
Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021Dynamic changes in mitochondrial 3D structure during folliculogenesis and luteal formation in the goat large luteal cell lineageJiang, Y.F.; Yu, P.H.; Budi, Y.P.; Chiu, C.H.; Fu, C.Y. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11, 15564
22021Miro1 functions as an inhibitory regulator of MFN at elevated mitochondrial Ca2+ levelsFatiga, F.F.; Wang, L.J.; Hsu, T.; Capuno, J.I.; Fu, C.Y. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 122(12), 1848-1862
32021Modulation of mitochondrial nucleoid structure during aging and by mtDNA content in DrosophilaWang, L.J.; Hsu, T.; Lin, H.L.; Fu, C.Y. BIOLOGY OPEN 10(6), bio058553
42020Drosophila MICOS knockdown impairs mitochondrial structure and function and promotes mitophagy in muscle tissueLi-jie Wang; Tian Hsu; Hsiang-ling Lin; Chi-yu Fu BIOLOGY OPEN 9(12), bio054262
52020Coordinated organization of mitochondrial lamellar cristae and gain of COX function during mitochondrial maturation in DrosophilaJiang, YF; Lin, HL; Wang, LJ; Hsu, T; Fu, CY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 31(1), 18-26
62020Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) as a Platform for Hierarchical CompartmentalizationWaghwani, H.K.; M. Uchida; C.Y. Fu ; B. LaFrance; J. Sharma; K. McCoy; T. DouglasBIOMACROMOLECULES 21(6), 2060-2072
72017Electron tomographic analysis reveals ultrastructural features of mitochondrial cristae architecture which reflect energetic state and agingJiang, YF; Lin, SS; Chen, JM; Tsai, HZ; Hsieh, TS; Fu, CY SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7, 45474
82016High throughput cytotoxicity screening of anti-HER2 immunotoxins conjugated with antibody fragments from phage-displayed synthetic antibody libraries.Hou, SC; Chen, HS; Lin, HW; Chao, WT; Chen, YS; Fu, CY ; Yu, CM; Huang, KF ; Wang, AH ; Yang, AS Scientific reports 6, 31878