
Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021Discharge of elongated grains from silo with rotating bottomKiwing To ; Yi-Kai Mo; Tivadar Pongó; Tamas BörzsönyiPhysical Review E 103, 062905
22020Particle flow rate in silos under rotational shearD. Hernández-Delfin; T. Pongó; K. To ; T. Börzsönyi; R. C. HidalgoPHYSICAL REVIEW E 102(4), 042902
32019Granular flow from silos with rotating orificeKiwing To ; Yun Yen; Yi-Kai Mo; Jung-Ren Huang PHYSICAL REVIEW E 100(1), 012906
42019Effect of hopper angle on granular cloggingDiego López-Rodríguez; Diego Gella; Kiwing To ; Diego Maza; Angel Garcimartín; Iker ZuriguelPhysical Review E 99(3), 032901
52017Flow and clog in a silo with oscillating exitKiwing To ; Hsiang-Ting TaiPHYSICAL REVIEW E 96(3), 032906