
第 1 到 31 筆結果,共 31 筆。

12023Geochemical constraints on Eocene ignimbrite flare-up in the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc, northwestern IranFazlnia, A.; Pang, K.-N. ; Ji, W.-Q.; Pirouei, M.LITHOS 450-451, 107189
22023Potassium isotope fractionation during granite differentiation and implications for crustal K isotope heterogeneityDing, Z.-Y.; Liu, S.-K.; Su, B.-X.; Li, W.-J.; Bai, Y.; Pan, Q.-Q.; Hu, F.-Y.; Pang, K.-N. LITHOS 448-449, 107176
32023Latest Cambrian stage of evolution of Precambrian continental crust in the Aktyuz high-pressure Complex (Chu-Kendyktas terrane; North Tien Shan): new evidence from the SW part of the Central Asian Orogenic BeltPilitsyna, A.V.; Degtyarev, K.E.; Kanygina, N.A.; Tretyakov, A.A.; Skuzovatov, S. Yu.; Pang, K.-N. ; Lee, H.-Y.JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS 155, 101955
42023The Gharuchah-Sofla intrusion (northwestern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran): Age, petrology, geochemistry and tectonomagmatic implicationsFazlnia, A.; Pang, K.-N. ; Ji, W.-Q.LITHOS 442-443, 107055
52023Geochemistry of Precambrian dyke swarms in the Singhbhum craton, India: Implications for recycled crustal components in the mantle sourceManu Prasanth, M.P.; Pang, K.-N. ; Hari, K.R.; Sahoo, B.B.; Ravindran, A.; Iizuka, Y. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 10, 1092823
62022Corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity enhancement of reduced graphene oxide–BaSO4–epoxy compositesYung, T.-Y.; Lu, W.-F.; Tsai, K.-C.; Chen, J.-S.; Pang, K.-N. ; Tzeng, Y.-C.; Cheng, H.-M.; Chen, P.-T.POLYMERS 14(15), 3144
72022Precambrian and Early Palaeozoic metamorphic complexes in the SW part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Ages, compositions, regional correlations and tectonic affinitiesPilitsyna, A.V.; Degtyarev, K.E.; Kanygina, N.A.; Tretyakov, A.A.; Skuzovatov, S. Yu.; Pang, K.-N. ; Lee, H.-Y. GONDWANA RESEARCH 105, 117-142
82022Early Eocene high-Sr/Y magmas from the Urumieh-Dokhtar paleo-arc, Iran: Implications for the origin of high-flux events in magmatic arcsMokhtari, M.A.A.; Kouhestani, H.; Pang, K.-N. ; Hsu, S.-C.; Chung, S.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. LITHOS 416-417, 106656
92022Element Partitioning and Li-O Isotope Fractionation Between Silicate Minerals and Crustal-Derived Carbonatites and Their ImplicationsSu, B.-X.; Wang, J.; Cui, M.-M.; Wu, Y.; Pang, K.-N. ; Malaviarachchi, S.P.K.; Dharmapriya, P.L.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 127(6), e2022JB024563
102021Platinum-group element geochemistry of the Panjal Traps: constraints on mantle melting and implications for mineral explorationShellnutt, J.G.; Pang, K.-N. ; Qi, L.; Bhat, G.M.Geological Society, London, Special Publications 518: Large Igneous Provinces and their Plumbing Systems (London : Geological Society of London)
112021Multistage mantle metasomatism deciphered by Mg−Sr−Nd−Pb isotopes in the Leucite Hills lamproitesSun, Y.; Teng, F.-Z.; Pang, K.-N. ; Ying, J.-F.; Kuehner, S.CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY 176, 45
122021Episodic subduction initiation triggered Jurassic magmatism in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, IranMaghdour-Mashhour, R.; Hayes, B.; Pang, K.-N. ; Bolhar, R.; Shabani, A.A.T.; Elahi-Janatmakan, F.LITHOS 396-397, 106189
132021Late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic quartzite–schist sequences of the Aktau–Mointy terrane (Central Kazakhstan): Provenance, crustal evolution, and implications for paleotectonic reconstructionKanygina, N. A.; Tretyakov, A. A.; Degtyarev, K. E.; Kovach, V. P.; Skuzovatov, S. Yu.; Pang, K.-N. ; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. Precambrian Research 354, 106040
142020Micro-X-ray fluorescence: a new and versatile instrument in geochemistryPang, K.-N. 
152020Behaviour of first-row transition elements during early differentiation of arc magmas, Solomon Islands, SW Pacific: Implications for the redox state of sub-arc mantlePang, K.-N. ; Nguyen, T.T.; Chung, S.-L.; Maruyama, S.; Komiya, T.; Iizuka, Y.; Lee, H.-Y.
162020Origin of low-Ca olivine from basalts and picrites in New Georgia Group, Solomon IslandsNguyen, T.T.; Pang, K.-N. ; Chung, S.-L.; Iizuka, Y.; Lee, H.-Y.; Komiya, T.; Maruyama, S.
172020Petrogenesis of the Late Oligocene Takht batholith, southeastern Iran: Implications for the diachronous nature of the Arabia–Eurasia collisionPang, K.-N. ; Fazlnia, A.; Ji, W.-Q.; Jamei, S.; Jafari, A.Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 354
182020Behaviour of first-row transition elements during early differentiation of arc magmas, Solomon Islands, SW Pacific: Implications for the redox state of sub-arc mantlePang, K.-N. ; Nguyen, T.T.; Chung, S.-L.; Maruyama, S.; Komiya, T.; Iizuka, Y.; Lee, H.-Y.
192020Tracing subducted oceanic slabs in the mantle by using potassium isotopesSun, Y.; Teng, F.-Z.; Hu, Y.; Chen, X.-Y.; Pang, K.-N. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 278, 353-360
202020Quartzite–Schist Sequences of the Aktau–Mointy Massif (Central Kazakhstan): Structural Position, Provenance, and Formation Stages of the Earth Crust in the PrecambrianKanygina, N. A.; Tretyakov, A. A.; Degtyarev, K. E.; Kovach, V. P.; Plotkina, J. V.; Pang, K.-N. ; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H.-Y. Geotectonics 54, 212-228
212020Geochemistry of continental alkali basalts in the Sabzevar region, northern Iran: implications for the role of pyroxenite in magma genesisMojtaba Rostami-Hossouri; Habibollah Ghasemi; Kwan-Nang Pang ; J. Gregory Shellnutt; Mehdi Rezaei-Kahkhaei; Laicheng Miao; Mohsen Mobasheri; Yoshiyuki Iizuka ; Hao-Yang Lee ; Te-Hsien LinContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175, 50
222020High-precision iron isotope analysis of whole blood, erythrocytes, and serum in adultsLiang, Y.-H.; Huang, K.-Y.; Lee, D.-C. ; Pang, K.-N. ; Chen, S.-H.JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY 58, 126421
232020Diachronous initiation of post-collisional magmatism in the Arabia-Eurasia collision zoneLin, Yu-Chin; Chung, Sun-Lin ; Bingöl, A. Feyzi; Yang, Liekun; Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil; Pang, Kwan-Nang ; Lee, Hao-Yang ; Lin, Te-HsienLithos 356-357, 105394
242019Magnesium isotopic systematics of the Makran arc magmas, Iran: Implications for crust-mantle Mg isotopic balancePang, K.-N. ; Teng, F.-Z.; Sun, Y.; Chung, S.-L. ; Zarrinkoub, M.H.GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 278, 110-121
252019Implications of Hf Isotopes for the Evolution of the Mantle Source of Magmas Associated with the Giant El Teniente Cu-Mo Megabreccia Deposit, Central ChileStern, C.R.; Pang, K.-N. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Skewes, M.A.; Arevalo, A.MINERALS 9(9), 550
262019High-temperature chromium isotope fractionation and its implications: Constraints from the Kızıldağ ophiolite, SE TurkeyChen, C.; Su, B.-X.; Xiao, Y.; Sakyi, P.A.; He, X.-Q.; Pang, K.-N. ; Uysal, I.; Avcı, E.; Qin, L.-P.LITHOS 342-343, 361-369
272019Tracing subducted oceanic crust in the mantle by using potassium isotopesSun, Y.; Teng, F.-Z.; Hu, Y.; Chen, X.-Y.; Pang, K.-N. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 278, 353-360
282019Intermediate chromitite in Kızıldağ ophiolite (SE Turkey) formed during subduction initiation in Neo-TethysChen, C.; Su, B.-X.; Xiao, Y.; Pang, K.-N. ; Robinson, P.T.; Uysal, I.; Lin, W.; Qin, K.-Z.; Avci, E.; Kapsiotis, A.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 104, 88-100
292019Petrology, geothermobarometry, and P-T path of spinel-bearing symplectite migmatites from the Simin area, Hamedan, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, IranBaharifar, A.; Whitney, D.L.; Pang, K.-N. ; Chung, S.-L. ; Iizuka, Y. TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 28(2), 275-298
302019First Results of Dating Detrital Zircons from the Late Precambrian Quartzite-Schist Sequences of the Chu Block (Southern Kazakhstan)Kanygina, N. A.; Tretyakov, A. A.; Degtyarev, K. E.; Pang, K. N. ; Wang, K.-L. ; Lee, H. Y. ; Plotkina, J. V.DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES 489, 1273-1276
312017Zircon Hf isotopic constraints on magmatic and tectonic evolution in Iran: Implications for crustal growth in the Tethyan orogenic beltChiu, H.-Y.; Chung, S.-L.; Zarrinkoub, M.H.; Melkonyan, R.; Pang, K.-N. ; Lee, H.-Y. ; Wang, K.-L.; Mohammadi, S.S.; Khatib, M.M.JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 145(Part B), 652-669