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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
1202401.故院長講座. 錢思亮院長科普講座「與光同行:『光』、『陰』如何左右植物」吳素幸 
22023C4 leaf development and evolutionHuang, CF; Liu, WY; Yu, CP; Wu, SH ; Ku, MSB; Li, WH CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY 76, 102454
32022Noise reduction by upstream open reading framesWu, Ho-Wei; Fajiculay, Erickson; Wu, Jing-Fen; Yan, Ching-Cher Sanders; Hsu, Chao-Ping ; Wu, Shu-Hsing Nature Plants 8(5), 474-480
42022An improved repertoire of splicing variants and their potential roles in Arabidopsis photomorphogenic developmentHuang, CK; Lin, WD ; Wu, SH Genome Biology 23, 50
52021DDX3 modulates the tumor microenvironment via its role in endoplasmic reticulum-associated translationChen, HH; Yu, HI; Rudy, R; Lim, SL; Chen, YF; Wu, SH ; Lin, SC; Yang, MH; Tarn, WY iScience 24(9), 103086
62021Investigating the Viral Suppressor HC-Pro Inhibiting Small RNA Methylation through Functional Comparison of HEN1 in Angiosperm and BryophyteSanobar, N; Lin, PC; Pan, ZJ; Fang, RY; Tjita, V; Chen, FF; Wang, HC; Tsai, HL; Wu, SH ; Shen, TL; Chen, YH; Lin, SSViruses 13(9), 1837
72020Basal leakage in oscillation: Coupled transcriptional and translational control using feed-forward loopsIgnasius, J; Yan, CC, S; Chu, JW; Wu, SH ; Hsu, CP PLOS Computational Biology 16(9), e1007740
82020Dynamics and functions of stress granules and processing bodies in plantsJang, GJ; Jang, JC; Wu, SH Plants 9(9), 1122
92020Maize ANT1 modulates vascular development, chloroplast development, photosynthesis, and plant growthLiu, WY; Lin, HH; Yu, CP; Chang, CK; Chen, HJ; Lin, JJ; Lu, MY ; Tu, SL; Shiu, SH; Wu, SH ; Ku, MSB; Li, WH PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117(35), 21747-21756
102019Processing bodies control the selective translation for optimal development of Arabidopsis young seedlings.Jang, GJ; Yang, JY; Hsieh, HL; Wu, SH PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116(13), 6451-6456
112019Comparative transcriptomics method to infer gene coexpression networks and its applications to maize and rice leaf transcriptomes.Chang, YM; Lin, HH; Liu, WY; Yu, CP; Chen, HJ; Wartini, PP; Kao, YY; Wu, YH; Lin, JJ; Lu, MJ ; Tu, SL ; Wu, SH ; Shiu, SH; Ku, MSB; Li, WH Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(8), 3091-3099
122017Plant dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase optimizes light-regulated growth and development in ArabidopsisHuang, WY; Wu, YC; Pu, HY; Wang, Y; Jang, GJ; Wu, SH PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 40(9), 1735-1747
132016LWD-TCP complex activates the morning gene CCA1 in Arabidopsis.Wu, J.-F.; Tsai, H.-L.; Joanito, I.; Wu, Y.-C.; Chang, C.-W.; Li, Y.-H.; Wang, Y.; Hong, J. C.; Chu, J.-W.; Hsu, C.-P. ; Wu, S.-H. Nature Communications 7, 13181