
Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021Somite Compartments in Amphioxus and Its Implications on the Evolution of the Vertebrate Skeletal TissuesYong, Luok Wen; Lu, Tsai-Ming ; Tung, Che-Huang; Chiou, Ruei-Jen; Li, Kun-Lung; Yu, Jr-Kai Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9, 607057
22021The evolution of the metazoan Toll receptor family and its expression during protostome developmentOrús-Alcalde, Andrea; Lu, Tsai-Ming ; Børve, Aina; Hejnol, AndreasBMC Ecology and Evolution 21, 208
32021Xarifiid Copepods (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Xarifiidae) Parasitic in the Coral Psammocora columna Dana, 1846 from TaiwanYu-Rong Cheng; Tsai-Ming Lu ; De-Sing DingAnimals : an open access journal from MDPI 11(10), 2847
42018Chitin-based barrier immunity and its loss predated mucus-colonization by indigenous gut microbiota.Nakashima, K; Kimura, S; Ogawa, Y; Watanabe, S; Soma, S; Kaneko, T; Yamada, L; Sawada, H; Tung, CH; Lu, TM ; Yu, JK ; Villar-Briones, A; Kikuchi, S; Satoh, NNature Communications 9, 3402
52017Constrained vertebrate evolution by pleiotropic genes.Hu, H; Uesaka, M; Guo, S; Shimai, K; Lu, TM ; Li, F; Fujimoto, S; Ishikawa, M; Liu, S; Sasagawa, Y; Zhang, G; Kuratani, S; Yu, JK; Kusakabe, TG; Khaitovich, P; Irie, NNature ecology & evolution 1, 1722-1730
62015The Nodal signaling pathway controls left-right asymmetric development in amphioxusSoukup, V; Yong, LW; Lu, TM ; Huang, SW; Kozmik, Z; Yu, JK EvoDevo 6, 5
72014Genome-wide survey and expression analysis of the bHLH-PAS genes in the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae reveal both conserved and diverged expression patterns between cephalochordates and vertebrates.Li, KL; Lu, TM ; Yu, JK EvoDevo 5, 20
82012BMP and Delta/Notch signaling control the development of amphioxus epidermal sensory neurons: insights into the evolution of the peripheral sensory system.Lu, TM ; Luo, YJ ; Yu, JK Development 139(11), 2020-2030