Results 1-90 of 90 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Use of phase plate cryo-EM reveals conformation diversity of therapeutic IgG with 50 kDa Fab fragment resolved below 6 ÅLin, Hsin-Hung; Wang, Chun-Hsiung; Huang, Shih-Hsin; Lin, Sung-Yao; Kato, Takayuki; Namba, Keiichi; Hosogi, Naoki; Song, Chihong; Murata, Kazuyoshi; Yen, Ching-Hsuan; Hsu, Tsui-Ling ; Wong, Chi-Huey ; Wu, Yi-Min; Tu, I.-Ping ; Chang, Wei-HauScientific Reports 14(1), 14079
22024Synthesis and Quantitative Analysis of Glycans Conjugated to Gold NanoparticlesK.-S. Liao; C.-C. Kung; L.-C. Cheng; C. Chung; C.-H. Wong Helvetica Chimica Acta 107(4), e202300209
32024Increased expression of SSEA-4 on TKI-resistant non–small cell lung cancer with EGFR-T790M mutationN.-Y. Chen; C.-W. Lin; T.-Y. Lai; C.-Y. Wu ; P.-C. Liao; T.-L. Hsu ; C.-H. Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121(5), e2313397121
42023Single Site N-Glycosylation of B Cell Maturation Antigen (BCMA) Inhibits γ-Secretase-Mediated Shedding and Improves Surface Retention and Cell SurvivalH.-W. Huang; C.-C. Chen; K.-I. Lin ; T.-L. Hsu ; C.-H. Wong ACS chemical biology 19(1), 153-161
52023Low-sugar universal mRNA vaccine against coronavirus variants with deletion of glycosites in the S2 or stem of SARS-CoV-2 spike messenger RNA (mRNA)C.-W. Cheng; C.-Y. Wu ; S.-W. Wang; J.-Y. Chen; C.-C. Kung; K.-S. Liao; C.-H. Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120(49), e2314392120
62023Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Biomarker Alpha-FetoproteinC.-C. Chen; H.-W. Huang; B.-R. Chen; C.-H. Wong RSC Chemical Biology 4(12), 1073-1081
72023Mechanism of Antigen Presentation and Specificity of Antibody Cross-Reactivity Elicited by an Oligosaccharide-Conjugate Cancer VaccineWang, SW; Ko, YA; Chen, CY; Liao, KS; Chang, YH; Lee, HY; Yu, YH; Lih, YH; Cheng, YY; Lin, HH; Hsu, TL ; Wu, CY ; Lin, KI ; Wong, CH Journal of the American Chemical Society 145(17), 9840-9849
82023Effective Organotin-Mediated Regioselective Functionalization of Unprotected CarbohydratesY. Zhou; K.-S. Liao; T.-Y. Chen; Y. SY Hsieh; C.-H. Wong The Journal of organic chemistry 88(11), 7141-7151
92023Isolation of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Natural Products Extracted from Mentha canadensis and the Semi-synthesis of Antiviral DerivativesO. Chou; Y.-P. Juang; T.-L. Chao; S.-F. Tsai; P.-F. Chiu; C.-T. Chiou; K.-C. Tsai; S.-Y. Chang; P.-H. Liang; C.-H. Wong Journal of natural products 86(6), 1428-1436
102023Probing the Internalization and Efficacy of Antibody-Drug Conjugate via Site-Specific Fc-Glycan Labelling of a Homogeneous Antibody Targeting SSEA-4 Bearing TumorsV. S Shivatare; H.-W. Huang; T.-H. Tseng; P.-K. Chuang; Y.-F. Zeng; C.-H. Wong Israel Journal of Chemistry Early View
112023Chemical Synthesis of a Keto Sugar NucleotideZ.-R. Li; R. Li; L. Pasternack; P. Chen; C.-H. Wong The Journal of Organic Chemistry 88(11), 7580-7585
122023Study on antibody Fc-glycosylation for optimal effector functionsV.-S. Shivatare; P.-K. Chuang; T.-H. Tseng; Y.-F. Zeng; H.-W. Huang; G. Veeranjaneyulu; H.-C. Wu ; C.-H. Wong Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 59(37), 5555-5558
132022Combating multidrug-resistant Helicobacter pylori with moenomycin A in combination with clarithromycin or metronidazoleTseng, Yen-Yu; Liou, Jyh-Ming; Cheng, Wei-Chieh ; Hsu, Jing-Ting; Hsu, Tsui-Ling ; Wu, Ming-Shiang; Wong, Chi-Huey Frontiers in Chemistry 10, 897578
142022Vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein lacking glycan shields elicits enhanced protective responses in animal modelsHuang, HY; Liao, HY; Chen, X; Wang, SW; Cheng, CW; Shahed-Al-Mahmud, M; Liu, YM; Mohapatra, A; Chen, TH; Lo, JM; Wu, YM; Ma, HH; Chang, YH; Tsai, HY; Chou, YC ; Hsueh, YP ; Tsai, CY ; Huang, PY; Chang, SY; Chao, TL; Kao, HC; Tsai, YM; Chen, YH ; Wu, CY ; Jan, JT ; Cheng, TR ; Lin, KI ; Ma, C ; Wong, CH Science Translational Medicine 14(639), eabm0899
152022Glycosite-deleted mRNA of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a broad-spectrum vaccineC.-Y. Wu ; C.-W. Cheng; C.-C. Kung; K.-S. Liao; J.-T. Jan ; C. Ma ; C.-H. Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(9), e2119995119
162022Synthesis of Azido-Globo H Analogs for Immunogenicity EvaluationChen, Chiang-Yun; Lin, Yu-Wei; Wang, Szu-Wen; Lin, Yung-Chu; Cheng, Yang-Yu; Ren, Chien-Tai ; Wong, Chi-Huey ; Wu, Chung-Yi ACS central science 8(1), 77-85
172022Design and Synthesis of 6-O-Phosphorylated Heparan Sulfate Oligosaccharides to Inhibit Amyloid β AggregationK. Uchimura; K. Nishitsuji; L.-T. Chiu; T. Ohgita; H. Saito; F. Allain; V. Gannedi; C.-H. Wong ; S.-C. Hung Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 23(15), e202200191
182022Glycoconjugates: Synthesis, Functional Studies, and Therapeutic DevelopmentsS. S. Shivatare; V. S. Shivatare; C.-H. Wong Chemical reviews 122(20), 15603-15671
192021Homogeneous antibody and CAR-T cells with improved effector functions targeting SSEA-4 glycan on pancreatic cancerLin, Chih-Wei; Wang, Yu-Jen; Lai, Ting-Yen; Hsu, Tsui-Ling ; Han, Shin-Ying; Wu, Han-Chung ; Shen, Chia-Ning ; Dang, Van; Chen, Ming-Wei; Chen, Lan-Bo; Wong, Chi-Huey Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(50), e2114774118
202021A non-neutralizing antibody broadly protects against influenza virus infection by engaging effector cellsKo, YA; Yu, YH; Wu, YF; Tseng, YC; Chen, CL; Goh, KS; Liao, HY; Chen, TH; Cheng, TR ; Yang, AS ; Wong, CH ; Ma, C ; Lin, KI PLoS pathogens 17(8), e1009724
212021Impact of glycosylation on a broad-spectrum vaccine against SARS-CoV-2Han-Yi Huang; Hsin-Yu Liao; Xiaorui Chen; Szu-Wen Wang; Cheng-Wei Cheng; Md. Shahed-Al-Mahmud; Ting-Hua Chen; Jennifer M. Lo; Yo-Min Liu; Yi-Min Wu; Hsiu-Hua Ma; Yi-Hsuan Chang; Ho-Yang Tsai; Yu-Chi Chou ; Yi-Ping Hsueh ; Ching-Yen Tsai ; Pau-Yi Huang; Sui-Yuan Chang; Tai-Ling Chao; Han-Chieh Kao; Ya-Min Tsai; Yen-Hui Chen ; Chung-Yi Wu ; Jia-Tsrong Jan ; Ting-Jen Rachel Cheng ; Kuo-I Lin; Che Ma ; Chi-Huey Wong bioRxiv
222021Automated Quantification of Hydroxyl Reactivities: Prediction of Glycosylation ReactionsC.-W. Chang; M.-H. Lin; C.-K. Chan; K.-Y. Su; C.-H. Wu; W.-C. Lo; S. Lam; Y.-T. Cheng; P.-H. Liao; C.-H. Wong ; C.-C. Wang Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60(22), 12413-12423
232021Identification of existing pharmaceuticals and herbal medicines as inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 infectionJ.-T. Jan; T.-J. R. Cheng; Y.-P. Juang; H.-H. Ma; Y.-T. Wu; W.-B. Yang; C.-W. Cheng; X. Chen; T.-H. Chou; J.-J. Shie; W.-C. Cheng; R.-J. Chein ; S.-S. Mao; P.-H. Liang; C. Ma; S.-C. Hung; C.-H. Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(5), e2021579118
242021Immunogenicity Evaluation of N-Glycans Recognized by HIV Broadly Neutralizing AntibodiesShivatare, Sachin S.; Cheng, Ting-Jen Rachel ; Cheng, Yang-Yu; Shivatare, Vidya S.; Tsai, Tsung-I; Chuang, Hong-Yang; Wu, Chung-Yi ; Wong, Chi-Huey ACS Chemical Biology 16(10), 2016-2025
252021Combined Effect of Anti-SSEA4 and Anti-Globo H Antibodies on Breast Cancer CellsR.-H. Lee; Y.-J. Wang; T.-Y. La; T.-L. Hsu ; P.-K. Chuang; H.-C. Wu ; C.-H. Wong ACS chemical biology 16(8), 1526-1537
262021Practical Remdesivir Synthesis through One-Pot Organocatalyzed Asymmetric (S)-P-PhosphoramidationV. Gannedi; B. Villuri; S. Reddy; C.-C. Ku; C.-H. Wong ; S.-C. HungThe Journal of organic chemistry 86(7), 4977-4985
272020Programmable One-Pot Synthesis of OligosaccharidesCheng-Wei Cheng; Chung-Yi Wu ; Wen-Lian Hsu; Chi-Huey Wong Biochemistry 59(34), 3078-3088
282020A Carbohydrate-Binding Protein from the Edible Lablab Beans Effectively Blocks the Infections of Influenza Viruses and SARS-CoV-2Yo-Min Liu; Md. Shahed-Al-Mahmud; Xiaorui Chen; Ting-Hua Chen; Kuo-Shiang Liao; Jennifer M. Lo; Yi-Min Wu; Meng-Chiao Ho; Chung-Yi Wu ; Chi-Huey Wong ; Jia-Tsrong Jan ; Che Ma Cell Reports 32(6), 108016
292020Chimeric hemagglutinin vaccine elicits broadly protective CD4 and CD8 T cell responses against multiple influenza strains and subtypesH.-Y. Liao; S.-C. Wang; Y.-A. Koa; K.-I. Lin ; C. Ma; T.-J. R. Cheng; C.-H. Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(30), 17757-17763
302020XFEL coherent diffraction imaging for weakly scattering particles using heterodyne interferenceHuang, Chi-Feng; Chang, Wei-Hau; Lee, Ting-Kuo ; Joti, Yasumasa; Nishino, Yoshinori; Kimura, Takashi; Suzuki, Akihiro; Bessho, Yoshitaka; Lee, Tsung-Tse; Chen, Mei-Chun; Yang, Shun-Min; Hwu, Yeukuang ; Huang, Shih-Hsin; Li, Po-Nan; Chen, Peilin ; Tseng, Yung-Chieh; Ma, Che ; Hsu, Tsui-Ling ; Wong, Chi-Huey ; Tono, Kensuke; Ishikawa, Tetsuya; Liang, Keng S.AIP Advances 10(5), 055219
312020Suppression of Drug-Resistant Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer with Inhibitors Targeting Minichromosomal Maintenance ProteinChia-Yi Lin; Hsin-Yi Wu; Yuan-Ling Hsu; Ting-Jen Rachel Cheng ; Jyung-Hurng Liu; Rou-Jie Huang; Tzu Hung Hsiao; Chia-Jen Wang; Pei-Fang Hung; Albert Lan; Szu-Hua Pan; Rong-Jie Chein ; Chi-Huey Wong ; Pan-Chyr Yang JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 63(6), 3172-3187
322020Disrupting the Conserved Salt Bridge in the Trimerization of Influenza A NucleoproteinWoodring, JL; Lu, SH; Krasnova, L; Wang, SC; Chen, JB; Chou, CC; Huang, YC; Cheng, TR ; Wu, YT; Chen, YH; Fang, JM; Tsai, MD; Wong, CH Journal of medicinal chemistry 63(1), 205-215
332020Synthetic Carbohydrate Chemistry and Translational MedicineS. Shivatare; C.-H. Wong The Journal of organic chemistry 85(24), 15780-15800
342020Influenza virus neuraminidase regulates host CD8+ T-cell response in miceC.-Y. Wu; H.-Y. Chuang; C.-H. Wong Communications biology 3, 748
352020Synthesis of Asymmetric N-Glycans as Common Core Substrates for Structural Diversification through Selective Enzymatic GlycosylationSujeet Pawar; Li Hsu; Thatikonda Narendar Reddy; Mettu Ravinder; Chien-Tai Ren ; Yu-Wei Lin; Yang-Yu Cheng; Tzu-Wen Lin; Tsui-Ling Hsu ; Sheng-Kai Wang; Chi-Huey Wong ; Chung-Yi Wu ACS Chemical Biology 15(9), 2382-2394
362020Genomic Analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates and Construction of a Beijing Lineage Reference GenomeW.-F. Wang; M.-Y. Jade Lu ; T.-J. R. Cheng; Y.-C. Tang; Y.-C. Teng; T.-Y. Hwa; Y.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Li; M.-H. Wu; P.-C. Chuang; R. Jou; C.-H. Wong ; W.-H. Li Genome Biology and Evolution 12(2), 3890-3905
372020Design and synthesis of glyco-peptides as anti-cancer agents targeting thrombin-protease activated receptor-1 interactionY.-H. Chang; J.-C. Wu; H.-M. Yu; H.-T. Hsu; Y.-T. Wu; A. L.-T. Yu; C.-D. T. Yu; C.-H. Wong Chemical Communications 56(43), 5827-5830
382020Programmable One-Pot Synthesis of Heparin Pentasaccharide FondaparinuxS. Dey; H.-J. Lo; C.-H. Wong Organic Letters 22(12), 4638-4642
392020Multiple Growth Factor Targeting by Engineered Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 Augments EGF Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor EfficacyE. A. Wang; W.-Y. Chen; C.-H. Wong Scientific Reports 10, 2735
402020Trisaccharide Sulfate and Its Sulfonamide as an Effective Substrate and Inhibitor of Human Endo-O-sulfatase-1L.-T. Chiu; N. Sabbavarapu; W.-C. Lin; C.-Y. Fang; C.-C. Wu; T.-J. Cheng; C.-H. Wong ; S.-C. HungJournal of the American Chemical Society 142(11), 5282-5292
4120194(1H)-quinolone derivatives overcome acquired resistance to anti-microtubule agents by targeting the colchicine site of β-tubulinMing-Shiu Lin; Tse-Ming Hong; Ting-Hung Chou; Shuenn-Chen Yang; Wei-Chia Chung; Chia-Wei Weng; Mei-Ling Tsai; Ting-Jen Rachel Cheng ; Jeremy J. W. Chen; Te-Chang Lee ; Chi-Huey Wong ; Rong-Jie Chein ; Pan-Chyr YangEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 181, 111584
422019Structure-guided development of purine amide, hydroxamate, and amidoxime for the inhibition of non-small cell lung cancerHuang, MR; Hsu, YL; Lin, TC; Cheng, TJ ; Li, LW; Tseng, YW; Chou, YS; Liu, JH; Pan, SH; Fang, JM; Wong, CH European journal of medicinal chemistry 181, 111551
432019Targeting the Bacterial Transglycosylase: Antibiotic Development from a Structural PerspectiveChen, X; Wong, CH ; Ma, C ACS Infectious Diseases 5(9), 1493-1504
442019Oligosaccharide Synthesis and Translational Innovation.L. Krasnova; C.-H. Wong Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(9), 3735-3754
452019Synthesis of Sialidase-Resistant Oligosaccharide and Antibody Glycoform Containing α2,6-Linked 3Fax-Neu5AcH.-J. Lo; L. Krasnova; S. Dey; T. Cheng; H. Liu; T.-I. Tsai; K. B. Wu; C.-Y. Wu ; C.-H. Wong Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(16), 6484-6488
462019Egg-based influenza split virus vaccine with monoglycosylation induces cross-strain protection against influenza virus infectionsY.-C. Tseng; C.-Y. Wu; M.-L. Liu; T.-H. Chen; W.-L. Chiang; Y.-H. Yu; J.-T. Jan ; K.-I. Lin ; C.-H. Wong ; C. Ma Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(10), 4200-4205
472019Signaling pathway of globo-series glycosphingolipids and β1,3-galactosyltransferase V (β3GalT5) in breast cancerP.-K. Chuang; M. Hsiao ; T.-L. Hsu ; C.-F. Chang; C.-Y. Wu ; B.-R. Chen; H.-W. Huang; K.-S. Liao; C.-C. Chen; C.-L. Chen; S.-M. Yang; C. W. Kuo; P. Chen ; P.-T. Chiu; I.-J. Chen; J.-S. Lai; C.-D. T. Yu; C.-H. Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(9), 3518-3523
482019Development of a universal influenza vaccine using hemagglutinin stem protein produced from Pichia pastorisS.-C. Wang; H.-Y. Liao; J.-Y. Zhang; T.-J. R. Cheng ; C.-H. Wong VIROLOGY 526, 125-137
492019Hierarchical and Programmable One-Pot Oligosaccharide Synthesis.Cheng, CW; Zhou, Y; Pan, WH ; Dey, S; Wu, CY; Hsu, WL; Wong, CH Journal of visualized experiments(JoVE) 151, e59987
502019An Efficient Modular One-Pot Synthesis of Heparin-Based Anticoagulant IdraparinuxS. Dey; H.-J. Lo; C.-H. Wong Journal of the American Chemical Society 141(26), 10309-10314
512018Hierarchical and programmable one-pot synthesis of oligosaccharidesCheng-Wei Cheng; Yixuan Zhou; Wen-Harn Pan ; Supriya Dey; Chung-Yi Wu ; Wen-Lian Hsu ; Chi-Huey Wong Nature Communications 9, 5202
5220182-anilino-4-amino-5-aroylthiazole-type compound AS7128 inhibits lung cancer growth through decreased iASPP and p53 interactionHao-Wei Cheng; Rong-Jie Chein ; Ting-Jen Cheng ; Pei-Shan Wu; Hsin-Yi Wu; Pei-Fang Hung; Chia-Jen Wang; Yuan-Ling Hsu; Jau-Min Wong; Ang Yuan; Chi-Huey Wong ; Pan-Chyr Yang; Szu-Hua PanCANCER SCIENCE 109(3), 832-842
532017Residues Comprising the Enhanced Aromatic Sequon Influence Protein N-Glycosylation Efficiency.Y.-W. Huang; H.-I. Yang; Y.-T. Wu; T.-L. Hsu; T.-W. Lin; J. Kelly; C.-H. Wong Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(37), 12947-12955
542017Substrate Preference and Interplay of Fucosyltransferase 8 and N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferases.T. H. Tseng; T.-W. Lin; C.-Y. Chen; C.-H. Chen; J.-L. Lin; T.-L. Hsu; C.-H. Wong Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(28), 9431-9434
552016Purine-Type Compounds Induce Microtubule Fragmentation and Lung Cancer Cell Death through Interaction with KataninKuo, TC; Li, LW; Pan, SH; Fang, JM; Liu, JH; Cheng, TJ ; Wang, CJ; Hung, PF; Chen, HY ; Hong, TM; Hsu, YL; Wong, CH ; Yang, PC Journal of medicinal chemistry 59(18), 8521-8534
562016Glycolipid GD3 and GD3 synthase are key drivers for glioblastoma stem cells and tumorigenicity.S.-C. Yeh; P.-Y. Wang; Y.-W. Lou; K.-H. Khoo ; M. Hsiao ; T.-L. Hsu ; C.-H. Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(20), 5592-5597
572015Effect of Sialylation on EGFR Phosphorylation and Resistance to Tyrosine Kinase InhibitionHsin-Yung Yen; Ying-Chih Liu; Nai-Yu Chen; Chia-Feng Tsai; Yi-Ting Wang; Yu-Ju Chen ; Tsui-Ling Hsu ; Pan-Chyr Yang; Chi-Huey Wong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS) 112(22), 6955-6960
582011Sialylation and Fucosylation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Suppress its Dimerization and Activation in Lung Cancer CellsLiu, Y. -C.; Yen, H. -Y.; Chen, C. -Y.; Chen, C. -H.; Cheng, P. -F.; Juan, Y. -H.; Chen, C. -H. ; Khoo, K. -H. ; Yu, C. -J.; Yang, P. -C.; Hsu, T. -L.; Wong, C. -H. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 108(28), 11332-11337
592011E339…R416 salt bridge of nucleoprotein as a feasible target for influenza virus inhibitorsShen, Y. -F.; Chen, Y. -H.; Chu, S. -Y.; Lin, M. -I.; Hsu, H. -T.; Wu, P. -Y.; Wu, C. -J.; Liu, H. -W.; Lin, F. -Y.; Lin, G.; Hsu, P. -H.; Yang, A. -S. ; Cheng, Y. -S. E.; Wu, Y. -T.; Wong, C. -H. ; Tsai, M. -D. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(40), 16515-16520
602011Modulation of Substrate Specificities of D-Sialic Acid Aldolase through Single Mutations of Val-251.Chou, CY; Ko, TP; Wu, KJ; Huang, KF ; Lin, CH ; Wong, CH ; Wang, AH JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 286(16), 14057-14064
612010High-throughput Identification of Compounds Targeting Influenza RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase ActivitySu, C. -Y.; Cheng, T. -J. R.; Lin, M. -I.; Wang, S. -Y.; Huang, W. -I.; Lin-Chu, S. -Y.; Chen, Y. -H.; Wu, C. -Y.; Lai, M. M. C. ; Cheng, W. -C.; Wu, Y. -T.; Tsai, M. -D. ; Cheng, Y. -S. E.; Wong, C. -H. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107(45), 19151-19156
622009The lifespan-promoting effect of acetic acid and Reishi polysaccharideChuang, MH; Chiou, SH ; Huang, CH; Yang, WB ; Wong, CH Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 17(22), 7831-7840
632009Glycans on influenza hemagglutinin affect receptor binding and immune responseWang, C. -C.; Chen, J. -R.; Tseng, Y. -C.; Hsu, C. -H.; Hung, Y. -F.; Chen, S. -W.; Chen, C. -M.; Khoo, K. -H. ; Cheng, T. -J.; Cheng, Y. -S.; Jan, J. -T.; Wu, C-Y. ; Ma, A. C. ; Wong, C-H PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 106(43), 18137-18142
64200803.知識饗宴系列04電子書翁啟惠總策畫 ; 許倬雲; 傅仰止 ; 黃樹民 ; 許雪姬 ; 李有成; 陳定信; 伍焜玉; 鄭天佐; 陳力俊; 馬國鳳; 吳金洌; 陳義裕台北市
652008Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Trifluoromethyl Ketones as Inhibitors of SARS-CoV 3CL ProteaseShao, Y. -M.; Yang, W. -B. ; Kuo, T. -H.; Tsai, K. -C.; Lin, C. -H. ; Yang, A. -S. ; Liang, P. -H. ; Wong, C. -H. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 16(8), 4652-4660
662008A Consensus-Hemagglutinin-Based DNA Vaccine that Protects Mice Against Divergent H5N1 Influenza VirusesChen, M. W.; Cheng, T. -J.; Huang, Y.; Jan, J. -T. ; Ma, S. H.; Yu, A.; Wong, C. -H. ; Ho, D.Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 105(36), 13538-13543
672007Structure-Based Design and Synthesis of Highly Potent SARS-CoV 3CL Protease InhibitorsShao, Y. M.; Yang, W. B. ; Peng, H. P.; Hsu, M. F.; Tsai, K. C.; Kuo, T. H.; Wang, A. H. J. ; Liang, P. H. ; Lin, C. H. ; Yang, A. S. ; Wong, C. H. ChemBioChem 8(14), 1654-1657
682007Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides enhance CD14 endocytosis of LPS and promote TLR4 signal transduction of cytokine expressionHua, KF; Hsu, HY; Chao, LK; Chen, ST ; Yang, WB ; Hsu, J; Wong, CH Journal of cellular physiology 212(2), 537-550
692006The antioxidant protein alkylhydroperoxide reductase of Helicobacter pylori switches from a peroxide reductase to a molecular chaperone functionChuang, M. H.; Wu, M. S.; Lo, W. L.; Lin, J. T.; Wong, C. H. ; Chiou, S. H. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 103(8), 2552-2557
702005Discovery of Potent Anilide Inhibitors against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 3CL ProteaseShie, JJ; Fang, JM; Kuo, CJ; Kuo, TH; Liang, PH ; Huang, HJ; Yang, WB ; Lin, CH ; Chen, JL; Wu, YT; Wong, CH Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 48(13), 4469-4473
712004Studies on the immuno-modulating and anti-tumor activities of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) polysaccharides.Chen, HS; Tsai, YF; Lin, S ; Lin, CC; Khoo, KH ; Lin, CH ; Wong, CH Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 12(21), 5595-5601
722004Small molecules targeting severe acute respiratory syndrome human coronavirusWu, C. Y.; Jan, J. T. ; Ma, S. H.; Kuo, C. J.; Juan, H. F.; Cheng, Y. S.; Hsu, H. H.; Huang, H. C.; Wu, D.; Brik, A.; Liang, F. S.; Liu, R. S.; Fang, J. M.; Chen, S. T. ; Liang, P. H. ; Wong, C. H. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 101(27), 10012-10017
732004Extract of Reishi Polysaccharides Induces Cytokine Expression via TLR4-Modulated Protein Kinase Signaling pathwaysHsu, HY; Hua, KF; Lin, CC; Lin, CH ; Hsu, J; Wong, CH The Journal of Immunology 173(10), 5989-5999
742002Studies on the immuno-modulating and antitumor activities of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) polysaccharides: functional and proteomic analyses of a fucose-containing glycoprotein fraction responsible for the activities.Wang, YY; Khoo, KH ; Chen, ST ; Lin, CC; Wong, CH ; Lin, CH Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 10(4), 1057-1062
752002Rapid preparation of glycolipid libraries by cross metathesisPlettenburg, O.; Mui, C.; Bodmer Narkevitch, V.; Wong, C. H. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 344(6-7), 622-626
762001Editorial commentaryWong, C. H. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 343(6-7), 495-495
772001Chemical-enzymatic synthesis of iminocyclitol phosphonic acidsMitchell, M.; Qaio, L.; Wong, C. H. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 343(6-7), 596-599
782001Homogenous enzymatic synthesis using a thermo-responsive water-soluble polymer supportHuang, X. F.; Witte, K. L.; Bergbreiter, D. E.; Wong, C. H. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 343(6-7), 675-681
792001Synthesis of the Globo H hexasaccharide using the programmable reactivity-based one-pot strategy(This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health. F.B. thanks the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for a fellowship)Burkhart, F.; Zhang, Z. Y.; Wacowich Sgarbi, S.; Wong, C. H. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 40(7), 1274-1277
802000Syntheses of C-3-modified sialylglycosides as selective inhibitors of influenza hemagglutinin and neuraminidaseSun, X. L.; Kanie, Y.; Guo, C. T.; Kanie, O.; Suzuki, Y.; Wong, C. H. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2000(4), 2643-2653
811999Synthesis of Glycans from the Glycodelins: Two Undeca-, Two Deca-, Three Nona-, an Octa- and a HeptasaccharideDepre, D.; Duffels, A.; Green, L. G.; Lenz, R.; Ley, S. V.; Wong, C. H. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 5(11), 3326-3340
821998A Lysoganglioside/Poly-L-glutamic Acid Conjugate as a Picomolar Inhibitor of Influenza HemagglutininKamitakahara, H.; Suzuki, T.; Nishigori, N.; Suzuki, Y.; Kanie, O.; Wong, C. H. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 37(11), 1524-1528
831998Probing the Activities and Mechanisms of Leukotriene A4 Hydrolase with Synthetic InhibitorsHogg, J. H.; Ollmann, I. R.; Wetterholm, A.; Andberg, M. B.; Haeggstrom, J.; Samuelsson, B.; Wong, C. H. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 4(9), 1698-1713
841996A Practical Method for the Synthesis of N-Acetyl-D-lactosamine Derivatives by the Tandem Use of Galactose Oxidase and β-GalactosidaseKimura, T.; Takayama, S.; Huang, H.; Wong, C. H. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 35(20), 2348-2350
851996Samarium diiodide mediated coupling of glycosyl phosphates with carbon radical or anion acceptors - Synthesis of C-glycosidesHung, S. C. ; Wong, C. H. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 35(22), 2671-2674
861996The synthesis of novel 6-amido-6-deoxy-L-galactose derivatives as potent sialyl Lewis(x) mimeticsCappi, M. W.; Moree, W. J.; Qiao, L.; Marron, T. G.; Weitz-Schmidt, G.; Wong, C. H. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 35(20), 2346-2348
871995Enzymes in Organic Synthesis: Application to the Problems of Carbohydrate Recognition (Part 2)Wong, C. H. ; Halcomb, R. L.; Ichikawa, Y.; Kajimoto, T.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 34(5), 521-546
881995Enzymes in Organic Synthesis: Application to the Problems of Carbohydrate Recognition (Part 1)Wong, C. H. ; Halcomb, R. L.; Ichikawa, Y.; Kajimoto, T.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 34(4), 412-432
891994Remarkable Stereoselectivity in the Inhibition of α-Galactosidase from Coffee Bean by a New Polyhydroxypyrrolidine InhibitorWang, Y. F.; Takaoka, Y.; Wong, C. H. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 33(12), 1242-1244
901994Recombinant Whole Cells as Catalysts for the Enzymatic Synthesis of Oligosaccharides and GlycopeptidesHerrmann, G. F.; Wang, P.; Shen, G. J.; Wong, C. H. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 33(12), 1241-1242