
Results 1-21 of 21 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Potential PCR amplification bias in identifying complex ecological patterns: Higher species compositional homogeneity revealed in smaller-size coral reef zooplankton by metatranscriptomicsMattos, FMG; Dreyer, N; Fong, CL; Wen, YHV; Jain, D; De Vivo, M; Huang, YS; Mwihaki, JK; Wang, TY ; Ho, MJ ; Tsai, IJ ; Wang, J ; Chan, BKK ; Machida, RJ MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES 24(3), e13911
22023Insights on the connectivity, genetic diversity, and population structure of Arctodiaptomus dorsalis (Marsh, 1907) (Copepoda: Calanoida: Diaptomidae) in the PhilippinesGuinto, SKP; Machida, RJ ; Papa, RDSJOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY 43(4), ruad070
32023Molecular characterization of the nearly complete nuclear ribosomal DNA sequence of the Neotropical freshwater copepod Arctodiaptomus dorsalis (Marsh, 1907) (Copepoda, Calanoida, Diaptomidae)Guinto, SKP; Machida, RJ ; Papa, RDSCrustaceana 96(5), 407-421
42023The mitochondrial genome of Isognomon nucleus and mitogenomics of pteriomorphia (Bivalvia: Autobranchia)Dreyer, N; de Mattos, FMG; Jain, D; Fong, C-L; De Vivo, M; Wen, YV; Huang, Y-S; Mwihaki, JK; Lee, H-H; Tsai, P-C; Tsao, Y-F; Chan, BKK ; Tsai, IJ ; Machida, RJ ; Wang, T-Y ; Wang, J Journal of Molluscan Studies 89(1), eyad003
52023Allometric scaling of interspecific RNA transcript abundance to extend the use of metatranscriptomics in characterizing complex communitiesMark Louie D. Lopez; Ya-ying Lin; Stephan Q Schneider; Chih-hao Hsieh; Fuh-Kwo Shiah; Ryuji J. Machida Molecular Ecology Resources 23(1), 52-63
62022Novel molecular resources for single-larva barcoding of enigmatic crustacean y-larvaeDreyer, N; Palero, F; Grygier, M; Savchenko, A; Kolbasov, G; Machida, R ; Chan, B ; Olesen, JAuthorea Preprints
72022Utilisation of Oxford Nanopore sequencing to generate six complete gastropod mitochondrial genomes as part of a biodiversity curriculumMattia De Vivo; Hsin-Han Lee; Yu-Sin Huang; Niklas Dreyer; Chia-Ling Fong; Felipe Monteiro Gomes de Mattos; Dharmesh Jain; Yung-Hui Victoria Wen; John Karichu Mwihaki; Tzi-Yuan Wang ; Ryuji J Machida ; John Wang ; Benny KK Chan ; Isheng Jason Tsai Scientific Reports 12(1), 9973
82022Erratum to: New insights into biodiversity, biogeography, ecology, and evolution of marine zooplankton based on molecular approachesBucklin, A; Peijnenburg, KTCA; Kosobokova, K; Machida, RJ ICES Journal of Marine Science 79(1), 245-245
92022Development of transcriptomics-based growth rate indices in two model eukaryotes and relevance to metatranscriptomics datasetsWye-Lup Kong; Ryuji J. Machida Molecular Ecology Resources 22(7), 2627-2639
102022MIDORI2: A collection of quality controlled, preformatted, and regularly updated reference databases for taxonomic assignment of eukaryotic mitochondrial sequencesMatthieu Leray; Nancy Knowlton; Ryuji J Machida Environmental DNA 4(4), 894-907
112021Using metatranscriptomics to estimate the diversity and composition of zooplankton communitiesLopez, MLD; Lin, Y; Sato, M; Hsieh, CH; Shiah, FK ; Machida, RJ MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES 22(2), 638-652
122021To the light side: molecular diversity and morphology of stomatopod larvae and juveniles (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Stomatopoda) from crustose coralline algal reefs in TaiwanKJH Wong; YF Tsao; PC Tsai; WP Hsieh; HR Li; RJ Machida ; BKK Chan Marine Biodiversity 51, 20
132021Comparative analysis of zooplankton diversities and compositions estimated from complement DNA and genomic DNA amplicons, metatranscriptomics, and morphological identificationsMachida, RJ ; Kurihara, H; Nakajima, R; Sakamaki, T; Lin, YY; Furusawa, KICES Journal of Marine Science 78(9), 3428-3443
142021New insights into biodiversity, biogeography, ecology, and evolution of marine zooplankton based on molecular approachesBucklin, A; Peijnenburg, KTCA; Kosobokova, K; Machida, RJ ICES Journal of Marine Science 78(9), 3281-3287
152020Reply to Locatelli et al.: Evaluating species-level accuracy of GenBank metazoan sequences will require experts’ effort in each groupLeray, M; Knowlton, N; Ho, SL; Nguyen, BN; Machida, RJ PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117(51), 32213-32214
162020Seabed mining could come at a high price for a unique faunaLeray, M; Machida, RJ MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 29(23), 4506-4509
172019Underestimated species diversity and hidden habitat preference in Moina (Crustacea, Cladocera) revealed by integrative taxonomyMakino, W; Machida, RJ ; Okitsu, J; Nisikawa, UHYDROBIOLOGIA 847, 857-878
182019Nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal ratio as an index of animal growth rateKong, WL; Miki, T; Lin, YY; Makino, W; Urabe, J; Gu, SH; Machida, RJ LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY-METHODS 17(11), 575-584
192019GenBank is a reliable resource for 21st century biodiversity researchLeray, M; Knowlton, N; Ho, SL; Nguyen, BN; Machida, RJ PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116 (45), 22651-22656
202017Metazoan mitochondrial gene sequence reference datasets for taxonomic assignment of environmental samplesMachida, RJ ; Leray, M; Ho, SL; Knowlton, NScientific Data 4, 170027
212017Occurrence of Mitochondrial CO1 Pseudogenes in Neocalanus plumchrus (Crustacea: Copepoda): Hybridization Indicated by Recombined Nuclear Mitochondrial PseudogenesMachida, RJ ; Lin, YYPLOS ONE 12(2), e0172710