
Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023深海型寬頻OBS載台的改良設計林慶仁 ; 林豐盛; 張坤輝; 郭本垣 
22023淺海型OBEM的研發及校驗測試陳又嘉; 林慶仁 ; 林豐盛; 張坤輝; 林日白; 郭本垣 
32023礫石型土石流之觸發降雨特性與監測訊號判釋周憲德; 邱奕旭; 許家銘; 黃郅軒; 林慶仁 ; 郭本垣 中華水土保持學報 第54卷第1期,頁16-26
42022Low-Frequency Ground Vibrations Generated by Debris Flows Detected by a Lab-Fabricated SeismometerChing-Jer Huang; Hsin-Yu Chen; Chung-Ray Chu; Ching-Ren Lin ; Li-Chen Yen; Hsiao-Yuen Yin; Chau-Chang Wang; Ban-Yuan Kuo Sensors 22(23), 9310
52022Three-Dimensional Stress Model of the Collision-Subduction Junction East of Taiwan: Implications for the Decoupling of the Luzon Arc During SubductionJian, Pei-Ru; Liang, Wen-Tzong ; Kuo, Ban-Yuan JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 127(9), e2022JB024054
62022颱風引起之海床海水溫度、壓力、流速變化林慶仁 ; 林豐盛; 張坤輝; 郭本垣 
72022寬頻海底地震儀地震感應器底座的設計與背景信號分析林慶仁 ; 林豐盛; 梁文宗; 李文蕙; 郭本垣 
82021Tracking deep-sea internal wave propagation with a differential pressure gauge arrayChu-Fang Yang; Wu-Cheng Chi ; Hans van Haren; Ching-Ren Lin ; Ban-Yuan Kuo SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11, 23311
92021海底觀測儀器的研發與資料應用林慶仁 ; 郭本垣 ; 王兆璋; 陳柏棋; 張家溥; 蕭毓宏; 張坤輝; 林豐盛; 李奇韋; 許雅儒 
102021Dual structure of poloidal and toroidal flow under the Cocos subduction zonePeng, Cheng-Chien; Kuo, Ban-Yuan ; Tan, Eh Earth and Planetary Science Letters 565, 116911
112020Mantle flow entrained by the Hindu Kush continental subduction inferred from source-side seismic anisotropyPeng, C. C.; Kuo, B. Y. ; Faccenda, M.; Chiao, L. Y.EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 530, 115905
122019Evaluations of an ocean bottom electro-magnetometer and preliminary results offshore NE TaiwanChing-Ren Lin ; Chih-Wen Chiang; Kuei-Yi Huang; Yu-Hung Hsiao; Po-Chi Chen; Hsu-Kuang Chang; Jia-Pu Jang; Kun-Hui Chang; Feng-Sheng Lin; Saulwood Lin; Ban-Yuan Kuo Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 8(2), 265-276
132019Magma transfer processes in the NE Japan arc: insights from crustal ambient noise tomography combined with volcanic eruption recordsZellmer, G.; Chen, K. X.; Gung, Y.; Kuo, B. Y. ; Yoshida, T.Frontiers in Earth Sciences 7, 40
142017Seismic evidence for the depression of the D'' discontinuity beneath the Caribbean: Implications for slab heating from the Earth's coreKo, J. Y.-T.; Hung, S. H.; Kuo, B. Y. ; Zhao, L.EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 467, 128-137
152017Hydroacoustic ray theory-based modeling of T wave propagation in the deep ocean basin offshore eastern TaiwanChen, C. W.; Huang, C. F.; Lin, C. W.; Kuo, B. Y. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 44(10), 4799-4805
16-Mantle dynamics around the Hindu Kush-Pamir subduction zones inferred by source-side seismic anisotropyCheng-Chien Peng; Ban-Yuan Kuo ; Manuele Faccenda; Ling-Yun ChiaoGEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
17-Seismic evidence for a young Huatung Basin and its implications for the tectonic evolution in Southeast AsiaKo, J. Y.-T.; Hung, Y. S.; Kuo, B. Y. Communications Earth and Environment