
Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024The hyphal-specific toxin candidalysin promotes fungal gut commensalismLiang, SH; Sircaik, S; Dainis, J; Kakade, P; Penumutchu, S; McDonough, LD; Chen, YH ; Frazer, C; Schille, TB; Allert, S; Elshafee, O; Hanel, M; Mogavero, S; Vaishnava, S; Cadwell, K; Belenky, P; Perez, JC; Hube, B; Ene, IV; Bennett, RJNature 627(8004), 620-627
22023Spatiotemporal-social association predicts immunological similarity in rewilded miceDownie, AE; Oyesola, O; Barre, RS; Caudron, Q; Chen, YH ; Dennis, EJ; Garnier, R; Kiwanuka, K; Menezes, A; Navarrete, DJ; Mondragon-Palomino, O; Saunders, JB; Tokita, CK; Zaldana, K; Cadwell, K; Loke, P; Graham, ALScience advances 9(51), eadh8310
32023Antimicrobial overproduction sustains intestinal inflammation by inhibiting Enterococcus colonizationJang, KK; Heaney, T; London, M; Ding, Y; Putzel, G; Yeung, F; Ercelen, D; Chen, YH ; Axelrad, J; Gurunathan, S; Zhou, C; Podkowik, M; Arguelles, N; Srivastava, A; Shopsin, B; Torres, VJ; Keestra-Gounder, AM; Pironti, A; Griffin, ME; Hang, HC; Cadwell, KCell host & microbe 31(9), 1450-1468.e8
42023Rewilding of laboratory mice enhances granulopoiesis and immunity through intestinal fungal colonizationChen, YH ; Yeung, F; Lacey, KA; Zaldana, K; Lin, JD; Bee, GCW; McCauley, C; Barre, RS; Liang, SH; Hansen, CB; Downie, AE; Tio, K; Weiser, JN; Torres, VJ; Bennett, RJ; Loke, P; Graham, AL; Cadwell, KScience immunology 8(84), eadd6910
52022Into the wild: How exposure to wild or domesticated fungi shapes immune responses in miceChen, YH ; Cadwell, KPLoS pathogens 18(10), e1010841
62022Variable susceptibility of intestinal organoid–derived monolayers to SARS-CoV-2 infectionJang, KK; Kaczmarek, ME; Dallari, S; Chen, YH ; Tada, T; Axelrad, J; Landau, NR; Stapleford, KA; Cadwell, KPLoS biology 20(3), e3001592
72020Rewilding Nod2 and Atg16l1 Mutant Mice Uncovers Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Microbial Responses and Immune Cell CompositionLin, JD; Devlin, JC; Yeung, F; McCauley, C; Leung, JM; Chen, YH ; Cronkite, A; Hansen, C; Drake-Dunn, C; Ruggles, KV; Cadwell, K; Graham, AL; Loke, PCell host & microbe 27(5), 830-840.e4
82020Altered Immunity of Laboratory Mice in the Natural Environment Is Associated with Fungal ColonizationYeung, F; Chen, YH ; Lin, JD; Leung, JM; McCauley, C; Devlin, JC; Hansen, C; Cronkite, A; Stephens, Z; Drake-Dunn, C; Fulmer, Y; Shopsin, B; Ruggles, KV; Round, JL; Loke, P; , Graham, AL; Cadwell, KCell host & microbe 27(5), 809-822.e6
92020An intestinal organoid–based platform that recreates susceptibility to T-cell–mediated tissue injuryMatsuzawa-Ishimoto, Y; Hine, A; Shono, Y; Rudensky, E; Lazrak, A; Yeung, F; Neil, JA; Yao, X; Chen, YH ; Heaney, T; Schuster, SL; Zwack, EE; Axelrad, JE; Hudesman, D; Tsai, JJ; Nichols, K; Dewan, MZ; Cammer, M; Beal, A; Hoffman, S; Geddes, B; Bertin, J; Liu, C; Torres, VJ; Loke, P; van, den, Brink, MRM; Cadwell, KBlood 135(26), 2388-2401
102017Catch and Release of Cytokines Mediated by Tumor Phosphatidylserine Converts Transient Exposure into Long-Lived InflammationOyler-Yaniv, J; Oyler-Yaniv, A; Shakiba, M; Min, NK; Chen, YH ; Cheng, SY; Krichevsky, O; Altan-Bonnet, N; Altan-Bonnet, GMolecular cell 66(5), 635-647.e7
112015Phosphatidylserine vesicles enable efficient en bloc transmission of enterovirusesChen, YH ; Du, W; Hagemeijer, MC; Takvorian, PM; Pau, C; Cali, A; Brantner, CA; Stempinski, ES; Connelly, PS; Ma, HC; Jiang, P; Wimmer, E; Altan-Bonnet, G; Altan-Bonnet, NCell 160(4), 619-630
122015Intercellular Transmission of Viral Populations with VesiclesAltan-Bonnet, N; Chen, YH Journal of virology 89(24), 12242-12244
132014An interaction between glutathione and the capsid is required for the morphogenesis of C-cluster enterovirusesMa, HC; Liu, Y; Wang, C; Strauss, M; Rehage, N; Chen, YH ; Altan-Bonnet, N; Hogle, J; Wimmer, E; Mueller, S; Paul, AV; Jiang, PPLoS pathogens 10(4), e1004052
142013Enteroviruses harness the cellular endocytic machinery to remodel the host cell cholesterol landscape for effective viral replicationIlnytska, O; Santiana, M; Hsu, NY; Du, WL; Chen, YH ; Viktorova, EG; Belov, G; Brinker, A; Storch, J; Moore, C; Dixon, JL; Altan-Bonnet, NCell host & microbe 14(3), 281-293
152010Viral reorganization of the secretory pathway generates distinct organelles for RNA replicationHsu, NY; Ilnytska, O; Belov, G; Santiana, M; Chen, YH ; Takvorian, PM; Pau, C; van der Schaar, H; Kaushik-Basu, N; Balla, T; Cameron, CE; Ehrenfeld, E; van Kuppeveld, FJ; Altan-Bonnet, NCell 141(5), 799-811