “Comment on ‘A Vertical Exposure of the 1999 Surface Rupture of the Chelungpu Fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan: Structural and Paleoseismic Implications for an Active Thrust Fault,’ by Jian-Cheng Lee,
Yue-Gau Chen, Kerry Sieh, Karl Mueller, Wen-Shan Chen, Hao-Tsu Chu, Yu-Chang Chan, Charles Rubin, and Robert Yeats,” by Yuan-Hsi Lee, Shih-Ting Lu, Tung-Sheng Shih, and Wei-Yu Wu | Lee, J. C. ; Rubin, C.; Mueller, K; Chan, Y. C. ; Chu, H. T.; Chen, Y. G; Sieh, K.; Chen, W. S.; Yeats, R. | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 93(2), 969-972 | | | |
19 | 2003 | 臺南台地的地表變形與地震潛能(Surface Deformation and Earthquake Potential of Tainan Tableland, Southwestern Taiwan) | 饒瑞鈞; 景國恩; 謝宗訓; 余致義; 侯進雄; 李元希; 胡植慶; 詹瑜璋 ; 李建成 | 經濟部中央地質調查所特刊(Taiwan Central Geological Survey Special Publication) 第14期 第14期,頁161-171 | | | |
20 | 2002 | Geometry and structure of northern surface ruptures of the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake: influence from inherited fold belt structures | Lee, J. C. ; Chu, H. T.; Angelier, J.; Chan, Y. C. ; Hu, J. C.; Lu, C. Y.; Rau, R. J. | JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 24(1), 173-192 | | | |
21 | 2001 | A Vertical Exposure of the 1999 Surface Rupture of the Chelungpu Fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan: Structural and Paleoseismic Implications for an Active Thrust Fault | Lee, J. C. ; Chen, Y. G.; Sieh, K.; Chu, H. T.; Mueller, K.; Chan, Y. C. ; Rubin, C.; Yeats, R.; Chen, W. S. | BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 91(5), 914-929 | | | |