
Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022植物逆境反應的預啟 (Priming) 與記憶林嘉音; 葉信宏 ; 葉國楨 ; 常怡雍 臺灣農業化學與食品科學(Taiwan Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science) 第60卷第2期,頁68-72
22022Insight into the mechanism of indium toxicity in riceCheah, Boon Huat; Liao, Pei-Chu; Lo, Jing-Chi; Wang, Yu-Tsen; Tang, I-Chien; Yeh, Kuo-Chen ; Lee, Dar-Yuan; Lin, Ya-FenJournal of Hazardous Materials 429, 128265
32022Soil gallium speciation and resulting gallium uptake by rice plantsChen, Kai-Yue; Yang, Puu-Tai; Chang, Hsin-Fang; Yeh, Kuo-Chen ; Wang, Shan-LiJournal of Hazardous Materials 424(part C), 127582
42021Divalent nutrient cations: Friend and foe during zinc stress in riceB. H. Cheah; Y.-L. Chen; J.-C. Lo; I-C. Tang; K.-C. Yeh ; Y.-F. LinPlant Cell & Environment 44(10), 3358-3375
52021Histone H3 lysine4 trimethylation-regulated GRF11 expression is essential for the iron-deficiency response in Arabidopsis thalianaS. Singh; S. Kailasam; J.-C. Lo; K.-C.Yeh New Phytologist 230(1), 244-258
62020Indium Uptake and Accumulation by Rice and Wheat and Health Risk Associated with Their ConsumptionH.-F. Chang; P.-T. Yang; H.-W Lin; K.-C. Yeh ; M.-N. Chen; S.-L. WangEnvironmental Science & Technology 54(23), 14946-14954
72020A HemK class glutamine-methyltransferase is involved in the termination of translation and essential for iron homeostasis in ArabidopsisS. Kailasam; S. Singh; M.-J. Liu ; C.-C. Lin; K.-C. Yeh NEW PHYTOLOGIST 226(5), 1361-1374
82020The dual benefit of a dominant mutation in Arabidopsis IRON DEFICIENCY TOLERANT1 for iron biofortification and heavy metal phytoremediation.R. Sharma; K.-C. Yeh Plant biotechnology journal 18(5), 1200-1210
92020Assessment of indium toxicity to the model plant Arabidopsis.H.-F. Chang; S.-L. Wang; D.-C. Lee ; S. S.-Y. Hsiao ; Y. Hashimoto; K.-C. Yeh JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 387, 121983
102019Arabidopsis BRUTUS-LIKE E3 ligases negatively regulate iron uptake by targeting transcription factor FIT for recyclingJ. Rodríguez-Celma; J. M. Connorton; I. Kruse; R. T. Green; M. Franceschetti; Y.-T. Chen; Y. Cui; H.-Q. Ling; K.-C. Yeh ; J. BalkPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116(35), 17584-17591
112019Small-Molecules Selectively Modulate Iron-Deficiency Signaling Networks in ArabidopsisS. Kailasam; W.-F. Chien; K.-C. Yeh Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 8
122017Role of root exudates in metal acquisition and toleranceY.-T. Chen; Y. Wang; K.-C. Yeh Current Opinion in Plant Biology 39, 66-72
132013IRT1 DEGRADATION FACTOR1, a RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligase, Regulates the Degradation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 in ArabidopsisL.-J. Shin; J.-C. Lo; G.-H. Chen; J. Callis; H. Fu; K.-C. Yeh PLANT CELL 25(8), 3039-3051
142011Arabidopsis SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 is involved in excess copper toleranceChen, C. -C.; Chen, Y. -Y.; Tang, I-C.; Liang, H. -M.; Lai, C. -C.; Chiou, J. -M. ; Yeh, K. -C. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 156(4), 2225-2234
152009Model Evaluation of the Phytoextraction Potential of Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulators and Non-hyperaccumulatorsLiang, H. M.; Lin, T. H.; Chiou, J. M. ; Yeh, K. C. Environmental Pollution 157(6), 1945-1952