第 1 到 34 筆結果,共 34 筆。

32012The motivational structure in practical reasonHo, Jih-Ching Philosophical Review (National Taiwan University) 44, 73-102
52011Akrasia and KnowledgeHo, Jih-Ching 
62011Practical Reason and MotivationHo, Jih-Ching 
72010Internal and External ReasonsHo, Jih-Ching 
82010Reasons for ActionHo, Jih-Ching 
92010實現羅逖何志青 哲學分析與視域交融 (台北市 : 臺大出版中心)
102010Epistemological entitlement and practical reasonHo, Jih-Ching NCCU Philosophical Journal 23, 117-138
112009A simple viewHo, Jih-Ching 
122009推論證成與遵循規則何志青 國立臺灣大學哲學論評 38期,頁63-90
142008The infinite regress of inferential justificationHo, Jih-Ching 
152008論信念:評林從一《思想、語言、社會、世界:戴維森的詮釋理論》何志青 東吳哲學學報 第17卷,頁117-125
162007Inferential justificationHo, Jih-Ching 
172007Reasonable and Factive EntitlementsHo, Jih-Ching 
182007知識論的興起與轉折何志青 當代雜誌 第236期,頁68-91
192007The Dual Components of Perceptual ExperienceHo, Jih-Ching EurAmerica 37(1), 35-71
202007知識論之興起與轉折何志青 行政院國家科學委員會
212007知識是否為證成之真信念?何志青 行政院國家科學委員會
222007Reasonable and Factive EntitlementsHo, Jih-Ching Philosophie der Informationsgesellschaft (Philosophy of the Information Society) (Kirchberg am Wechsel : The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society)
242004A Neo-pragmatist Approach to the Theory of KnowledgeHo, Jih-Ching 國立政治大學哲學學報 第12期,頁27-70
252003Is justified true belief knowledge?Ho, Jih-Ching 
272002The pragmatic turn in epistemologyHo, Jih-Ching 
282002Inferentialism, conceptualism, and social pragmatismHo, Jih-Ching Philosophical Review (National Taiwan University) 25, 137-175
292001Rational animalsHo, Jih-Ching 
301999Mind and Language: Collected Papers from 1995 International Workshop on Mind & LanguageJih-Ching Ho Taipei
311995第四屆美國文學與思想研討會論文選集:哲學篇何志青 ; 洪裕宏台北市
321995Mind and cognition: collected papers from 1993 International Symposium on Mind & CognitionYu-Houng Houng; Jih-Ching Ho Taipei
331991Weakness of will : a conflict between evaluation and motivationHo, Jih-Ching Rochester University, Department of Philosophy, 207 p.
34-知覺與知識之選言理論何志青 行政院國家科學委員會