Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Complete genome sequence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus strain PH1273, isolated from aquacultured shrimp in the PhilippinesSalazar, SRB; Santos, MNM; Palaad, J; Yen, HC; Castellano, JL; Pena, LD; Amar, EC; Lai, EM ; Kuo, CH Microbiology Resource Announcements 12(11), e00532-23
22023Virulence and Ecology of Agrobacteria in the Context of Evolutionary GenomicsWeisberg, Alexandra J.; Wu, Yu; Chang, Jeff H.; Lai, Erh-Min ; Kuo, Chih-Horng Annual Review of Phytopathology 61(1), 1-23
32023A glycine zipper motif is required for the translocation of a T6SS toxic effector into target cellsAli, Jemal; Yu, Manda; Sung, Li-Kang; Cheung, Yee-Wai; Lai, Erh-Min EMBO reports 24(6), e56849
42023Soil Inoculation and Blocker-Mediated Sequencing Show Effects of the Antibacterial T6SS on Agrobacterial Tumorigenesis and GallobiomeWang, SC; Chen, AP; Chou, SJ ; Kuo, CH ; Lai, EM mBio 14(2), e0017723
52023In Situ Structure Determination of Bacterial Surface Nanomachines Using Cryo-Electron TomographyLai, LS; Cheung, YW; Martinez, M; Kixmoeller, K; Palao III, L; Steimle, S; Ho, MC ; Black, B; Lai, EM ; Chang, YWBacterial and Archaeal Motility, Methods in Molecular Biology (New York, NY : Springer Nature)
62023Soil Inoculation and Blocker-Mediated Sequencing Show Effects of the Antibacterial T6SS on Agrobacterial Tumorigenesis and GallobiomeWang, SC; Chen, AP; Chou, SJ ; Kuo, CH ; Lai, EM MBIO 14(2), e00177-23
72022Distinct TssA proteins converge in coordinating tail biogenesis of the type VI secretion systemsAli, J.; Lai, EM BIOESSAYS 45(2), 2200219
82022AGROBEST: a highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression system in Arabidopsis seedlingsWu, HY; Lai, EM Methods Mol Biol: Plant Synthetic Biology (New York : Springer)
92022Modular evolution of secretion systems and virulence plasmids in a bacterial species complexChou, L; Lin, YC; Haryono, M; Santos, MNM; Cho, ST; Weisberg, AJ; Wu, CF; Chang, JH; Lai, EM ; Kuo, CH BMC Biology 20, 16
102021Diversification of the Type VI Secretion System in AgrobacteriaWu, CF; Weisberg, AJ; Davis, II, EW; Chou, L; Khan, S; Lai, EM ; Kuo, CH ; Chang, JHmBio 12(5), e01927-21
112021Agrobacterium tumefaciens Deploys a Versatile Antibacterial Strategy to Increase its CompetitivenessYu, Manda; Wang, Yi-Chieh; Huang, Ching-Jou; Ma, Lay-Sun ; Lai, Erh-Min Journal of Bacteriology 203(3), e00490-20
122020Role of Recipient Susceptibility Factors During Contact-Dependent Interbacterial CompetitionLin, Hsiao-Han; Filloux, Alain; Lai, Erh-Min Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 603652
132020A High-throughput Interbacterial Competition PlatformHsiao-Han Lin; Erh-Min Lai Bio-protocol 10(17), e3736
142020A High-Throughput Interbacterial Competition Screen Identifies ClpAP in Enhancing Recipient Susceptibility to Type VI Secretion System-Mediated Attack by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.Lin, HH; Yu, M; Sriramoju, MK; Hsu, SD ; Liu, CT; Lai, EM Frontiers in microbiology 10, 3077
152020Redundancy and Specificity of Type VI Secretion vgrG Loci in Antibacterial Activity of Agrobacterium tumefaciens 1D1609 StrainSantos, MNM; Cho, ST; Wu, CF; Chang, CJ; Kuo, CH ; Lai, EM Frontiers in microbiology 10, 3004
162019Effector loading onto the VgrG carrier activates type VI secretion system assemblyWu, CF; Lien, YW; Bondage, D; Lin, JS; Pilhofer, M; Shih, YL; Chang, JH; Lai, EM EMBO Reports 21, e47961
172019Plant-Pathogenic Agrobacterium tumefaciens Strains Have Diverse Type VI Effector-Immunity Pairs and Vary in In-Planta Competitiveness.Wu, CF; Santos, MNM; Cho, ST; Chang, HH; Tsai, YM; Smith, DA; Kuo, CH ; Chang, JH; Lai, EM Molecular plant-microbe interactions (MPMI) 32(8), 961-971
182019Cyclic di-GMP inactivates T6SS and T4SS activity in Agrobacterium tumefaciens.McCarthy, RR; Yu, M; Eilers, K; Wang, YC; Lai, EM ; Filloux, AMolecular microbiology 112(2), 632-648
192019Differentiations in Gene Content and Expression Response to Virulence Induction Between Two Agrobacterium StrainsHaryono, M; Cho, ST; Fang, MJ; Chen, AP; Chou, SJ ; Lai, EM ; Kuo, CH Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1554
202019The RNase YbeY Is Vital for Ribosome Maturation, Stress Resistance, and Virulence of the Natural Genetic Engineer Agrobacterium tumefaciensMöller, P; Busch, P; Sauerbrei, B; Kraus, A; Förstner, KU; Wen, TN; Overlöper, A; Lai, EM ; Narberhaus, FJournal of Bacteriology 201, e00730-18