
Results 1-144 of 144 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Observation of Production in Collisions at with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 132, 021802
22024Studies of new Higgs boson interactions through nonresonant HH production in the bb¯γγ final state in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2024, 66
32024Evidence for the Higgs Boson Decay to a 𝑍 Boson and a Photon at the LHCS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 132, 021803
42024Differential cross-section measurements of the production of four charged leptons in association with two jets using the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2024, 4
52024Observation of Wγγ triboson production in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 848, 138400
62023Search for flavor-changing neutral tqH interactions with H→γγ in pp collisions at s√ = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 195
72023Combined measurement of the Higgs boson mass from the H→γγ and H→ZZ∗→4ℓ decay channels with the ATLAS detector using s√ = 7, 8 and 13 TeV pp collision dataHou, Suen ; Lee, Shih Chang ; Mazini, Rachid ; Wang, Song Ming ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 251802
82023Search for heavy Majorana or Dirac neutrinos and right-handed W gauge bosons in final states with charged leptons and jets in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 1164
92023Search for Dark Photons in Rare 𝑍 Boson Decays with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 251801
102023Search for the Zγ decay mode of new high-mass resonances in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 848, 138394
112023Pursuit of paired dijet resonances in the Run 2 dataset with ATLASS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 112005
122023Measurement of the tt¯ cross section and its ratio to the Z production cross section using pp collisions at s√=13.6 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 848, 138376
132023Search for heavy Higgs bosons with flavour-violating couplings in multi-lepton plus b-jets final states in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 81
142023Search for vector-boson resonances decaying into a top quark and a bottom quark using pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 73
152023Search for heavy long-lived multi-charged particles in the full LHC Run 2 pp collision data at s√ = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 847, 138316
162023Search for exclusive Higgs and Z boson decays to ωγ and Higgs boson decays to K⁎γ with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 847, 138292
172023Measurement of the Higgs boson mass with H→γγ decays in 140 fb−1 of s√=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 847, 138315
182023Tools for estimating fake/non-prompt lepton backgrounds with the ATLAS detector at the LHCS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of Instrumentation 18, T11004
192023Search for a new pseudoscalar decaying into a pair of muons in events with a top-quark pair at √𝑠 =13  TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 092007
202023Performance of the reconstruction of large impact parameter tracks in the inner detector of ATLASS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 1081
212023Search for pair production of third-generation leptoquarks decaying into a bottom quark and a τ-lepton with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 1075
222023Search for non-resonant production of semi-visible jets using Run 2 data in ATLASS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 848, 138324
232023Search for single vector-like B quark production and decay via B→bH(bb¯) in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 168
242023Search for direct production of winos and higgsinos in events with two same-charge leptons or three leptons in pp collision data at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 150
252023Search for magnetic monopoles and stable particles with high electric charges in s√=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 112
262023Evidence of off-shell Higgs boson production from ZZ leptonic decay channels and constraints on its total width with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 846, 138223
272023Comparison of inclusive and photon-tagged jet suppression in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with ATLASHou, Suen ; Lee, Shih Chang ; Mazini, Rachid ; Wang, Song Ming ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 846, 138154
282023Measurement of the cross-sections of the electroweak and total production of a Zγ pair in association with two jets in pp collisions at s√ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 846, 138222
292023Search for pairs of muons with small displacements in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 846, 138172
302023Fast b-tagging at the high-level trigger of the ATLAS experiment in LHC Run 3S. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of Instrumentation 18, P11006
312023Luminosity determination in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHCS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 982
322023Observation of Single-Top-Quark Production in Association with a Photon Using the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 181901
332023Measurement of Suppression of Large-Radius Jets and Its Dependence on Substructure in Pb+Pb Collisions at √𝑠𝑁⁢𝑁=5.02  TeV with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 172301
342023Measurement of the Sensitivity of Two-Particle Correlations in 𝑝⁢𝑝 Collisions to the Presence of Hard ScatteringsS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 162301
352023Observation of an Excess of Dicharmonium Events in the Four-Muon Final State with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 151902
362023Search for lepton-flavour violation in high-mass dilepton final states using 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 82
372023Search for periodic signals in the dielectron and diphoton invariant mass spectra using 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√= 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 79
382023Observation of the 𝛾⁢𝛾→𝜏⁢𝜏 Process in Pb+Pb Collisions and Constraints on the 𝜏-Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 151802
392023Integrated and differential fiducial cross-section measurements for the vector boson fusion production of the Higgs boson in the decay channel at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 072003
402023Measurements of multijet event isotropies using optimal transport with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 60
412023Search for a new heavy scalar particle decaying into a Higgs boson and a new scalar singlet in final states with one or two light leptons and a pair of τ-leptons with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 9
422023Search for leptoquarks decaying into the bτ final state in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 1
432023Measurement of the B0s→μμ Effective Lifetime with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 199
442023Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to tau leptons at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 189
452023Anomaly detection search for new resonances decaying into a Higgs boson and a generic new particle X in hadronic final states using s√=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108(5), 052009
462023Search for Majorana neutrinos in same-sign WW scattering events from pp collisions at s√=13 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 824
472023Searches for exclusive Higgs and Z boson decays into a vector quarkonium state and a photon using 139 fb−1 of ATLAS s√=13 TeV proton−proton collision dataS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 781
482023Search for nonresonant pair production of Higgs bosons in the 𝑏⁢¯𝑏⁢𝑏⁢¯𝑏 final state in 𝑝⁢𝑝 collisions at √𝑠 =13  TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 052003
492023Search for a light charged Higgs boson in t→H±b decays, with H±→cb, in the lepton+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 4
502023Measurements of differential cross sections of Higgs boson production through gluon fusion in the H→WW∗→eνμν final state at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 774
512023Search for flavor-changing neutral-current couplings between the top quark and the 𝑍 boson with proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 =13  TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 032019
522023New techniques for jet calibration with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 761
532023Search for the charged-lepton-flavor-violating decay in collisions at with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 032015
542023Search for single production of vector-like T quarks decaying into Ht or Zt in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 153
552023Search for displaced photons produced in exotic decays of the Higgs boson using 13 TeV 𝑝⁢𝑝 collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 032016
562023Measurement of the inclusive tt¯ production cross section in the lepton+jets channel in pp collisions at s√= 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector using support vector machinesS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 032014
572023Evidence for the charge asymmetry in pp→tt¯ production at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 77
582023Strong Constraints on Jet Quenching in Centrality-Dependent 𝑝+Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV from ATLASS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 072301
592023Calibration of the light-flavour jet mistagging efficiency of the b-tagging algorithms with Z+jets events using 139 fb−1 of ATLAS proton-proton collision data at s√=13 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 728
602023Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charmed hadron in pp collisions at s√=13TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 032012
612023Search for pair-produced vector-like top and bottom partners in events with large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 719
622023Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in association with a photon with the ATLAS experimentS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 843, 137848
632023Measurements of W+W− production in decay topologies inspired by searches for electroweak supersymmetryS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 718
642023Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at s√=13 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 843, 137745
652023Measurement of the polarisation of W bosons produced in top-quark decays using dilepton events at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS experimentS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 843, 137829
662023Search for pair-production of vector-like quarks in pp collision events at s√=13 TeV with at least one leptonically decaying Z boson and a third-generation quark with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 843, 138019
672023Observation of gauge boson joint-polarisation states in W±Z production from pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 843 (2023) 137895, 1-27
682023Measurement of the Higgs boson mass in the H→ZZ∗→4ℓ decay channel using 139 fb−1 of s√=13 TeV pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHCS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 843, 137880
692023Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets in Xe+Xe collisions at TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review C 108, 024906
702023Measurements of Higgs boson production by gluon-gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion using decays in collisions at with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 032005
712023Test of CP Invariance in Higgs Boson Vector-Boson-Fusion Production Using the H → γγ Channel with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 061802
722023Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in Decays of Bosons Using a Dilepton Displaced Vertex in Collisions with the ATLAS DetectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review Letters 131, 061803
732023Studies of the muon momentum calibration and performance of the ATLAS detector with pp collisions at s√=13 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 686
742023Search for an axion-like particle with forward proton scattering in association with photon pairs at ATLASS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 234
752023ATLAS flavour-tagging algorithms for the LHC Run 2 pp collision datasetS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 681
762023Measurement of cross sections for production of a 𝑍 boson in association with a flavor-inclusive or doubly 𝑏-tagged large-radius jet in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 =13  TeV with the ATLAS experimentS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 012022
772023Combination of inclusive top-quark pair production cross-section measurements using ATLAS and CMS data at s√=7 and 8 TeVHou, Suen ; Lee, Shih Chang ; Mazini, Rachid ; Wang, Song Ming ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 213
782023Search for tt¯H/A→tt¯tt¯ production in the multilepton final state in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 203
792023A search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying into vector bosons in same-sign two-lepton final states in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 200
802023Search for a new scalar resonance in flavour-changing neutral-current top-quark decays t→qX (q=u,c), with X→bb¯, in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 199
812023Search for new phenomena in multi-body invariant masses in events with at least one isolated lepton and two jets using s√=13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 202
822023Model-independent search for the presence of new physics in events including H→γγ with s√ = 13 TeV pp data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHCS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 176
832023Searches for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson into eτ and μτ in s√=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 166
842023Search for boosted diphoton resonances in the 10 to 70 GeV mass range using 138 fb−1 of 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 155
852023Search in diphoton and dielectron final states for displaced production of Higgs or 𝑍 bosons with the ATLAS detector in √𝑠 =13  TeV 𝑝⁢𝑝 collisionsS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 108, 012012
862023Search for resonant WZ production in the fully leptonic final state in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 633
872023Measurement of exclusive pion pair production in proton-proton collisions at s√=7 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 627
882023Inclusive and differential cross-sections for dilepton tt¯ production measured in s√=13TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 141
892023Search for dark photons from Higgs boson decays via ZH production with a photon plus missing transverse momentum signature from pp collisions at s√ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 133
902023Search for high-mass Wγ and Zγ resonances using hadronic W/Z boson decays from 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√= 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 125
912023Search for third-generation vector-like leptons in pp collisions at s√=13TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 118
922023Search for dark matter produced in association with a dark Higgs boson decaying into W+W− in the one-lepton final state at s√=13 TeV using 139 fb−1 of pp collisions recorded with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 116
932023Search for a new Z′ gauge boson in 4μ events with the ATLAS experimentS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 90
942023Search for dark matter produced in association with a single top quark and an energetic W boson in s√= 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 603
952023Search for doubly charged Higgs boson production in multi-lepton final states using 139 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at s√ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 605
962023Measurement of the properties of Higgs boson production at s√=13 TeV in the H→γγ channel using 139 fb−1 of pp collision data with the ATLAS experimentS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 88
972023Determination of the strong coupling constant from transverse energy−energy correlations in multijet events at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 85
982023Inclusive-photon production and its dependence on photon isolation in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV using 139 fb−1 of ATLAS dataS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 86
992023Measurements of Zγ+jets differential cross sections in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 72
1002023Search for flavour-changing neutral-current couplings between the top quark and the photon with the ATLAS detector at s√=13 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 842, 137379
1012023Combination of searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson using 139 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at s√=13 TeV collected with the ATLAS experimentHou, Suen ; Lee, Shih Chang ; Mazini, Rachid ; Wang, Song Ming ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 842, 137963
1022023Search for leptonic charge asymmetry in tt¯W production in final states with three leptons at s√=13 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 33
1032023Search for resonant and non-resonant Higgs boson pair production in the bb¯τ+τ− decay channel using 13 TeV pp collision data from the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 40
1042023Measurement of the CP properties of Higgs boson interactions with τ-leptons with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 563
1052023Search for supersymmetry in final states with missing transverse momentum and three or more b-jets in 139 fb−1 of proton−proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 561
1062023Search for new phenomena in final states with photons, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 21
1072023Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with displaced vertices and multiple jets in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 200
1082023Search for excited τ-leptons and leptoquarks in the final state with τ-leptons and jets in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 199
1092023Search for pair-produced scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying into third-generation quarks and first- or second-generation leptons in pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 188
1102023Measurement of single top-quark production in the s-channel in proton−proton collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 191
1112023Exclusive dielectron production in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ATLASS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 182
1122023Measurement of Zγγ production in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 539
1132023Search for heavy, long-lived, charged particles with large ionisation energy loss in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV using the ATLAS experiment and the full Run 2 datasetS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 158
1142023Search for flavour-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark and the Higgs boson in events with a pair of τ-leptons in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 155
1152023Search for light long-lived neutral particles that decay to collimated pairs of leptons or light hadrons in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 153
1162023Measurement of the tt¯ production cross-section in pp collisions at s√=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 138
1172023Search for Higgs boson pair production in association with a vector boson in pp collisions at s√= 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 519
1182023Measurements of observables sensitive to colour reconnection in tt¯ events with the ATLAS detector at s√=13 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 2023, 518
1192023Searches for new phenomena in events with two leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in 139 fb−1 of s√=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 515
1202023Cross-section measurements for the production of a Z boson in association with high-transverse-momentum jets in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 06, 080
1212023Measurement of electroweak Z(νν¯)γjj production and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 82
1222023Constraints on spin-0 dark matter mediators and invisible Higgs decays using ATLAS 13 TeV pp collision data with two top quarks and missing transverse momentum in the final stateS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 503
1232023Observation of four-top-quark production in the multilepton final state with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 496
1242023A search for new resonances in multiple final states with a high transverse momentum Z boson in s√=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 36
1252023Search for direct pair production of sleptons and charginos decaying to two leptons and neutralinos with mass splittings near the W-boson mass in s√=13TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 31
1262023Search for heavy resonances decaying into a Z or W boson and a Higgs boson in final states with leptons and b-jets in 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 16
1272023Measurement of the top-quark mass using a leptonic invariant mass in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 19
1282023Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 441
1292023Measurement of the nuclear modification factor of b-jets in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 83, 438
1302023Production of Υ⁡(𝑛⁢𝑆) mesons in Pb+Pb and 𝑝⁢𝑝 collisions at 5.02 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review C 107, 054912
1312023Correlations between flow and transverse momentum in Xe+Xe and Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC with the ATLAS detector: A probe of the heavy-ion initial state and nuclear deformationS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review C 107, 054910
1322023Measurement of substructure-dependent jet suppression in Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review C 107, 054909
1332023Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets in Pb+Pb collisions at √𝑠𝑁⁢𝑁=5.02 TeVS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review C 107, 054908
1342023Measurement of muon pairs produced via 𝛾⁢𝛾 scattering in nonultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at √𝑠𝑁⁢𝑁=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review C 107, 054907
11352023Measurement of the total and differential Higgs boson production cross-sections at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector by combining the H→ZZ∗→4ℓ and H→γγ decay channelsS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 28
11362023Differential tt¯ cross-section measurements using boosted top quarks in the all-hadronic final state with 139 fb−1 of ATLAS dataS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Journal of High Energy Physics 2023, 80
11372023Observation of electroweak production of two jets and a Z-boson pairS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Nature Physics 19, 237-253
11382022Search for associated production of a Z boson with an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physics Letters B 829, 137066
11392021Measurements of WH and ZH production in the H→bb¯ decay channel in pp collisions at 13TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. Hou ; S.C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S.M. Wang ; The ATLAS CollaborationEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 81(2), 178
11402020Combined measurements of Higgs boson production and decay using up to 80  fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at √𝑠=13  TeV collected with the ATLAS experimentHou, Suen ; Lee, Shih Chang ; Mazini, Rachid ; Wang, Song Ming ; The ATLAS Collaboration Physical Review D 101(1), 012002
11412012Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction in proton-proton collisions at s√=7 TeV with ATLASS. C. Lin ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 72, 1844
11422011Limits on the production of the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV with the ATLAS detectorS. C. Lee ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The ATLAS Collaboration The European Physical Journal C 71, 1728
1432007Measurements of Inclusive W and Z Cross Sections in p-pbar Collisions at sqrt{s} =1.96 TeVY. C. Chen ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The CDF CollaborationJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 34, 2457-2544
1442007Search for new particles leading to Z+jets final states in p¯p collisions at √s=1.96 TeVY. C. Chen ; S. Hou ; R. Mazini ; S. M. Wang ; The CDF CollaborationPHYISCAL REVIEW D 76, 072006