公開日期 | 題名 | 作者 | 關聯 | scopus | WOS | 全文 |
2011 | 100年度哲學學門赴德國考察計畫-「東西跨文化研究」跨領域學術交流及前瞻議題之合作規劃 | 何乏筆 | 國科會 | | | |
2009 | 1949年與台灣的跨文化潛力 | 何乏筆 | 思想 第13期,頁175-187 | | | |
2005 | 90年代海外大陸詩隨筆 | 楊小濱 | 復旦詩派理論文集 (上海 : 復旦大學出版社) | | | |
1978 | A Comprehensive Study Guide to The Turn of the Screw | Peng, Hsiao-Yen | Taipei | | | |
2005 | A Hermeneutic Interpretation of Mencius by Zhu Xi | Lin, Wei-Chieh | | | | |
2008 | A Hermeneutic Interpretation of Mencius by Zhu Xi | Lin, Wei-Chieh | The Book of Mencius and Its Reception in China and Beyond (Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag) | | | |
2019 | A New Approach to Biography in Early Medieval China: The Case of Zuo Si | Zeb Raft | Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 55, 41-81 | | | |
2017 | A New Approach to Chinese Biography: The Case of Zuo Si | Zeb Raft | | | | |
2019 | A Sixteenth-Century Neo-Confucian Korean Critical Response to the Chinese Luo Zheng’an’s Theory of Human and Moral Mind | Yueh-hui Lin | Dao companion to Korean Confucian philosophy (Netherlands : Springer) | | | |
2015 | A Topology of the Self : Text and Author in Paul Ricoeur | HUANG, Kuan-Min | 哲學與文化 Universitas 101 - 124 | | | |
2009 | A Traveling Disease: The ‘Malady of the Heart’ and the Modern Boy | Peng, Hsiao-Yen | | | | |
2006 | A Traveling Text: Souvenirs entomologiques and Shanghai Neo-Sensationism | Peng, Hsiao-Yen | | | | |
2006 | A Traveling Text: Souvenirs entomologiques and Shanghai Neo-Sensationism | Peng, Hsiao-Yen | | | | |
2007 | A Traveling Text: Souvenirs entomologiques and Shanghai Neo-Sensationism | Peng, Hsiao-Yen | NTU Studies in Language and Literature (17), 1-42 | | | |
2020 | Aesopic Fables in the Context of Jesuit Mission in Late Ming China | Li, Sher-shiueh | Rivista degli Studi Orientali 2020, 17-35 | | | |
2017 | Aesthetic Cultivation and Creative Ascesis: Transcultural Reflections on the Late Foucault | Fabian Heubel | Human Affairs 27, 389-399 | | | |
2019 | Affective Communication and World: Tang Jun-yi's Cosmopolitan Conception of Inter-Religious Dialogue | Kuan-Min Huang | Taiwan Journal of Religious Studies 18(1), 101-126 | | | |
1992 | Aiqing yu lijiao zhijian: Zhongxi caizijiaren xiaoshuo (Between love and decorum: on the Chinese and Western Sentimental Novel) | Peng, Hsiao-yen | China Times, China Times Literary Supplement | | | |
2009 | Aistethik oder Transformative Philosophie und Kultur der Fadheit | Heubel, Fabian | Polylog, Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren 22, 35-53 | | | |
1979 | American Short Stories Annotated: Three Stories by Bernard Malamud | Peng, Hsiao-Yen | Taipei | | | |