
Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Nonlinear and Nonreciprocal Transport Effects in Untwinned Thin Films of Ferromagnetic Weyl Metal SrRuO3Uddipta Kar; Elisha Cho-Hao Lu; Akhilesh Kr. Singh; P. V. Sreenivasa Reddy; Youngjoon Han; Xinwei Li; Cheng-Tung Cheng; Song Yang; Chun-Yen Lin; I-Chun Cheng; Chia-Hung Hsu; D. Hsieh; Wei-Cheng Lee; Guang-Yu Guo; Wei-Li Lee PHYSICAL REVIEW X 14, 011022
22023The thickness dependence of quantum oscillations in ferromagnetic Weyl metal SrRuO3Uddipta Kar; Akhilesh Kr. Singh; Yu-Te Hsu; Chih-Yu Lin; Bipul Das; Cheng-Tung Cheng; M. Berben; Song Yang; Chun-Yen Lin; Chia-Hung Hsu; S. Wiedmann; Wei-Cheng Lee; Wei-Li Lee npj Quantum Materials 8, 8
32022Lorentz-Boost-Driven Magneto-Optics in a Dirac Nodal-Line SemimetalJan Wyzula; Xin Lu; David Santos-Cottin; Dibya Kanti Mukherjee; Ivan Mohelský; Florian Le Mardelé; Jiˇrí Novák; Mario Novak; Raman Sankar ; Yuriy Krupko; Benjamin A. Piot; Wei-Li Lee ; Ana Akrap; Marek Potemski; Mark O. Goerbig; Milan OrlitaAdvanced Science 9(23), 2105720
42021Full electric-field tuning of the nonreciprocal transport effect in massive chiral fermions with trigonal warpingElisha Cho-Hao Lu; Cheng-Tung Cheng; Liang Li; Wei-Li Lee Physical Review Research 3(3), 033160
52021High-sensitivity of initial SrO growth on the residual resistivity in epitaxial thin films of SrRuO_3 on SrTiO_3 (001)Uddipta Kar; Akhilesh Kr. Singh; Song Yang; Chun‑Yen Lin; Bipul Das; Chia‑Hung Hsu; Wei‑Li Lee SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11, 16070
62021A propellant-free superconducting solenoid thruster driven by geomagnetic fieldHeng-Wei Kuo; Kuo-Long Pan; Wei-Li Lee JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH 28, 269-275
72020Field-induced resistance peak in a superconducting niobium thin film proximity coupled to a surface reconstructed SrTiO3Akhilesh Kr. Singh; Uddipta Kar; Matthew D. Redell; Tsung-Chi Wu; Wei-Hsiang Peng; Bipul Das; Satish Kumar; Wei-Cheng Lee; Wei-Li Lee npj Quantum Materials 5, 45
82020Determination of spin-orbit scattering lifetime at the interface of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 from the superconducting upper critical fieldsAkhilesh Kr. Singh; Tsung-Chi Wu; Ming-Yuan Song; Ming-Chin Chen; Chi-Sheng Li; S.-K. Yip ; Wei-Li Lee Physical Review Research 2(1), 013311
92019Crystal Growth and Magnetic Properties of Topological Nodal-Line Semimetal GdSbTe with Antiferromagnetic Spin OrderingRaman Sankar ; I. Panneer Muthuselvam; K. Ramesh Babu; G. Senthil Murugan; Karthik Rajagopal; Rakesh Kumar; Tsung-Chi Wu; Cheng-Yen Wen; Wei-Li Lee ; Guang-Yu Guo; Fang-Cheng ChouINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 58(17), 11730-11737
102019Impact of strain-field interference on the coexistence of electron and hole gases in SrTiO3/LaAlO3/SrTiO3C.-P. Su; A. Kr. Singh; T.-C. Wu; M.-C. Chen; Y.-C. Lai; W.L. Lee ; G. Y. Guo; M.-W. ChuPHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 3(7), 075003
112011High-performance space-charge-limited transistors with well-ordered nanoporous aluminum base electrodeWu, K. Y.; Tao, Y. T. ; Ho, C. C.; Lee, W. L. ; Perng, T. P.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 99(9), 093306
122011Fabrication of Monolayer of Polymer/Nanospheres Hybrid at a Water-Air InterfaceHo, Chi-Chih; Chen, Po-Yuan; Lin, Keng-Hui ; Juan, Wen-Tau ; Lee, Wei-Li ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3(2), 204-208