(By Person)

Results 1-604 of 604 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

English NameChinese NameDepartmentResearch Field
Aldridge, Edith李琦 Institute of Linguistics syntactic variation and change
Ang, Kaim翁佳音 Institute of Taiwan History History of the 17th century Taiwan (Dutch & Spanish occupation and the Zheng/Ming period)
Batto, Nathan F.鮑彤 Institute of Political Science legislative organization; electoral systems
Chan, Joseph Cho Wai陳祖為 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Confucian political philosophy; Political philosophy; Hong Kong studies
Chan, Su-chuan詹素娟 Institute of Taiwan History regional studies; Ethno-history of Taiwan plains aborigines
Chan, Ta-Chien詹大千 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Spatial epidemiology; Infectious disease epidemiology; Spatio-temporal analysis; Health Informatics; Geographic Information System
Chang Liao, Nien-Chung張廖年仲 Institute of Political Science Cross-Taiwan Strait Relation ; Northeast Asian Relation; International Trust; Chinese Foreign Policy
Chang, Alex C. H.張傳賢 Institute of Political Science Formal Modeling; Legislative Studies; Political Methodology; Electoral Systems and Party Systems
Chang, Ch'un-shu張春樹 Institute of History and Philology History
Chang, Che-chia張哲嘉 Institute of Modern History History of Science of East Asia; History of Medicine of China
Chang, Chi-hsiung張啟雄 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese History of Diplomacy; History of East Asian International Relations; Principles of Chinese World Order
Chang, Chin-fen張晉芬 Institute of Sociology Comparative studies of East Asia; Labor; Gender and labor market studies
Chang, Ching-Cheng張靜貞 Institute of Economics  Agricultural and Environmental Economics; Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics
Chang, Chingching張卿卿 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Media Psychology; Consumer Psychology; Media Effects
Chang, Fu-Kien張福建 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Western Political Philosophy
Chang, Hao張灝 Institute of History and Philology History of Political Thought in Modern China; Intellectual History of Modern China
Chang, Henry Yungli張永利 Institute of Linguistics Austronesian Linguistics; Semantics; Syntax
Chang, Hsun張珣 Institute of Ethnology Anthropology of Religion; Cultural Anthropology; Medical Anthropology
Chang, Jen-Ho張仁和 Institute of Ethnology positive psychology; self and social motivation; mindfulness; Cultural psychology
Chang, Ji-lin張季琳 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Taiwanese literature; Chinese and Japanese comparative literature studies
Chang, Joanne J.L.裘兆琳 Institute of European and American Studies International Organizations; American Foreign Policy, U.S.-Taiwan-China Relations; International Negotiation
Chang, Jui-te張瑞德 Institute of Modern History Social-Economic History; Military History
Chang, Juin-Jen張俊仁 Institute of Economics Macroeconomics; Labor Economics
Chang, Ku-ming張谷銘 Institute of History and Philology Global Studies of Higher Education; History of the Humanities; History of Science in Early Modern Europe; Comparative History of Philology
Chang, Kun張琨 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Dialects; Sino-Tibetan linguistics
Chang, Kung-Chi張恭啟 Institute of Ethnology 
Chang, Li張力 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese History of Diplomacy; Modern Chinese Military History
Chang, Lung-chih張隆志 Institute of Taiwan History Social & cultural history of Taiwan; ethnic relations; comparative colonialism; Taiwanese historiography
Chang, Ly-yun張苙雲 Institute of Sociology Organization and Social Structure; Social Network; Health System and Health Policy; Medical Sociology
Chang, Mau-Kuei張茂桂 Institute of Sociology Social Movement; Political Sociology; Ethnic/National Study
Chang, Ning Jennifer張寧 Institute of Modern History Chinese Urban History, 1850-1950; Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry, 1850-1950; Chinese Business History, 1850-1950
Chang, Pin-Tsun張彬村 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Economic history
Chang, Ping-chuan張秉權 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography; Oracle Bone Inscriptions
Chang, Su-Ya張淑雅 Institute of Modern History 
Chang, Wejen張偉仁 Institute of History and Philology History of the Chinese Legal System; Jurisprudence
Chang, Wen-chao張文朝 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Comparative studies of Chinese classics in Chian and Japan
Chang, Wen-Chin張雯勤 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Anthropology
Chang, Yi-Hong張藝鴻 Institute of Ethnology 
Chang, Yi-jen張以仁 Institute of History and Philology  collation of historical documents; History of Spring and Autumn period
Chang, Ying-Hwa章英華 Institute of Sociology Social Survey; Historical Sociology; Urban Sociology; Family Studies
Chang, Yu-fa張玉法 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese History; The Shandong Regional History
Chang, Yun-Chien張永健 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Economic Analysis of Law; Private Law; Land Use Regulation; Empirical Legal Studies
Chao, Chin-yung趙金勇 Institute of History and Philology Southeast Asian Archaeology; Taiwan Archaeology
Chao, Shih-Yi趙思怡 Institute of Sociology work and family; intergenerational inequalities; wellbeing and social policy
Chen, Alvin陳禹仲 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences History of Political Thought; Genealogy; Intellectual History; Modern Political Theory (C17-C20); Enlightenment; Constitutionalism
Chen, Been-Lon陳明郎 Institute of Economics Economic Growth and Development;  Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; Political and Public Economy; Industrial Economics; International Economics; Labor Economics
Chen, Chao-jung陳昭容 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography
Chen, Chern陳郴 Institute of European and American Studies Modern Military History of Germany; History of German-Taiwan Relation
Chen, Chia-Hui陳珈惠 Institute of Economics 
Chen, Chia-Ming陳嘉銘 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Theory of political community; International political theory; Rousseau; Democratic theory; Contemporary political theory; The political philosophy of death penalty; Modern European political thought
Chen, Chia-Wen陳嘉雯 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Antitrust Policy; Industrial Organization; Energy Policy
Chen, Chien-shou陳建守 Institute of Modern History History of Concepts and Terms; Modern Chinese Intellectual and Cultural History; Contemporary European Historiography
Chen, Chih-Jou Jay陳志柔 Institute of Sociology State and Society in China; Social Movements and Collective Action; Economic Sociology; Stratification and Social Networks
Chen, Chung-yu陳仲玉 Institute of History and Philology Taiwan Archaeology; Prehistoric Archaeology
Chen, Hsi-yuan陳熙遠 Institute of History and Philology Archive Research and Qing History
Chen, Hsiang-Shui陳祥水 Institute of Ethnology Overseas Chinese Society; Economic Anthropology
Chen, Hsiang-yin陳相因 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Modern and contemporary Chinese literature; film studies; Russian and Soviet literature
Chen, Hsiang-Yun陳湘韻 Institute of European and American Studies Philosophy of Language; Analytic Feminism; Philosophical Semantics
Chen, Hung-Ju陳弘儒 Institute of European and American Studies AI and Law; Fundamental Theories of Contract Law; Political Philosophy; Jurisprudence; Theories of Constitutional Interpretation
Chen, I-Chung陳宜中 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Contemporary Political Philosophy
Chen, Jeng-guo陳正國 Institute of History and Philology Modern British History
Chen, Jui-li 陳瑞麗 Institute of History and Philology Archaeology
Chen, Kong-Pin陳恭平 Institute of Economics Law and Economics; Empirical Legel Studies; Labor Economics; Industrial Qrganization; Digital Economics 
Chen, Kuan-Jen陳冠任 Institute of Modern History Global Cold War; Modern East Asian History; US Foreign Policy
Chen, Kuan-Jeng陳寬政 Institute of Sociology Household Formation; Population and Society; Social Welfare; Social Mobility; Social Quantitative Methods
Chen, Kuo-tung陳國棟 Institute of History and Philology History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; History of Taiwan; Economic History
Chen, Kwang-tzuu陳光祖 Institute of History and Philology History of Science and Technology; Archeometry
Chen, Le-Yu陳樂昱 Institute of Economics Microeconometrics
Chen, Mau-Thai陳茂泰 Institute of Ethnology Race and Ethnicity; Applied Anthropology; Overseas Chinese Studies
Chen, Pei-feng陳培豐 Institute of Taiwan History History of Taiwanese Language and culture; national language and assmilatio policy in Japanese colonial Taiwan
Chen, Peiyu陳珮瑜 Institute of History and Philology Subsistence in Small-scale Societies; South American Archaeology; Taiwanese Archaeology
Chen, Po-hsi陳柏旭 Institute of Modern History left-wing intellectual history; global sixties; Cold War culture; Sinophone literature and cinema
Chen, Shun-Ling陳舜伶 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Science and technology studies; Intellectual property; Indigenous rights; Information and society; Online collaborations; Indigenous peoples' law and policy
Chen, Stacey H.陳香如 Institute of Economics 
Chen, Tsu-yu陳慈玉 Institute of Modern History Modern Economic History of Japan; Modern Economic History of Taiwan; Modern Economic History of China
Chen, Tsung-jen陳宗仁 Institute of Taiwan History Taiwan Social Economic History; 16th & 17th Taiwan History; Taiwan Ocean History
Chen, Wei-Cheng 陳為政 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Microeconomics; Economics of Education
Chen, Wei-Chi陳偉智 Institute of Taiwan History 臺灣近代史; 殖民地人類學史; 族群關係史; 歷史與社會理論; 社會文化史
Chen, Wei-chun陳維鈞 Institute of History and Philology Southeast Asian Archaeology; Behavioral Archaeology
Chen, Wei-fen陳瑋芬 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy cultural exchange in East Asia; History of Concepts; Modern Japanese Sinology
Chen, Wei-Jin陳威瑨 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 易學; 日本近世儒學
Chen, Wen-hua陳文華 Institute of History and Philology History of Thought
Chen, Wen-shih陳文石 Institute of History and Philology History of the Qing Dynasty
Chen, Wen-Te陳文德 Institute of Ethnology Social Anthropology
Chen, Wen-yi陳雯怡 Institute of History and Philology Socio-Cultural History of the Song and Yuan Dynasties
Chen, Yao-huang陳耀煌 Institute of Modern History 
Chen, Yen-ling陳彥伶 Institute of Linguistics Kra-Dai; Minority Languages; Tone; Historical Linguistics; Language Contact
Chen, Yi-shen陳儀深 Institute of Modern History The 228 Incident Studies; Modern Chinese History of Political Thoughts; Post-war Political History of Taiwan; The Political Cases of the Period of Martial Law
Chen, Yi-Ting陳宜廷 Institute of Economics 
Chen, Yu-Jie陳玉潔 Institutum Iurisprudentiae International law; China; human rights; Taiwan; cross-strait relations
Chen, Yun-ju陳韻如 Institute of History and Philology Medical History of the Tang and Song Dynasties; Social-cultural History of the Song Dynasty
Chen, Yun-shan 陳韻珊 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography
Chen, Yung-fa陳永發 Institute of Modern History History of Chinese Communist Party
Chen,  Sihwei陳思瑋 Institute of Linguistics Fieldwork; Cross-linguistic comparison; Formosan languages; Formal semantics; Pragmatics
Cheng, Chin-Chuan鄭錦全 Institute of Linguistics 歷史音韻學; 語言認知; 國語音韻學; 電腦輔助語言學習等; 詞匯語義學
Cheng, Ching-lung陳慶隆 Institute of History and Philology History of North Asia; History of Central Asia
Cheng, Hung-sen陳鴻森 Institute of History and Philology Academic History of the Qing Dynasty; History of the Study of Chinese Classics; Philology
Cheng, Lee-Joy鄭麗嬌 Institute of European and American Studies Immigration Policy Studies; Social Welfare Policy Studies; Gender and Equality Studies; Maternity Leave Policy Studies; Family Policy Studies
Cheng, Pan陳槃 Institute of History and Philology History of Ancient China; History of the Qin and Han Dynasties
Cheng, Shu-Jiun陳淑君 Institute of History and Philology Knowledge Organization Systems; Metadata; Digital Libraries
Cheng, Tsai-fa鄭再發 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Phonology
Cheng, Wan-Jung鄭琬蓉 Institute of Economics Macro Labor;  Growth and Development; Macroeconomics
Cheng, Wei-chung鄭維中 Institute of Taiwan History 東亞海洋史; 早期臺灣史; 近代早期世界史
Cheng, Weining鄭瑋寧 Institute of Ethnology Affect and Emotionality; Work and Capitalism; Cultural Industry and Commodification; Existential Anthropology; Personhood and Kinship
Cheng, Ya-ju鄭雅如 Institute of History and Philology Medieval Chinese Social and Cultural History
Cheng, Yen-Hsin Alice鄭雁馨 Institute of Sociology Family Demography; life course research; Adolescent development and health behaviors
Cheng, Yu-mei陳玉美 Institute of History and Philology Taiwan Archaeology; Ethnoarchaeology; Archaeological Theories
Cheung, Ting Yuen Terry張庭源 Institute of Economics Economic Demography; Macroeconomics; Growth and Development; and Economic History
Chi, Chun-Che紀鈞哲 Institute of Economics Monetary Economics;  International Macroeconomics; Macroeconomics
Chi, Wei-Hsian齊偉先 Institute of Sociology Sociological Theory; Sociology of Culture; Sociology of Art; Sociology of Religion
Chi, Yuan-Wen紀元文 Institute of European and American Studies Theory of the Novel; Joyce Carol Oates and Twentieth-century American Literature; Daniel Defoe and Eighteenth-century English Literature
Chiang, Bien蔣斌 Institute of Ethnology 社會人類學
Chiang, Chiu-hua蔣秋華 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Odes; Documents
Chiang, Min-hua江敏華 Institute of Linguistics Chinese phonology; Phonology and Grammar study of Hakka dialects; Chinese dialectology
Chiang, Yen-sheng江彥生 Institute of Sociology Simulation Modeling; Social Networks; Group Behavior
Chiao, Cing-Kae焦興鎧 Institute of European and American Studies Comparative Labor Law; Globalization and Worker Rights; Employment Discrimination Law; American Labor and Employment Law
Chien, Sechin Yeong-Shyang錢永祥 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Political Philosophy
Chien, Tze-Shiou簡資修 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Law and Economics; Competition Law; Property Law; Tort Law
Chin, Fa-ken金發根 Institute of History and Philology History of the Qin and Han Dynasties
Chiou, Fang-Yi邱訪義 Institute of Political Science Game Theory; Methodology; Comparative Political Institutions; Taiwanese Legislative and Bureaucratic Politics; American Political Institutions
Chiou, Wen-Tsong邱文聰  Institutum Iurisprudentiae STS & Law; Science & Law; Biomedical and Public Health Ethics; Food Regulation; Constitutional Privacy; Information Law
Chiu, Chi-Tsun邱紀尊 Institute of European and American Studies Healthy life expectancy, health disparities, mortality
Chiu, Chung-lin邱仲麟 Institute of History and Philology Social and Medical History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Chiu, Hei-yuan瞿海源 Institute of Sociology Social Change; Social Stratification; Social Psychology; Sociology of Religion
Chiu, Min-yung邱敏勇 Institute of History and Philology Zooarchaeology; Taiwan Archaeology
Chiu, Peng-sheng邱澎生 Institute of History and Philology Economic History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Chiu, Scarlett邱斯嘉 Institute of History and Philology Pacific Archeology
Chiu, Y.L. Fred丘延亮 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Studies; Industrial Anthropology
Cho, Mu-Jung卓牧融 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Data Science; Digital Interaction; Media Psychology; Artificial Intelligence
Chou, Fa-kao周法高 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography; Chinese Linguistics
Chou, Ray Yeutien周雨田 Institute of Economics Time Series Analysis; Financial Markets; Econometrics
Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena周序樺 Institute of European and American Studies urban studies; biopolitics; transnational and postcolonial studies; environmental literature and culture (U.S., ethnic American, Taiwan, and Japan); environmental ethics; ecocriticism; food and agricultural studies
Chow, Gregory C.鄒至莊 Institute of Economics  Econometrics
Chow, Ta-hsing周大興 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Han and Wei-Jin philosophy
Chu, Cyrus C. Y.朱敬一 Institute of Economics Law and Economics; Population Economics; Regional Economics; Public Economics
Chu, Hong-Yuan朱浤源 Institute of Modern History Chinese History of Political Institutions; Methodology of Humanities and Social Sciences; Modern Chinese History; Chinese History of Political Thoughts; Overseas Chinese Studies
Chu, Hung-lam朱鴻林 Institute of History and Philology Intellectual and Cultural History of Late Imperial China
Chu, Ping-yi祝平一 Institute of History and Philology History of Science and Technology; History of Sino-Western Communications and Encounters
Chu, Ruey-Ling朱瑞玲 Institute of Ethnology Personality and Social Psychology; Family Socialization; Culture and Emotion
Chu, Te-Lan朱德蘭 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Kinmen Merchants; History Military; Chinese Maritime; Comfort Women; Taiwan History
Chu, Wan-li屈萬里 Institute of History and Philology Study of ancient documents
Chu, Wan-Wen瞿宛文 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Industrial Policy; Economic Development; Industrial Organization
Chu, Yun-Han朱雲漢 Institute of Political Science political institution; political methodology; quantitative methods; comparative politics; survey research; voting behavior
Chuan, Han-sheng全漢昇 Institute of History and Philology History of modern economy in China
Chuang, Shen-ching莊申慶 Institute of History and Philology History of art and culture in China
Chuang, Sheng-chuan莊勝全 Institute of Taiwan History 日治時期臺灣報刊媒體史; 清領及日治時期臺灣社會文化史; 臺灣近代政治史
Chuang, Yating莊雅婷 Institute of Economics Behavioral Economics; Development Economics; Environmental Economics
Chuang, Ying-Chang莊英章 Institute of Ethnology Marriage and Women; Historical Demography; Society and Culture of Han Chinese; Cultural Anthropology; Hakka Studies
Chun, Allen陳奕麟 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Studies; Historical Transformation; Discourse & Practice; Social Theory
Chung, Chen-yu鍾振宇 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Pre-Qin Daoism
Chung, Shu-ming鍾淑敏 Institute of Taiwan History History of Japanese colonial Taiwan
Chung, Tsai-chun鍾彩鈞 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Neo-Confucianism
Doyle, Oran竇依仁 Institutum Iurisprudentiae constitutional theory; Comparative constitutional law
Evans, Jonathan P.余文生 Institute of Linguistics Tibeto-Burman; Phonetics; Phonology
Fan, I-chun范毅軍 Institute of History and Philology Socio-economic History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Fang, Wan-Chuan方萬全 Institute of European and American Studies Philosophy of Language; Later Wittgenstein's Philosophy; Philosophy of Mind; Donald Davidson's Philosophy
Feng, Pin-chia馮品佳 Institute of European and American Studies 
Freeman, Joshua L.喬舒亞 Institute of Modern History Uyghur literature and history; Cultural and political history of modern China
Fu, Jia-Chen傅家倩 Institute of Modern History STS; History of science, technology, and medicine; 20th century China; History of the body
Fu, Ronan Tse-Min傅澤民 Institute of Political Science Chinese politics and foreign policy; East Asian security; International relations theory; Political psychology
Fu, Ssu-nien傅斯年 Institute of History and Philology History
Fu, Yang-Chih傅仰止 Institute of Sociology Social Networks; Urban Sociology; Ethnic Studies
Fung, Heidi馮涵棣 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Psychology; Development Psychology
Gao, You-de高有德 Institute of History and Philology Taiwan Archaeology
Gong, Hwang-cherng龔煌城 Institute of Linguistics 西夏語漢藏比較語言學漢語上古音
Guo, Pei-yi郭佩宜 Institute of Ethnology Theories and Methods in Cultural Anthropology; Historical Anthropology; Legal Anthropology; Cultural governance and heritage
Hao, Yen-Ping郝延平 Institute of Modern History History
Hauser, Robert M.Hauser, Robert M. Institute of European and American Studies Sociology
Heubel, Fabian何乏筆 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy contemporary European philosophy; philosophy in Chinese; aesthetics; Transcultural studies
Ho, Chien-hsing何建興 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 印度哲學; 佛教哲學
Ho, Chih-hsing何之行 Institute of European and American Studies Big Data, Privacy and Data Protection Law; Law, Medicine and Global Health; Legal Aspects of Translational Medicine and Biobanking; Law and Development: Theories of Colonisation and Political Economy; Law and Anthropology
Ho, Dah-an何大安 Institute of Linguistics 南島語言學; 漢語方言學; 漢語音韻史
Ho, Han-Wei何漢葳 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Empirical Legal Studies; Statistics
Ho, Hon-wai何漢威 Institute of History and Philology Economic History of Modern China
Ho, Jih-Ching何志青 Institute of European and American Studies Knowledge and Perception; Neo-Pragmatism: Sellars, Davidson, Rorty, McDowell, and Brandom; Reason and Nature
Ho, Tsui-Ping何翠萍 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Anthropology; Historical Anthropology
Ho, Wen-Ching何文敬 Institute of European and American Studies Toni Morrison; Kate Chopin; American fiction; William Faulkner; Chinese American literature
Horng, Der-Chin洪德欽 Institute of European and American Studies European Union Law, ECB Law and Policy, Euro, EU Banking Union, EU Food Law, Brexit; EU Biotechnology Law, International Biotechnology Law; International Economic Law, WTO Law and Policy
Hsaio, Fan蕭璠 Institute of History and Philology agricultural history; History of Warring States period; Qin and Han Dynasties
Hsia, Ronnie Po-chia夏伯嘉 Institute of History and Philology  Institute of European and American Studies History
Hsiao, Cheng蕭政 Institute of Economics Economics
Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael蕭新煌 Institute of Sociology Sociology of Development; Non-profit Organizations; Comparative Middle Classes in Asia; Civil Society and Social Movements; Environmental Sociology
Hsiao, Su-ying 蕭素英 Institute of Linguistics Language Typology; Holo Taiwanese syntax; Mongolian Syntax
Hsiau, A-Chin蕭阿勤 Institute of Sociology Nationalism; Cultural sociology;  Political sociology
Hsieh, Chee-Ruey謝啟瑞 Institute of Economics 
Hsieh, Jiann謝劍 Institute of History and Philology Cultural anthropology
Hsieh, Kuo-hsing謝國興 Institute of Taiwan History Modern History of China; Taiwan Socioeconomic History
Hsieh, Michelle Fei-Yu謝斐宇 Institute of Sociology International Development; International Political Economy; Political Sociology; Economic Sociology; Comparative/Historical Sociology
Hsieh, Shu-Hui謝淑惠 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Survey Design and Data Analysis; Missing Data Analysis; Statistical Computation
Hsieh, Yu-Ming謝佑明 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Computational Linguistics; Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning
Hsing, I-tien邢義田 Institute of History and Philology History of the Qin and Han Dynasties
Hsu, Cheng-kuang徐正光 Institute of Ethnology 
Hsu, Chia-Ming許嘉明 Institute of Ethnology Folk Beliefs; Han Society in Taiwan
Hsu, Cho-Yun許倬雲 Institute of History and Philology History of Ancient China; Socio-Economic History of China
Hsu, Hsueh-chi許雪姬 Institute of Taiwan History oral history; institution history; family history; Taiwan history(Qing, Japanese, and post-war periods)
Hsu, Jimmy Chia-Shin許家馨 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Freedom of Speech and the Press; Democratization and the Public Sphere; Democratic Theory; philosophy of punishment; Legal Theory; Constitutional Law
Hsu, Kao-yuan徐高阮 Institute of History and Philology Historiography
Hsu, Mu-Tsu許木柱 Institute of Ethnology Psychological Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Demographical Anthropology
Hsu, Szu-Chien徐斯儉 Institute of Political Science Comparative politics; international relations
Hsu, Tse-min許澤民 Institute of History and Philology Physical Anthropology
Hsu, Wen-Tai許文泰 Institute of Economics Urban and Regional Economics; International Economics
Hsu, Yu-Chin許育進 Institute of Economics Econometrics
Hu, Chun-Tien胡春田 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences APEC; 總體經濟學; 國際金融理論; 貨幣理論; 國際經濟學
Hu, Siao-chen胡曉真  Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Ming-Qing women’s literature; Ming-Qing narrative literature; late Qing and early Republican literature
Hu, Tai-Li胡台麗 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Anthropology; Shamanism; Taiwan Aboriginal Cultures; Rituals and Cultural Performances; Visual Anthropology
Huang, C.-T. James黃正德 Institute of Linguistics 
Huang, Chang-Chien黃彰健 Institute of History and Philology History of ancient Chinese; Late Qing dynasty and early Republican Era history; Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties
Huang, Cheng-Yi黃丞儀 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Comparative Administrative Law; Taiwan Legal History; Transitional Justice; Comparative Constitutional Politics
Huang, Chih-Huei黃智慧 Institute of Ethnology Okinawa Studies; Cultural Anthropology; Ethnology; Japanese Studies; Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Studies
Huang, Chin-shing黃進興 Institute of History and Philology Historiographical Theory; Religious and Cultural History; Modern Intellectual History
Huang, Ching-lien 黃清連 Institute of History and Philology History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties
Huang, David W. F.黃偉峰 Institute of European and American Studies European Union; Election Studies; Comparative Politics
Huang, Deng-Shing黃登興 Institute of Economics Economic Integration; International Trade and Development; Ecological Economics; East Asian Studies; Industrial Organization
Huang, Fu-san黃富三 Institute of Taiwan History family history; Taiwan history(Qing Dynasty, early post-war era); business history
Huang, Hui-chuan J.黃慧娟 Institute of Linguistics Phonetics; Phonology; Austronesian Phonology
Huang, Ko-wu黃克武 Institute of Modern History Ming-Qing Cultural and Intellectual History; Modern Chinese Intellectual History
Huang, Kuan-chung黃寬重 Institute of History and Philology Political and Military History of the Song Dynasty; Socio-cultural History of the Song Dynasty; Later Imperial China's Relations with Korea; History of the Southern Song; Textual Criticism and Bibliography
Huang, Kuan-min黃冠閔 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy German idealism; contemporary French philosophy; comparative philosophy
Huang, Min-Hsiung黃敏雄 Institute of European and American Studies Sociology of Education; Social Stratification
Huang, Ru-xuan黃儒宣 Institute of History and Philology History of the Warring-States Period; the Qin and Han Dynasties
Huang, Shiun-Wey黃宣衛 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Anthropology
Huang, Shu-Li黃淑莉 Institute of Ethnology Millenarianism; Literacy Movement; Bureaucracy; Miao (Hmong) Christianity
Huang, Shu-Min黃樹民 Institute of Ethnology Han Chinese Society in Taiwan; Rural China; Chinese Diasporas in Northern Thailand
Huang, Sung-Mao黃松茂 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Civil Law
Huang, Ting-shuo黃庭碩 Institute of History and Philology History of Buddhism in China; History of the Tang and Song Dynasties; History of Chan Buddhism in China
Huang, Tzu-chin黃自進 Institute of Modern History Modern Japanese Political Thoughts; Modern Sino-Japanese Relations; Modern Japanese History of Diplomacy
Huang, Wen-Ling黃文齡 Institute of European and American Studies Women's Voluntary Association in the U.S.; American Women's History; Afro-American Study
Huang, Ying-Kuei黃應貴 Institute of Ethnology Social Anthropology; Economic Development; social organization and social structure; Politics and Culture; Religion and Culture
Huang, Yueh-Po黃約伯 Institute of Ethnology Social Anthropology; Sociology of Education; Anthropology of Education; Disability Studies; New Religious Movement(NRM); Cross-border Migration
Hung, Chin-fu洪金富 Institute of History and Philology History of the Yuan Dynasty
Hung, I-mei洪一梅 Institute of History and Philology Document Management
Hung, Li-wan洪麗完 Institute of Taiwan History Regional studies; social & cultural history of Taiwan; Ethno-history of Taiwan plains aborigine
Hung, Tzu-Wei洪子偉 Institute of European and American Studies Philosophy of cognitive science; Philosophy of Language; Taiwanese Philosophy; Philosophy of Psychology
Hung-Dah Su蘇宏達 Institute of European and American Studies European Union; Transnational Integrations in comparison Integration theory; Diplomatic and International History
Hwang, Ming-chorng黃銘崇 Institute of History and Philology History of Ancient China; History of Architecture
Hwang, Richard Ruey-Chyi黃瑞祺 Institute of European and American Studies Philosophy of Science; Sociology of Knowledge; Critical Social Theory; Contemporary Sociological Theory; Modernity and Postmodernity; Marxism; History of Social Thought
Hwang, Shu-Perng黃舒芃 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Legal Methodology; European Law; International Human Rights Law; Administrative Law; Constitutional Law; Theory of State
Hwang, Tao-Lin黃道琳 Institute of Ethnology 
Iban, Yukan伊凡諾幹 Institute of Ethnology 
Jain, Ritesh鄭瑞泰 Institute of Economics and Experimental Economics;  Implementation Theory; Mechanism Design
Jia, Shi-heng賈士蘅 Institute of History and Philology History of Ancient China
Jian, Jay簡士傑 Institute of European and American Studies Ethics; Meta-ethics; Rationality and Normativity; Philosophy of Action
Jiang, Feng-Fuh江豐富 Institute of Economics 
JIN, Jungwon陳姃湲 Institute of Taiwan History 
Jobin, Paul彭保羅 Institute of Sociology Science Studies (STS); Social Movements; Environmental Sociology; Sociology of Risk; Contemporary Asia
Jou, Yuh-Huey周玉慧 Institute of Ethnology Marital Relationships; Life Stress and Social Support; Family Psychology; Social Psychology; Interpersonal Communication and Interaction
Juang, Der-Ming莊德明 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Character Processing; Hypertext Retrieval System for ancient Chinese document
Juang, Wei-Torng莊委桐 Institute of Economics Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics
Jung, Bor-sheng鍾柏生 Institute of History and Philology Bronze Inscriptions; Oracle Bone Inscriptions
Jung, Hanjoon鄭翰駿 Institute of Economics 
Jung, Shaw-Wu容邵武 Institute of Ethnology Political Anthropology; Community Studies; Politics of Culture; Anthropology of Law
Ka, Chih-Ming柯志明 Institute of Sociology Development Study; Industrial and Labor Relations; Peasant Study
Kan, Kamhon簡錦漢 Institute of Economics Applied Econometrics;  Labor and Health Economics
Kang, Le康樂 Institute of History and Philology National and cultural history in the Northern Wei Dynasty
Kao, Ch'u-hsun高去尋 Institute of History and Philology Archaeological research of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty
Kao, Chen-huan高震寰 Institute of History and Philology History of the Qin and Han Dynasties; Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Legal Documents
Kao, Chen-Yang高晨揚 Institute of Ethnology Religious Studies; Christianity in China; Pentecostal-charismatic Movement
Katz, Paul R.康豹 Institute of Modern History Social and Religious History of Taiwan; History of Daoism; Social and Religious History of China
Kieschnick, John H. 柯嘉豪 Institute of History and Philology Cultural history of Buddhism in China
Ko, Chyong-Fang柯瓊芳 Institute of European and American Studies Sociology; Social demography
Ku, Heng-Chan顧恒湛 Institute of Taiwan History 臺灣原住民史; 歷史社會學; 臺灣政治史; 族群關係史
Ku, Ya-wen顧雅文 Institute of Taiwan History water history and water cultural; historical GIS; history of disease; Environmental history
KUAN, Da-wei官大偉 Institute of Ethnology 原住民空間與社區自然資源管理; 民族地理; 原住民族土地政策; 民族政策
Kuan, Tung-kuei管東貴 Institute of History and Philology History of the Qin and Han Dynasties; History of Borderland Minority Peoples
Kung, Ling-Wei孔令偉 Institute of History and Philology History of Technology and Science; Late Imperial China and Eurasia; Inner Asian Philology; Global History
Kuo, Chiao-Ling郭巧玲 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences GIS; Semantics; OpenGIS; Big spatial data; Ontology modeling and integration
Kuo, Chiu-Yeoung郭秋永 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Political Methodology
Kuo, Chuan-jen郭全仁 Institute of History and Philology Linguistics
Kuo, Shih-Yu郭實渝 Institute of European and American Studies 教育哲學; 生態文化研究; 環境教育
Kuo, Su-chiu郭素秋 Institute of History and Philology Taiwan Archaeology
Kuramoto, Hisanori倉本尚德 Institute of History and Philology The Medieval History of Chinese Buddhism; The History of the interaction between Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
Kwak, Changhyun郭昶賢 Institute of Economics microeconomic theory and industrial organization
Lai, Chih-Hui賴至慧 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Social network analysis; disaster risk communication; information and communication technologies; strategic communication
Lai, Ching-Chong賴景昌 Institute of Economics Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; International Economics
Lai, Christina賴潤瑤 Institute of Political Science Chinese Foregin Policy; International Relations Theory; East Asian Security
Lai, Fu-Chuan賴孚權 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Regional Economics; Urban Economics
Lai, Hui-min賴惠敏 Institute of Modern History History of the Qing Dynasty
Lai, Yu-chih賴毓芝 Institute of Modern History Sino-Japanese exchange of the Late Qing Period; Image exchanges between China and Europe; Qing Palace Study; History of Visual Culture
Lan, Hung Yueh藍弘岳 Institute of History and Philology East Asian History of Intellectual and Cultural Exchange; Japanese Intellectual History
Lane, Timothy Joseph藍亭 Institute of European and American Studies 
Lao, Kan勞榦 Institute of History and Philology History of the Qin and Han Dynasties
Lau, Nap-yin柳立言 Institute of History and Philology Politics, Society, Law, and Family in the Song Dynasty
Lee, Chang-yuan李長遠 Institute of History and Philology Intellectual History of the Tang and Song Dynasties
Lee, Charles Chih-Hao李峙皞 Institute of History and Philology Intellectual and Social History of Modern Europe; Modern British History; History of Education
Lee, Chia-Ying李佳穎 Institute of Linguistics Neurolinguistics; Cognitive Neuroscience
Lee, Chien-Liang李建良 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Environment Law; Administrative Law; Constitutional Law
Lee, Fong-mao李豐楙 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy classical and contemporary Chinese literature; Daoist literature and culture
Lee, Gunhaeng李根行 Institute of Economics Industrial organization; Microeconomic theory
Lee, Hsiu-ping李修平 Institute of History and Philology Archaeology and History of Ancient China
Lee, Hsuan-Wei李宣緯 Institute of Sociology complex systems; game theory; machine learning; computational sociology
Lee, James李語堂 Institute of European and American Studies U.S.-Taiwan Relations;Geoeconomics and Economic Statecraft; U.S. Grand Strategy (Europe and East Asia); Great Power Competition
Lee, Jen-der李貞德 Institute of History and Philology Cultural History of China; History of Chinese Women
Lee, Mei-Chun李梅君 Institute of Ethnology Mis/Disinformation; Science and Technology Studies; Critical Data Studies; Posthuman Politics; Digital Anthropology; Data Activism
Lee, Ming-huei李明輝 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy ethics; Confucian philosophy; Kant
Lee, Yu-cheng李有成 Institute of European and American Studies Contemporary British Fiction; Cultural Studies; Literary Theory; Asian/African American Literature
Lee, Yu-lin李育霖 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 翻譯研究; 德勒茲研究; 比較文學; 台灣文學; 電影研究; 生態批評
Lee, Yu-ping李宇平 Institute of Modern History History of Economic Thoughts; Modern Chinese Economic History
Lee, Zong-Rong李宗榮 Institute of Sociology Social network analysis; Sociology of markets; Organization theory
Lei, Sean Hsiang-lin雷祥麟 Institute of Modern History History of Science and Technology; STS; History of Body; History of Traditional Therapies and Public Hygiene (Modern China and Taiwan)
Lei, Ting雷霆 Institute of Ethnology 
Leng, Tse-Kang冷則剛 Institute of Political Science Politics of Globalization; Cross-Straits Relations; Urban Political Economy
Leung, Ki-Che A.梁其姿 Institute of History and Philology Social History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; Socio-cultural History of the Late Imperial Period
Li, Chi李濟 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Archaeology
Li, Chun-Hao李俊豪 Institute of Ethnology urban studies; Population studies (including historical demography)
Li, Hsiao-t' i李孝悌 Institute of History and Philology Socio-cultural History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Li, Hsiao-ting李孝定 Institute of History and Philology Bronze Inscriptions; Oracle Bone Inscriptions
Li, Hsueh-chih李學智 Institute of History and Philology History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Li, Jianmin李建民 Institute of History and Philology History of Ancient Medicine; History of Ancient Rituals and Customs
Li, Kai-kuang李鎧光 Institute of Modern History History of Daily Life; History of Local Governance
Li, Kuang-tao李光濤 Institute of History and Philology History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Li, Kuang-ti李匡悌 Institute of History and Philology Settlement Archaeology; Ecological Archaeology
Li, Paul Jen-kuei李壬癸 Institute of Linguistics 南島語言學; 漢語方言學
Li, Pei-chen李佩蓁 Institute of Taiwan History 海洋史; 清代臺灣史; 臺灣社會經濟史
Li, Ren-yuan李仁淵 Institute of History and Philology Intellectual and Social History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Li, Rong-cun李榮村 Institute of History and Philology History and geography of ethnic groups in China’s border regions
Li, Shang-jen李尚仁 Institute of History and Philology History of Medicine; History of Science
Li, Sher-shiueh李奭學 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Comparative literature; cross-cultural research on religion and literature; contemporary literature; history of Chinese translation
Li, Ta-chia李達嘉 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese History of Politics and Society
Li, Tsung-Hsien李宗憲 Institute of Economics Macroeconomics
Li, Yih-Yuan李亦園 Institute of Ethnology Religion Behavior; Cultural Anthropology; Symbolic Anthropology; Overseas Chinese Studies
Li, Yung-ti李永迪 Institute of History and Philology Mainland China Archaeology
Li, Zong-kun李宗焜 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography
Liang, Chi-Yuan梁啟源 Institute of Economics Industrial Economics; Productivity Analysis; Evvironmental Economics; Energy Economics; Economic Modellingand Forcast
Liang, Meng-Yu梁孟玉 Institute of Economics Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics; Industrial Organization
Liang, Yuen-Gen梁元禎 Institute of History and Philology Medieval and Early Modern Spain and the Mediterranean; Family History; Social Reproduction
Liao, Chao-heng廖肇亨 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy history of cultural exchange between China and Japan; Ming loyalism; cultural history of Buddhism; East Asia literature in Han-Chinese; Classical Chinese literary theory
Liao, Fort Fu-Te廖福特 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Human Rights Law; International Law; European Law; Constitutional Law
Liao, Hsiao-ching廖小菁 Institute of Modern History Chinese Overseas in Southeast Asia; Gender History; Social History
Liao, Hsiung-Ming廖泫銘 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences GIS; Cartography; Digital Humanities; Remote Sensing; GPS; Digital Archives
Liao, Jen-Che廖仁哲 Institute of Economics 
Liao, Pei-Ju廖珮如 Institute of Economics 
Liao, Pei-shan廖培珊 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Quality of Life; Questionnaire Design; Natural Resources and Environmental Sociology
Liao, Wei-wen Roger廖偉聞 Institute of Linguistics Morphology and Morphosyntax; Semantics; Biolinguistics; Generative Syntax; Syntax-Semantics Interfaces
Liao, Yi-fang廖宜方 Institute of History and Philology History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties
Lien, Ling-ling連玲玲 Institute of Modern History History of Business; Urban Cultural History; History of Women
Lim, Chuan Tiong(John)林泉忠 Institute of Modern History 
Lin, Chang-Ching林常青 Institute of Economics Law and Economics; Econometrics
Lin, Cheng-hui林正慧 Institute of Taiwan History the History of Taiwan-Hakka; 228 Incident and White Terror in postwar Taiwan; the Formation of Hakka
Lin, Cheng-Yi林正義 Institute of European and American Studies International Relations; Sino-American Relations; National Security Policy
Lin, Chien-Chih林建志 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Judicial Behavior; Judicial Politics; Constitutional Law; Comparative Constitutional Law
Lin, Chih-hung林志宏 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese Intellectual & Cultural History
Lin, Ching-chang林慶彰 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Confucian classics; Japanese Sinology; textual research
Lin, Chun-yu林純玉 Institute of History and Philology Physical Anthropology
Lin, Chung-Cheng林忠正 Institute of Economics Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Political and Public Economy;  Microeconomics Theory; Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics
Lin, Fu-shih林富士 Institute of History and Philology Religious and Medical History of Ancient China
Lin, Hsuan-Chih林軒馳  Institute of Economics Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics; International Trade and Development
Lin, Ji-Ping林季平 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences statistical computing & application with GIS; data processing; migration and population studies; the micro-macro link of social flows
Lin, Jo-wang林若望 Institute of Linguistics Syntax-semantics interface; Semantics; Syntax
Lin, Kai-shyh林開世 Institute of Ethnology Formation of National and Ethnic Groups; Historical Anthropology; Cultural Theory; Han Chinese Society
Lin, Kuei-chen林圭偵 Institute of History and Philology Quantitative Analysis; Environmental Archaeology; Mainland China Archaeology; Archaeological Sciences
Lin, Man-houng林滿紅 Institute of Modern History modern history; economic and political-economic thought history; Asia-Pacific history; Taiwan History
Lin, May-li林美莉 Institute of Modern History History during the Sino-Japanese War period (1937~1945); Modern Chinese Social & Economic History
Lin, Mei-Rong林美容 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Anthropology; Folk Buddhism; Taiwan Folk Beliefs; China Kinship System; Social Organization of Han People
Lin, Mei-yi林玫儀 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Shi and cipoetry; Dunhuang studies; Tao Yuanming’s poetry; classical literary criticism
Lin, Nan林南 Institute of Sociology Social Stratification and Social Mobility; Contemporary China Social; Medicine Sociology; Social capital and Social Network
Lin, Nick林政楠 Institute of Political Science Legislative Behavior; Comparative Political Institutions; Party Competition and Electoral Behavior
Lin, Shane Hsuan-Yu林宣佑 Institute of Political Science Social Media; International Securty; Survey Experiment; U.S.-Taiwan-China Relations
Lin, Sheng-chih林聖智 Institute of History and Philology History of Chinese Fine Arts
Lin, Shu-fen林淑芬 Institute of History and Philology Archeometry; Environmental Archaeology
Lin, Su-ching林素清 Institute of History and Philology Warring States Period Writings (Paleography); Bamboo and Wooden Slip Inscriptions
Lin, Thung-Hong林宗弘 Institute of Sociology Comparative Political Economy; China; Social Stratification; Quantitative Research; Sociology of Disaster
Lin, Tzu-Yi林子儀 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Free Speech; Privacy; Information Law; Constitutional Law
Lin, Wei-chieh林維杰 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Hermeneutics; comparative philosophy
Lin, Wen-kai林文凱 Institute of Taiwan History Taiwan Economic History; Historical Sociology; Taiwan Legal History; Taiwan Ethnic History
Lin, Wen-Ling林文玲 Institute of Ethnology New Media and Contemporary Indigenous Studies; Gender Studies; Digital Anthropology; Visual Anthropology
Lin, Yi-Hsuan林逸軒 Institute of Economics Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics - Decision Theory
Lin, Ying-chin林英津 Institute of Linguistics Descriptive Analysis; Historical Linguistics; Linguistic Ecology
Lin, Yu-ju林玉茹 Institute of Taiwan History Commercial history; regional studies; social and economic history
Lin, Yu-sheng林毓生 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Intellectual History
Lin, Yu-Sheng林育生 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Anthropology of Religion; Thai Studies; Gender
LIN, Yueh-hui林月惠 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy comparative studies of Chinese and Korean Confucianism; Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism
Ling, Shun-sheng凌純聲 Institute of History and Philology Anthropology
Liou, Shwu-Fann劉淑範 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Administrative Law; Constitutional Law
Liu, Cheng-yun劉錚雲 Institute of History and Philology Social History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Liu, Chiung-yun劉瓊云 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Journey to the West; Ming-Qing literature; Chinese literature of the supernatural and the fantastic
Liu, Chu-An劉祝安 Institute of Economics Applied Econometrics; Econometric Theory
Liu, Fei-Wen劉斐玟 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Anthropology; Sentiments; Expression; Voice; Nüshu
Liu, Hsin-ning劉欣寧 Institute of History and Philology Legal and Social History of the Qin and Han Dynasties
Liu, Jih-Wann劉枝萬 Institute of Ethnology Folkloristics; Taoism; Folk Beliefs
Liu, Kung-Chung劉孔中 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Telecommunications Law; Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law; Intellectual Property Law
Liu, Pak-yuen廖伯源 Institute of History and Philology History of Han Dynasty Political Systems
Liu, Pi-Chen劉璧榛 Institute of Ethnology Symboilc Anthropology; Ethnicity; Shamanism; Gender Studies; Kinship; Healing Ritual
Liu, Pin-Hsiung劉斌雄 Institute of Ethnology Mathematical Anthropology; Kinship Studies
Liu, Po-hung劉柏宏 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 禮學; 經學
Liu, Shao-Hua劉紹華 Institute of Ethnology Modernity; Globalization; Anthropology; Gender; Social Disasters & Community Resilience; Health & Medicine
Liu, Shi-yung劉士永 Institute of Taiwan History economic history of post-war Taiwan; History of medicine
Liu, Shih-Chi劉石吉 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences 中國社會經濟史
Liu, Shiuh-Feng劉序楓 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences History of Sino-Japanese Relations East Asian Maritime History
Liu, Shu-fen劉淑芬 Institute of History and Philology History of the Six Dynasties Period; History of Chinese Cities
Liu, Su-fen劉素芬 Institute of Modern History History of Economic Development; Taiwanese Economic History; Modern Chinese Economic History
Liu, Ts'ui-jung劉翠溶 Institute of Taiwan History Economic history; history of population; environmental history
Liu, Tseng-kuei劉增貴 Institute of History and Philology Social History of the Qin and Han Dynasties and the Six Dynasties Period
Liu, Wen劉文 Institute of Ethnology critical race theory; transnational migration; critical psychology; affect theory; Queer theory; Asian Americans; transpacific politics
Liu, Yi-chang劉益昌 Institute of History and Philology Settlement Archaeology; Taiwan Archaeology
Liu, Yuan-ju劉苑如 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Chinese narrative; Wei-Jin and Six Dynasties culture; travel writings; Hagiography
Lo, Jiu-jung羅久蓉 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese Political and Intellectual History
Lo, Joan C.羅紀琼 Institute of Economics 
Lu, Cheng-i呂政倚 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 中韓儒學比較研究; 當代新儒學; 宋明理學
Lu, Chien-lung盧建榮 Institute of History and Philology History of the Tang Dynasty
Lu, Chien-Yi盧倩儀 Institute of European and American Studies Regional Integration and Democratic Deficit; Climate Change; Immigration Policy; Neoliberalism; Animal Rights; EU Politics; European Debt Crisis
Lu, Fang-sang呂芳上 Institute of Modern History History of KMT
Lu, Hsin-Chun呂心純 Institute of Ethnology Ethnomusicology; Modernity; Globalization; Diaspora Studies; Soundscapes
Lu, Hwei-Syin盧蕙馨 Institute of Ethnology 慈濟研究; 宗教與性別; 宗教人類學; 文化人類學
Lu, Miaw-fen呂妙芬 Institute of Modern History Ming-Qing Intellectual and Cultural History
Lu, Yu-Hsia呂玉瑕 Institute of Sociology Demography; Family Sociology; Labor Force; Gender Studies
Lung, Yu-chun龍宇純 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography; Phonology
Ma, Herbert H.P. (Ma, Han-pao)馬漢寶 Institute of European and American Studies Legal Philosophy,; Conflict of Laws; Jurisprudence; Law and Social Change; Constitutional Law
Mao, Han-Kuang毛漢光 Institute of History and Philology Social History of Medieval China; History of Medieval China
mayaw fotol周惠民 Institute of Ethnology Multicultural Education; Indigenous Education; Curriculum and Instruction
Mei, Tsu-lin梅祖麟 Institute of Linguistics  Institute of History and Philology History of Chinese Phonology; History of Chinese Grammar
Muraoka, Taishi村岡大志 Institute of Political Science Social Media; Electoral Politics; Political Institutions
Ng, Yu-kwan吳汝鈞 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy phenomenology; Buddhism; Daoist philosophy; Kyoto-school philosophy; Confucianism; phenomenology of pure vitality; process philosophy
Ouyang, Wen-chin歐陽文津 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 世界文學; 比較文學; 阿拉伯文學
Pan, Ing-Hai潘英海 Institute of Ethnology 
Pan, Kuang-che潘光哲 Institute of Modern History History of Late Qing Period
Pan, Wu-su潘武肅 Institute of History and Philology History
Peng, Hsiao-yen彭小妍 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy modern Chinese literature; transcultural studies; Contemporary Taiwanese literature
Peng, Jen-Yu彭仁郁 Institute of Ethnology Psychological Trauma; Clinical Humanities; Psychoanalysis Theories and Practise; Incest Violence
Peng, Shi-Shu彭喜樞 Institute of Economics 
Peng, Shin-Kun彭信坤 Institute of Economics International Trade;  Regional Economics; Urban Economics; Industrial Organization
Peng, Thomas C.P.彭錦鵬 Institute of European and American Studies Public Personnel Administration; Public Administration; Electronic Government
Pham, Lee-moi范麗梅 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy pre-Qin and Han classical studies; excavated texts; Paleography
Poo, Mu-chou蒲慕州 Institute of History and Philology History of Ancient Religion
Raft, Zeb雷之波 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Chinese poetry; Early medieval Chinese literature; history of the translation of Chinese poetry
Ruey, Yih-fu芮逸夫 Institute of History and Philology Study of ethnic groups in China’s Southwestern regions
Saarela, Mårten Söderblom馬騰 Institute of Modern History History of the study of language in China; History of Chinese scholarship and education; The Qing empire in its global context
Sang, Hsiu-yun桑秀雲 Institute of History and Philology Ethnic history of the Southwestern borders in China
Shan, Te-Hsing單德興 Institute of European and American Studies Translation Studies; Cultural Studies; English and American Literature; Asian American Literature
Shaw, Carl K.Y.蕭高彥 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences History of Political Thought; Political Philosophy
Shaw, Daigee蕭代基 Institute of Economics Environmental and Resource Economics
Shaw, Yung-Djong邵允鍾 Institute of European and American Studies EU Law, EU Federalism, EU's Political Nature, Safeguard Mechanisms of EU's Constitutional Values; Transitional Justice
Sheen, Greg Chih-Hsin沈智新 Institute of Political Science Experimental Political Science; Political Communication; Formal Theory; Authoritarian Politics
Sheridan, Derek謝力登 Institute of Ethnology Political Anthropology; Ethics; Empire; Semiotics; Trans-nationalism and Migration; Economic Anthropology
Sheu, Jia-You許嘉猷 Institute of European and American Studies Sociology of Development; Social Stratification and Social Mobility; Sociology of Art
Shieh, Gwo-Shyong謝國雄 Institute of Sociology Industrial Sociology; Sociology of Labor Studies
Shih, Chang-ju石璋如 Institute of History and Philology ancient history of China; Yin and Shang archaeological research
Shih, Jun-ji施俊吉 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Game Theory; Industrial Economics; Finance; Telecommunications
Shih, Lei石磊 Institute of Ethnology Social Anthropology(kinship system, Economy system, Social Change)
Shih, Sheng-shiuan石昇烜 Institute of History and Philology History of the Qin and Han Dynasties; Studies on Bamboo and Wooden Manuscripts
Shih, Shou-chien石守謙 Institute of History and Philology History of Chinese Fine Arts
Shih, Teng-fu施添福 Institute of Taiwan History Historical geography; regional studies; Ethnic relations
Shiu, Wen-tang許文堂 Institute of Modern History History of Sino-Vietnam Relations; History of Sino-French Relations
Shiuon Chu徐兆安 Institute of Modern History Intellectual History and Institutional History (Late Imperial and Modern China)
Shu, Chih-hsiang舒志翔 Institute of Linguistics syntax; morphology and syntax in mandarin; syntactic theory
Silvio, Teri J.司黛蕊 Institute of Ethnology Character Design; Cultural Studies; Animation; Popular Culture & Media; Performance; Gender and Sexuality
Song, Yann-Huei宋燕輝 Institute of European and American Studies Maritime Security; National Ocean Policy; The International Law of the Sea
Su, Hui-chieh蘇慧婕 Institute of European and American Studies Freedom of Expression in Germany, USA and Europe; Theory of Fundamental Rights; Theory of State, Constitutional Theory
Su, Jiun-Hua蘇俊華 Institute of Economics  Econometrics
Su, Sheng-hsiung蘇聖雄 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese Political and Military History
Su, Yen-Tu蘇彥圖 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Theory Constitutional Law; Judicial Politics; Constitutional Theory; Comparative Constitutional Law; The Law of Democracy Democratic
Sun, Huei-min孫慧敏 Institute of Modern History Social Cultural History; Educational History of Modern China; Legal History
Sun, Jackson T.-S.孫天心 Institute of Linguistics Functional-typological Linguistics; Historical Linguistics
Sun, Tung Hsun孫同勛 Institute of European and American Studies 史學史; 美國史; 魏晉南北朝史
Sung, Jin-shiu Jessie宋錦秀 Institute of Taiwan History 民間儀式與文化; 文化人類學; 性別、醫學與宗教論述; 臺灣婦女史
Sung, Kuang-yu宋光宇 Institute of History and Philology Folk religions in Taiwan
Suzuki, Eka鈴木惠可 Institute of History and Philology 臺灣美術史; 藝術史; 東亞近代美術史
Tai, Li-chuan戴麗娟 Institute of History and Philology History of Museums; Modern French History; World History; History of Anthropology
Tai, Lian-chang戴璉璋 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Wei-Jin philosophy; Confucianism
Tam, Tony譚康榮 Institute of European and American Studies 
TANG, Chih-Chen Jane湯志真 Institute of Linguistics 句法學; 漢語語言學; 語言類型學; 南島語語言學
Tang, Chih-Chieh湯志傑 Institute of Sociology Sociological Theory; Historical Sociology; Sociology of Law
Tang, Dennis Te-Chung湯德宗 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Environmental Law and Policy; Administrative Law; Constitutional Law
Tang, Mei-jun唐美君 Institute of History and Philology Archaeology
Tang, Shi-Yeoung湯熙勇 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences History of Taiwanese immigrants; History of islands of South China Sea
Tao, Jing-shen陶晉生 Institute of History and Philology History of the Liao, Jin, and Song Dynasties
Tao, Tien-yi 陶天翼 Institute of History and Philology History
Tao, Ying-Hui陶英惠 Institute of Modern History 
Teng, Norman Y.鄧育仁 Institute of European and American Studies philosophy of mind and language; metaphor; political philosophy; philosophy of cognitive science
Teng, Stacy Fang-ching鄧芳青 Institute of Linguistics Descriptive Analysis; Austronesian Linguistics; Typology
Tiao,  George C.刁錦寰 Institute of Economics Statistical Sciences
Ting, Jen-Chieh丁仁傑 Institute of Ethnology Folk Religion; Sociololgy of Religion; Qualitative Research; Peasant Society
Ting, Pang-hsin丁邦新 Institute of History and Philology  Institute of Linguistics Chinese Dialects; Chinese Phonology
Toh, Hoong Teik卓鴻澤 Institute of History and Philology Research on Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan Texts; The History of Relations between Han and Northwest Nomadic Peoples
Ts'ai, Hui-yu Caroline蔡慧玉 Institute of Taiwan History oral history; wartime mobilization; History of Japanese colonial Taiwan; local administration
Tsai, Chang-lin蔡長林 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy History of the Chinese classics; intellectual history; Spring and Autumn Annals
Tsai, Che-mao蔡哲茂 Institute of History and Philology Bronze Inscriptions; Oracle Bone Inscriptions
Tsai, Cheng-Hung蔡政宏 Institute of European and American Studies virtue theory; epistemology; philosophy of mind & language
Tsai, Ming-Chang蔡明璋 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Compare Society in East Asia; Globalization; Quality of Life; Social Indicators
Tsai, Shu-Ling蔡淑鈴 Institute of Sociology Sociology of Education; Social Stratification and Social Mobility; Quantitative methodology; Income Inequality
Tsai, Tsung-Han蔡宗漢 Institute of Political Science 政治學方法論; 民意調查方法; 比較政治制度
Tsai, Tzong-Han蔡宗翰 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences 
Tsai, Wen-Hsuan蔡文軒 Institute of Political Science Comparative Authoritarian Regimes; Political Institutions in the CCP; Comparative Politics; Political Reform in the CCP
Tsai, Yu-Yueh蔡友月 Institute of Sociology Aboriginal Health and Identity in Taiwan; Race/Ethnicity; Cultural Sociology; Science, Technology and Society (STS); Medical Sociology
Tsang, Cheng-hwa臧振華 Institute of History and Philology Underwater Archaeology; Southeast Asian Archaeology; Taiwan Archaeology
Tsao, Jiun Han曹俊漢 Institute of European and American Studies Public Policy and International Law; Globalization
Tsaur, Tien Wang曹添旺 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences 國際經濟學與所得分配
Tsay, Min-Hung蔡明宏 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Game Theory; Corporate Finance; Financial Economics; Microeconomics
Tsay, Wen-Jen蔡文禎 Institute of Economics International Finance; Political and Public Economy; Econometrics
TSENG, Chiu-yu鄭秋豫 Institute of Linguistics 口語韻律分析; 語料庫語音學; 計算與模擬
Tseng, Fan-Tzu曾凡慈 Institute of Sociology Science and Technology Studies; Gender Studies; Medical Sociology
Tseng, Pin-Tsang曾品滄 Institute of Taiwan History 
Tseng, Roy曾國祥 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences History of Political Thought
Tseng, Wen-Liang曾文亮 Institute of Taiwan History 
Tseng,  Shu-Chuan曾淑娟 Institute of Linguistics Spoken Corpora Processing; Spontaneous speech Analysis
Tsu, Timothy Yun Hui祖運輝  Institute of Ethnology 
Tsuru, Shuntaro都留俊太郎 Institute of Taiwan History 環境史
Tu, Cheng-sheng杜正勝 Institute of History and Philology History of Ancient Society, Culture, and Medicine
Tu, Su-hao杜素豪 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Rural Sociology; Survey Method Research; Gender Studies; Human Ecology; Environmental Sociology
Tu, Weiming杜維明 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Philosophy of religion; Aesthetics; Confucian philosophy
Tung, An-Chi董安琪 Institute of Economics 產業組織; 經濟成長與發展; 人口經濟學
Tung, Chun-Fa 童春發 Institute of Ethnology Aboriginal Religion; Language and Culture in Paiwan; Comparative cultural studies; Christian theology; Linguistics
Tung, T'ung-ho董同龢 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Phonology
Tung, Tso-pin董作賓 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography; History of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty
Tung, Yung-chang童永昌 Institute of History and Philology History of information; Song China; Social history of knowledge; Institutional history
Tzeng, Ovid J.-L.曾志朗 Institute of Linguistics 神經語言學; 認知神經科學
Tzeng, Rueyling曾瑞鈴 Institute of European and American Studies Migration of Highly Skilled Professionals; Economic Sociology; Foreign Investment from Developing Countries to Developed Countries; Influences of European Integration on Multinationals; Sociology of Organization
Uchida, Junko內田(難波)純子 Institute of History and Philology Research of Shang-Zhou Dynasty Bronze Wares
Wan, Henry Y. Jr.萬又煊  Institute of Economics International Trade; Economic Growth
Wang, Chen-cheng汪正晟 Institute of Modern History 國民政府史; 國共政治比較研究; 政治史方法論; 青年政治; 中國「現代政治」史
Wang, Cheng-Hua王正華 Institute of Modern History 
Wang, Chih-Ming王智明 Institute of European and American Studies Cultural Studies; Transnational American Studies; Asian American literature
Wang, David Der-wei王德威 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Comparative Literary Theory and Criticism; Ming and Qing Fiction and Drama; Late Qing, Modern, and Contemporary Chinese Literature
Wang, Daw-hwan王道還 Institute of History and Philology Physical Anthropology
Wang, Fan-sen王汎森 Institute of History and Philology Intellectual and Cultural History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Modern China
Wang, Fu-Chang王甫昌 Institute of Sociology Research Methods; Social Stratification; Ethnic Relations; Social Movements
Wang, Gungwu王賡武 Institute of Modern History Anthropology; History; Political Science
Wang, Heng-yu王恆餘 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography
Wang, Horng-Luen汪宏倫 Institute of Sociology Sociological Theory; Historical Sociology; Nation-State and Globalization; Quantitative Methodology; Cultural Sociology
Wang, Hsiang An王祥安 Institute of History and Philology Optical Character Recognition; Digital Humanities; Digital Archive; Data Mining; Technology of Website and Database; Machine Learning
Wang, Hung-tai王鴻泰 Institute of History and Philology Social-cultural History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; Ming and Qing Urban History
Wang, Kuan-Chi王冠棋 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Food and Agriculture; Asia; Political, economic, regional geography
Wang, Kuan-Wen王冠文 Institute of History and Philology Regional Interaction around the South China Sea; Archaeological Science; Ancient Pyrotechnology; Bead Studies
Wang, Li-chiao王麗蕉 Institute of Taiwan History Archives study; Digital archives
Wang, Lydia Yu-Yeh王玉葉 Institute of European and American Studies 美國民權法; 歐洲人權法; 美國法制史; 歐洲聯盟法
Wang, Ming-ke王明珂 Institute of History and Philology Research of Ancient Chinese Ethnic Groups
Wang, Peng-Hsiang王鵬翔 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Philosophy of Law; Legal Methodology; Theory of Constitutional Rights
Wang, Pi-Fang王必芳 Institutum Iurisprudentiae European Law; Administrative Law; Constitutional Law
Wang, Sheng-Fu王聖富 Institute of Linguistics speech prosody; natural language processing; computational linguistics; Phonetics; Taiwan Southern Min; phonology
Wang, Shu-Li王舒俐 Institute of Ethnology Critical Heritage Studies; Material Culture Studies; Museum Anthropology; Cultural Memory; Archaeological Ethnography; Cultural Politics/Cultural Policy
Wang, Shu-min王叔岷 Institute of History and Philology Collation
Wang, William Shi-Yuan王士元 Institute of Linguistics Language, Evolution and the Brain; Language Engineering
Wei, Chi-hung韋奇宏 Institute of European and American Studies U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations; International Relations Theory; Economic Statecraft; Ethnic Politics in Latin America
Wei, Liang-Tsai魏良才 Institute of European and American Studies 
Wei, Pei-chuan 魏培泉 Institute of Linguistics Historical Linguistics; Language Archive
Wen, Chung-I文崇一 Institute of Ethnology Social and Cultural Changes; Sociology; Problems of Modernization
Wong, Ting-Hong黃庭康 Institute of Sociology East and Southeast Asian Studies; Sociology of Education; Historical Sociology; Political Sociology; Cultural Studies; Social Theory
Wu, Albert吳孟軒 Institute of History and Philology Medical History; Global History; History of Religion
Wu, Chi-hua吳緝華 Institute of History and Philology 明代社會經濟; 政治史
Wu, Chien-Huei吳建輝 Institute of European and American Studies European Union Law, EU External Relations Law; the reshaping and reformulating of global economic governance; Multilevel governance and multilevel constitutionalism; the impact of global/regional legal order upon domestic legal order; Comparative regional integration between the EU and ASEAN
Wu, Chin-En吳親恩 Institute of Political Science institutional analysis; Income and class; contentious politics; the political economy of development in East Asia; comparative political economy
Wu, Chin-Tao吳金桃 Institute of European and American Studies Cultural Studies; Contemporary Art & Culture
Wu, Chuan-Feng吳全峰 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Health Care Law; International Human Rights; Public Health Ethics
Wu, Chung-Li吳重禮 Institute of Political Science Electoral Studies; International Relations; Comparative Politics; Urban and Minority Politics; American Politics (Political Institutions)
Wu, Chung-Shu吳中書 Institute of Economics International Finance; Economic Forecas; Monetary Theory and Policy
Wu, Chyi-In吳齊殷 Institute of Sociology Social Network Analysis; Information Society; Sociology of the Family; Sociological Methodology; Mental Health
Wu, David Yen-Ho吳燕和 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Anthropology; Cross-Cultural Research; Overseas Studies; Ethnic Relations Studies
Wu, Huijing吳慧靖 Institute of European and American Studies Cross-national comparative study; Demography; Quantitative research methods; Aging and the Life Course; Family Studies; Gender
Wu, Jen-shu巫仁恕 Institute of Modern History  Ming-Qing Social Economic History; Chinese Urban History; Ming-Qing Cultural History
Wu, Jieh-min吳介民 Institute of Sociology Political sociology; political economy; Chinese political economy and social change; democracy in Taiwan
Wu, Ming-Jen吳明仁 Institute of Ethnology Socio-Cultural Anthropology
Wu, Nai-Teh吳乃德 Institute of Sociology Political Sociology
Wu, Rui-wen吳瑞文 Institute of Linguistics Descriptive Analysis; Historical Linguistics
Wu, Rwei-ren吳叡人 Institute of Taiwan History Comparative politics; political history and history of political thoughts(modern Taiwan and Japan); Asian nationalism
Wu, Tzung-Mou吳宗謀 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Legal History
Wu, Wen-Chin吳文欽 Institute of Political Science Comparative/International Political Economy; Political Methodology; Comparative Authoritarianism; Comparative Political Institutions
Wu, Xiu-an吳修安 Institute of History and Philology History Geography and Social History of the Tang and Song Dynasties
Wu, Yu-chuan巫毓荃 Institute of History and Philology History of Medicine; Psychiatry and Psychology in East Asia
Wu, Yu-Shan吳玉山 Institute of Political Science international and cross-Strait relations; constitutional engineering; Comparative transition of formerly socialist countries; Russian and East European studies
Wu, Zhe吳啟訥 Institute of Modern History History of the Communist Party of China; Modern and Contemporary China’s Ethnic Politics History
Xie, Xin-Zhe謝歆哲 Institute of Modern History History of Science; History of Knowledge
Yang, C.C.楊建成 Institute of Economics Public Economics; Political Economics
Yang, Chen-te楊貞德 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Modern Chinese intellectual history
Yang, Chih-Chun楊智鈞 Institute of Economics Game Theory; Economic Theory
Yang, Chin-lung楊晉龍 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Studies of the Odes; Siku studies; QianQianyi studies; educational thought
Yang, Ching-shuang楊景鸘 Institute of History and Philology Anthropology
Yang, Han楊宗翰 Institute of Economics International Trade; Macroeconomics
Yang, Hsi-mei楊希枚 Institute of History and Philology Anthropology
Yang, Hung-Jen楊弘任 Institute of Sociology Community Studies; STS; Social Theory and Modernity; Sociology of Technology; Sociology of Religion
Yang, Kuo-Shu楊國樞 Institute of Ethnology Social Psychology; Personality Psychology
Yang, Meng-li楊孟麗 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Applications of Multilevel Models; Issues in Education; Issues in Survey Research
Yang, Shih-feng楊時逢 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Linguistics
Yang, Shu-Chun S.楊淑珺 Institute of Economics Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Policy; Development Economics; DSGE Modeling
Yang, Shu-Yuan楊淑媛 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Aanthropology; Kinship and Personhood; Cultural Politics; Colonialism; Christianity
Yang, Tzu-Ting楊子霆 Institute of Economics Health Economics; Public Economics; Labor Economics
Yang, Wen-Shan楊文山 Institute of Sociology Social Survey and Research Method; Family Studies; Medical Sociology
Yang, Xiaobin楊小濱  Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy art; culture; film; literary and cultural theory; Contemporary Chinese literature
Yang, Ya-Wen楊雅雯 Institutum Iurisprudentiae Citizenship Theories; Normative Democratic Theories; Constitutional Theories; Equal Protection
Yang, Yu-Cheng楊玉成  Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 古典詩; 中國文論史; 評點研究
Yang, Zhong-Wei楊中薇 Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 
Yeh, Chuen-Rong葉春榮 Institute of Ethnology Silaya Pinpu; Han Chinese Religion; Historical Anthropology
Yeh, Chun-Hsien葉俊顯 Institute of Economics Game Theory; Political and Public Economy; Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics; Fair allocation mechanism design
Yeh, Kuang-Hui葉光輝 Institute of Ethnology Moral Development; Indigenous Psychology; Family Psychology; Social Psychology
Yen, Chuan-ying顏娟英 Institute of History and Philology Fine Arts Archaeology
Yen, Keng-wang嚴耕望 Institute of History and Philology history of systems; History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties
Yen, Shih-hsuan顏世鉉 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography
Yi, Chin-Chun伊慶春 Institute of Sociology Youth Studies; Family Sociology; Gender Roles
Yoo, Donghoon劉東勳 Institute of Economics Macroeconomics
Young, Conrad C. S.楊君實 Institute of History and Philology 
Yu, An-Bang余安邦 Institute of Ethnology Personality and Social Psychology; Cultural Psychology; Psychology of Religion; Education and Culture
Yu, Chien-ming游鑑明 Institute of Modern History Modern Chinese History of Education; History of Taiwan; Modern Chinese History of Women
Yu, Guang-Hong余光弘 Institute of Ethnology Cultural Anthropology
Yu, Kathy Yen-chuan俞彥娟 Institute of European and American Studies 
Yu, Miin-ling余敏玲 Institute of Modern History Soviet History; Party-State System Comparison; Modern China History; Sino-Russian Cultural Relations
Yu, Ruoh-Rong于若蓉 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Family; Gender; Survey Methodology; Labor
Yu, Shuenn-Der余舜德 Institute of Ethnology Anthropology of Sense; Historical Anthropology; Economic Anthropology
Yu, Ying-shih余英時 Institute of History and Philology Intellectual History of China; Social History of China
Yue, Chih-chia 于志嘉 Institute of History and Philology History of the Ming Dynasty
Yuen, Kwok-wa袁國華 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography
Zarrow, Peter沙培德 Institute of Modern History Modern chinese intellectual history; Intellectual and Cultural History
Zeitoun, Elizabeth齊莉莎 Institute of Linguistics Austronesian Linguistics; Language Archive; Typology; Functional Linguistics
Zhang, Guangda張廣達 Institute of History and Philology History of Central Asia during the Medieval Period; History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the Five Dynasties Period
Zhao, Lin趙林 Institute of History and Philology Chinese Paleography; History of the Yin (Shang) Dynasty
Zhao, Run-hai趙潤海 Institute of History and Philology 胡適思想研究
Zhu, Marlon朱瑪瓏 Institute of Modern History History of Science and Technology; Environmental History; GIS and Historical Studies; Nineteenth-cenyury Treaty Ports