Title: | The AKARI 2.5-5.0 mum Spectral Atlas of Type-1 Active Galactic Nuclei: Black Hole Mass Estimator, Line Ratio, and Hot Dust Temperature | Authors: | Kim, Dohyeong Im, Myungshin Kim, Ji Hoon Jun, Hyunsung David Woo, Jong-Hak Lee, Hyung Mok Lee, Myung Gyoon Nakagawa, Takao Matsuhara, Hideo Wada, Takehiko Oyabu, Shinki Takagi, Toshinobu Ohyama, Youichi Lee, Seong-Kook |
Issue Date: | 2015-01 | Relation: | ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES 216, 17 | URI: | | ISSN: | | URL: | |
Appears in Collections: | 天文及天文物理研究所 |
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