Results 1-98 of 98 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Geochemistry and origin of the Late Carboniferous ultramafic, mafic, and felsic plutonic rocks (NW Iran)Fazlnia, A.; Pang, K.-N. ; Sun, Y.; Lee, H.-Y. LITHOS 480-481, 107650
22024Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc calderaJonas Preine; Jens Karstens; Christian Hübscher; Tim Druitt; Steffen Kutterolf; Paraskevi Nomikou; Michael Manga; Ralf Gertisser; Katharina Pank; Sarah Beethe; Carole Berthod; Gareth Crutchley; Iona McIntosh; Thomas Ronge; Masako Tominaga; Acacia Clark; Susan DeBari; Raymond Johnston; Zenon Mateo; Ally Peccia; Christopher Jones; Günther Kletetschka; Abigail Metcalfe; Alexis Bernard; Hehe Chen; Shun Chiyonobu; Tatiana Fernandez-Perez; Kumar Batuk Joshi; Olga Koukousioura; Molly McCanta; Antony Morris; Paraskevi Polymenakou; Adam Woodhouse; Yuzuru Yamamoto; Kuo-Lung Wang ; Hao-Yang Lee ; Xiaohui Li; Dimitrios PapanikolaouNATURE GEOSCIENCE 17, 323-331
32024Petrogenesis of the Early Paleogene North Island Syenite Complex, SeychellesShellnutt, JG; TY Lee; Y Iizuka ; HY Lee ; CT Pham; K SugaAmerican Journal of Science 324, 4
42024Petrogenesis of late cretaceous arc volcanism in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: insight from zircon U–Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and Hf-Sr-Nd isotopesSar, A.; Kürüm, S.; Rizeli, M.E.; Lee, H.-Y. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 66(18), 3242-3263
52024Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral SantoriniTim Druitt; Steffen Kutterolf; Thomas A. Ronge; Christian Hübscher; Paraskevi Nomikou; Jonas Preine; Ralf Gertisser; Jens Karstens; Jörg Keller; Olga Koukousioura; Michael Manga; Abigail Metcalfe; Molly McCanta; Iona McIntosh; Katharina Pank; Adam Woodhouse; Sarah Beethe; Carole Berthod; Shun Chiyonobu; Hehe Chen; Acacia Clark; Susan DeBari; Raymond Johnston; Ally Peccia; Yuzuru Yamamoto; Alexis Bernard; Tatiana Fernandez Perez; Christopher Jones; Kumar Batuk Joshi; Günther Kletetschka; Xiaohui Li; Antony Morris; Paraskevi Polymenakou; Masako Tominaga; Dimitrios Papanikolaou; Kuo-Lung Wang ; Hao-Yang Lee COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT 5, 24
62024Granodiorites of Olekminsky Complex of the Eastern Transbaikalia: U-Pb La-Icp Zircons Geochronology and Age Position of ComplexDril, S.I.; Kovach, V.P.; Kotov, А.В.; Wang, K.-L. ; Larin, А.М.; Iizuka, Y. ; Lee, H.-Y. Geodynamics & Tectonophysics 15(1), 0740
72023Termination of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the Beishan orogen, NW China: Constraints from detrital zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope analysis of turbiditesGuo, Q.-Q.; Chung, S.-L.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Xiao, W.-J.; Hou, Q.-L.GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN 135(7-8), 1734-1746
82023New age constraints on the Lower Cretaceous Jiufengshan Formation of Inner Mongolia, China and their implications for the spatiotemporal development of the Jehol BiotaLi, Y; Zheng, D.; Li, X.; Teng, X.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, H.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Wang, B.; Chang, S.-C.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 629, 111787
92023Provenance and depositional environment of Middle Miocene silicic volcaniclastic deposits from Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin, Carpathian-Pannonian Region)Trinajstić, N.; Brlek, M.; Gaynor, S.P.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J.; Šuica, S.; Avanić, R.; Kutterolf, S.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Holcová, K.; Kopecká, J.; Baranyi, V.; Hajek-Tadesse, V.; Bakrač, K.; Brčić, V.; Kukoč, D.; Milošević, M.; Mišur, I.; Lukács, R.JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 443, 107917
102023Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Lan Sang gneisses and its tectonic implications for the Mae Ping shear zone, NW ThailandYu-Ling Lin; Tung-Yi Lee; Hao-Yang Lee ; Yoshiyuki Iizuka ; Long Xiang Quek; Punya CharusiriFRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 11, 1213958
112023Revealing the Secrets behind the Color and Sea-Wave Patterns of LarimarHuang, H.-M.; Shih, Y.-H.; Chen, H.-F.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Fang, J.-N.; Shen, C.-C.; Yu, B.-S.MINERALS 13(9), 1221
122023Age of provenance for the Palaeoproterozoic Kemen Group, Udokan Complex: Newly recognised Palaeoproterozoic crust-forming event in the western Aldan Shield, Siberian CratonKovach, V.P.; Adamskaya, E.; Kotov, A.; Podkovyrov, V.; Tolmacheva, E.; Gladkochub, D.; Sklyarov, E.; Velikoslavinsky, S.; Plotkina, Y.; Skovitina, T.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Gorokhovsky B.PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH 396, 107158
132023The ephemeral history of Earth's youngest supra-subduction zone type ophiolite from TimorLin, Y.-C.; Chung, S.-L. ; Maruyama, S.; Kadarusman, A.; Lee, H.-Y. COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT 4, 308
142023Miocene Volcanism of the Baikal Rift Across the Boundary of the Siberian Craton: Evidence for Lithospheric Mantle MeltingDemonterova, E.I.; Ivanov, A.V.; Savatenkov, V.M.; Chu, M.-F.; Panteeva, S.V.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Bindeman, I.N.JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY 64(9), egad062
152023The cenozoic marine tephra record in Indian Ocean deep drill sitesKutterolf,, S.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J.C.; Pank, K.; Schmit, A.K.; Lee, H.Y. ; Wang, K.-L. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 441, 107875
162023Revisiting the occurrence and distribution of Indian Ocean Tephra: Quaternary marine Toba ash inventoryKutterolf, S.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J.C.; Müller, F.; Pank, K.; Lee, H.Y. ; Wang, K.-L. ; Schmitt, A.K.JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 441, 107879
172023Advances in New Zealand's Tephrochronostratigraphy Using Marine Drill Sites: The NeogenePank, K.; Kutterolf, S.; Hopkins, J.L.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.Y. ; Schmitt, A.K.GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS 24(8), e2023GC010866
182023Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanismBrlek, M.; Tapster, S.R.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J.; Gaynor, S.; Kutterolf, S.; Hauff, F.; Georgiev, S.V.; Trinajstic, N.; Suica, S.; Brčić, V.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Beier, C.; Abersteiner, A.B.; Mišur, I.; Peytcheva, I.; Kukoc, D.; Nemeth, B.; Trajanova, M.; Balen, D.; Guillong, M.; Szymanowski, D.; Lukacs, R.GONDWANA RESEARCH 116, 40-60
192023Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanismMihovil Brlek; Simon Richard Tapster; Julie Schindlbeck-Belo; Sean P. Gaynor; Steffen Kutterolf; Folkmar Hauff; Svetoslav V. Georgiev; Nina Trinajstić; Sanja Šuica; Vlatko Brčić; Kuo-Lung Wang ; Hao-Yang Lee ; Christoph Beier; Adam B. Abersteiner; Ivan Mišur; Irena Peytcheva; Duje Kukoč; Bianka Németh; Mirka Trajanova; Dražen BalenMarcel Guillong; Dawid Szymanowski; Réka LukácsGONDWANA RESEARCH 116, 40-60
202023Time to reconsider the enigmatic tail of eastern Paleo-Tethys: New insights from BorneoZhang, X.-R.; Chung, S.-L. ; Ghani, A.A.; Rahmat, R.; Hsin, Y.-J.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Liu, P.-P.; Xi, J.LITHOS 442-443, 107089
212023Zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic compositions of igneous rocks from Sumatra: implications for the Cenozoic magmatic evolution of the western Sunda ArcLai, Y.-M.; Liu, P.-P.; Chung, S.-L. ; Ghani, A.A.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Quek, L.X.; Li, S.; Roselee, M.H.; Murtadha, S.; Lintjewas, L.; Iizuka, Y. Minor Minerals, Major Implications: Using Key Mineral Phases to Unravel the Formation and Evolution of Earth’s Crust(Special Publications 537) (UK : The Geological Society)
222023Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic compositions of igneous rocks from Sumatra: implications for the Cenozoic magmatic evolution of the western Sunda ArcLai, Y.-M.; Liu, P.-P.; Chung, S.-L. ; Ghani, A.A.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Quek, L.X.; Li, S.; Roselee, M.H.; Murtadha, S.; Lintjewas, L.; Iizuka, Y. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 537, 455-478
232023Volcanogenic aluminosilicate alteration drives formation of authigenic phases at the northern Hikurangi margin: Implications for subseafloor geochemical cyclesLuo, M.; Hong, W.-L.; Torres, M.E.; Kutterolf, S.; Pank, K.; Hopkins, J.L.; Solomon, E.A.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 619, 121317
242023Volcanogenic aluminosilicate alteration drives formation of authigenic phases at the northern Hikurangi margin: Implications for subseafloor geochemical cyclesLuo, M.; Hong, W.-L.; Torres, M.E.; Kutterolf, S.; Pank, K.; Hopkins, J.L.; Solomon, E.A.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 619, 121317
252023Retro-Foredeep Basin Evolution in Taiwan: Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotope Constraints From the Coastal RangeChen, T.-W.; Chu, M.-F.; Chen, W.-S.; Chung, S.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Iizuka, Y. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24(3), e2022GC010787
262023Tectonic evolution of the neoproterozoic tusham ring complex, Northwestern India: Constraints from geochemistry and zircon Usingle bondPb geochronology, and implications for Rodinia supercontinent historySingh, A.K.; Kumar, N.; Chung, S.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Santosh, M.; Sharma, R.; Kumar, N.; Bikramaditya, R.K.; Oinam, G.LITHOS 440-441, 107022
272023Plate tectonics in action in the Mesoarchean: implication from the Olondo greenstone belt on the Aldan Shield of Siberian CratonTran, T.-D.; Wang, K.-L. ; Kovach, V.; Kotov, A.; Velikoslavinsky, S.; Popov, N.; Dril, S.; Chu, Z.; Lee, D.-C. ; Kuo, L.-W.; Iizuka, Y. ; Lee, H.-Y. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 603, 117975
282023Timing and recurrence intervals for voluminous silicic eruptions from Amatitlán Caldera (Guatemala)Cisneros de León, A.; Danišík, M.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J.; Kutterolf, S.; Schmitt, A.K.; Freundt, A.; Kling, J.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 301, 107935
292023Timing and recurrence intervals for voluminous silicic eruptions from Amatitlan caldera (Guatemala)de Leon, A.C.; Danisik, M.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J.C.; Kutterolf, S.; Schmitt, A.K.; Freundt, A.; Kling, J.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 301, 107935
302023Plate tectonics in action in the Mesoarchean: Implication from the Olondo greenstone belt on the Aldan Shield of Siberian CratonThi-Duyen Tran; Kuo-Lung Wang ; Victor Kovach; Alexander Kotov; Sergey Velikoslavinsky; Nikolay Popov; Sergey Dril; Zhu-Yin Chu; Der-Chuen Lee ; Li-Wei Kuo; Yoshiyuki Iizuka ; Hao-Yang Lee Earth and Planetary Science Letters 603, 117975
312023Late Precambrian “Pre-Glacial” Sedimentation Stage in the Southern Siberian PlatformMotova, Z.L.; Donskaya, T.V.; Gladkochub, D.P.; Mazukabzov, A.M.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. RUSSIAN GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS 64(1), 28-44
322023Late Precambrian “Pre-Glacial” Sedimentation Stage in the Southern Siberian PlatformMotova, Z.L.; Donskaya, T.V.; Gladkochub, D.P.; Mazukabzov, A.M.; Wang, K.-L.; Lee, H.-Y. RUSSIAN GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS 64, 28-44
332023Abyssal and forearc features of mantle peridotites in the Guleman ophiolite in SE TurkeyRizelia, M.E.; Bingöl, A.F.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. Lithos 436-437, 106958
342022Zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopes of I-type granite from western Arunachal Himalaya, NE India: Implications for the continental arc magmatism in the Palaeoproterozoic supercontinent ColumbiaBikramaditya, R.K.; Chung, S.-L. ; Singh, A.K.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Lemba, L.GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 57(12), 5000-5018
352022New Insights Into the Petrogenesis of Voluminous Crustal-Signature Silicic Volcanic Rocks of the Toba Eruptions (Indonesia)Liu, P.-P.; Chung, S.-L. ; Chesner, C.A.; Gao, M.-H.; Lai, Y.-M.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Yang, Y.-H.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 127(12), e2022JB024559
362022Zircon Hf-O isotopic constraints on the origin and temporal evolution of the Toba volcanic system, IndonesiaLiu, P.-P.; Chung, S.-L.; Ma, B.; Li, X.-H.; Li, Q.-L.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Zhang, X.-R.LITHOS 434-435, 106925
372022Himalayan zircons resurface in Sumatran arc volcanoes through sediment recyclingGao, M.-H.; Liu, P.-P.; Chung, S.-L. ; Li, Q.-L.; Wang, B.; Tian, W.; Li, X.-H.; Lee, H.-Y. COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT 3, 283
382022Petrographic, geochemical, and geochronological characteristics of metaplagiogranites from a high-pressure mélange in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan: Evidence for an early Miocene igneous precursorLo, Wen-Han; Tsai, Chin-Ho; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Li, Xian-Hua; Li, Qiu-Li; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Lee, Chi-Yu; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki Lithos 428-429, 106829
392022Data report: marine tephra compositions in the deep drilling cores of the South China Sea, IODP Expeditions 349 and 367/368Schindlbeck-Belo, J.C.; Dadd, K.A.; Wang, K.L. ; Lee, H.Y. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program 367/368, 1-9
402022Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic metamorphic complexes in the SW part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Ages, compositions, regional correlations and tectonic affinitiesPilitsyna, A.V.; Degtyarev, K.E.; Kanygina, N.A.; Tretyakov, A.A.; Skuzovatov, S. Yu.; Pang, K.-N. ; Lee, H.-Y. GONDWANA RESEARCH 105, 117-142
412022Early Eocene high-Sr/Y magmas from the Urumieh-Dokhtar paleo-arc, Iran: Implications for the origin of high-flux events in magmatic arcsMokhtari, M.A.A.; Kouhestani, H.; Pang, K.-N. ; Hsu, S.-C.; Chung, S.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. LITHOS 416-417, 106656
422022Magmatism in the Siang window of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, NE India: a vestige of Kerguelen mantle plume activitySingh, A.K.; Oinam, G.; Chung, S.-L. ; Bikramaditya, R.K.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Joshi, M.Large Igneous Provinces and their Plumbing Systems (UK : The Geological Society)
432022Paleoproterozoic to Cenozoic zircon U–Pb ages with Hf signatures from metamorphic rocks and granodiorite of Tokunoshima: constraints on the geotectonic subdivision of the Ryukyu island arc, Southwest JapanYamamoto, H.; Okamoto, K.; Chung, S.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Mita, Y.; Ueda, S.; Terabayashi, M.INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 64(3), 425-440
442022Late Eocene subduction initiation of the Indian Ocean in the North Sulawesi Arc, Indonesia, induced by abrupt Australian plate accelerationZhang, X.; Huang, T.-N.; Chung, S.-L.; Maulana, A.; Mawaleda, M.; Tien, C.-Y.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Liu, P.-P.LITHOS 422-423, 106742
452022Magmatism in the Siang window of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, NE India: a vestige of Kerguelen mantle plume activitySingh, A.K.; Oinam, G.; Chung, S.-L. ; Bikramaditya, R.K.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Joshi, M.GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN 518, 301-323
462022Peridotites with back-arc basin affinity exposed at the southwestern tip of the Mariana forearcOya, S.; Michibayashi, K.; Ohara, Y.; Martinez, F.; Kourim, F.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Nimura, K.PROGRESS IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE 9, 18
472022New detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data from metasedimentary rocks along the western boundary of the composite Avalon terrane in the southeastern New England AppalachiansSeverson, A.R.; Kuiper, Y.D.; Eby, G.N.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Hepburn, J.C.New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen (USA : Geological Society of America)
482022Continental growth during migrating arc magmatism and terrane accretion at Sikhote-Alin (Russian Far East) and adjacent northeast AsiaWu, J. T.-J.; Wu, J.; Alexandrov, I.; Lapen, T.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Ivin, V.LITHOS 432-433, 106891
492022Tectonic Evolution of the Neoproterozoic Tusham Ring Complex, Northwestern India: Constraints from Geochemistry and Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, and Implications for Rodinia Supercontinent HistorySingh, A.K.; Kumar, N.; Chung, S.-L.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Santosh, M.; Sharma, R.; Kumar, N.; Bikramaditya, R.K.; Oinam, G.; Lakha, N.SSRN
502021Tracing detrital signature from Indochina in Peninsular Malaysia fluvial sediment: Possible detrital zircon recycling into West Borneo Cenozoic sedimentsQuek, Long Xiang; Lee, Tung-Yi; Ghani, Azman A.; Lai, Yu-Ming; Roselee, Muhammad Hatta; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki ; Lin, Yu-Ling; Yeh, Meng-Wan; Amran, Muhammad Amiruddin; Rahmat, RezalJournal of Asian Earth Sciences 218, 104876
512021Peninsular Malaysia transitional geodynamic process from Gondwana to Pangaea: New constraints from 500 to 200 Ma magmatic zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositionsQuek, LongXiang; Lai, Yu-Ming; Ghani, Azman A.; Roselee, Muhammad Hatta; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki ; Umor, Mohd Rozi; Pecha, Mark; Lin, Yu-Ling; Rahmat, Rezal; Jamil, AzmiahGondwana Research 94, 56-72
522021Late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic quartzite–schist sequences of the Aktau–Mointy terrane (Central Kazakhstan): Provenance, crustal evolution, and implications for paleotectonic reconstructionKanygina, N. A.; Tretyakov, A. A.; Degtyarev, K. E.; Kovach, V. P.; Skuzovatov, S. Yu.; Pang, K.-N. ; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. Precambrian Research 354, 106040
70532021Zircon and melt extraction from a long-lived and vertically extensive magma system underneath Ilopango caldera (El Salvador)A. Cisneros de León; A. K. Schmitt; S. Kutterolf; J. C. Schindlbeck-Belo; W. Hernández; K. W. W. Sims; J. Garrison; L. B. Kant; B. Weber; K.-L. Wang ; H.-Y. Lee ; R. B. TrumbullGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22(5), e2020GC009507
542021Subduction-related mantle metasomatism and partial melting in the northern North China Craton: Insights from amphibolite enclaves, Siziwangqi, Inner MongoliaChen, N.H.C.; Cawood, P.A.; Zhao, G.-C.; Lee, H.-Y. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH 355, 106002
552021Magnesium and zinc isotopic anomaly of Cenozoic lavas in central Myanmar: Origins and implications for deep carbon recyclingLi, M.L.; Liu, S.A.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Yang, C.; Wang, Z.Z.LITHOS 386-387, 106011
562021Mid-Miocene volcanic migration in the westernmost Sunda arc induced by India-Eurasia collisionLai, Y.-M.; Chung, S.-L. ; Ghani, A.A.; Murtadha, S.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Chu, M.-F.GEOLOGY 49(6), 713-717
572021Gabbroic enclave in intermediate ignimbrites: The youngest eruptive event in the northern Luzon Arc-Taiwan regionLai, YM; YY Cho; HY Lee ; DH Lee; Y Iizuka ; Long Xiang QuekTerrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO) 32, 459-481
582021A history of violence: magma incubation, timing and tephra distribution of the Los Chocoyos supereruption (Atitlán Caldera, Guatemala)Cisneros de León, A.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J.C.; Kutterolf, S.; Danišík, M.; Schmitt, A.K.; Freundt, A.; Pérez, W.; Harvey, J.C.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE 36(2), 169-179
592021Early Neoproterozoic crustal growth and microcontinent formation of the north–central Central Asian Orogenic Belt: New geological, geochronological, and Nd–Hf isotopic data on the Mélange Zone within the Zavkhan terrane, western MongoliaKovach, V.; Kozakov, I.; Kröner, A.; Salnikova, E.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Plotkina, J.; Gorokhovsky, B.; Adamskaya, E.; Tolmacheva, E.; Shpakovich, L.Gondwana Research 91, 254-276
602021Petrogenetic source and tectonic evolution of the Neoproterozoic Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex granitoids: Evidence from zircon Hf isotope and trace element geochemistryRehman, Hafiz Ur; Khan, Tahseenullah; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Jan, M. Qasim; Zafar, Tehseen; Murata, MamoruPrecambrian Research 354, 106047
612020Tracking the magmatic response to subduction initiation in the forearc mantle wedge: Insights from peridotite geochemistry of the Guleman and Kızıldağ ophiolites, Southeastern TurkeyLin, Kuan-Yu; Wang, Kuo-Lung ; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Bingöl, Ahmet Feyzi; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki ; Lee, Hao-Yang Lithos 376-377, 105737
622020Late Jurassic Leucogranites of Macau (SE China): A Record of Crustal Recycling During the Early Yanshanian OrogenyShellnutt, J. Gregory; Vaughan, Matthew W.; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 311
632020Quartzite–Schist Sequences of the Aktau–Mointy Massif (Central Kazakhstan): Structural Position, Provenance, and Formation Stages of the Earth Crust in the PrecambrianKanygina, N. A.; Tretyakov, A. A.; Degtyarev, K. E.; Kovach, V. P.; Plotkina, J. V.; Pang, K.-N. ; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. Geotectonics 54, 212-228
642020Geochemistry of continental alkali basalts in the Sabzevar region, northern Iran: implications for the role of pyroxenite in magma genesisMojtaba Rostami-Hossouri; Habibollah Ghasemi; Kwan-Nang Pang ; J. Gregory Shellnutt; Mehdi Rezaei-Kahkhaei; Laicheng Miao; Mohsen Mobasheri; Yoshiyuki Iizuka ; Hao-Yang Lee ; Te-Hsien LinContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175, 50
652020New insights into source and dispersal of Mediterranean S1 tephra, an early Holocene marker horizon erupted at Mt. Erciyes (Turkey)Friedrichs, B.; Schindlbeck-Belo, J. C.; Danišík, M.; Jenkins, S. F.; Yurteri, E.; Çobankaya, M.; Frische, M.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Atıcı, G.; Schmitt, A. K.; Sparks, R. S. J.Quaternary Science Reviews 249 106606
662020First mid-ocean ridge-type ophiolite from the Meso-Tethys suture zone in the north-central Tibetan plateauTang, Yue; Zhai, Qing-Guo; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Hu, Pei-Yuan; Wang, Jun; Xiao, Xu-Chang; Song, Biao; Wang, Hai-Tao; Lee, Hao-Yang GSA Bulletin 132(9-10), 2202-2220
672020Mesozoic juvenile crustal formation in the easternmost Tethys: Zircon Hf isotopic evidence from Sumatran granitoids, IndonesiaLi, Shan; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Lai, Yu-Ming; Ghani, Azman A.; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Murtadha, SayedGeology 48(10), 1002-1005
682020Miocene sedimentary provenance and paleogeography of the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan: Implications for tectonic development of the Taiwan orogenTsai, Chia-Hsin; Shyu, J. Bruce H.; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Lee, Hao-Yang Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 194, 104032
692020Tracing Argoland in eastern Tethys and implications for India-Asia convergenceZhang, Xiaoran; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Tang, Jui-Ting; Maulana, Adi; Mawaleda, Musri; Oo, Thura; Tien, Chia-Yu; Lee, Hao-Yang GSA Bulletin (Geological Society of America Bulletin) 133(7-8), 1712-1722
702020Southward subduction of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethys Ocean: insights from ca. 161–129 Ma arc volcanic rocks in the north of Lhasa terrane, TibetTang, Yue; Zhai, Qing-Guo; Hu, Pei-Yuan; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Xiao, Xu-Chang; Wang, Hai-Tao; Zhu, Zhi-Cai; Wang, Wei; Wu, Hao; Lee, Hao-Yang International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 631-647
712020Petrogenesis of Eocene to early Oligocene granitic rocks in Phan Si Pan uplift area, northwestern Vietnam: Geochemical implications for the Cenozoic crustal evolution of the South China BlockPham, T.T.; Shellnutt, J.G.; Tran, T.-A.; Lee, H.-Y. LITHOS 372-373, 105640
722020Late Precambrian Metamorphic Complexes of the Ulutau Massif (Central Kazakhstan): Age, Composition, and Formation Settings of ProtolithsTretyakov, A. A.; Degtyarev, K. E.; Kanygina, N. A.; Letnikova, E. F.; Zhimulev, F. I.; Kovach, V. P.; Danukalov, N. K.; Lee, H.-Y. Geotectonics 54, 605-627
732020A Late-Miocene Yuli belt? New constraints on the eastern Central Range depositional agesMesalles, Lucas; Lee, Yuan-Hsi; Ma, Ting-Cheng; Tsai, Wan-Ling; Tan, Xi-Bin; Lee, Hao-Yang Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 31, 403-414
742020Resolving the origin of the Seychelles microcontinent: Insight from zircon geochronology and Hf isotopesShellnutt, J.G.; Nguyen, D.T.; Lee, H.-Y. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH 343, 105725
752020U-Pb ages and Hf isotope composition of zircon from the Shimanto accretionary complex: Evidence for heterogeneous sourcesKnittel, Ulrich; Walia, Monika; Suzuki, Shigeyuki; Lee, Yuan-Hsi; Takesue, Norito; Lee, Hao-Yang GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 54(5), 277-288
762019Ages and glass compositions for paired large-volume eruptions from the Acigöl volcanic complex, Cappadocia (Turkey)Atici, G.; Schmitt, A.K.; Friedrichs, B.; Sparks, S.; Danišík, Martin; Yurteri, E.; Gündoğdu, E.A.; Schindlbeck‑Belo, J.; Çobankaya, M.; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 1, 167-178
772019Zirconium in rutile thermometry of the Himalayan ultrahigh-pressure eclogites and their retrogressed counterparts, Kaghan Valley, PakistanRehman, Hafiz Ur; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki ; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Duan, Zhanzhan; Wei, Chunjing; Khan, Tahseenullah; Zafar, Tehseen; Yamamoto, HiroshiLithos 344-345, 86-99
782019Age and isotope geochemistry of magmatic rocks of the Lohit Plutonic Complex, eastern Himalaya: implications for the evolution of Transhimalayan arc magmatismBikramaditya, R. K.; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Singh, A. Krishnakanta; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Lin, Te-Hsien; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki Journal of the Geological Society 177(2), 379
792019Neoproterozoic granitoid magmatism and granulite metamorphism in the Chu-Kendyktas terrane (Southern Kazakhsten, Central Asian Orogenic Belt): Zircon dating, Nd isotopy and tectono-magmatic evolutionTretyakov, A.A.; Pilitsyna, A.V.; Degtyarev, K.E.; Salnikova, E.B.; Kovach, V.P.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Batanova, V.G.; Wang, K.-L. ; Kanygina, N.A.; Kovalchuk, E.V.Precambrian Research 332, 105397
802019Implications of Hf Isotopes for the Evolution of the Mantle Source of Magmas Associated with the Giant El Teniente Cu-Mo Megabreccia Deposit, Central ChileStern, C.R.; Pang, K.-N. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Skewes, M.A.; Arevalo, A.MINERALS 9(9), 550
812019Finding micro-continent in Georgian Caucasus and its implication for crustal evolutionLee, H.-Y. ; Chang, Y-H; Chiu, H-Y; Chung, S-L
822019First Results of Dating Detrital Zircons from the Late Precambrian Quartzite-Schist Sequences of the Chu Block (Southern Kazakhstan)Kanygina, N. A.; Tretyakov, A. A.; Degtyarev, K. E.; Pang, K. N. ; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H. Y. ; Plotkina, J. V.DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES 489, 1273-1276
832019A 6000-km-long Neo-Tethyan arc system with coherent magmatic flare-ups and lulls in South AsiaZhang, Xiaoran; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Lai, Yu-Ming; Ghani, Azman A.; Murtadha, Sayed; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Hsu, Chun-ChiehGeology 47(6), 573-576
842019Early Palaeozoic metamorphism of Precambrian crust in the Zheltau terrane (Southern Kazakhstan; Central Asian Orogenic belt): P-T paths, protoliths, zircon dating and tectonic implicationsPilitsyna, A.V.; Tretyakov, A.A.; Degtyarev, K.E.; Salnikov, E.B.; Kotov, A.B.; Kovach, V.P.; Wang, K.-L. ; Batanova, V.G.; Plotkina, Yu.V.; Tolmacheva, E.V.; Ermolaev, B.V.; Lee, H.-Y. LITHOS 324-325, 115-140
852019LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope data from the granitic rocks in the Iwakuni area, Southwest Japan: re-evaluation of emplacement order and the source magmaMateen, Tayyaba; Okamoto, Kazuaki; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Wang, Kuo-Lung ; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Abe, Shuhei; Mita, Yuji; Rehman, Hafiz U.; Terabayashi, Masaru; Yamamoto, HiroshiGeosciences Journal 23, 917-931
862019Detrital zircon record from major rivers of Luzon Island: implications for Cenozoic continental growth in SE AsiaTsai, Chia-Hsin; Shyu, J. Bruce H.; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Ramos, Noelynna T.; Lee, Hao-Yang Journal of the Geological Society 176(4), 727-735
872019Permian felsic magmatism in the Neoproterozoic Nagar Parkar Igneous Complex of the Malani Igneous Suite: Evidence from zircon U-Pb ageRehman, H.U.; Khan, T.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Chung, S.-L. ; Murata, M.; Jan, M.Q.Island Arc 28(6), e12323
882019Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic compositions, and petrogenetic study of Abor volcanic rocks of Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, Northeast India: Implications for eruption during breakup of Eastern GondwanaSingh, Athokpam Krishnakanta; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Bikramaditya, Rajkuma; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Khogenkumar, ShoraisamGEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 55(2), 1227-1244
892017Significance of Zr-in-Rutile Thermometry for Deducing the Decompression P–T Path of a Garnet–Clinopyroxene Granulite in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian MassifUsuki, Tadashi; Iizuka, Yoshiyuki ; Hirajima, Takao; Svojtka, Martin; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Jahn, Bor-MingJOURNAL OF PETROLOGY 58(6), 1173-1198
902017Granulites and Palaeoproterozoic lower crust of the Baidarik Block, Central Asian Orogenic Belt of NW MongoliaKröner, A.; Kovach, V.; Kozakov, I.; Aranovich, L.; Xie, H.; Kirnozova, T.; Fuzgan, M.; Serebryakov, N.; Wang, K.-L.; Lee, H.-Y. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 145(Part B), 393-407
912017Mesozoic-Cenozoic mafic magmatism in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Zagros Orogen (Western Iran): geochemical and isotopic inferences from Middle Jurassic and Late Eocene gabbrosDeevsalar, R.; Shinjo, R.; Ghaderi, M.; Murata, M.; Hoskin, P.; Oshiro, S.; Wang, K.-L.; Lee, H. Y. ; Neill, I.LITHOS 284-285, 588-607
922017Zircon Hf isotopic constraints on magmatic and tectonic evolution in Iran: Implications for crustal growth in the Tethyan orogenic beltChiu, H.-Y.; Chung, S.-L.; Zarrinkoub, M.H.; Melkonyan, R.; Pang, K.-N. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Wang, K.-L.; Mohammadi, S.S.; Khatib, M.M.JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 145(Part B), 652-669
932017Temporal and structural evolution of the Early Palæogene rocks of the Seychelles microcontinentShellnutt, J. G.; Yeh, M.-W.; Suga, K.; Lee, T.-Y.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Lin, T.-H.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7, 179
942017Late Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks (118-113 Ma) in the middle segment of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone, Tibetan Plateau: Evidence of lithospheric delaminationHu, P.-Y.; Zhai, Q.-G.; Jahn, B.-M.; Wang, J.; Li, C.; Chung, S.-L.; Lee, H.-Y. ; Tang, S.-H.GONDWANA RESEARCH 44, 116-138
952017Late Paleozoic granitoids from central Qiangtang, northern Tibetan plateau: A record of Paleo-Tethys Ocean subductionZhai, Qing-guo; Wang, Jun; Hu, Pei-yuan; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Tang, Yue; Wang, Hai-tao; Tang, Suo-han; Chung, Sun-lin Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 167, 139-151
962016Detrital zircon constraints and implications for the magmatic evolution and Cimmerian orogeny in Georgian CaucasusLee, H. Y. ; Chung, S. L.; Chang, Y. H.; Chiu, H. Y.; Javakhishvili, Z.
972016Magmatic and crustal evolution in Georgian Caucasus: evidence from detrital zirconsLee, H.-Y. ; Chung S.-L.; Chang Y.-H.; Okrostsvaridze, A.; Javakhishvili, Z.
982015Detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic constraints on the magmatic and crustal evolution in GeorgiaLee, H-Y ; Chung, S-L; Chang, Y-H; Okrostsvaridze, A; Javakhishvili, Z