Results 1-72 of 72 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023華麗轉身:桃園龍岡打歌的邊境文化展演政治及族群形象營造呂心純 反思與變革:學術典範、社會議題與地方發展 (台北:中央研究院民族學研究所)
32022'Making Sense’ of the Taipei Metro’s Soundscape ProgramTasaw Hsin-chun Lu 
42022Borderlands and Connectivity in the Flows: Music-making in the Thai-Myanmar Immigrant Community in Northern TaiwanTasaw Hsin-chun Lu 
52022Borderlands and Connectivity in the Flows: Music-making in the Thai-Myanmar Immigrant Community in Northern TaiwanTasaw Hsin-chun Lu 
62022Constructing ‘Enchanted Golden Triangle’ through Music and Dance in a Yunnan Diasporic Community in TaiwanTasaw Hsin-chun Lu 
72022Festival as Ritual and Ritual in Festival: Inventing ‘Exotic Borderlands’ in a Yunnanese Community in Northern TaiwanTasaw Hsin-chun Lu Religious Sounds Beyond the Global North: Senses, Media and Power (Amsterdam, Netherlands : Amsterdam University Press)
102021界域的文化動能:冷戰前期仰光唐人街的電影跨國網絡及其影響呂心純 民俗曲藝 第213期,頁1-47
112021「革命聲景」:緬華Z世代的革命情感、歌曲與FB共聽實踐呂心純 人類學視界 第二十九期,頁14-21
122021Water Festival as Spectacle: Sino-Burmese Identities, Ethnic Politics, and Public Performances in MacauHsin-chun Tasaw Lu Routledge Handbook on Asian Music: Cultural Intersections
132021Experiencing the "Enchanting Golden Triangle" through Music and Dance in a Yunnan Diasporic Community in TaiwanTasaw Hsin-chun Lu Resounding Taiwan: Musical Reverberation Across A Vibrant Island (New York : Routledge)
142020Sounding ‘Exotic Borderlands’: Ritual Embodiment in a Yunnanese Tourist Festival in Northern TaiwanTasaw Hsin-chun Lu 
152019The Construction of the “Enchanted Golden Triangle” through Music and Dance in a Yunnan Diasporic Community in TaiwanHsin-chun Tasaw Lu 
162019形構「魅力金三角」:龍岡雲南社群的歌舞展演與邊區文化想像呂心純 台灣音樂研究
172019Politics and Tactics in Revolutionary Performance: A Sino-Burmese Arts Troupe in Transnational CirculationHsin-chun Tasaw Lu Asian Theatre Journal 36(2), 370-394
182019Challenge, Compromise, and Cohesion: Transmitting Myanmar Hsaing-waing Music in A Taiwan’s World-Music Ensemble Class SettingHsin-chun Tasaw Lu 
202018“Experience Macau, Touching Moments”: Burmese Music and Dance Performances, Identity Negotiation, and City Tourism in Macau.Hsin-chun Tasaw Lu 
212018時空流轉下的緬華革命樂舞呂心純 考古人類學刊 第88期,頁35-81
232017Museum Exhibitions as Alternative Way of Building Ethnomusicological KnowledgeHsin-chun Tasaw Lu 
242017時空流轉下的緬華革命歌舞:以「五朵金花藝術團」為例呂心純 心之憂矣 我歌且謠
252017Embodying Maoism: Sino-Burmese Revolutionary Performance in Transnational CirculationHsin-Chun Tasaw Lu The Drama Review
262016跨文化表演的研究途徑:台灣一場緬甸音樂表演的互為主體與多點民族誌研究呂心純 民俗曲藝 193,頁11-62
272016Embodying Maoism: Sino-Burmese Revolutionary Performance in Transnational CirculationHsin-chun Tasaw Lu 
282016藝術學學門熱門與前瞻學術議題研究計劃報告_民族音樂學門呂心純 科技部人文社會科學研究中心
292016Intercultural Negotiation and Reconciliation: The Sino-Myanmar Festival Performances in MacauHsin-Chun Lu 
302016Cultural Homogeneity, Embodied Empathy: Incorporating the Musical Pasts amongst Burmese Chinese Peoples WorldwideHsin-chun Tasaw Lu Ethnomusicology Forum 25(1), 14-34
312015Embodying Maoism: Diasporic Performances of a Sino-Burmese Music and Dance TroupeHsin-chun Tasaw Lu 
322013Cultural Homogeneity, Embodied Empathy: Reconstructing the Musical Pasts amongst Burmese Chinese Peoples WorldwideLu, Hsin-chun 
332013Listening Sensory, Bodily Memory, and the Politics of Cultural Performances among the Burmese Chinese in Rangoon 論文是否經過審查Lu, Hsin-chun 
342013追憶「紅」過往,光耀新時代:緬甸華人的聆聽感知、身體記憶與文化展演呂心純 身體、主體性與文化療癒 (台北 : 中央研究院)
352013Recounting, Resistance, and Reflection: An Analysis of a Burmese Classical Musician's NarrativeLu, Hsin-chun Tasaw Burmese Lives (New York, USA : Oxford University Press)
372012Multiple Selves and Intersubjectivity: Constructing Musical-self of a Burmese Classical Musician in RangoonLu, Hsin-chun Tasaw 
382012Recollecting the Red Past, Glorifying the New Present: Musical Narratives and Performances among the pro-CCP Burmese Chinese in RangoonLu, Hsin-chun Tasaw 
392012臺灣總督府臨時臺灣舊慣調查會蕃族調查報告書第五冊:泰雅族前篇臺灣總督府臨時臺灣舊慣調查會原著; 中央研究院民族學研究所編譯; 呂心純主編 台北市
412012Song Covers as Hidden Transcripts: Negotiating Identity and Reidentifying Home amongst Burmese Chinese SingersLu, Tasaw Hsin-chun 
422012Ethnic Festivalization, Subversion, and Intersubjectivity: The Burmese ‘Twin Water Festivals’ in TaiwanLu, Hsin-chun Tasaw 
452011差異的展演性:仰光緬甸華僑的公共音景繪製與鄉愁展演呂心純 中研院亞太區域研究
462011『異地』 或『在地』風格?官版與緬華版潑水節歌舞展演的多重主體發聲呂心純 
472011Performativity of Difference: Mapping Public Soundscapes and Performing Nostalgia among Burmese Chinese during 1949 and 1988 in Central    RangoonLu, Hsin-chun ASIAN MUSIC 42(2), 19-55
482011音樂作為一種離散社會空間:台灣中和地區緬甸華僑的音景與族裔空間建構呂心純 民俗曲藝 171,頁1-61
492011Cohesion and Collision: The Politics of U Tin Yi’s Bi-Musicality Performance in BurmaLu, Hsin-chun 
502010臺灣總督府臨時臺灣舊慣調查會蕃族調查報告書第七冊:泰雅族後篇臺灣總督府臨時臺灣舊慣調查會原著; 中央研究院民族學研究所編譯; 呂心純主編 台北市
522010Music as Social Space: Constructing Ethnic Soundscapes in a Sino-Burmese Community in Jhong-he, TaiwaLu, Hsin-chun 
532010Transnational Music Remaking and Home Reidentifying: Chinese Migrant Singers in Burmese PopLu, Hsin-chun 
542010Isolationism and Simplicity as Resistance: An Analysis of a Burmese Classical Musician’s Self-NarrativeLu, Hsin-chun 
552010Performativity of Difference: Mapping Public Soundscapes and Performing Nostalgia among Burmese Chinese in Central RangoonLu, Hsin-chun 
562009Crossing Over: Burmese Chinese Migrants, Diasporic Identity, and Burmese PopLu, Hsin-chun 
572009Shaping Asian-Pacific Subjectivity in Cross-cultural Music Collaboration: An Asian-American PerspectiveLu, Hsin-chun 台灣音樂研究 9: 129-157
582009Burmese Classical Music: An IntroductionLu, Hsin-chun FONTES ARTIS MUSICAE 56(3): 254-71
592009Sino-Burmese in Yangon: Soundscapes Formation and Its PoliticsLu, Hsin-chun 
602009Nan-chi-chao No. 7: Transnationality and Localization of the Sino-Burmese Soundscapes in Jhong-heLu, Hsin-chun 
612009Identity Construction through Personal Narratives: A Burmese Migrant Woman in TaiwanLu, Hsin-chun 
622008Festivalizing Thingyan, Negotiating Ethnicity: Politics and Performance in a Burmese Community in TaiwanLu, Hsin-chun Journal of Burma Studies 12:29-62
632008The Soundscapes of Ethnic Chinese in Rangoon between 1948 and 1988Lu, Hsin-chun 
642007Constructing Musical Identity Among Burmese Classical Musicians in Burma and Its DiasporasLu, Hsin-chun University of California, Los Angeles, Ethnomusicology, 250 p.
652006Kyaw Kyaw Naing Meets the APPEX: A Burmese Musician's Representation and Advocacy in the Postmodern WestLu, Hsin-chun 
662006Festivalizing Thingyan, Negotiating Ethnicity: Politics and Performance in a Burmese Community in TaiwanLu, Hsin-chun 
672002當代緬甸樂器Saung-gauk之歷久彌新:以象徵意義作為探討對象呂心純 2002 中華民國民族音樂學會青年學生研討會論文集 (台北市 : 中華民國民族音樂學會)
692000緬甸豎琴 Saung-gauk的形制建構與象徵意義呂心純 台灣大學, 音樂學研究所, 206 p.
701999淺析唐代驃國獻樂的意義 ﹣以「新唐書」『南蠻傳』為主要探對象呂心純 第一屆全國大學院校研究生音樂學術研討會論文集 (高雄 : 中山大學)
72-界域的文化動能:冷戰前期仰光唐人街的電影跨國網絡及其影響呂心純 民俗曲藝 (台北 : 中研院民族學研究所)