
Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12021Insights into the free energy landscape and salt-controlled mechanism of the conformational conversions between human telomeric G-quadruplex structuresLiu, Yu-Cheng; Yang, Dah-Yen ; Sheu, Sheh-YiInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules 191, 230-242
22021Quantum Logic Gates Based on DNAtronics, RNAtronics, and ProteintronicsSheu, Sheh-Yi; Hsu, Hua-Yi; Yang, Dah-Yen Advanced Intelligent Systems 3(7):2000273
32019Surface Topography Effects of Globular Biomolecules on Hydration WaterSheu, Sheh-Yi; Liu, Yu-Cheng; Zhou, Jia-Kai; Schlag, Edward W.; Yang, Dah-Yen The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123(32), 6917-6932
42019Relaxation high-temperature ratchetsI. V. Shapochkina; V. M. Rozenbaum; S.-Y. Sheu; D.-Y. Yang ; S.H.Lin; L. I. TrakhtenbergPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 514, 71-78
52017Interfacial water effect on cooperativity and signal communication in Scapharca dimeric hemoglobinSheu, Sheh-Yi; Liu, Yu-Cheng; Yang, Dah-Yen Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19(10), 7380-7389