
Results 1-28 of 28 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Aerosol impacts on the East Asian winter monsoon: Insights from TaiESM1 and CMIP6 simulationsTsai, I-C. ; S.-W. Yang; C.-J. Shiu; Y.-Y. Chen ; C.-A. Chen; W.-L. Lee ; H.-H. Hsu International Journal of Climatology 44(9), 2816-2832
22022Improving Madden–Julian oscillation simulation in atmospheric general circulation models by coupling with a one-dimensional snow–ice–thermocline ocean modelTseng, Wan-Ling; Hsu, Huang-Hsiung ; Lan, Yung-Yao ; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Tu, Chia-Ying ; Kuo, Pei-Hsuan; Tsuang, Ben-Jei; Liang, Hsin-ChienGeoscientific Model Development 15(14), 5529-5546
32022Observational evaluation of global climate model simulations of Arctic sea ice and adjacent land pertaining to the radiative effects of frozen hydrometeorsLi, J.-L. F.; W.-L. Lee ; K.-M. Xu; J. H. Jiang; Y.-H. Wang; E. Fetzer; G. Stephens; J.-Y. Yu; Y. LiuEnvironmental Research Communications 4, 025008
42021The potential influence of falling ice radiative effects on central-Pacific El Nino variability under progressive global warmingWang, L.-C.; J.-L. F. Li; K.-M. Xu; L. T. Dao; W.-L. Lee ; J. H. Jiang; E. Fetzer; Y.-H. Wang; J.-Y. Yu; C.-A. ChenEnvironmental Research Letters 16(12), 124062
52021A parameterization of sub-grid topographical effects on solar radiation in the E3SM land model (version 1.0): implementation and evaluation over the Tibetan PlateauHao, D.; G. Bisht; Y. Gu; W.-L. Lee ; K.-N. Liou; L. R. LeungGEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT 14, 6273-6289
62021A New k-Distribution Scheme for Clear-Sky Radiative Transfer Calculations in Earth’s Atmosphere. Part II: Solar (Shortwave) Heating due to H2O and CO2Chou, M.-D.; K.-T. Lee; I.-S. Zo; W.-L. Lee ; C.-J. Shiu ; J.-B. JeeJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences 78, 2657-2675
72021Changes of south-central Pacific large-scale environment associated with hydrometeors-radiation-circulation interactions in a coupled GCMLi, J.-L. F.; K.-M. Xu; W.-L. Lee ; J. H. Jiang; E. Fetzer; G. Stephens; J.-Y. Yu; Y.-H. WangJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126(17), e2021JD034973
82021Improved ice content, radiation, precipitation and low-level circulation over the tropical pacific from ECMWF ERA-interim to ERA5J.-L. F. Li; K.-M. Xu; M. Richardson; J. H. Jiang; G. Stephens; W.-L. Lee ; E. Fetzer; J.-Y. Yu; Y.-H. Wang; F.-J. WangEnvironmental Research Communications 3(8), 081006
92021Linking global land surface temperature projections to radiative effects of hydrometeors under a global warming scenarioJ.-L. F. Li; K.-M. Xu; W.-L. Lee ; J. H. Jiang; E. Fetzer; J.-Y. Yu; Y.-H. Wang; G. Stephens; L.-C. WangEnvironmental Research Letters 16(8), 084044
102021Performance of the Taiwan Earth System Model in Simulating Climate Variability Compared With Observations and CMIP6 Model SimulationsWang, Yi-Chi; Hsu, Huang-Hsiung ; Chen, Chao-An; Tseng, Wan-Ling; Hsu, Pei-Chun; Lin, Cheng-Wei; Chen, Yu-Luen; Jiang, Li-Chiang; Lee, Yu-Chi; Liang, Hsin-Chien; Chang, Wen-Ming; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Shiu, Chein-Jung Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13(7), e2020MS002353
112021Impact of falling ice radiative effects on projections of Southern Ocean sea ice change under global warmingLi, J.-L. F.; W.-L. Lee ; K.-M. Xu; J. H. Jiang; E. Fetzer; C.-A. Chen; P.-C. Hsu; H.-H. Hsu; J.-Y. Yu; Y.-H. WangTerrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences 32(1), 113-131
122020Taiwan Earth System Model Version 1: description and evaluation of mean stateLee, Wei-Liang ; Wang, Yi-Chi; Shiu, Chein-Jung ; Tsai, I-chun ; Tu, Chia-Ying ; Lan, Yung-Yao ; Chen, Jen-Ping; Pan, Hua-Lu; Hsu, Huang-Hsiung Geoscientific Model Development 13(9), 3887-3904
132020An Overview of CMIP5 and CMIP6 Simulated Cloud Ice, Radiation Fields, Surface Wind Stress, Sea Surface Temperatures, and Precipitation Over Tropical and Subtropical OceansLi, J.-L. F.; Xu, K.-M.; Jiang, J. H.; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Wang, Li-Chiao; Yu, Jia-Yuh; Stephens, G.; Fetzer, Eric; Wang, Yi-HuiJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES 125(15), e2020JD032848
142020Evaluation of sea salt aerosols in climate systems: global climate modeling and observation-based analysesChen, Yi-Chun; Li, Jui-Lin F; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Diner, David J; Garay, Michael J; Jiang, Jonathan H; Wang, Yi-Hui; Yu, Jia-Yuh; Kalashnikova, Olga VEnvironmental Research Letters 15(3), 034047
152020The Role of Falling Ice Radiative effects on Climate Projections over Arctic under Global WarmingLi, J.-L. F.; W.-L. Lee ; K.-M. Xu; J. H. Jiang; E. Fetzer; C.-A. Chen; Y.-H. Wang; J.-Y. Yu; P.-C. Hsu; H.-H. Hsu Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences 31(6), 633-648
162020Comparisons of radiation-circulation coupling over the tropical and subtropical ocean between AMIP6 and CMIP6Li, J.-L. F.; K.-M. Xu; W.-L. Lee ; J. H. Jiang; Y.-H. Wang; E. Fetzer; J.-Y. Yu; L.-C. WangTerrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences 32, 89-112
172020A New k-Distribution Scheme for Clear-Sky Radiative Transfer Calculations in Earth’s Atmosphere. Part I: Thermal Infrared (Longwave) RadiationChou, Ming-Dah; Chung-Chieh, Yu Jack; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Shiu, Chein-Jung ; Lee, Kyu-Tae; Zo, Il-Sung; Jee, Joon-Bum; Kim, Bu-YoJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences 77(6), 2237-2256
182020Annual and seasonal mean tropical and subtropical precipitation bias in CMIP5 and CMIP6 modelsLi, J-L F; Xu, Kuan-Man; Richardson, Mark; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Jiang, J H; Yu, Jia-Yuh; Wang, Yi-Hui; Fetzer, Eric; Wang, Li-Chiao; Stephens, Graeme; Liang, Hsin-ChienEnvironmental Research Letters 15(12), 124068
192019Relating Precipitating Ice Radiative Effects to Surface Energy Balance and Temperature Biases Over the Tibetan Plateau in WinterLee, Wei‐Liang ; Li, Jui‐Lin, Frank; Xu, Kuan‐Man; Suhas, Ettamal; Jiang, Jonathan H.; Wang, Yi‐Hui; Stephens, Graeme; Fetzer, Eric; Yu, Jia‐YuhJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124(23), 12455-12467
202019Modeling study of the impact of complex terrain on the surface energy and hydrology over the Tibetan PlateauFan, Xuehua; Gu, Yu; Liou, Kuo-Nan; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Zhao, Bin; Chen, Hongbin; Lu, DarenClimate Dynamics 53, 6919-6932
212019Climate Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing on Tropical Precipitation and CirculationsWang, Chia-Chi; Lee, Wei-Liang ; Chou, ChiaJournal of Climate 32(16), 5275-5287
222019Potential faster Arctic sea ice retreat triggered by snowflakes' greenhouse effectLi, J.-L. F.; M. Richardson; W.-L. Lee ; Y. Hong; J. Jiang; E. Fetzer; G. Stephens; Y.-H. Wang; J.-Y. Yu; Y. LiuCRYOSPHERE 13(3), 969-980
232019Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interactions on Surface Temperature and Energy Budget Over the Tibetan Plateau in WinterWei-Liang Lee ; Kuo-Nan Liou; Chia-chi Wang; Yu Gu; Huang-Hsiung Hsu ; Jui-Lin F. LiJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124(3), 1537-1549
242018Falling Snow Radiative Effects Enhance the Global Warming Response of the Tropical Pacific AtmosphereChen, C.-A.; J.-L. F. Li; M. Richardson; W.-L. Lee ; E. Fetzer; G. Stephens; H.-H. Hsu ; Y.-C. Wang; J.-Y. YuJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES 123(18), 10109-10124
252017Improved simulation of Antarctic sea ice due to the radiative effects of falling snowLi, J.-L. F.; M. Richardson; Y. Hong; W.-L. Lee ; Y.-H. Wang; J.-Y. Yu; E. Fetzer; G. Stephens; Y. LiuENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS 12(8), 084010
262016Aerosol effects on summer monsoon over Asia during 1980s and 1990sTsai, I-C. ; W.-C. Wang; H.-H. Hsu ; W.-L. Lee Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121(19), 11761–11776
272015A global model simulation for 3-D radiative transfer impact on surface hydrology over the Sierra Nevada and Rocky MountainsLee, W.-L. ; Y. Gu; K. N. Liou; L. R. Leung; H.-H. Hsu Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15(10), 5405-5413
282015Processes leading to double intertropical convergence zone bias in CESM1/CAM5Wang, C.-c.; W.-L. Lee ; Y.-L. Chen; H.-H. Hsu JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 28(7), 2900-2915