
Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12013Electronic and atomic structures of gasochromic V2O5 filmsC. L. Chen ; C. L. Dong; Y. K. Ho; C. C. Chang ; D. H. Wei; T. C. Chan; J. L. Chen; W. L. Jang; C. C. Hsu; Krishna Kumar; M. K. Wu Europhysics Letters 101(1), 17006
22011Convective solution transport — An improved technique for the growth of big crystals of the superconducting α-FeSe using KCl as solventRao, S. M.; Mok, B. H.; Ling, M. C.; Ke, C. T. ; Chen, T. K.; Tsai, I.-M.; Lin, Y.-L.; Liu, H. L.; Chen, C. L. ; Hsu, F. C.; Huang, T. W.; Wu, T. B.; Wu, M. K. Journal of Applied Physics 110(11), 113919
32011Characterization of multiferroic LiTMxCu2−xO2 (TM=Ni and Zn) single crystalsChao, Wei-Hsiang; Yeh, Kuo-Wei; Chen, Ta-Kun; Chen, Chi-Liang ; Zhao, Li; Chang, Chung-Chieh ; Huang, Tzu-Wen; Ke, Chung-Ting ; Wu, Mau-Kuen Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72(5), 601-603
42010Nonstoichiometry of LixCu2O2+δ single crystal and its relation to magnetic orderingYeh, K. W.; Huang, T. W.; Ke, C. T. ; Wu, P. M.; Zhao, L.; Chao, W. H.; Lee, Y. C.; Chen, C. L. ; Wu, M. K. Journal of Applied Physics 108(8), 083919
52009Growth and Investigation of Crystals of the New Superconductor α-FeSe from KCl SolutionsMok, B. H.; Rao, S. M.; Ling, M. C.; Wang, K. J.; Ke, C. T. ; Wu, P. M.; Chen, C. L. ; Hsu, F. C.; Huang, T. W.; Luo, J. Y.; Yan, D. C.; Ye, K. W.; Wu, T. B.; Chang, A. M.; Wu, M. K. Crystal Growth & Design 9(7), 3260-3264
62009The Development of the Superconducting PbO-type β–FeSe and Related CompoundsWu, M. K. ; Hsu, F. C.; Yeh, K. W.; Huang, T. W.; Luo, J. Y.; Wang, M. J. ; Chang, H. H.; Chen, T. K.; Rao, S. M.; Mok, B. H.; Chen, C. L. ; Huang, Y. L.; Ke, C. T.; Wu, P. M.; Chang, A. M.; Wu, C. T.; Perng, T. P.Physica C: Superconductivity 469(9-12), 340-349
72008Tellurium substitution effect on superconductivity of the α-phase Iron SelenideYeh, K. W.; Huang, T. W.; Huang, Y. L.; Chen, T. K.; Hsu, F. C.; Wu, Phillip M.; Lee, Y. C.; Chu, Y. Y.; Chen, C. L. ; Luo, J. Y.; Yan, D. C.; Wu, M. K. Europhysics Letters 84(3), 37002
82008Electronic structure of CeCo2 thin films studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopyDong, C. L. ; Asokan, K.; Chen, Y. Y. ; Chen, C. L. ; Chen, J. L.; Liu, Y. S.; Lee, J. F.; Guo, J. -H.; Chang, C. L.Physica B: Condensed Matter 403(5-9), 854-855