Results 1-37 of 37 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Tracking alternative versions of the galactose gene network in the genus Saccharomyces and their expansion after domesticationPontes, Ana; Paraíso, Francisca; Liu, Yu-Ching; Limtong, Savitree; Jindamorakot, Sasitorn; Jespersen, Lene; Gonçalves, Carla; Rosa, Carlos A.; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Rokas, Antonis; Hittinger, Chris Todd; Gonçalves, Paula; Sampaio, José PauloiScience 27(2), 108987
22023Potential PCR amplification bias in identifying complex ecological patterns: Higher species compositional homogeneity revealed in smaller-size coral reef zooplankton by metatranscriptomicsMattos, FMG; Dreyer, N; Fong, CL; Wen, YHV; Jain, D; De Vivo, M; Huang, YS; Mwihaki, JK; Wang, TY ; Ho, MJ ; Tsai, IJ ; Wang, J ; Chan, BKK ; Machida, RJ MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES 24(3), e13911
32023Single-worm long-read sequencing reveals genome diversity in free-living nematodesLee, Yi-Chien; Ke, Huei-Mien; Liu, Yu-Ching; Lee, Hsin-Han; Wang, Min-Chen; Tseng, Yung-Che ; Kikuchi, Taisei; Tsai, Isheng Jason Nucleic Acids Research 51(15), 8035-8047
42023Evolution and Diversity of Bioluminescent FungiKe, Huei-Mien; Lu, Min R.; Chang, Chiung-Chih; Hsiao, Chen; Ou, Jie-Hao; Taneyama, Yuichi; Tsai, Isheng Jason The Mycota (MYCOTA, volume 14) (Switzerland : Springer)
52023Vertical and horizontal gene transfer shaped plant colonization and biomass degradation in the fungal genus ArmillariaSahu, Neha; Indic, Boris; Wong-Bajracharya, Johanna; Merényi, Zsolt; Ke, Huei-Mien; Ahrendt, Steven; Monk, Tori-Lee; Kocsubé, Sándor; Drula, Elodie; Lipzen, Anna; Bálint, Balázs; Henrissat, Bernard; Andreopoulos, Bill; Martin, Francis M.; Bugge, Harder Christoffer; Rigling, Daniel; Ford, Kathryn L.; Foster, Gary D.; Pangilinan, Jasmyn; Papanicolaou, Alexie; Barry, Kerrie; LaButti, Kurt; Virágh, Máté; Koriabine, Maxim; Yan, Mi; Riley, Robert; Champramary, Simang; Plett, Krista L.; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Slot, Jason; Sipos, György; Plett, Jonathan; Nagy, László G.Nature Microbiology 8, 1668-1681
62023Detecting intragenic trans-splicing events from non-co-linearly spliced junctions by hybrid sequencingYu-Chen Chen; Chia-Ying Chen; Tai-Wei Chiang; Ming-Hsien Chan; Michael Hsiao ; Huei-Mien Ke; Isheng Jason Tsai ; Trees-Juen Chuang Nucleic Acids Research 51(15), 7777-7797
72023The mitochondrial genome of Isognomon nucleus and mitogenomics of pteriomorphia (Bivalvia: Autobranchia)Dreyer, N; de Mattos, FMG; Jain, D; Fong, C-L; De Vivo, M; Wen, YV; Huang, Y-S; Mwihaki, JK; Lee, H-H; Tsai, P-C; Tsao, Y-F; Chan, BKK ; Tsai, IJ ; Machida, RJ ; Wang, T-Y ; Wang, J Journal of Molluscan Studies 89(1), eyad003
82023The Aphelenchoides genomes reveal substantial horizontal gene transfers in the last common ancestor of free-living and major plant-parasitic nematodesLai, CK; Lee, YC; Ke, HM; Lu, MR; Liu, WA; Lee, HH; Liu, YC; Yoshiga, T; Kikuchi, T; Chen, PJ; Tsai, IJ Molecular ecology resources 23(4), 905-919
92022Translocation of fungicides and their efficacy in controlling Phellinus noxius, the cause of brown root rot diseaseLiao, Ting-Zhi; Chen, Yu-Hsuan; Tsai, Jyh-Nong; Chao, Chieh; Huang, Tzu-Pi; Hong, Cheng-Fang; Wu, Zong-Chi; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Lee, Hsin-Han; Klopfenstein, Ned Brian; Kim, Mee-Sook; Stewart, Jane E.; Atibalentja, Ndeme; Brooks, Fred E.; Cannon, Phil; Mohd, Farid Ahmad; Hattori, Tsutomu; Kwan, Hoi-Shan; Lam, Yau-Ching Regent; Ota, Yuko; Sahashi, Norio; Schlub, Robert L.; Shuey, Louise S.; Tang, Alvin M. C.; Chung, Chia-LinPlant Disease 107(7), 2039-2053
102022Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of trans-kingdom pathogen Fusarium solani species complex reveal degrees of compartmentalizationHoh, Daphne Z.; Lee, Hsin-Han; Wada, Naohisa; Liu, Wei-An; Lu, Min R.; Lai, Cheng-Kuo; Ke, Huei-Mien; Sun, Pei-Feng; Tang, Sen-Lin ; Chung, Wen-Hsin; Chen, Ying-Lien; Chung, Chia-Lin; Tsai, Isheng Jason BMC Biology 20(1), 236
112022Investigation of asymptomatic infection of Phellinus noxius in herbaceous plantsChen, Chia-Yu; Wu, Zong-Chi; Liu, Tse-Yen; Yu, Shiang-Shiuan; Tsai, Jyh-Nong; Tsai, Yu-Chang; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Chung, Chia-LinPhytopathology 113(3), 460-469
122022The teenage years of yeast population genomics — trace history, admixing and getting wilderTsai, Isheng Jason CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT 75, 101942
132022Utilisation of Oxford Nanopore sequencing to generate six complete gastropod mitochondrial genomes as part of a biodiversity curriculumMattia De Vivo; Hsin-Han Lee; Yu-Sin Huang; Niklas Dreyer; Chia-Ling Fong; Felipe Monteiro Gomes de Mattos; Dharmesh Jain; Yung-Hui Victoria Wen; John Karichu Mwihaki; Tzi-Yuan Wang ; Ryuji J Machida ; John Wang ; Benny KK Chan ; Isheng Jason Tsai Scientific Reports 12(1), 9973
142022C. elegans BLMP-1 controls apical epidermal cell morphology by repressing expression of mannosyltransferase bus-8 and molting signal mlt-8Wu, Yun-Zhe; Jiang, Hang-Shiang; Han, Hsiao-Fen; Li, Po-Hsuan; Lu, Min R.; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Wu, Yi-Chun Developmental Biology 486, 96-108
152022Extensive sampling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Taiwan reveals ecology and evolution of predomesticated lineagesLee, Tracy J; Liu, Yuching; Liu, Wei-An; Lin, Yu-Fei; Lee, Hsin-Han; Ke, Huei-Mien; Huang, Jen-Pen ; Lu, Mei-Yeh Jade ; Hsieh, Chia-Lun; Chung, Kuo-Fang ; Liti, Gianni; Tsai, Isheng J Genome Research 32(5), 864-877
162022Yeasts from temperate forestsMozzachiodi, Simone; Bai, Feng‐Yan; Baldrian, Petr; Bell, Graham; Boundy‐Mills, Kyria; Buzzini, Pietro; Čadež, Neža; Cubillos, Francisco A.; Dashko, Sofia; Dimitrov, Roumen; Fisher, Kaitlin J.; Gibson, Brian; Gouliamova, Dilnora; Greig, Duncan; Heistinger, Lina; Hittinger, Chris Todd; Jecmenica, Marina; Koufopanou, Vassiliki; Landry, Christian R.; Mašínová, Tereza; Naumova, Elena S.; Opulente, Dana; Peña, Jacqueline J.; Petrovič, Uroš; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Turchetti, Benedetta; Villarreal, Pablo; Yurkov, Andrey; Liti, Gianni; Boynton, PrimroseYeast 39(1-2), 4-24
172022Genome Assembly and Evolutionary Analysis of the Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata Reveal Strong Genome Conservation among DucksNg, Chen Siang; Lai, Cheng-Kuo; Ke, Huei-Mien; Lee, Hsin-Han; Chen, Chih-Feng; Tang, Pin-Chi; Cheng, Hsu-Chen; Lu, Meiyeh J. ; Li, Wen-Hsiung ; Tsai, Isheng Jason Genome Biology and Evolution 14(6), evac083
182022The brown root rot fungus Phellinus noxius affects microbial communities in different root-associated niches of Ficus treesLiu, Tse‐Yen; Chen, Chao‐Han; Yang, Yu‐Liang ; Tsai, Isheng J. ; Ho, Ying‐Ning; Chung, Chia‐LinEnvironmental microbiology 24(1), 276-297
192022Possible stochastic sex determination in Bursaphelenchus nematodesShinya, Ryoji; Sun, Simo; Dayi, Mehmet; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Miyama, Atsushi; Chen, Anthony Fu; Hasegawa, Koichi; Antoshechkin, Igor; Kikuchi, Taisei; Sternberg, Paul W.Nature Communications 13, 2574
202021Biogeographic Changes in Forest Soil Microbial Communities of Offshore Islands—A Case Study of Remote Islands in TaiwanChang, Ed-Haun; Tsai, Isheng Jason ; Jien, Shih-Hao; Tian, Guanglong; Chiu, Chih-Yu Forests 12(1), 4
212021Assessing the rectal mucosal microbiota improves mild ulcerative colitis detection sensitivity and evaluationYF Lin; CM Sung; HM Ke; WA Liu; HY Huang; MJ Lu; IJ Tsai ; SY Hsiehgut microbes
222021Understanding and using fungal bioluminescence – recent progress and future perspectivesHM Ke; IJ Tsai Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry _, 100570
232020Mycena genomes resolve the evolution of fungal bioluminescenceKe, Huei-Mien; Lee, Hsin-Han; Lin, Chan-Yi Ivy; Liu, Yu-Ching; Lu, Min R.; Hsieh, Jo-Wei Allison; Chang, Chiung-Chih; Wu, Pei-Hsuan; Lu, Meiyeh Jade ; Li, Jeng-Yi; Shang, Gaus; Lu, Rita Jui-Hsien; Nagy, László G.; Chen, Pao-Yang ; Kao, Hsiao-Wei; Tsai, Isheng Jason Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(49), 31267-31277
242020Genome plasticity in Paramecium bursaria revealed by population genomicsYH Cheng; CFJ Liu; YH Yu; YT Jhou; M Fujishima; IJ Tsai ; JY LeuBMC BIOLOGY 18, 180
252020Establishment of three human induced pluripotent stem cell lines from a type 1 diabetic family harboring sequence variants associated with autoimmunityE.P.F. Chu; C.H. Lin; C.H.H. Cho; I.F. Cheng; T.C. Kuo R.Y. Chen; C.N. Liao; J.C. Cheng; J.I.S. Tsai ; P.C. Wang; S.J. Chang; C.N. Shen Stem Cell Research 49, 102029
262020Soil is not a reservoir for Phellinus noxius.Wu, ZC; Chang, YY; Lai, QJ; Lin, HA; Tzean, SS; Liou, RF; Tsai, IJ ; Chung, CLPhytopathology 110(2), 362-369
272020Nest microbiota and pathogen abundance in sea turtle hatcheriesHoh, Daphne Z.; Lin, Yu-Fei; Liu, Wei-An; Sidique, Siti Nordahliawate Mohamed; Tsai, Isheng Jason Fungal Ecology 47, 100964
282020Nearly Complete Genome Assembly of the Pinewood Nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Strain Ka4C1M Dayi; S Sun; Y Maeda; R Tanaka; A Yoshida; IJ Tsai ; T KikuchiMicrobiology Resource Announcements 9(42), e01002-20
292020Comparative transcriptomics across nematode life cycles reveal gene expression conservation and correlated evolution in adjacent developmental stagesLu, MR; Lai, CK; Liao, BY; Tsai, IJ Genome biology and evolution 12(7), 1019-1030
302019Comparative genomics of the major parasitic wormsAvril Coghlan; Rahul Tyagi; James A. Cotton; Nancy Holroyd; Bruce A. Rosa; Isheng Jason Tsai ; Dominik R. Laetsch; Robin N. Beech; Tim A. Day; Kymberlie Hallsworth-Pepin; Huei-Mien Ke; Tzu-Hao Kuo; Tracy J. Lee; John Martin; Rick M. Maizels; Prudence Mutowo; Philip Ozersky; John Parkinson; Adam J. Reid; Neil D. Rawlings; Diogo M. Ribeiro; Lakshmipuram Seshadri Swapna; Eleanor Stanley; David W. Taylor; Nicolas J. Wheeler; Mostafa Zamanian; Xu Zhang; Fiona Allan; Judith E. Allen; Kazuhito Asano; Simon A. Babayan; Germanus Bah; Helen Beasley; Hayley M. Bennett; Stewart A. Bisset; Estela Castillo; Joseph Cook; Philip J. Cooper; Teresa Cruz-Bustos; Carmen Cuéllar; Eileen Devaney; Stephen R. Doyle; Mark L. Eberhard; Aidan Emery; Keeseon S. Eom; John S. Gilleard; Daria Gordon; Yvonne Harcus; Bhavana Harsha; John M. Hawdon; Dolores E. Hill; Jane Hodgkinson; Petr Horák; Kevin L. Howe; Thomas Huckvale; Martin Kalbe; Gaganjot Kaur; Taisei Kikuchi; Georgios Koutsovoulos; Sujai Kumar; Andrew R. Leach; Jane Lomax; Benjamin Makepeace; Jacqueline B. Matthews; Antonio Muro; Noel Michael O’Boyle; Peter D. Olson; Antonio Osuna; Felix Partono; Kenneth Pfarr; Gabriel Rinaldi; Pilar Foronda; David Rollinson; Mercedes Gomez Samblas; Hiroshi Sato; Manuela Schnyder; Tomáš Scholz; Myriam Shafie; Vincent N. Tanya; Rafael Toledo; Alan Tracey; Joseph F. Urban; Lian-Chen Wang; Dante Zarlenga; Mark L. Blaxter; Makedonka Mitreva; Matthew BerrimanNature Genetics 51(1), 163-174
312019Evidence of Extensive Intraspecific Noncoding Reshuffling in a 169-kb Mitochondrial Genome of a Basidiomycetous Fungus.Lee, HH; Ke, HM; Lin, CI; Lee, TJ; Chung, CL; Tsai, IJ Genome biology and evolution 11(10), 2774-2788
322019Sequential changes in the host gut microbiota during infection with the intestinal parasitic nematode Strongyloides venezuelensisT Afrin; K Murase; A Kounosu; VL Hunt; M Bligh; Y Maeda; A Hino; H Maruyama; IJ Tsai ; T KikuchiFRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY 9, 217
332019Blast fungal genomes show frequent chromosomal changes, gene gains and losses, and effector gene turnoverGomez Luciano, LB; Tsai, IJ ; Chuma, I; Tosa, Y; Chen, YH; Li, JY; Li, MY; Jade Lu, MY ; Nakayashiki, H; Li, WH Molecular Biology and Evolution 36(6), 1148-1161
342019Structure and diversity of soil bacterial communities in offshore islandsLin, Y.T.; Lin, Y.F.; Tsai, I.J. ; Chang, E.H.; Jien, S.H.; Lin, Y.J.; Chiu, C.Y. Scientific Reports 9, 4689
352019Stout camphor tree genome fills gaps in understanding of flowering plant genome evolutionChaw, SM ; Liu, YC; Wu, YW; Wang, HY; Lin, CI; Wu, CS; Ke, HM; Chang, LY; Hsu, CY; Yang, HT; Sudianto, E; Hsu, MH; Wu, KP; Wang, LN; Leebens-Mack, JH; Tsai, IJ Nature Plants 5, 63-73
362019Predicting clinical outcomes of cirrhosis patients with hepatic encephalopathy from the fecal microbiome.Sung, CM; Lin, YF; Chen, KF; Ke, HM; Huang, HY; Gong, YN; Tsai, WS; Lu, MJ ; Cheng, HT; Lin, CY; Kuo, CJ; Tsai, IJ ; Hsieh, SYCellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology 8(2), 301-318.e2
372017Comparative genomics of Vibrio campbellii strains and core species of the Vibrio Harveyi cladeKe, Huei-Mien; Prachumwat, Anuphap; Yu, Chun-Ping; Yang, Yi-Ting; Promsri, Sutitcha; Liu, Kuan-Fu; Lo, Chu-Fang; Lu, Mei-Yeh Jade; Lai, Mei-Chin; Tsai, Isheng J. ; Li, Wen-Hsiung Scientific Reports 7, 41394