
Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Acetylation-Mimic Mutation of TRIM28-Lys304 to Gln Attenuates the Interaction with KRAB-Zinc-Finger Proteins and Affects Gene Expression in Leukemic K562 CellsChang, YJ; Lin, S; Kang, ZF; Shen, BJ; Tsai, WH; Chen, WC; Lu, HP; Su, YL; Chou, SJ ; Lin, SY ; Lin, SW ; Huang, YJ; Wang, HH; Chang, CJ International journal of molecular sciences 24(12), 9830
22022Generation of TRIM28 Knockout K562 Cells by CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing and Characterization of TRIM28-Regulated Gene Expression in Cell Proliferation and Hemoglobin Beta SubunitsChang, YJ; Kang, Z; Bei, J; Chou, SJ ; Lu, MJ; Su, YL; Lin, SW ; Wang, HH; Lin, S ; Chang, CJ International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(12), 6839
32016Fluorescent Farnesyl Diphosphate Analogue: A Probe To Validate trans-Prenyltransferase Inhibitors.Kuo-Hsun Teng; Erh-Ting Hsu; Ying-Hsuan Chang; Sheng-Wei Lin ; Po-Huang Liang BIOCHEMISTRY 55(31), 4366-4374
42016Identification, synthesis and evaluation of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV 3C-like protease inhibitors.Kumar, V; Tan, KP; Wang, YM; Lin, SW ; Liang, PH Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 24(13), 3035-3042
52016Role of the RAD51-SWI5-SFR1 Ensemble in homologous recombination.Su, GC; Yeh, HY; Lin, SW ; Chung, CI; Huang, YS; Liu, YC; Lyu, PC; Chi, PNucleic acids research 44(13), 6242-51
62012Rad51 presynaptic filament stabilization function of the mouse Swi5–Sfr1 heterodimeric complexTsai, SP; Su, GC; Lin, SW ; Chung, CI; Xue, X; Dunlop, MH; Akamatsu, Y; Jasin, M; Sung, P; Chi, P. Nucleic acids research 40(14), 6558-6569
72007Structure and Mechanism of Helicobacter pylori Fucosyltransferase: A BASIS FOR LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE VARIATION AND INHIBITOR DESIGNSun, HY; Lin, SW ; Ko, TP; Pan, JF; Liu, CL; Lin, CN; Wang, AHJ ; Lin, CH Journal of Biological Chemistry 282(13), 9973-9982
82006Carboxyl Terminus of Helicobacter pylori α1,3-Fucosyltransferase Determines the Structure and StabilityLin, SW ; Yuan, TM; Li, JR; Lin, CH Biochemistry 45(26), 8108-8116