
Results 1-22 of 22 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12013Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O (Ptpro) regulates cerebellar formation during zebrafish development through modulating Fgf signalingLiao, WH; Cheng, CH; Hung, KS; Chiu, WT; Chen, GD; Hwang, PP ; Hwang, SP ; Kuan, YS ; Huang, CJ Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS 70, 2367-2381
22011Laser application and embryonic development researchChiu, Yi-Chieh; Tsai, Ming-Chang; Kuan, Yung-Shu 
32011Molecular dissection of habenular axonal target recognitionLang, Wei-Han; You, Yuan-Ding; Kuan, Yung-Shu 
42011Molecules involving in habenular axonnal guidance in zebrafish larvaeLang, Wei-Han; You, Yuan-Ding; Kuan, Yung-Shu 
52010Neurogenesis of habenula nuclei requires Wntless activity in zebrafishKuan, Yung-Shu ; Akitake, Courtney; Gamse, Joshua T.; Fortuno, Lea; Wolf-Saxon, Emma; Donn, Thomas; Wu, Bo-Tsung; Moens, Cecilia B.; Halpern, Marnie E.
62009Drosophila Suppressor of sable protein (Su(s)) promotes degradation of aberrant and transposon-derived RNAs.Kuan, YS ; Brewer-Jensen, P; Bai, WL; Hunter, C; Wilson, CB; Bass, S; Abernethy, J; Wing, JS; Searles, LLMolecular and cellular biology 29(20), 5590-603
72009Study of Wntless during Zebrafish Embryonic Development.Kuan, Y. S. 
82008Role of Wntless in habenular development - are mutants Wnt less?Kuan, Y. S. ; Gamse, J. T.; Fortuno, L.; Wolf-Saxon, E.; Donn, T.; Moens, C. B.; Halpern, M. E.
92008Zebrafish Wntless mediates habenular neurogenesis.Kuan, YS ; Gamse, JT; Fortuno, L; Wolf-Saxon, E; Donn, T; Moens, CB; Halpern, MECurr. Biol Abstract
102007Zebrafish Wntless-related protein is required for habenular development.Kuan, Y. S. ; Gamse, J. T.; Halpern, M. E.
112007Selective asymmetry in a conserved forebrain to midbrain projection.Kuan, YS ; Gamse, JT; Schreiber, AM; Halpern, MEJournal of experimental zoology. Part B. Molecular and developmental evolution 308(5), 669-78
122007Neuropilin asymmetry mediates a left-right difference in habenular connectivity.Kuan, YS ; Yu, HH; Moens, CB; Halpern, MEDevelopment 134(5), 857-65
132006Class III Semaphorin Signaling is Required for Differential Target Recognition by the Left and Right Habenular Nuclei.Kuan, Y. S. ; Yu, H. H.; Moens, C. B.; Halpern, M. E.
142006Class III Semaphorin Signaling is Required for Differential Target Recognition by the Left and Right Habenular Nuclei.Kuan, Y. S. ; Yu, H. H.; Moens, C. B.; Halpern, M. E.
152005Genetic analysis of habenular development.Kuan, Y. S. ; Gamse, J. T.; Halpern, M. E.
162005Directional asymmetry of the zebrafish epithalamus guides dorsoventral innervation of the midbrain target.Gamse, JT; Kuan, YS ; Macurak, M; Brosamle, C; Thisse, B; Thisse, C; Halpern, MEDevelopment 132(21), 4869-81
172004Projections from the left-right habenular nuclei innervate both distinct and overlapping domains in the interpeduncular nuleus.Kuan, Y. S. ; Halpern, M. E.
182004Left-Right asymmetry in Zebrafish forebrain.Kuan, Y. S. ; Gamse, J. T.; Macurak, M.; Halpern, M. E.
192004Suppressor of sable, a putative RNA-processing protein, functions at the level of transcription.Kuan, YS ; Brewer-Jensen, P; Searles, LLMolecular and cellular biology 24(9), 3734-46
202002Suppressor of sable [Su(s)] is a complex regulator containing multiple transcriptional repression and activation domains.Kuan, Y. S. ; Searles, L. L.
211996Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate binding to the pleckstrin homology domain of phospholipase C-delta1 enhances enzyme activity.Lomasney, JW; Cheng, HF; Wang, LP; Kuan, Y ; Liu, S; Fesik, SW; King, KThe Journal of biological chemistry 271(41), 25316-26
221996Positive charge at position 549 is essential for phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-hydrolyzing but not phosphatidylinositol-hydrolyzing activities of human phospholipase C delta1Wang, LP; Lim, C ; Kuan, Y ; Chen, CL; Chen, HF; King, KJournal of Biological Chemistry 271(40), 24505-24516