DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor | 資訊科學研究所 | - | | Wang, Patrick Shen-Pei | - | | 2020-10-21T07:12:04Z | - | | 2020-10-21T07:12:04Z | - | | 1979 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.sponsorship | 資訊科學研究所 | - |
dc.language.iso | en | - |
dc.relation.ispartof | TR-79-002 | - |
dc.title | Two-Dimensional Pattern Generation and Classification Using Array Grammars | - |
dc.type | technical report | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Syntactic Pattern Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Soft Decision Decoding on Linear Block Codes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 以結構分析法辨認中文字形 = Chinese Character Analysis Using Structural Approach | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 動態畫基本理論之研究 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 行政機關建立資訊系統 : 第一年前半期報告--辦公室作業流程模型 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 對美國國家標準局所訂「資料譯碼標準」之研究 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 具有多用者編輯能力之智慧型前端機 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 萬用資料輸入系統之設計 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 分散式資料庫系統之詢問處理 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Efficient Computing Of Joins by Means of Specialized Hardware | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 散佈資料庫系統的設計和建立 : 第一期報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Design and Implementation of A Relational Database Management System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 派翠網理論在通信協定上之應用 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Relational Database Machines | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Vlsi Matrix Manipulators for Feature Extraction and Pattern Classification | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Hardware Architecture for Computing Relational Joins and Projections | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Note on Protection of Context-Sensitive Information | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Pattern Recognition for Automatic Visual Inspection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 行政機關建立資訊系統計劃 : 第一年研究報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Prototype System for Office Procedure Automation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Integrated Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Vlsi Matrix Arithmetic Algorithms | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文字辨認系統研究計畫 : 第一期報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Simulator for Communication Protocols | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimization of Query Processing in Distributed Database Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Soft Decision Decoding Based on The Combinatorial Structures of Linear Codes: Generalized Minimum Distance Decoding on Majority Logic Decodabl Codes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 辦公室系統之塑模分析與設計 = Office Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Design | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 電腦輔助卡通設計系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文字體產製後處理器 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文字體自動產生之系統模型 = A System Model for Chinese Character Fonts Generation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 繪圖系統之介面常式使用手冊 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Statistical Approach to The Identification of a Three Dimensional Object Viewed from Random Directions | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Opas: An Integrated System for Office Procedure Automation = 一個整合性辦公室程序自動化系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 電腦動畫之數學模式 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 散佈資料庫系統的設計和建立 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Design and Implementation of a Front End Processor with Multiuser Remote Login Capability = 具有遠方直接使用能力的智慧型前端機 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文圖表自動產製 : 第一期報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | ACCFONT : 中文字自動產生系統使用者手冊 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Query Optimization in a Database Machine | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Efficient Computing of Relational Join Operations by Means of Specialized Hardware | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 計算機控制機械手計畫第一年報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文自動排版 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Structural Approach to Handwritten Numeral Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 從多方面來鑑別一三度空間物體 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Parallel Sorting and Data Partitioning by Sampling | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Office Information System Design Methodology for an Interactive Office Automation System = 一個整合性辦公室自動化系統之設計與實作計劃報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Geometric Complexity and Related Problems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Linear Time Algorithm for Partitioning a Set of Points in the Plane | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Some Combinatorial Identities in Computer Sorting | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 觸摸螢幕式辦公室資訊系統工作站之研製 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Agent Society Model for Office Information Systems = 由資訊驅動觀點建立辦公室資訊系統的通用模式計劃報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 可程式邏輯陣的邏輯簡化 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Vips: a Visual Programming Synthesizer | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Automatic Curve Fitting with Quadratic B-Spline Functions and its Application to Computer-Assisted Animation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Complex Chinese Character Image Recognition and Walsh Transform = 印刷複雜中文字照像識別及瓦氏轉換 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文語句分析的研究 : 斷詞與構詞 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Computational Approaches in the Research of Chinese Computer-Topological and Geometric Descriptions for Chinese Characters | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文語句分析系統的研究 : 語法及剖句 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Visual Programming Approach to Computer Aided Instructions | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Machine Stereo Vision = 機械立體視覺 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Statistical Theory of Edge Detection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 重疊物體的辨認 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 可靠的個人指紋鑑定法 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Visual Approach to Automatic Program Synthesizer | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Manipulation Language for Visual Programmings | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 人像識別 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 一個沒有混淆現象的中文注音輸入法之探討 = a Study of Disambiguous Chinese Phonetic Input | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 從多張二維影像中瞭解三維多面體之形狀 = Understanding of 3-D Polyhedra from Multiple Views | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Shape from Shading: a Nonlinear Approach | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Study on Two Geometric Location Problems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Unifying Maximum Cut and Minimum Cut of a Planar Graph | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Extended Visual Programming Synthesizer for Computer Aided Instruction Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Gridless Pattern Router with Global via Assignment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Development Metholodogy for Office Information Systems Based on the Society Model | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Fast Algorithm for Optimal Layer Assignment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Evaluation of Reduced-Radical Chinese Input Methods from Parsing Visual Routines | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 從多張二維影像中瞭解三維多面體之形狀 = Understanding of 3-D Polyhedral Object from Multiple Views | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Autoregressive-Moving Average Model for Shape Analysis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Heuristic Method for Separating Clusters from Noisy Background | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 評估標準鍵盤中文輸入法之模擬 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 標準鍵盤中文輸入法之評估 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 以字根圖像作印刷體中文字辨認的研究 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A New Chinese Character Thinning Algorithm Based on Tracing the Boundary | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 基於語意模型之資料庫管理系統設計 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Computer-Based Library Consultant System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Fast Algorithm for the Summation of Series | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Upper Bound for the Average Length of the Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Approximation Algorithm for Coloring Circular-Arc Graphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Simple Algorithm for the Maximum Independent Set Problem on Circular-Arc Graphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An O(Min[M.N,N2Loglogn]) Maximum Weight Clique Algorithm for Circular-Arc Graphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Perfect Graphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Visual Approach to Simulation of Icon-Based Chinese Input Methods | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Evaluation of Chinese Input Methods by S-P Chart Analysis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Formalization on Visual Programming Languages | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Automatic Evaluation on Radical-Based Chinese Input Methods / K. C. Cheng, S. Y. Hsu, M. S. Hwu and K. Y. Cheng. | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Bresenham'S Algorithm in Quadcodes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 從兩張折紙狀物體的二維影像決定其可見部份之運動參數 = Determination of Motion Parameters of Visible Portion Objects in Origami World from Two 2-D Images | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Dynamic Deferred Data Structuring | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 試論中文詞的分類與中文語法 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Range Based on Focusing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 個人指紋鑑定法系統之設計 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 碎形自然物的動態生成法 = Generating Natural Fratal Object in Animation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Generalization of the Locus Approach in Computational Geometry | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Finding All Shortest Path Edge Sequences on a Convex Polyhedron | - |
dc.relation.dataset | The Separability Problem in Dynamic Computational Geometry | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 以視覺方式描繪三維參數主構架動畫 = a Visual Approach to 3-D Parameter Keyframing for Animation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 一個動畫路徑控制系統之設計 = Design of an Animation Path Control System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 供動畫使用之物體外形生成系統 = a Shape Generation System for Animation Use | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 軟狀物體之產生及其動畫效果 = Generating Soft Objects with Animation Effect | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 變形物體運動模糊影像之產生 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 產生動態紋理方法之研究 = a Study of Dynamic Texturing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Dynamic Bucketing: a Data Structure for Fast Region Searches | - |
dc.relation.dataset | The via Minimization Problem | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Representing Large Cell Maps | - |
dc.relation.dataset | View Definition in an Object Oriented Database | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Statistical Line Detection and Its Extensions | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On the Formalization of Glyph in the Chinese Language | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文全文資料庫文字統計程式之開發與應用 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 國字整理小組十年 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Linear Time Algorithms for Weighted Tailored 2-Partition Problem and Weighted 2-Center Problem Under L{212221}-Distance | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 電腦繪圖模擬陶器製作之應用系統 = A Computer Graphics Application System for the Simulation of Pottery Manufacturing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 使用多面體集合運算於立體物之合成 = Using Set Operation of Polyhedra for 3D Object Synthesis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 軟狀物體的塑形與動畫研究 = Modeling and Animating on Soft Objects | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 一套產生動畫物體之造型及紋理系統 = An Object Modeling and Texturing System for Modeled Animation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 模擬氣球吹氣變形之動畫研究 = On Animating Balloon Deformation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 臉部表情之立體動畫效果 = Animation of Human Faces | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Modeling Deformable Objects Using a Linkage Model | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On the Cruising Guard Problem | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Approximation to Planar Curves by the Minimum Number of Piecewise Parabolas | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文字的放大與縮小系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Keep-Sliding Toboggan Segmentation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Optimal Stopping Rules in Software Reliability | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Interactive Dct Image Compression for Photo Storage | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Experimental Model of Chinese Textual Database | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Linear Time Optimal via Assignment Alogrithm for Three-Dimensional Channel Routing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Wen-Zi-Xue(文字學) Data Base the Itrix Chinese Computing Environment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Efficient and Accurate Camera Calibration Technique for 3D Computer Vision | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 中文字以"依序辨認之部首"之分類 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Accuracy Assessment on Camera Calibration Method not Considering Lens Distortion | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Corrections to "Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard-Real-Time Environment" | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Stroke-Based Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Neural Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Reducing Search Space for 3-D Object Recognition Using Art-1 Neural Network | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 廿五史的文字統計與分析 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Depth Recovery from Defocused Images | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Kinematic Identification of an Active Binocular System Using Stereo Vision | - |
dc.relation.dataset | New Techniques for Four- and Five-Layer Channel Routing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | New Recursive Algorithms for Computing the 1-D and 2-D Discrete Cosine Transforms | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Bar-Code Recognition System Using Backpropagation Neural Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Two-Level Approach to Information Retrieval(Preliminary Version) | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Compiling Efficient Programs for Tightly-Coupled Distributed Memory Computers | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Efficient Prime-Factor Algorithm for the Discrete Cosine Transform and its Hardware Implementations | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Mapping Nested Loop Algorithms Into Grid-Connected Systolic Arrays without Data Collisions in the Data Links | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 詹英本<文心雕龍義證>打字規則 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | <文書校對程式>使用說明書 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 工作站中英文資訊服務 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 個人電腦中英文資訊服務系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Efficient Algorithm for the 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 文件結構標誌手冊 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Four-Connecting a Triconnected Graph | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Comments on "A Linear Solution to the Kinematic Parameter Identification of Robot Manipulator" | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Efficient Algorithms for Data Distribution on Distributed Memory Multicomputers | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Kinematic Parameter Indentification of a Binocular Head and its Error Analysis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Continuous Media Recording for Video Conferencing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Minimum Delay of Nonpreemptive Real-Time Schedulings | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 資訊所資訊設備運用系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 資訊所人名資料查詢系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Wavelet-Based Shape from Shading | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Undirected Vertex-Connectivity Structure and Smallest Four-Vertex- Connectivity Augmentation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A New Wavelet-Based Edge Detector via Constrained Optimization | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A 3D Feature-Based Tracker for Tracking Multiple Moving Objects with a Controlled Binocular Head | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Image Registration Using a New Edge-Based Approach | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Steiner Problems on Directed Acyclic Graphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Compiler Techniques for Determining Data Distribution and Generating Communication Sets on Distributed-Memory Multicomputers | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 機器資料管理系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | PC/Windows網路應用軟體介紹 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 環境科學研究資訊系統八十四年度計畫報告 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Probabilistic Approach to the Problem of Automatic Selection of Data Representations | - |
dc.relation.dataset | In-Kernel Policy Interpretation for Application-Specific Memory Caching Management | - |
dc.relation.dataset | CFART: a New Multi-Resolutional Adaptive Resonance System for Object Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Cascade Fuzzy Adaptive Hamming Net: a Coarse-To-Fine Representation Scheme for Object Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 軟體暨物品管理系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Object Transaction Service in Corba | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Accuracy Analysis on the Estimation of Camera Parameters for Active Vision Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Calibration of an Active Binocular Head | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Adaptive Early Jump-Out Technique for Fast Motion Estimation in Video Coding | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Phoinix: a Fault-Tolerant Object Service in Oma | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimal Augmentation for Bipartite Componentwise Biconnectivity in Linear Time | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimal Bi-Level Augmentation for Selectively Enhancing Graph Connectivity with Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Panoramic Stereo Imaging with Complete-Focus Views for Virtual Reality | - |
dc.relation.dataset | The Bounded Loss Rate(Blr) Problems in Multicast Networks : Part I : Problem Formulation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Error Analysis on Closed-Form Solutions for Kinematic Calibration | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Shape from Texture: Direct Estimation of Planar Surface Orientations Using Continuous Wavelet Transform | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Multiscale Edge Detection in Range Images via Normal Changes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | WWW 資訊設備運用管理系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Fast Face Detection via Morphology-Based Pre-Processing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Disparity Morphing and Automatic Generation of Stereo Panoramas for Photo-Realistic Virtual Reality Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Graph Searching on Chordal Graphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Estimation of Fractional Brownian Motion Embedded in a Noisy Environment Using Non-Orthogonal Wavelets | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Robust Estimation of Planar Surface Orientation with Continuous Wavelet Transform | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimizations of Stored Vbr Video Transmission on Cbr Channel | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Face+Hair+Shoulders+Background≠Face | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Face Recognition Using a Face-Only Database : a New Approach | - |
dc.relation.dataset | High-Level Execution Time Analysis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Parametric Analysis of Computer Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Line Sweep Thinning Algorithm: a Complete Technical Report | - |
dc.relation.dataset | New Temporal Features for Robust Speech Recognition with Emphasis on Microphone Variations | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Character Extraction from Documents Using Wavelet Maxima | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Scsi Disk Model for Multimedia Storage Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Non-Intrusive Object Introspection in C++: Architecture and Application | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Generating Global Name-Space Communication Sets for Array Assignment Statements | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Wavelet-Based Off-Line Signature Verification | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An O(N Log N) R-B Curve Drawing Algorithm for the Admission Control of Vbr Video Transmission | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Ransac-Based Darces: a New Approach for Fast Automatic Registration of Partially Overlapping Range Images | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Why a Statistics-Based Face Recognition System Should Base its Recognition on the Pure Face Portion: a Probabilistic Decision-Based Proof | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Prototyping Sparse Fortran 90 Array Intrinsics with Standard ML Module System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Flash Memory Management for Lightweight Storage Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Toward Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Environment with an Active Binocular Head | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Cleaning Policies in Mobile Computers Using Flash Memory | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Integrated Core-Work for Fast Information-Appliance Buildup | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Stable Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Output Tracking in Composite Nonlinear Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Multiresolution Hadamard Representation and Its Applications to Document Image Analysis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Iterative Refinement and Condensation for State-Graph Construction | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Simple Model of Distributed Functional Data Structures and its Implementation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Using Data Clustering to Improve Cleaning Performance for Flash Memory | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Wavelet Keyhole Method: an Application of Wavelet Transform in Dynamic Mri | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Traffic-Smoothing for Delivery of Online Vbr Media Streams by a Dynamic Window-Based Approach | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Scheduling System Verification | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Edge and Node Searching Problems on Trees | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Estimation of 2-D Noisy Fractional Brownian Motion and Applications on Coastline Detection and Texture Segmentation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Experiences in Tuning a Software Mpeg Player | - |
dc.relation.dataset | The Recognition of the Aosp Digraphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Verification of Dynamic Linear Lists for All Numbers of Processes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Lyra: a System Framework in Supporting Multimedia Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Natural Language Agents : an Agent Society on the Internet | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 資訊所出勤系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 資訊所人事系統 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimal Bandwidth-Buffer Tradeoff for VBR Media Transmission Over the Relay-Server | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Acird: Intelligent Internet Documents Organization and Retrieval | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Automatic Verification of Pointer Data-Structures Systems for All Numbers of Processes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Automatic Data and Computation Decomposition on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A New Watermarking Technique for Multimedia Protection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Segmentation of Perspective Textured Planes Through the Ridges of Continuous Wavelet Transform | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Relational Database Approach to Bayesian Network Knowledge Discovery | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Cocktail Watermarking for Digital Image Protection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Efficient Data Structure for Fully Symbolic Verification of Real-Time Software Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Wrapper Agent Kernel(Shopbot Toolkit) Version 0.1 the Manual | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Region Encoding Diagram for Fully Symbolic Verification of Real-Time Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Multipurpose Watermarking for Image Authentication and Protection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Programming Graphical User Interfaces in Chinese with Ease | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Simplified Graph Formulation and Algorithms for Multi-Way Dataflow Constraints | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Recognition of and-or Series-Parallel Digraphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Retrieving Information from Document Images: Problems and Solutions | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Robust EZW Image Compression Using Rate-Distortion Analysis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Ellipsoidal Modeling for Articulated Robot Manipulators for Interactive Motion Planning | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Matching Pursuit Low-Bit Rate Video Coding with Dictionary Optimized by Shape-Gain Vector Quantizer | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Singularity Detection and Characterization with Complex-Valued Wavelets and their Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Fast and Accurate Collision Detection Based on Enclosed Ellipsoid | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Mean Quantization-Based Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Structural Digital Signature for Image Authentication: an Incidental Distortion Resistant Scheme | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimal Processor Mapping for Linear-Complement Communication on Hypercubes and their Variations | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Osc: Optimal Selective Caching for Video Transmission with Proxy Servers | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Control-Theoretic Method of Rate-Based Flow Control of Multimedia Communication | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Recognition of Replicated and-or Series-Parallel Digraphs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Clock Restriction Diagram: Yet Another Data-Structure for Fully Symbolic Verification of Timed Automata | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Parametric Optimization of Open Real-Time Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Denoising and Copy Attacks Resilient Watermarking by Exploiting Prior Knowledge at Detector | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Generic Validation of Structural Content with Parametric Modules | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Wavalet-based Active Contour Model for Object Segmentation and Tracking in Video Sequences | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Feedback-Controlled EDF Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time Multimedia Transmission | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A New Approach to Automatic Reconstruction of a 3-D World Using Active Stereo Vision | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On-Line Posture Generation of Redundant Manipulator for Collision Avoidance in Dynamic Environment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Purely Image-Based Approach to Augmenting Panoramas with Object Movies | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Effective approach to Video Staging in Streaming Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Geometric Interpretation and Comparisons of Enhancements of GJK Algorithm for Computing Euclidean Distance between Convex Polyhedra | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 使用可擴展標示語言製作台灣社會地圖(初步報告) An XML-based Taiwan Social Map (Preliminary Report) | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Fast Method for Robust Template Matching | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Compression of 3D Objects with Multistage Color-Depth Panoramic Maps | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Statistical Disclosure Control with General Cell Suppressions | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Maximum Rate Control of Worst-case Weighted Fair Queueing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Workshop Notes -- Towards the Foundation of Data Mining -- Vol 2 A Workshop held at the 6th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | - |
dc.relation.dataset | OC: An Optimal Cache Algorithm for Video Staging | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Path Planning Method Using Cubic Spiral with Curvature Constraint | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Distributed Mobile Robot Simulator and a Ball Passing Strategy | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Symbolic Simulation of Real-Time Concurrent Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Efficient Verification of Timed Automata with BDD-like Data-Structures | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Symmetric Symbolic Safety-Analysis of Concurrent Software with Pointer Data Structure | - |
dc.relation.dataset | OVL Assertion-Checking of Embedded Softwares with Dense-Time Semantics | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Learning Hybrid Poisson Aspect Model for Personalized Shopping Recommendation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Open Set Classification Based on Tolerance Interval For Speaker Verification System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Numerical Coverage Estimation for the Symbolic Simulation of Real-Time Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Improvements to Ellipsoidal Fit Based Collision Detection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Privacy Protection in Database Linking -- a Logical Viewpoint | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Quantitative Models for Privacy Protection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Preserving Confidentiality When Sharing Medical Database the Cellsecu System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Enhancing Collision Detection Method Based on Enclosed Ellipsoid by Facial Areas Splitting | - |
dc.relation.dataset | TCTL Inevitability Analysis of Dense-time Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Modular Transformation of Structural Content | - |
dc.relation.dataset | PSC: A Priority Selected Cache Algorithm for Streaming Video over Internet | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Fast Algorithms for Computing Self-Avoiding Walks and Mesh Intersections over Unstructured Meshes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Test for Interval Graph on Noisy Data | - |
dc.relation.dataset | FT-SOAP: A Fault-tolerant web service | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Resistance of Anti-Disclosure Image Watermark to Collusion and Copy Attacks: An Approach of Combining Perceptual Hash and Watermark | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Detail Implementation of FT-SOAP | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Towards Robust Image Watermarking: Combining Content-Dependent Key, Moment Normalization, and Side-Informed Embedding | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Efficient Implementation of the PC-Tree Algorithm of Shih & Hsu's Planarity Test | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Background Modeling for Real-Time Tracking | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Exponential Stabilization for Caplygin Systems Based on a Simplified Rank Condition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Nonlinear Boost | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A nested invocation suppression mechanism for active replication fault-tolerant CORBA | - |
dc.relation.dataset | The complete interface definition of fault tolerant web service via WSDL and OMG IDL | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Real-Time Frame-Dependent Wartermarking in MPEG-2 Video | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Bayesian Approach to Video Object Segmentation via Merging 3D Watershed Volumes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Learning Face Recognition Classifiers by Incorporating Human Perceptions | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Geometric Distortion-Resilient Image Hashing Scheme and its Applications on Copy Detection and Authentication | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Experiences in Implementing a Java Collaborative IDE over the Internet | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Dual-mode Exerciser for a Collaborative Computing Environment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Tree-Structured Persistence Server for Archiving Java Run-Time States | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Data Reduction Methods for Pattern Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Web-Based Collaborative Problem Solving Environment Part I: Knowledge Management | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Web-Based Collaborative Problem Solving Environment Part II: Tele-Conferencing System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Web-Based Collaborative Problem Solving Environment Part III: CSCW System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Predicting Travel Time through a Congested Road Segment using Regression in Time-Space Diagram | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Hybrid Method for Multiclass Classification and Its Application to handwritten Character Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Appointed BrOadcast (ABO): Reducing Routing Overhead in IEEE 802.11 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Background Modeling Using Phase Space for Day and Night Video Surveillance Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Palindrome-like Patterns in Genomes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | OHVPA: An On-Line Hose-Model VPN Provisioning Algorithm | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Block-Based SNR Scalable Wavelet Video Codec with Sub-pixel Motion Vectors and R-D Optimization | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Media Hash-dependent Image Watermarking Resilient Against Both Geometric Attacks and Estimation Attacks Based on False Positive-Oriented Detection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Proving∀µ -Calculus Properties with SAT-Based Model Checking | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Queuing Delay Propagation Model (QDPM)-based Queuing Region Determination for Available Bandwidth Estimation of Multimedia QoS | - |
dc.relation.dataset | SinicView: A Visualization Environment for Comparisons of Multiple Sequence Alignment Tools | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Enhanced Bulk Scheduling for Supporting End-to-End Delay Requirements | - |
dc.relation.dataset | User Scenarios and Designs of Smart Pantry, Object Locator and Walker’s Buddy: Consumer Electronicsfor the Elderly | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A General Model for Medication Scheduling | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Automatic Verification of a Model Checker in Rewriting Logic | - |
dc.relation.dataset | AgentToolboxVersion 2 User Manual | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Estimation of Skew Angles for Scanned Documents Based on Piecewise Covering by Parallelograms | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Application-layer Security Control for Real-time Video Streaming | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Active Feedback for Effective Web Search | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Video Delivery on Content Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Design and Implementation of Domain-Based Proxy Prefetching | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Improving End-to-End Performance of RED | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Aggressive Traffic Smoothing for Online Delivery | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 數位典藏國家型科技計畫 - 數位權利管理技術簡介 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Coalition Formation for Resource Co-allocation Using BDI Assignment Agents | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Generalized Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Micro-Matching Foundation of Neutral Technical Progress | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Real-Time Scheduling by Cascading | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Adaptive Prototype Classification Method with Applications to Genetic Marker Selection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On the Satisfiability of Modular Arithmetic Formula | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Smart Pantries for Homes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Scarce Resource Model for Medication Scheduling | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Test for Interval Graphs on Noisy Data – DNA Fragment Assembly | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Semantic Approach to Internet Tabular Information Extraction | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Compliance Enforcement of Temporal and Dosage Constraints | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Phylo-mLogo: An interactive multiple-logo visualization tool for large-number sequence alignments | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Analysis of Sampling-based Texture Synthesis as a Generalized EM Algorithm | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Analysis of Opportunistic Networks based on Realistic Network Traces | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Effective File Transfer for Opportunistic Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | The Web and Collaborative Geospatial Mapping: A Position Paper | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Algebra of Dependent Data Types | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Collaborative Assignment Using BDI Multiagent Negotiation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Design and Implementation of RFID-Based Object Locator | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Bee: A Best Effort Peer-to-Peer Delivery Protocol for Internet Data Dissemination Application | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Smallest Bipartite Bridge-connectivity Augmentation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Extracting Citation Relationships from Web Documents for Author Disambiguation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Consistency and Feasibility of Flexible Demand-Supply Constraints | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Automatic Derivation of Compositional Rules in Automated Compositional Reasoning | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Exact Collision Detection for Scaled Convex Polyhedral Objects | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Point-of-Care Support for Error-Free Medication Process | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Distributed Video Coding Based on Coding Mode-aided Motion Compensation and Robust Media Hashing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Video JET: Packet Loss-Resilient Video Joint Encryption and Transmission based on Media-Hash-Embedded Residual Data | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Component Model for SISARL Devices and Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Language Modeling Approach to Atomic Human Action Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On Using Probabilistic Forwarding to Improve HEC-based Data Forwarding in Opportunistic Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | On the Accuracy of Transmembrane Helix Prediction Methods Using an Updated Benchmark | - |
dc.relation.dataset | PPWeb: A Peer-to-Peer Approach for Web Surfing on the Go | - |
dc.relation.dataset | TJ2aEM: Targeted Aggressive Extrapolation Method for Accelerating the EM Algorithm | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Global and Componentwise Extrapolations for Accelerating Training of Bayesian Networks and Conditional Random Fields | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Boosting Multiclass Learning with Repeating Codes | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimizing Server Placement for Parallel I/O in Switch-Based Clusters | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimal Replica Placement in Data Grid Environments with Locality Assurance | - |
dc.relation.dataset | BibPro: A Citation Parser Based on Sequence Alignment Techniques | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Algorithms for Scheduling Interaction Medications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | 生醫資訊整合資料中心可行性評估之方法與芻議 | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Power-Rate-Distortion Optimized Resource Allocation for Low-Complexity Multiview Distributed Video Coding | - |
dc.relation.dataset | MaXIC-Q: A Fully Automated Generic Tool Using Statistical and Computational Methods for Protein Quantitation Based on Stable Isotope Labeling and LC-MS | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Embedded Workflow Framework for Flexible Robotic Devices | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Smart Tone Reproduction of Digital Images | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Analytical Study of Puzzle Selection Strategies for the ESP Game | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Web Surfing on the Go: A Scalable and Collaborative Internet Access Approach | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Online Boosted People Counting System for Electronic Advertising Machines | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Smart Medication Dispenser: Design, Architecture and Implementation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Bi-objective Optimization : An Online Algorithm for Job Assignment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Presence Directory | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Practical Pairwise Key Establishment Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks via Constrained Random Perturbation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | IDEAL-Q: An automated tool for label-free quantitation analysis using an efficient peptide alignment approach and spectral data validation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Playing GWAP With Strategies | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Tree Decomposition for Large-Scale SVM Problems: Experimental and Theoretical Results | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Binarization Method with Learning-Built Rules for Document Images Produced by Cameras | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Power-Rate-Distortion Optimized Resource-Scalable Low-Complexity Video Coding in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Protocols for Secure Multi-party Computation: Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Data-bandwidth-aware Job Scheduling Techniques in Distributed Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Multi-Camera Tracking System That Can always Select A Better View to Perform Tracking | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Adaptive Local Thresholding for Fluorescence Cell Micrographs | - |
dc.relation.dataset | EMWF: A Middleware for Flexible Automation and Assistive Devices | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Adaptive Multiple Feature Subset Method for Feature Ranking and Feature Selection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | GAPM–A Robust Algorithm for the Physical Mapping Problem | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Protein-Protein Interface Prediction based on a Novel SVM Speedup | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Heterogeneous Subset Sampling | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Recognition of Blurred License Plate Images | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Functional Specifications of the ezTrial Clinical Trial Information Management System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | User Guide of the ezTrial (beta) Clinical Trial Information Management System | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Homomorphic Encryption-based Secure SIFT for Privacy-Preserving Feature Extraction | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Compressing Trajectories Using Inter-Frame Coding | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Model and Simulation Environment for Symbiotic Automation and Assistive Devices | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Programming from Galois Connections - Principles and Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | SQLMR : A Scalable Database Management System for Cloud Computing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Inter-Thread Dataflow: from Testing to Fault Localization | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Workload-Aware VM Dynamic Provision Strategy for Cloud Computing | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Cyber-Physical Elements of Disaster Prepared Smart Environment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Workflow Architecture for Model-Based Development of User-Centric Automation and Assistive Devices | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Propagation-Based Image and Depth Reconstruction from A Space-Variant Defocused Image | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Integrated Network Mobility Management and Call Admission Control Scheme for Internet Access on High-speed Trains | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Compressive Image Sensing: Turbo Fast Recovery with Lower-Frequency Measurement Sampling | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Learning Boolean Functions Incrementally | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Construction of Gene Clusters Resembling Genetic Causal Mechanisms for Common Complex Disease with an Application to Young-Onset Hypertension | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Dynamic Binary Translation System in a Client/Server Environment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Improving Region SelectionThrough Early-Exit Detection | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Ubiquitous Smart Devices and Applications for Disaster Preparedness | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Ranking and Selecting Features Using an Adaptive Multiple Feature Subset Method | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Novel Approach for Efficient Big Data Broadcasting | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Framework for Fusion of Symbiotic Human Sensor and Physical Sensor Data | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Robust Action Recognition via Borrowing Information across Video Modalities | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Null Space Component Analysis for Noisy Blind Source Separation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Framework for Fusion of Human Sensor and Physical Sensor Data | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Proximal Method for Dictionary Updating in Sparse Representations | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Signal Separation Using Re-Weighted and Adaptive Morphological Component Analysis | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Review and Implementation of High-Dimensional Local Binary Patterns and Its Application to Face Recognition | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Exploring Google Glass for the Future Wearable Social Network and Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | BeDIPS A Building/environment Data Based Indoor Positioning Service | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Optimizing Control Transfer and Memory Virtualization in Full System Emulators | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Asymmetry-aware Energy-efficientHypervisor Scheduling Policy for Asymmetric Multi-core | - |
dc.relation.dataset | An Agent-Based Disaster Simulation Environment | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Data Requirements of Intelligent Indoor Emergency Evacuation Systems | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Model-Based Anomaly Detection on Network Services | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Participant Selection Problem - Relative Performance of Five Optimization Solvers | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Building/environment Data/information Enabled Location Specificity and Indoor Positioning | - |
dc.relation.dataset | THE PROJECTIVE LINE AS A MERIDIAN | - |
dc.relation.dataset | THE HOMOGRAPHY GROUP (PGL(2,F)) OF A MERIDIAN AS A LIBRA | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Reactive human-aware wall following for indoor mobile robot | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Efficient Randomized Algorithms for Large-scaled Exact Matchings with Multiple Controls: Implementation and Applications | - |
dc.relation.dataset | The Spiral Assembler: An Iterative Process of NGS De Novo Genome Assembly with Machine-Learning for Subset Selection on Quality-Score and K-Mer Landscape | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Building/environment Data/information System for Fine-Scale Indoor Location Specific Services | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Safe and shorter path planning for autonomous mobile robots by multi-objective island-based parallel genetic algorithm with dominating pool | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Real-Time Hydrodynamic-based Obstacle Avoidance for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with Curvature Constraints | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A Prehistoric Calculator | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Equational reasoning for non-determinism monad: the case of Spark aggregation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Calculating a backtracking algorithm: an exercise in monadic program derivation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | MinProtMaxVP: Generating a minimized number of protein variant sequences containing all possible variant peptides by solving a set covering problem | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Methods for Determining Indoor Positions of Tracked Objects | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Time-optimized velocity trajectory of a bounded-input double integrator with uncertainties: a solution based on PILCO | - |
dc.relation.dataset | A New Chinese Character Thinning Algorithm Based on Tracing the Boundary | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Turning with Curvature Constraint: G3 Trajectory Solution Using Seventh Degree B´ezier Curves Design | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Projective Space as a Set with a Group of Permutations: A Preliminary Presentation | - |
dc.relation.dataset | Projective space in the spirit of Klein’s Erlanger Programm | - |
dc.relation.publication | 技術報告(資訊所) | - |
dc.identifier.url | | - |
dc.identifier.url | | - |
dc.description.note | 未出版 | - |
item.languageiso639-1 | en | - |
item.cerifentitytype | Publications | - |
item.grantfulltext | none | - |
item.openairetype | technical report | - |
item.fulltext | no fulltext | - |
item.openairecristype | | - |
Appears in Collections: | 資訊科學研究所 |
Items in DSpace are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated.