Title: | The nature of Hα-selected galaxies along the huge cosmic web at z=0.4 revealed by Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey | Authors: | Yusei Koyama Masao Hayashi Masayuki Tanaka Tadayuki Kodama Rhythm Shimakawa Moegi Yamamoto Fumiaki Nakata Ichi Tanaka Tomoko Suzuki Ken-ichi Tadaki Atsushi J. Nishizawa Kiyoto Yabe Yoshiki Toba Lihwai Lin Hung-Yu Jian Yutaka Komiyama |
Issue Date: | 2018-01 | Relation: | PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 70(SP1), S21 | URI: | | ISSN: | | URL: | |
Appears in Collections: | 天文及天文物理研究所 |
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