Results 1-67 of 67 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
English Name | Chinese Name | Department | Research Field |
Angata, Takashi | 安形高志 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Glycobiology |
Chang, Ching-Jin | 張瀞仁 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Molecular Biology |
Chang, Chung-I | 張崇毅 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Structure and Mechanism |
Chang, Mau-Sun | 張茂山 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Cancer Biology; Cell Biology |
Chang, Tshining | 張俊英 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chang, Wen-Chang | 張文章 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chang, Yea-Sha | 張月霞 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chang, Yuan-Chih (Kondo) | 張淵智 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Carbon Nanotube Probe; UHV-TEM; AFM; CryoEM |
Chen, Guang-Chao | 陳光超 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Molecular Genetics; Signal Transduction; Autophagy |
Chen, Hung-Lin | 陳宏霖 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Metagenomic Data analysis; Glycobiology and Immunology |
Chen, Hungwen | 陳宏文 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Adult stem cell biology; Signaling transduction |
Chen, Rita P.-Y. | 陳佩燁 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Chemistry; Structural Biology; Biophysics |
Chen, Ruey-Hwa | 陳瑞華 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Cancer Cell Biology; Cancer Metabolism; Cancer Immunity |
Chen, Shui-Tein | 陳水田 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chen, Shui-Tsung | 陳水聰 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chen, Shun-Wen | 陳順文 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chen, Yee-Hsiung | 陳義雄 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chi, Hung-Yuan (Peter) | 冀宏源 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Mechanistic Studies on the Eukaryotic Homologous Recombination Machinery and DNA Repair |
Chiou, Thomas S.-H. | 邱式鴻 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chu, Po-Chen | 朱伯振 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Chu, Sin-Tak | 朱善德 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Ho, Chewn-Lang | 何純郎 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Ho, Meng-Chiao | 何孟樵 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Crystallography; Drug Design; Structure-Activity Studies of Pharmaceutically Important Enzymes |
Ho, Meng-Ru | 何孟儒 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Quantitative measurement of binding kinetic rate constants, affinities and thermodynamic basis of biomolecular interactions; Maintain IBC Biophysical Instrumentation Laboratory (BIL) and provide training courses and technical supports to BIL users; Using biophysical technologies to characterize protein folding, stability, conformation, protein aggregation and oligomeric state of the native protein |
Hseu, Ming-Jhy | 許明智 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Hsu, Shang-Te Danny | 徐尚德 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | NMR Spectroscopy; Molecular Biophysics; Protein Folding and Misfolding |
Huang, Chang-Jen | 黃銓珍 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Huang, Fu | 黃馥 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Post-Translational Modification; Epigenetics; Transcriptional Regulation |
Huang, Kai-Fa | 黃開發 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Structure-based Drug Optimization; Structure-based Protein Analysis; Protein X-ray Crystallography; Synchrotron X-ray Data Collection; Structure Biology |
Hung, Chin-Chun | 洪金俊 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Maintenance of the instrumentation and associated infrastructure; Providing training and technical expertise to IBC investigators interested in using microscopy, flow cytometer and scientific imaging in their research; Modalities and techniques including laser scanning confocal microscopy, wide-field fluorescence microscopy, live cell imaging; In depth collaboration on select projects involving advanced microscopy techniques and methodologies; Assistance with educational microscopy courses conducted at IBC |
Jao, Shu-Chuan (Chris) | 饒淑娟 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Chemistry; Web Design; Manager of Biophysics Core Facility (BCF); Computational Chemistry |
Khoo, Kay-Hooi | 邱繼輝 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Glycobiology; Mass Spectrometry; Glycomics; Proteomics |
Kuan, Yung-Shu | 管永恕 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Neuronal Generation and Wiring, Transcription and mRNA Processing |
Lee, Ming-Ting | 李明亭 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Lee, Sheng-Chung | 呂勝春 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Lee, Yu-May | 李玉梅 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Lee, Yuan Chuan | 李遠川 | Institute of Biological Chemistry Genomics Research Center | Carbohydrates (analysis, synthesis); Glycoconjugates (glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans); Glyco-nanotechnology; Carbohydrate-protein interactions (lectins) |
Liang, Po-Huang | 梁博煌 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Chemical Biology; Enzymology; Drug Discovery |
Liao, James C. | 廖俊智 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Metabolic Engineering; Bioengineering; Synthetic Biology; Bioenergy |
Lin, Chun-Hung | 林俊宏 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Glycobiology; Glycochemistry; Enzymology; Drug Discovery |
Lin, Hsiao-Ching | 林曉青 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Synthetic Biology; Natural Product Chemistry; Secondary Metabolite Biosynthesis; Biocatalysts; Drug Discovery |
Lin, Sheng-Wei | 林聖偉 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Chemistry; Biophysical Instrument |
Lin, Shu-Yu | 林淑妤 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Lin, Steven | 凌嘉鴻 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | CRISPR/Cas9 Mechanism and Technology Development, Genome Engineering |
Liu, Chen-Sheng | 劉振盛 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Lo, Tung-Bin | 羅銅壁 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Lowary, Todd L. | 呂桐睿 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Glycobiology; Glycomics; Carbohydrate Chemistry; Carbohydrate Biochemistry; Organic Chemistry |
Meng, Tzu-Ching | 孟子青 | Biomedical Translation Research Center Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein post-translational modifications in human health and diseases; Gut microbiome and human cancers |
NASU, Yusuke | 那須雄介 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein engineering; Lactate; Fluorescent proteins; Biosensors |
Shih, Yu-Ling | 史有伶 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Cell Division and Cytoskeleton; Membrane Biology; Bacterial Physiology and Antibiotic Resistance |
Tsai, Inn-Ho | 蔡蔭和 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Tsai, Ming-Daw | 蔡明道 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | 化學生物學; 酵素學; 結構生物學 |
Tu, Zhijay | 凃智傑 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Organic synthesis; Manager of synthesis core facility (SCF); Carbohydrate chemistry; Laboratory design |
Tzeng, Mu-Chin | 曾木金 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Wang, Andrew H.-J. | 王惠鈞 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Structural enzymology |
Wang, Kuan | 王寬 | Institute of Biological Chemistry Institute of Physics | Mechanobiology: Giant Elastic Proteins and Elastic Myofilaments in Striated Muscles; Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Interplay of Form, Function and Force; Combination Drugs and Targeted Drug Delivery at the Nanomedicine Program |
Wang, Kung-Tsung | 王光燦 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | |
Wang, Yane-Shih | 王彥士 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Chemistry; Biocatalysis; Protein Drug Discovery; Expanding Genetic Codes |
Wen, Jung-Kun | 温榮崑 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | System Biology; Molecular Cell Biology; Genetics; Biochemistry |
Weng, Jui-Hsia | 翁瑞霞 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Systems Immunology; Inter-Organ Communication; Chemical Biology; Drug & Biomarker Discovery |
Wu, Kuen-Phon | 吳昆峯 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Protein Chemistry; Structural Biology; Biophysics; Protein ubiquitination |
Wu, Shih-Hsiung | 吳世雄 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Chemical Biology; Natural Biomolecules |
Wu, Wen-Jin | 吳文晉 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | DNA repair and mutation; Structural Biology; Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy |
Yang, Wei Yuan | 楊維元 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | optogenetics; cell imaging; Autophagy; Organelle damage responses |
Yao, Chi-Kuang | 姚季光 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases; Neuron-Neuron and Neuron-Glia communication |
Yen, Hsin-Yung | 嚴欣勇 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Native mass spectrometry; Drug discovery; Membrane protein biology; Structural biology |
Yu, Lung-Chih | 余榮熾 | Institute of Biological Chemistry | Glycobiology; Molecular Biology |