Title: | A Ni(II) Dinuclear Complex Bridged by End-on Azide-N and Phenolate-O Atoms: Spectral Interpretation, Magnetism and Biological Study | Authors: | Kuheli Das Amitabha Datta Soumendranath Nandi Sandeep B. Mane Sudipa Mondal Chiara Massera Chittaranjan Sinha Chen-Hsiung Hung Tulin Askun Pinar Celikboyun Zerrin Cantürk Eugenio Garribba Takashiro Akitsu |
Issue Date: | 2015-06 | Relation: | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS 2, 749-762 | URI: | | URL: |!divAbstract |
Appears in Collections: | 化學研究所 |
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