Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Relation | scopus | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2006 | A common SCN5A polymorphsim attenuates a severe cardiac phenotype caused by a nonsense SCN5A mutation in a chinese family with an inherited cardiac conduction defect | Niu, D. M.; Hwang, B.; Hwang, H. W.; Wang, N. H.; Wu, J. Y.; Lee, P. C.; Chien, J. C.; Shieh, R. C.; Chen, Y. T. | J Med Genet 43(10), 817-821 | |||
2022 | A common variant in 11q23.3 associated with hyperlipidemia is mediated by the binding and regulation of GATA4 | Chou, WC; Chen, WT; Shen, CY | NPJ genomic medicine 7(1), 4 | |||
1992 | A community study of mental disorders among four aboriginal groups in Taiwan: a preliminary report. | Cheng, T. A.; Hsu, M. | Psychological Medicine 22, 255-263 | |||
1988 | A community study of minor psychiatric morbidity in Taiwan | Cheng, T. A. | Psychological Medicine 18(4), 953-968 | |||
2009 | A community-based study of case fatality proportion among those who carry out suicide acts. | Chen, V. C. H.; Cheng, A. T. A; Tan, H. K. L.; Chen, C. Y.; Chen, T. H. H.; Stewart, R.; Prince, M. | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 44, 1005-1011 | |||
2012 | A compact high-speed mechanical sample shuttle for field-dependent high-resolution solution NMR | Chou, C. -Y.; Chu, M.; Chang, C. -F.; Huang, T. -h. | JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE 214(1), 302-308 | |||
2012 | A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 | Lim, SS; Vos, T; Flaxman, AD; Danaei, G; Shibuya, K; Adair-Rohani, H; Amann, M; Anderson, HR; Andrews, KG; Aryee, M; Atkinson, C; Bacchus, LJ; Bahalim, AN; Balakrishnan, K; Balmes, J; Barker-Collo, S; Baxter, A; Bell, ML; Blore, JD; Blyth, F; Bonner, C; Borges, G; Bourne, R; Boussinesq, M; Brauer, M; Brooks, P; Bruce, NG; Brunekreef, B; Bryan-Hancock, C; Bucello, C; Buchbinder, R; Bull, F; Burnett, RT; Byers, TE; Calabria, B; Carapetis, J; Carnahan, E; Chafe, Z; Charlson, F; Chen, H; Chen, JS; Cheng, AT; Child, JC; Cohen, A; Colson, KE; Cowie, BC; Darby, S; Darling, S; Davis, A; Degenhardt, L; Dentener, F; Des Jarlais, DC; Devries, K; Dherani, M; Ding, EL; Dorsey, ER; Driscoll, T; Edmond, K; Ali, SE; Engell, RE; Erwin, PJ; Fahimi, S; Falder, G; Farzadfar, F; Ferrari, A; Finucane, MM; Flaxman, S; Fowkes, FG; Freedman, G; Freeman, MK; Gakidou, E; Ghosh, S; Giovannucci, E; Gmel, G; Graham, K; Grainger, R; Grant, B; Gunnell, D; Gutierrez, HR; Hall, W; Hoek, HW; Hogan, A; Hosgood, HD; Hoy, D; Hu, H; Hubbell, BJ; Hutchings, SJ; Ibeanusi, SE; Jacklyn, GL; Jasrasaria, R; Jonas, JB; Kan, H; Kanis, JA; Kassebaum, N; Kawakami, N; Khang, YH; Khatibzadeh, S; Khoo, JP; Kok, C; Laden, F; Lalloo, R; Lan, Q; Lathlean, T; Leasher, JL; Leigh, J; Li, Y; Lin, JK; Lipshultz, SE; London, S; Lozano, R; Lu, Y; Mak, J; Malekzadeh, R; Mallinger, L; Marcenes, W; March, L; Marks, R; Martin, R; McGale, P; McGrath, J; Mehta, S; Mensah, GA; Merriman, TR; Micha, R; Michaud, C; Mishra, V; Hanafiah, KM; Mokdad, AA; Morawska, L; Mozaffarian, D; Murphy, T; Naghavi, M; Neal, B; Nelson, PK; Nolla, JM; Norman, R; Olives, C; Omer, SB; Orchard, J; Osborne, R; Ostro, B; Page, A; Pandey, KD; Parry, CD; Passmore, E; Patra, J; Pearce, N; Pelizzari, PM; Petzold, M; Phillips, MR; Pope, D; Pope, CA; Powles, J; Rao, M; Razavi, H; Rehfuess, EA; Rehm, JT; Ritz, B; Rivara, FP; Roberts, T; Robinson, C; Rodriguez-Portales, JA; Romieu, I; Room, R; Rosenfeld, LC; Roy, A; Rushton, L; Salomon, JA; Sampson, U; Sanchez-Riera, L; Sanman, E; Sapkota, A; Seedat, S; Shi, P; Shield, K; Shivakoti, R; Singh, GM; Sleet, DA; Smith, E; Smith, KR; Stapelberg, NJ; Steenland, K; Stöckl, H; Stovner, LJ; Straif, K; Straney, L; Thurston, GD; Tran, JH; Van Dingenen, R; van Donkelaar, A; Veerman, JL; Vijayakumar, L; Weintraub, R; Weissman, MM; White, RA; Whiteford, H; Wiersma, ST; Wilkinson, JD; Williams, HC; Williams, W; Wilson, N; Woolf, AD; Yip, P; Zielinski, JM; Lopez, AD; Murray, CJ; Ezzati, M; AlMazroa, MA; Memish, ZA. | The Lancet 380(9859), 2224-2260 | |||
2010 | A comparative study to screen dementia and APOE genotypes in an ageing East African population | Chen, CH; Mizuno, T; Elston, R; Kariuki, MM; Hall, K; Unverzagt, F; Hendrie, H; Gatere, S; Kioy, P; Patel, NB; Friedland, RP; Kalaria, RN. | NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 31(5), 732-740 | |||
2010 | A comparative study to screen dementia and APOE genotypes in an ageing East African population. | Chen, CH; Mizuno, T; Elston, R; Kariuki, MM; Hall, K; Unverzagt, F; Hendrie, H; Gatere, S; Kioy, P; Patel, NB; Friedland, RP; Kalaria, RN | Neurobiology of aging 31(5), 732-740 | |||
1985 | A comparison between nociceptive reactions measured as tail-flick latency and squeak threshold in rats | Huang, K. H.; Shyu, B. C.; Andersson, S. A. | Zhen Ci Yan Jiu 10, 92-97 | |||
2006 | A comparison of individual genotyping and pooled DNA analysis for polymorphism validation prior to large-scale genetic studies | Yang, H. C. ; Lin, C. H.; Hung, S. I.; Fann, C. S. J. | ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS 70(3), 350-359 | |||
2006 | A comparison of major histocompatibility complex SNPs in Han Chinese residing in Taiwan and Caucasians | Yang, H. C. ; Lin, C. H.; Hsu, C. L.; Hung, S. I.; Wu, J. Y.; Pan, W. H. ; Chen, Y. T. ; Fann, C. S. J. | Journal of biomedical science 13, 489-498 | |||
2020 | A Comprehensive Analysis of FUT8 Overexpressing Prostate Cancer Cells Reveals the Role of EGFR in Castration Resistance | Hoti N; Lih TS; Pan J; Zhou Y; Yang G; Deng A; Chen L; Dong M; Yang RB ; Tu CF; Haffner MC; Kay Li Q; Zhang H | CANCERS 12(2), 468 | |||
2017 | A Comprehensive Analysis of Transcript-Supported De Novo Genes in Saccharomyces sensu stricto Yeasts | Lu, TC; Leu, JY; Lin, WC | Molecular biology and evolution 34(11), 2823-2838 | |||
2001 | A comprehensive inner-city asthma program reduces hospital and emergency room utilization | Harish, Z.; Bregante, A. C.; Morgan, C.; Fann, C. S.; Callaghan, C. M.; Witt, M. A.; Levinson, K. A.; Caspe, W. B. | Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology 86, 185-189 | |||
1986 | A Configurational Study of Poly (vinylamine) | Chang, C.; Muccio, D. D.; StPierre, T.; Chen, C.; Overberger, C. G. | Macromolecules 19 (3), 913–916 | |||
2005 | A Counting System for Magnesium-Rich Foods | Lee, NJ; Cheng, YY; Yeh, NH; Kao, MD; Pan, WH | Nutrition Sciences Journal 30(2), 64-80 | |||
2006 | A Counting System for Potassium-Containing Foods and Its Application for Increasing Dietary Potassium Intake | Weng, LC; Cheng, YY; Yeh, NH; Chin, HM; Pan, WH | Nutritional Science Journal 31(4), 102-116 | |||
1995 | A critical assessment of brain metabolites: analysis of perchloric acid extracts using proton nuclear magnetic resonance | Chang, C.; Chen, G. C.; Jang, T. | Neurosci Lett 196, 134-136 | |||
2008 | A critical evaluation of adenosine A2A receptors as potentially ““druggable”” targets in Huntington's disease | Popoli, P.; Blum, D.; Domenici, M. R.; Burnouf, S.; Chern, Y. | CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN 14(15), 1500-1511 |