
Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
22008Zebrafish cdx1b regulates expression of downstream factors of Nodal signaling during early endoderm formationCheng, PY; Lin, CC; Wu, CS; Lu, YF; Lin, CY; Chung, CC; Chu, CY; Huang, CJ ; Tsai, CY; Korzh, S; Wu, JL ; Hwang, SP Development 135(5), 941-952
41998Involvement of serine proteinase in infectious pancreatic necrosis virus capsid protein maturation and NS proteinase cleavage in CHSE-214 cellsWu, J. L. ; Hong, J. R.; Chang, C. Y.; Hui, C. F. ; Liao, C. F. ; Hsu, Y. L.Journal of Fish Diseases 21(3), 215-220