
Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Acetylation-Mimic Mutation of TRIM28-Lys304 to Gln Attenuates the Interaction with KRAB-Zinc-Finger Proteins and Affects Gene Expression in Leukemic K562 CellsChang, YJ; Lin, S; Kang, ZF; Shen, BJ; Tsai, WH; Chen, WC; Lu, HP; Su, YL; Chou, SJ ; Lin, SY ; Lin, SW ; Huang, YJ; Wang, HH; Chang, CJ International journal of molecular sciences 24(12), 9830
22023A Suspension Trapping–Based Sample Preparation Workflow for Sensitive Plant PhosphoproteomicsChen, Chin-Wen; Tsai, Chia-Feng; Lin, Miao-Hsia; Lin, Shu-Yu ; Hsu, Chuan-Chih bioRxiv
32022K48/K63-linked polyubiquitination of ATG9A by TRAF6 E3 ligase regulates oxidative stress-induced autophagyWang, YT; Liu, TY; Shen, CH; Lin, SY ; Hung, CC ; Hsu, LC; Chen, GC Cell Reports 38(8), 110354
42021Usp11 controls cortical neurogenesis and neuronal migration through Sox11 stabilizationChiang, Shang-Yin; Wu, Hsin-Chieh; Lin, Shu-Yu ; Chen, Hsin-Yi; Wang, Chia-Fang; Yeh, Nai-Hsing; Shih, Jou-Ho; Huang, Yi-Shuian ; Kuo, Hung-Chih ; Chou, Shen-Ju ; Chen, Ruey-Hwa Science advances 7(7), eabc6093
52021VPS34 K29/K48 branched ubiquitination governed by UBE3C and TRABID regulates autophagy, proteostasis and liver metabolismChen, YH; Huang, TY; Lin, YT; Lin, SY ; Li, WH; Hsiao, HJ; Yan, RL; Tang, HW; Shen, ZQ; Chen, GC ; Wu, KP ; Tsai, TF; Chen, RH Nature Communications 12, 1322
62016Quantitative proteomics analysis reveals the Min system of Escherichia coli modulates reversible protein association with the inner membraneLee, HL; Chiang, IC; Liang, SY; Lee, DY; Chang, GD; KY Wang; Lin, SY ; Shih, YL MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS Epub ahead of print
72012Ser-634 and Ser-636 of Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus RTA are Involved in Transactivation and are Potential Cdk9 Phosphorylation Sites.Tsai, WH; Wang, PW; Lin, SY ; Wu, IL; Ko, YC; Chen, YL; Li, M; Lin, SFFrontiers in microbiology 3, 60
82012Suppressive regulation of KSHV RTA with O-GlcNAcylation.Ko, YC; Tsai, WH; Wang, PW; Wu, IL; Lin, SY ; Chen, YL; Chen, JY; Lin, SFJournal of biomedical science 19, 12
92011Structural and Functional Roles of Daxx SIM Phosphorylation in SUMO Paralog-Selective Binding and Apoptosis ModulationChang, Che-Chang; Naik, Mandar T.; Huang, Yen-Sung; Jeng, Jen-Chong; Liao, Pei-Hsin; Kuo, Hong-Yi; Ho, Chun-Chen; Hsieh, Yung-Lin; Lin, Chiou-Hong; Huang, Nai-Jia; Naik, Nandita M.; Kung, Camy C-H; Lin, Shu-Yu ; Chen, Ruey-Hwa ; Chang, Kun-Sang; Huang, Tai-Huang ; Shih, Hsiu-Ming MOLECULAR CELL 42(1), 62-74
102011Phosphorylation of the Zebrafish M6Ab at Serine 263 Contributes to Filopodium Formation in PC12 Cells and Neurite Outgrowth in Zebrafish Embryos.Huang, KY; Chen, GD; Cheng, CH; Liao, KY; Hung, CC ; Chang, GD; Hwang, PP ; Lin, SY ; Tsai, MC; Khoo, KH ; Lee, MT ; Huang, CJ PloS one 6(10), e26461
112010EGFR promotes lung tumorigenesis by activating miR-7 through a Ras/ERK/Myc pathway that targets the Ets2 transcriptional repressor ERFChou, Y. -T.; Lin, H. -H.; Lien, Y. -C.; Wang, Y. -H.; Hong, C. -F.; Kao, Y. -R.; Lin, S. -C.; Chang, Y. -C.; Lin, S. -Y. ; Chen, H. -J.; Yeh, S. -D.; Wu, C. -W. Cancer research 70(21), 8822-8831
122008Precise mapping of increased sialylation pattern and the expression of acute phase proteins accompanying murine tumor progression in BALB/c mouse by integrated sera proteomics and glycomicsLin, SY ; Chen, YY; Fan, YY; Lin, CW; Chen, ST ; Wang, AH ; Khoo, KH Journal of proteome research 7(8), 3293-3303
132007Concerted experimental approach for sequential mapping of peptides and phosphopeptides using C18-functionalized magnetic nanoparticlesHsiao, HH; Hsieh, HY; Chou, CC; Lin, SY ; Wang, AHJ ; Khoo, KH Journal of proteome research 6(4), 1313-1324
142005A modified protein precipitation procedure for efficient removal of albumin from serumChen, YY; Lin, SY ; Yeh, YY; Hsiao, HH; Wu, CY; Chen, ST ; Wang, AHJ Electrophoresis 26(11), 2117-2127