
Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021NbSOBIR1 Partitions Into Plasma Membrane Microdomains and Binds ER-Localized NbRLP1Li, Y.-H.; Ke, T.-Y.; Shih, W.-C.; Liou, R.-F.; Wang, C.-W. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 12, 721548
22020Loss of the seipin gene perturbs eggshell formation in Caenorhabditis elegansBai, X; Huang, LJ; Chen, SW; Nebenfuehr, B; Wysolmerski, B; Wu, JC; Olson, SK; Golden, A; Wang, CW DEVELOPMENT 147(20), dev192997
32019Seipin negatively regulates sphingolipid production at the ER-LD contact site.Su, WC; Lin, YH; Pagac, M; Wang, CW Journal of Cell Biology 218(11), 3663-3680
42011Viral protein targeting to the cortical endoplasmic reticulum is required for cell-cell spreading in plantsWu, C. -H. ; Lee, S. -C.; Wang, C. -W. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 193(3), 521-535
52010Traffic of a viral movement protein complex to the highly curved tubules of the cortical endoplasmic reticulum.Lee, S. -C.; Wu, C. -H. ; Wang, C. -W. TRAFFIC 11(7), 912-930