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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021Comparative analysis of embryo proper and suspensor transcriptomes in plant embryos with different morphologiesChen, M; Lin, JY ; Wu, X; Apuya, NR; Henry, KF; Le, B; Bui, AQ; Pelletier, JM; Cokus, S; Pellegrini, M; Harada, JJ; Goldberg, RBPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 118(6), e2024704118
22018Seed genome hypomethylated regions are enriched in transcription factor genesChen, M.; Lin, J.Y. ; Hur, J.; Pelletier, J.M.; Baden, R.; Pellegrini, M.; Harada, J.; Goldberg, R.BPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 115(35), E8315-E8322
32017Similarity between soybean and Arabidopsis seed methylomes and loss of non-CG methylation does not affect seed development.Lin, JY ; Le, BH; Chen, M; Henry, KF; Hur, J; Hsieh, TF; Chen, PY ; Pelletier, JM; Pellegrini, M; Fischer, RL; Harada, JJ; Goldberg, RBProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114(45), E9730-E9739
42017Epigenetic reprogramming during plant reproductionLin, JY ; Hsieh, TFPlant Epigenetics (New York, USA : Springer International)
52016Genome-wide identification and characterization of WRKY gene family in peanutSong, H; Wang, P; Lin, JY ; Bi, Y; Wang, XFrontiers in Plant Science 7, 534
62016Highly distinct chromosomal structures in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), as revealed by molecular cytogenetic analysisIwata, A; Lin, JY ; Gill, N; Jackson, SAChromosome Research 24, 197-216
72015Changes in the Synechococcus Assemblage Composition at the Surface of the East China Sea Due to Flooding of the Changjiang RiverChung, CC; Gong, GC; Huang, CY; Lin, JY ; Lin, YCMICROBIAL ECOLOGY 70, 677-688
82010Structural and functional divergence of a 1-Mb duplicated region in the soybean (Glycine max) genome and comparison to an orthologous region from Phaseolus vulgarisLin, JY ; Stupar, RM; Hans, C; Hyten, DL; Jackson, SAThe Plant Cell 22(8), 2545-2561
92008BAC-end sequence analysis and a draft physical map of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genomeSchlueter, JA; Goicoechea, JL; Collura, K; Gill, N; Lin, JY ; Yu, Y; Kudrna, D; Zuccolo, A; Vallejos, CE; Munoz-Torres, M; Blair, MW; Tohme, J; Tomkins, J; McClean, P; Wing, RA; Jackson, SATropical Plant Biology 1, 40-48
102007Gene duplication and paleopolyploidy in soybean and the implications for whole genome sequencingSchlueter, JA; Lin, JY ; Schlueter, SD; Vasylenko-Sanders, IF; Deshpande, S; Yi, J; Siegfried, M; Roe, BA; Nelson, RT; Scheffler, BE; Jackson, SA; Shoemaker, RCBMC Genomics 8, 330
112006Integration of hybridization-based markers (overgos) into physical maps for comparative and evolutionary explorations in the genus Oryza and in SorghumHass-Jacobus, B; Futrell-Griggs, M; Abernathy, B; Westerman, R; Goiocechea, JL; Stein, J; Klein, P; Hurwitz, B; Zhou, B; Rakhshan, F; Sanyal, A; Gill, N; Lin, JY ; Walling, JG; Luo, MZ; Ammiraju, JSS; Kudrna, D; Kim, HR; Ware, D; Wing, RA; SanMiguel, P; Jackson, SABMC Genomics 7, 199-204
122005Pericentromeric regions of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) chromosomes consist of retroelements and tandemly repeated DNA and are structurally and evolutionarily labileLin, JY ; Hass-Jacobus, B; SanMiguel, P; Walling, JG; Yuan, Y; Doyle, J; Shoemaker, RC; Young, ND; Jackson, SAGENETICS 170(3), 1221-1230
131999Two distinct c-ski cDNAs of fish, tilapia (Oreochromis aurea)Huang, CJ; Lin, JY ; Tsai, HJMOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 54(3), 223-231