
Results 1-30 of 30 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12017Aging, Taxation and Population Policy on Developing EconomiesEkapirak, T; Hsu, M; Liao, P-J 
22016To Stay or to Migrate? The One-child Policy, Land Entitlement and Work-based Migration in ChinaLiao, P-J ; Wang, P; Wang, Y-C; Yip, C-K
32015Education and Rural-urban Migration: The Role of Zhaosheng in ChinaLiao, P-J ; Wang, P; Wang, Y-C; Yip, C-K
42014Education and Migration: The Role of Zhaosheng in ChinaLiao, P-J ; Wang, P; Wang, Y-C; Yip, C-K
52014Education and Migration: The Role of Zhaosheng in ChinaLiao, P-J ; Wang, P; Wang, Y-C; Yip, C-K
62014Revisiting Private Health Insurance and Precautionary Saving – A Theoretical and Empirical AnalysisHsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Lin, C-C 
72014Controlling Fertility or Investing in Health? The case of IndiaLiao, P-J 
82014Revisiting Private Health Insurance and Precautionary Saving – A Theoretical and Empirical AnalysisHsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Lin, C-C 
92014Financing National Health Insurance: Challenge of Fast Population AgingHsu, M; Liao, P-J 
102013Financing National Health Insurance: Challenge of Fast Population AgingHsu, M; Liao, P-J 
112013Financing National Health Insurance: Challenge of Fast Population AgingHsu, M; Liao, P-J 
122013Accounting for China’s Long-term Growth: How Important is Demographic Change?Hsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Zhao, M
132013On the Dynamics of Homeownership: The Impact of AgingHsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Lin, C-C 
142013Revisiting Private Health Insurance and Precautionary Saving – A Theoretical and Empirical AnalysisHsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Lin, C-C 
152013The One-child Policy: A Macroeconomic AnalysisLiao, P-J JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS101(1), 49-62
162012Accounting for China’s Long-term Growth: How Important is Demographic Change?Hsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Zhao, M
172011Accounting for China’s Long-term Growth: How Important is the Demographic Change?Hsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Zhao, M
182011Revisiting Private Health Insurance and Precautionary Saving – A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.Hsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Lin, C-C 
192011Accounting for China’s Long-term Growth: How Important is the Demographic Change?Hsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Zhao, M
202011Does Demographic Change Matter for Growth?Liao, P-J EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 55(5), 659-677
212010The One-child Policy:A Macroeconomic AnalysisLiao, P-J 
222010Accounting for China’s Long-term Growth: How Important is the Demographic Change?Hsu, M; Liao, P-J ; Zhao, M
232010The One-child Policy: A Macroeconomic AnalysisLiao, P-J 
242010The One-child Policy: A Macroeconomic AnalysisLiao, P-J 
252010Business Cycle Stabilization and Unemployment Insurance: Impacts on Welfare and Wealth DistributionHsu, M; Liao, P-J 
262009The One-child Policy: A Macroeconomic AnalysisLiao, P-J 
272009Measuring the Effects of the One-child Policy on Fertility and Economic Growth in ChinaLiao, P-J 
282009Does Demographic Change Matter for Growth?Liao, P-J 
292009The One-child Policy: A Macroeconomic AnalysisLiao, P-J 
302008Does Demographic Change Matter for Growth?Liao, P-J