
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021Identification of MaWRKY40 and MaDLO1 as effective marker genes for tracking the salicylic acid-mediated immune response in bananasTzean, Yuh; Hou, Bo-Han; Tsao, Shu-Ming; Chen, Ho-Ming ; Cheng, An-Po; Gamboa Chen, Elena; Chou, Wei-Yi; Chao, Chih-Ping; Shen, Wei-Chiang; Chen, Chyi-Chuann; Lee, Ming-Chi; Ashraf, Iqra; Yeh, Hsin-Hung Phytopathology 111(10), 1800-1810
22020Widespread Exon Junction Complex Footprints in the RNA Degradome Mark mRNA Degradation before Steady State TranslationLee, WC; Hou, BH; Hou, CY; Tsao, SM; Kao, P; Chen, HM The Plant cell 32(4), 904-922