
Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12011Inhibition of Glutathione S-Transferase M1 by New Gabosine Analogues Is Essential for Overcoming Cisplatin Resistance in Lung Cancer CellsChie-Hong Wang; Ho T. Wu; Hau Man Cheng; Tien-Jui Yen; I-Hsuan Lu; Hui Chuan Chang; Shu-Chuan Jao ; Tony Kung Ming Shing; Wen-Shan Li Journal of medicinal chemistry 54(24), 8574-8581
22011The calcium-chelating capability of tetrahydrofuranic moieties modulates the cytotoxicity of annonaceous acetogeninsLiaw, CC; Liao, WY; Chen, CS; Jao, SC ; Wu, YC; Shen, CN ; Wu, SH Angewandte Chemie-International edition 50(34), 7885-7891
32011Polyfluorinated bipyridine cisplatins manipulate cytotoxicity through the induction of S-G2/M arrest and partial intercalation mechanismTzu Ting Chang; Shivaji V. More; Norman Lu; Jyun-Wei Jhuo; Yi-Chuan Chen; Shu-Chuan Jao ; Wen-Shan Li Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 19(16), 4887-4894
42010Overcoming the drug resistance in breast cancer cells by rational design of efficient glutathione S-transferase inhibitorsWen-Shan Li ; Wing See Lam; Kung-Cheng Liu; Chie-Hong Wang; Hui Chuan Chang; Ya Ching Jen; Yu-Ting Hsu; Sachin Shivatare; Shu-Chuan Jao Organic letters 12(1), 20-23
52010Synthesis and structure–activity relationships of novel furazan-3,4-diamide analogs as potent anti-cancer agentsWen-Shan Li ; Shivaji V. More; Chie-Hong Wang; Ya Ching Jen; Ching-Fa Yao; Tein-Fu Wang; Chin-Chun Hung ; Shu-Chuan Jao Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20(3), 1148-1152
62008Evaluation of organophosphorus chemicals-degrading enzymes: a comparison of Escherichia coli and human cytosolic aminopeptidase PHsu, YT; Su, CY; Du, HC; Jao, SC ; Li, WS Chemistry & biodiversity 5(7), 1401-1411
72007Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic Synthesis of Glutathione Conjugates: Application to the Understanding of a Parasite's Defense System and Alternative to the Discovery of Potent Glutathione S-Transferase InhibitorsLo, WJ; Chiou, YC; Hsu, YT; Lam, WS; Chang, MY; Jao, SC ; Li, WS Bioconjugate Chemistry 18(1), 109-120
82006Aminopeptidase P Mediated Detoxification of Organophosphonate Analogues of Sarin: Mechanistic and Stereochemical Study at the Phosphorus Atom of the SubstrateHuang, LF; Su, BS; Jao, SC ; Liu, KT; Li, WS ChemBioChem 7(3), 506-514
92006Tyrosine 387 and arginine 404 are critical in the hydrolytic mechanism of Escherichia coli aminopeptidase P.Jao, SC ; Huang, LF; Hwang, SM; Li, WS Biochemistry 45(6), 1547-1553
102006Design of potent inhibitors for Schistosoma japonica glutathione S-transferaseJao, SC ; Chen, J; Yang, K; Li, WS Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 14(2), 304-318
112006Selective inactivation of glutaredoxin by sporidesmin and other epidithiopiperazinediones.Srinivasan, U; Bala, A; Jao, SC ; Starke, DW; Jordan, TW; Mieyal, JJBiochemistry 45(29), 8978-87
122006Structural elucidation of phosphoglycolipids from strains of the bacterial thermophiles Thermus and Meiothermus.Yang, YL ; Yang, FL; Jao, SC ; Chen, MY; Tsay, SS; Zou, W; Wu, SH Journal of lipid research 47(8), 1823-1832
132006Solution structure of the complex between poxvirus-encoded CC chemokine inhibitor vCCI and human MIP-1beta.Zhang, L; Derider, M; McCornack, MA; Jao, SC ; Isern, N; Ness, T; Moyer, R; LiWang, PJProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103(38), 13985-90
142006Computational and mutational analysis of human glutaredoxin (thioltransferase): probing the molecular basis of the low pKa of cysteine 22 and its role in catalysis.Jao, SC ; English Ospina, SM; Berdis, AJ; Starke, DW; Post, CB; Mieyal, JJBiochemistry 45(15), 4785-96
152002Characterization of the role of the N-loop of MIP-1 beta in CCR5 binding.Bondue, A; Jao, SC ; Blanpain, C; Parmentier, M; LiWang, PJBiochemistry 41(46), 13548-55
162001Structural comparison of monomeric variants of the chemokine MIP-1β having differing ability to bind the receptor CCR5.Kim, S; Jao, SC ; Laurence, JS; LiWang, PJBiochemistry 40, 10782-10791
171999Solution structures of micelle-bound amyloid β-(1-40) and β-(1-42) peptides of Alzheimer's disease.Shao, H; Jao, SC ; Ma, K; Zagorski, MGJ. Mol. Biol. 285, 755-773
181998Reactivity of the human thioltransferase (glutaredoxin) C7S, C25S, C78S, C82S mutant and NMR solution structure of its glutathionyl mixed disulfide intermediate reflect catalytic specificity.Yang, Y; Jao, SC ; Nanduri, S; Starke, DW; Mieyal, JJ; Qin, JBiochemistry 37(49), 17145-56
191997Trifluoroacetic acid pretreatment reproducibly disaggregates the amyloid β-peptide.Jao, SC ; Ma, K; Talafous, J; Orlando, R; Zagorski, MGAmyloid-International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Investigation 4, 240-252