Results 1-114 of 114 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Chloride- and Hydrosulfide-Bound 2Fe Complexes as Models of the Oxygen-Stable State of [FeFe] HydrogenaseYu-Chiao Liu; Kai-Ti Chu; Hong-Ru Wang; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Mei-Chun Tseng ; Cheng-Hsin Wang; Yih-Chern Horng; Ming-Hsi Chiang ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 63(33), e202408142
22024Design strategies for dielectric metal–organic frameworks and their applications in microelectronic devicesArif I. Inamdar; Saqib Kamal; Muhammad Usman; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Kuang-Lieh Lu COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS 502, 215596
32023Synthesis, structural analysis, and properties of highly twisted alkenes 13,13’-bis(dibenzo[a,i]fluorenylidene) and its derivativesHao-Wen Kang; Yu-Chiao Liu; Wei-Kai Shao; Yu-Chen Wei; Chi-Tien Hsieh; Bo-Han Chen; Chih-Hsuan Lu; Shang-Da Yang; Mu-Jeng Cheng; Pi-Tai Chou; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Yao-Ting WuNATURE COMMUNICATIONS 14, 5248
42023Catalytic O2 activation toward oxidative N–S bond formation by a thiolato Fe(iii) complexChang-Chih Hsieh; Cheng-Yao Li; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Yih-Chern HorngCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 58(93), 12943-12946
52023Structure determination and magnetic studies of triazole chelated Co(II) coordination polymersBo-Hau Chen; Jun-Jia Xu; Wei-Ren Lai; Chung-Kai Chang; Jeng-Lung Chen; Jyh-Fu Lee; Jin-Ming Chen; Hwo-Shuenn Sheu; Jey-Jau Lee; Yoshiki Kubota; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Yasutaka Kitagawa; Yu-Chun Chuang; I-Jui HsuJOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 70(5), 1187-1199
62023Biologically inspired 3Fe4S cluster as structural mimics of FeMoco M-clusterLai, Ting Yi; Chen, Chang-Ting; Chu, Kai-Ti; Chien, Su-Ying; Ong, Tiow-Gan ; Chiang, Ming-His Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 70(5), 1029-1037
72023The effect of anions in the synthesis and structure of pyrazolylamidino copper(II) complexesChang-Chih Hsieh; Po-Kuang Liao; Chia-Wei Chen; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Yih-Chern HorngDALTON TRANSACTIONS 52(14), 4429-4441
82023Capillary-induced self-crumpled and sulfur-deficient MoS2 nanosheets inhibit polysulfide cycling in lithium–sulfur batteriesRohan Paste; Shenghan Li; Jui-Han Fu; Yu-Hsiang Chiang; Arif I Inamdar; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Vincent Tung; Hong-Cheu Lin; Chih Wei Chu JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 11(15), 8265-8276
92022Stable Bimetallic FeII/{Fe(NO)2}9 Moiety Derived from Reductive Transformations of a Diferrous-dinitrosyl SpeciesChuan-Kuei Chiang; Yu-Chiao Liu; Kai-Ti Chu; Jing-Ting Chen; Cheng-Yeh Tsai; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Chien-Ming LeeINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 61(41), 16325-16332
102022Surficial grafting of organoimido moieties enhances the capacity performance of oxometallic clustersJadhav, Tushar Sanjay; Abbas, Syed Ali; Chu, Kai-Ti; Wu, Wen-Ti; Hsu, Yu-Yi; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Chien, Su-Ying; Chu, Chih-Wei ; Chiang, Ming-His Dalton Transactions 51(39), 14875-14881
112022Demethylation of an artificial hydrogenase agent for prolonged CO release and enhanced anti-tau aggregation activityYun-Chin Wu; Yu-Chiao Liu; Shu-Wei Tsai; Kai-Ti Chu; Hsin-Jou Chen; Cheng-Yun Wu; Yu-Yi Hsu; Chang-Chih Hsieh; Wang-Jing Liu; Kien Voon Kong; Ming-Hsi Chiang CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 58, 7245-7248
122022Formation of a p-n heterojunction photocatalyst by the interfacing of graphitic carbon nitride and delafossite CuGaO2Benjamin Martinez; Dai-Ning Chang; Yu-Cheng Huang; Chung-Li Dong; Te-Wei Chiu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Chun-Hong Kuo JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 69(7), 1042-1050
132022Metal replacement in the syntheses of MAMBMC heterometallic metal-string complexes: MPdM'(dpa)4Cl2Ming-Chuan Cheng ; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Tien-Sung Lin; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming-Hsi Chiang; Chun-hsien Chen; Shie-Ming PengJOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 69(8), 1438-1448
142022Regimented Charge Transport Phenomena in Semiconductive Self-Assembled Rhenium NanotubesArif I. Inamdar; Batjargal Sainbileg; Chi-Jia Lin; Muhammad Usman; Saqib Kamal; Kuan-Ru Chiou; Abhishek Pathak; Tzuoo-Tsair Luo; Khasim Saheb Bayikadi; Raman Sankar ; Jenq-Wei Chen; Tien-Wen Tseng; Ruei-San Chen; Michitoshi Hayashi; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Kuang-Lieh Lu ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 14(10), 12423-12433
152022Improved Oxygen Redox Activity by High-Valent Fe and Co3+ Sites in the Perovskite LaNi1–xFe0.5xCo0.5xO3Anjaiah Sheelam; Sakthipriya Balu; Adil Muneeb; Khasim Saheb Bayikadi; Dhenadhayalan Namasivayam; Erakulan E Siddharthan; Arif I Inamdar; Ranjit Thapa; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Song-Jeng Isaac Huang; Raman Sankar ACS Applied Energy Materials 5(1), 343-354
162022Enantioselective Organocatalytic Three-Component Vinylogous Michael/Aldol Tandem Reaction among 3-Alkylidene oxindoles, Methyleneindolinones, and AldehydesJing-Xiang Xu; Yi-Syun Jiang; Chih-Hao Chen; Nadaraj Sathishkumar; Kai-Ti Chu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Hsin-Tsung Chen; Jeng-Liang HanJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 87(1), 197-210
172021Diindeno[2,1-b:2′,1′-h]biphenylenes: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and PropertiesPei-Yun Chen; Yu-Chiao Liu; Hui-Yu Hung; Ming-Lun Pan; Yu-Chen Wei; Tung-Chun Kuo; Mu-Jeng Cheng; Pi-Tai Chou; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Yao-Ting WuORGANIC LETTERS 23, 8794-8798
182021Helical homometallic trinickel string complexes with mixed hard nitrogen and sulfur donors: structural and magnetic studiesCheng, Ming-Chuan; Cheng, Chien-Hung; Chen, Po-Jung; Lin, Tien-Sung; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Peng, Shie-MingBulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 94(8), 2092-2099
192021Proton-Conducting Cobalt(II) 3D MOFs Incorporating Bis(imidazole) and Polycarboxylate Linkages: Framework Topology and InterpenetrationZih-Yi Lin; Amitabha Datta; Kuheli Das; Arif I. Inamdar; Hsi-Yuan Hsieh; Yao-Huei Huang; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Chia-Jyi Liu; Liang-Rui Chen; Yang-Wei Lin; Hon Man LeeCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 21(10), 5594-5602
202021Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Two-Electron Bimetallic Cu–Ag and Cu–Au Nanoclusters via Copper Hydride PrecursorsSilalahi, Rhone P.; Chiu, Tzu-Hao; Kao, Jhen-Heng; Wu, Chun-Yen; Yin, Chi-Wei; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Chen, Yuan Jang; Saillard, Jean-Yves; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Liu, Chen-WeiINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 60(14), 10799-10807
212021Design of a Metal–Organic Framework-Derived Co9S8/S Material for Achieving High Durability and High Performance of Lithium–Sulfur BatteriesArif I. Inamdar; Nahid Kaisar; Saqib Kamal; Tzuoo-Tsair Luo; Shyankay Jou; Chih Wei Chu ; Ming-His Chiang ; Kuang-Lieh Lu ChemElectroChem 8(16), 3040-3048
222021Water-assisted spin-flop antiferromagnetic behaviour of hydrophobic Cu-based metal–organic frameworksInamdar, Arif I.; Sainbileg, Batjargal; Kamal, Saqib; Bayikadi, Khasim Saheb; Sankar, Raman ; Luo, Tzuoo Tsair; Hayashi, Michitoshi; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Lu, Kuang-Lieh Dalton Transactions 50(17), 5754-5758
232021Organocatalytic asymmetric allylic alkylation of 2-methyl-3-nitroindoles: a route to direct enantioselective functionalization of indole C(sp3)–H bondsJing-Xiang Xu; Kai-Ti Chu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Jeng-Liang HanORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY 19, 1503-1507
242021Discrete Metal-Oxide Clusters with Organofunctionalization as High-Performance Anode MaterialsTushar Sanjay Jadhav; Syed Ali Abbas; Yu-Chiao Liu; Wen-Ti Wu; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Chih-Wei Chu ; Ming-Hsi Chiang ACS Applied Energy Materials 4(1), 643-654
252021High-Frequency Fe–H and Fe–H2 Modes in a trans-Fe(η2-H2)(H) Complex: A Speed Record for Nuclear Resonance Vibrational SpectroscopyMing-Hsi Chiang ; Vladimir Pelmenschikov; Leland B. Gee; Yu-Chiao Liu; Chang-Chih Hsieh; Hongxin Wang; Yoshitaka Yoda; Hiroaki Matsuura; Lei Li; Stephen P. CramerINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 60(2), 555-559
262021A new series of heteronuclear metal strings, MRhRh(dpa)4Cl2 and MRhRhM(dpa)4X2, from the reactions of Rh2(dpa)4 with metal ions of group 7 to group 12Ming-Chuan Cheng; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Tien-Sung Lin; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Shie-Ming PengDALTON TRANSACTIONS 50(2), 520-534
272020Vibrational characterization of a diiron bridging hydride complex – a model for hydrogen catalysisGee, Leland Bruce; Pelmenschikov, Vladimir; Wang, Hongxin; Mishra, Nakul; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Yoda, Yoshitaka; TAMASAKU, Kenji; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Cramer, Stephen P.Chemical Science 11(21), 5487-5493
282020Highly hydrophobic metal–organic framework for self-protecting gate dielectricsInamdar, Arif I.; Pathak, Abhishek; Usman, Muhammad; Chiou, Kuan-Ru; Tsai, Pei-Hsien; Mendiratta, Shruti; Kamal, Saqib; Liu, Yen-Hsiang; Chen, Jenq-Wei; Chiang, Ming-His ; Lu, Kuang-Lieh Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8(24), 11958-11965
292020Structures and paramagnetism of five heterometallic pentanuclear metal strings containing as many as four different metals: NiPtCo2Pd(tpda)4Cl2Cheng, Ming-Chuan; Huang, Rui-Xiang; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Song, You; Lin, Tien-Sung; Peng, Shie-MingDalton Transactions 49(22), 7299-7303
302020Photoinduced NO and HNO Production from Mononuclear {FeNO}6 Complex Bearing a Pendant ThiolChiang, Chuan-Kuei; Chu, Kai-Ti; Lin, Chia-Chin; Xie, Shi-Rou; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Demeshko, Serhiy; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Meyer, Franc; Tsai, Ming-Li; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Lee, Chien-MingJournal of the American Chemical Society 142(19), 8649-8661
312020Polymerization of Columnar Mesogens Tethered with Diacetylenic Side ChainsKuo, Yu-Lun; Tseng, Chung-Yu; Tseng, Chiao-Wei; Chu, Kai-Ti; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Saeki, Akinori; Tao, Yu-Tai ; Chen, Hsiu-HuiACS Applied Polymer Materials 2(2), 248-255
322019Structural diversity in polymeric and discrete complexes constructed by divalent transition metals and unsymmetrical quasi semirigid pyridinecarboxylate isomersWu, J.-Y.; Yuan, P.-T.; Hsiao, C.-C.; Chang, H.-K.; Liu, Y.-C.; Hsu, L.-J.; Chiang, M.-H. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 277, 701-712
332019Mono- and hexa-palladium doped silver nanoclusters stabilized by dithiolatesBarik, S. K.; Chiu, T.-H.; Liu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Gam, F.; Chantrenne, I.; Kahlal, S.; Saillard, J.-Y.; Liu, C. W.Nanoscale 11, 14581-14586
342019NO-to-[N2O2]2–-to-N2O Conversion Triggered by {Fe(NO)2}10-{Fe(NO)2}9 Dinuclear Dinitrosyl Iron ComplexWu, W.-Y.; Hsu, C.-N.; Hsieh, C.-H.; Chiou, T.-W.; Tsai, M.-L.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Liaw, W.-F.INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 58(15), 9586-9591
352019Diindeno‐fused Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene and Dibenzo[c,l]chrysene: Syntheses, Structural Analyses, and PropertiesBoominathan, S. S. K.; Chang, K.-H.; Liu, Y.-C.; Wang, C.-S.; Wu, C.-F.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Chou, P.-T.; Wu, Y.-T.CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 25(30), 7280-7284
362019A Mn(IV)–peroxo complex in the reactions with proton donorsLee, C.-M.; Sankaralingam, M.; Chuo, C.-H.; Tseng, T.-H.; Chen, P. P.-Y.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Li, X. X.; Lee, Y. M.; Nam, W.DALTON TRANSACTIONS 48, 5203-5213
372019Synthesis of Bimetallic Copper-Rich Nanoclusters Encapsulating a Linear Palladium Dihydride UnitChakrahari, K. K.; Silalahi, R. P. B.; Wang, X.; Kahlal, S.; Liu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Saillard, J.-Y.; Liu, C. W.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 58(15), 4943-4947
382019A Mononuclear Iron(II) Bis(guanidinate) Complex: Synthesis, Structure, and ReactivityWong, G. F.; Yeung, L. F.; Tsoi, H. Y.; Chan, H.-S.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Lee, H. K.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2019(1), 98-109
392019Dioxygen Activation by a Dinuclear Thiolate-ligated Fe(II) ComplexC. C. Hsieh; Y. C. Liu; M. C. Tseng ; M. H. Chiang ; Y. C. HorngDALTON TRANSACTIONS 48(2), 379-386
402018Heteroatom-Doping Increases Cluster Nuclearity: From An [Ag20] to An [Au3Ag18] CoreWan-Ting Chang; Sachil Sharma; Jian-Hong Liao; Samia Kahlal; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming- Hsi Chiang ; Jean-Yves Saillard; Chen-Wei LiuCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 24(54), 14352-14357
412018Identification of an eight-electron superatomic cluster and its alloy in one co-crystal structureJian-Hong Liao; Samia Kahlal; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Jean-Yves Saillard; C. W. LiuJournal of Cluster Science 29, 827-835
422018Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Inverse-Coordination Clusters from a Two-Electron Superatomic Copper NanoclusterKiran Kumarvarma Chakrahari; Rhone P. Brocha Silalahi; Jian-Hong Liao; Samia Kahlal; Yu-Chiao Liu; Jyh-Fu Lee; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Jean-Yves Saillard; C. W. LiuCHEMICAL SCIENCE 9, 6785-6795
432018Electron Delocalization of Mixed‐Valence Diiron Sites Mediated by Group10 Metal Ions in Heterotrimetallic Fe‐M‐Fe (M=Ni, Pd, and Pt) Chain ComplexesYu-Chiao Liu; Shao-An Hua; Ming-Chuan Cheng; Li-Chung Yu; Serhiy Demeshko; Sebastian Dechert; Franc Meyer; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Ming-Chuan Cheng ; Shie-Ming PengCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 24(45), 11649-11666
442018Energy-Efficient Hydrogen Evolution by Fe–S Electrocatalysts: Mechanistic InvestigationsKai-Ti Chu; Yu-Chiao Liu; Min-Wen Chung; Agus Riyanto Poerwoprajitno; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Ming-Hsi Chiang INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 57(13), 7620-7630
452018Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Transformation of an Eight-Electron Superatomic Alloy, [Au@Ag19{S2P(OPr)2}12]Yan-Ru Lin; Pilli V. V. N. Kishore; Jian-Hong Liao; Samia Kahlal; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Jean-Yves Saillard; C. W. LiuNANOSCALE 10(15), 6855-6860
462018Synthesis of Two-Electron Bimetallic Cu-Ag and Cu-Au Clusters by using [Cu13(S2CNnBu2)6(C≡CPh)4]+ as a TemplateRhone P. Brocha Silalahi; Kiran Kumarvarma Chakrahari; Jian-Hong Liao; Samia Kahlal; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Jean-Yves Saillard; Chen-Wei LiuCHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL 13(5), 500-504
472018Stepwise synthesis of the heterotrimetallic chains [MRu2(dpa)4X2]0/1+ using group 7 to group 12 transition metal ions and [Ru2(dpa)4Cl]Ming-Chuan Cheng; Shao-An Hua; Qi-ying Lv; Marc Sigrist; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Shie-Ming PengDALTON TRANSACTIONS 47(5), 1422-1434
482018Bilayer Vesicles as a Noncovalent Immobilization Platform of Electrocatalysts for Energy Conversion in Neutral Aqueous MediaMin-Wen Chung; Yu-Chiao Liu; Tao-Hung Yen; Ming-Hsi Chiang CHEMELECTROCHEM 5(1), 20-24
492017Anion-Directed Metallocages: A Study on the Tendency of Anion TemplationJing-Yun Wu; Ming-Shiou Zhong; Ming-Hsi Chiang CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 23(63), 15957-15965
502017Generation of a Mn(IV)–Peroxo or Mn(III)–Oxo–Mn(III) Species upon Oxygenation of Mono- and Binuclear Thiolate-Ligated Mn(II) ComplexesChien-Ming Lee; Wun-Yan Wu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; D. Scott Bohle; Gene-Hsiang LeeINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 56(17), 10559-10569
512017Eight-Electron Silver and Mixed Gold/Silver Nanoclusters Stabilized by Selenium Donor LigandsWan-Ting Chang; Po-Yi Lee; Jian-Hong Liao; Kiran Kumarvarma Chakrahari; Samia Kahlal; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Jean-Yves Saillard; C. W. LiuANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 56(34), 10178-10182
522017Organocatalytic enantioselective Michael reaction of 1,3-dicarbonyls with α-substituted β-nitroacrylatesChang, Hsuan-Hao; Chu, Kai-Ti; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Han, Jeng-LiangTETRAHEDRON 73(6), 727-734
532017Reduced thione ligation is preferred over neutral phosphine ligation in diiron biomimics regarding electronic functionality: a spectroscopic and computational investigationYen, Tao-Hung; He, Zong-Cheng; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Tseng, Mei-Chun; Shen, Yu-Hsuan; Tseng, Tien-Wen; Liaw, Wen-Feng; Chiang, Ming-Hsi CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 53(2), 332-335
542016A Concerted Proton-Electron Transfer-Involved Catalysis by Fe-S Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen EvolutionMing-Hsi Chiang 
552016Diiron Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen ProductionMing-Hsi Chiang 
562016[Ag20{S2P(OR)2}12]: A Superatom Complex with a Chiral Metallic Core and High Potential for IsomerismDhayal, R. S.; Lin, Y.-R.; Liao, J.-H.; Chen, Y.-J.; Liu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Kahlal, S.; Saillard, J.-Y.; Liu, C. W.CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 22(29), 9943-9947
572016Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Magnetic Properties of a Two-Fold Interpenetrated Diamondoid Open FrameworkWu, J.-Y.; Cheng, F.-Y.; Chiang, M.-H. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 242(Part 1), 8-13
582016Asymmetric Tetranuclear Nickel Chains with Unidirectionally Ordered 2-(α-(5-phenyl)pyridylamino)-1,8-naphthyridine ligandsTsou, L.-H.; Sigrist, M.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Horng, E.-C.; Chen, C.-H.; Huang, S.-L.; Lee, G.-H.; Peng, S.-M.DALTON TRANSACTIONS 45(43), 17281-17289
592016[Cu13{S2CNnBu2}6(acetylide)4]+: A Two-Electron SuperatomChakrahari, Kiran Kumarvarma; Liao, Jian-Hong; Kahlal, Samia; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Saillard, Jean-Yves; Liu, C. W.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 55(47), 14704-14708
602016Utilization of Non-Innocent Redox Ligands in [FeFe] Hydrogenase Modeling for Hydrogen ProductionLiu, Y.-C.; Yen, T.-H.; Chu, K.-T.; Chiang, M.-H. COMMENTS ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 36, 141-181
612016Adaptation of Guest Molecules: A Simple System that Amplifies the Gentle Perturbation of Host Lattices from Nickel(II) to Cobalt(II)Tseng, T.-W.; Luo, T.-T.; Wu, J.-Y.; Tsai, C.-C.; Huang, C.-Y.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Lu, K.-L. INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA 445, 96-102
622016Anion-Directed Copper(II) Metallocages, Coordination Chain, and Complex Double Salt: Structures, Magnetic Properties, EPR Spectra, and Density Functional StudyWu, J.-Y.; Zhong, M.-S.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Bhattacharya, D.; Lee, Y.-W.; Lai, L.-L.CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 22(21), 7238-7247
632016Protonation/Reduction of Carbonyl-Rich Diiron Complexes and the Direct Observation of Triprotonated Species: Insights into the Electrocatalytic Mechanism of Hydrogen FormationLiu, Y.-C.; Chu, K.-T.; Huang, Y.-L.; Hsu, C.-H.; Lee, G.-H.; Tseng, M.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ACS Catalysis 6, 2559-2576
642015Monodispersity of Magnetic Immuno-Nanoprobes Enhances the Detection Sensitivity of Low Abundance Biomarkers in One Drop of SerumRey Y. Capangpangan; Mira Anne C. dela Rosa; Rofeamor P. Obena; Yu-Jen Chou; Der-Lii Tzou ; Shao-Ju Shih; Ming-Hsi Chiang ; Chun-Cheng Lin; Yu-Ju Chen ANALYST 140, 7678-7686
652015A High-Performance Diiron Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen ProductionYu-Chiao Liu; Kai-Ti Chu; Ming-Hsi Chiang 
662015A High-Performance Diiron Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen ProductionMing-Hsi Chiang 
672015Redox Communication within Multinuclear Iron-Sulfur Complexes Related to Electronic Interplay in the Active Site of [FeFe]HydrogenaseChu, K.-T.; Liu, Y.-C.; Huang, Y.-L.; Lee, G.-H.; Tseng, M.-C. ; Chiang, M.-H. Chemistry-A European Journal 21(18), 6852-6861
682015Diselenophosphate-Induced Conversion of an Achiral [Cu20H11{S2P(OiPr)2}9] into a Chiral [Cu20H11{Se2P(OiPr)2}9] Polyhydrido NanoclusterDhayal, R. S.; Liao, J.-H.; Wang, X.; Liu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Kahlal, S.; Saillard, J.-Y.; Liu, C. W.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 54, 13604-13608
692015(featured as a cover paper) A Reversible Proton Relay Process Mediated by H-bonding Interaction in [FeFe]hydrogenase ModelingChu, K.-T.; Liu, Y.-C.; Huang, Y.-L.; Hsu, C.-H.; Lee, G.-H.; Chiang, M.-H. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 21, 10978-10982
702015Self-triggered conformations of disulfide ensembles in coordination polymers with multiple metal clustersTseng, T.-W.; Luo, T.-T.; Shih, Y.-R.; Shen, J.-W.; Lee, L.-W.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Lu, K.-L. CrystEngComm 17, 2847-2856
712015[Cu32(H)20{S2P(OiPr)2}12]: The Largest Number of Hydrides Recorded in a Molecular Nanocluster by Neutron DiffractionDhayal, R. S.; Liao, J.-H.; Kahlal, S.; Wang, X.; Liu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ; van Zyl, W. E.; Saillard, J.-Y.; Liu, C. W.CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 21, 8369-8374
722015[Ag21{S2P(OiPr)2}12]+: An Eight-Electron SuperatomDhayal, R. S.; Liao, J.-H.; Liu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Kahlal, S.; Saillard, J.-Y.; Liu, C. W.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 54, 3702-3706
732014A High-Performance Diiron Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen ProductionYu-Chiao Liu; Kai-Ti Chu; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Ming-Hsi Chiang 
742014Redox Non-innocent Ligands in CatalysisLiu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Huang, Y.-L.Chemistry (The Chinese Chemical Society, Taipei) 72, 67-76
752014Concomitant Crystallization of Genuine Supramolecular Isomeric Rhombus Grid and RibbonWu, J.-Y.; Hsiao, C.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 14, 4321-4328
762014(featured as a cover paper) Chinese Puzzle Molecule: A Fifteen Hydride, 28 Copper NanoballEdwards, A. J.; Dhayal, R. S.; Liao, P.-K.; Liao, J.-H.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Piltz, R. O.; Kahlal, S.; Saillard, J.-Y.; Liu, C. W.ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 53, 7214-7218
772014Iron(III) Bound by Hydrosulfide Anion Ligands: NO-Promoted Stabilization of the [FeIII–SH] MotifTsou, C.-C.; Chiu, W.-C.; Ke, C.-H.; Tsai, J.-C.; Wang, Y.-M.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Liaw, W.-F.JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 136, 9424-9433
782014Selective enrichment and sensitive detection of candidate disease biomarker using a novel surfactant-coated magnetic nanoparticlesCapangpangan, R. Y.; dela Rosa, M. A. C.; Chang, C. H.; Wang, W. C.; Peng, J.; Shih, S. J.; Chiang, M.-H. ; Tzou, D. L.; Lin, C. C.; Chen, Y. J.IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 64, 012022
792013[FeFe] hydrogenase Active Site Modeling: a Key Intermediate Bearing a Thiolate Proton and Fe HydrideKai-Ti Chu; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ruei-Lin Jhang; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Ming-Hsi Chiang 
802013Tuning Electronic Structure of the Fe Core Within FeS Biomimics for Efficient Hydrogen ProductionMing-Hsi Chiang 
812013Modulation of the Electronic Structure of the Fe2 Core Related to [FeFe] Hydrogenases for Efficient Hydrogen ProductionMing-Hsi Chiang 
822013Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production Based on [FeFe]-Hydrogenase MimicsLiu, Y.-C.; Chiang, M.-H. Chemistry (The Chinese Chemical Society, Taipei) 71, 299-309
832013Nitrate-to-Nitrite-to-Nitric Oxide Conversion Modulated by Nitrate-Containing {Fe(NO)2}9 Dinitrosyl Iron Complex (DNIC)Tsai, Fu-Te; Lee, Yu-Ching; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Liaw, Wen-FengINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 52, 464−473
842012Electron Delocalization from the Fullerene Attachment to the Diiron CoreMing-Hsi Chiang 
852012Electron Delocalization from the Fullerene Attachment to the Diiron CoreYu-Chiao Liu; Tao-Hung Yen; Ming-Hsi Chiang 
862012Influence of a Redox-Active Phosphane Ligand on the Oxidations of a Diiron Core Related to the Active Site of [FeFe] HydrogenaseKai-Ti Chu; Yu-Chiao Liu; Chia-Hsin Lee; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Ming-Hsi Chiang 
872012Self-adaptation of manganese–chloride arrangement toward high spin Mn5(μ-Cl)4 cluster-based metal–organic framework with S = 15/2Lin, Shao-Hsuan; Yang, Chen-I; Kuo, Ting-Shen; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Hsu, Kung-Chung; Lu, Kuang-Lieh DALTON TRANSACTIONS 41(5), 1448-1450
882012New Members of a Class of Dinitrosyliron Complexes (DNICs): The Characteristic EPR Signal of the Six-Coordinate and Five-Coordinate {Fe(NO)2}9 DNICsShih, Wei-Chih; Lu, Tsai-Te; Yang, Li-Bo; Tsai, Fu-Te; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Chiang, Yun-Wei; Liaw, Wen-FengJOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 113, 83-93
892012Synthesis, Characterization and Solvent-Mediated Structural Transformation of a Discrete Tetragonal MetalloprismWu, Jing-Yun; Zhong, Ming-Shiou; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Tsai, Meng-Rong; Lai, Long-LiDALTON TRANSACTIONS 41, 156-164
902012Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization of a Monomeric Side-On Manganese(IV) Peroxo ComplexLee, Chien-Ming; Chuo, Chi-He; Chen, Ching-Hui; Hu, Cho-Chun; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Tseng, Yu-Jan; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Gene-HsiangANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 51, 5427-5430
912012Infinite Copper(II) Coordination Architectures from a Resonative Aminotriazine-Derived Tripodal Ligand: Synthesis, Structures, and Magnetic PropertiesTsai, Meng-Jung; Wu, Jing-Yun; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Huang, Cheng-Hao; Kuo, Ming-Yu; Lai, Long-LiINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 51, 12360−12371
922012Electron Delocalization from the Fullerene Attachment to the Diiron Core within the Active-Site Mimics of [FeFe]HydrogenaseLiu, Yu-Chiao; Yen, Tao-Hung; Tseng, Yu-Jan; Hu, Ching-Han; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Chiang, Ming-Hsi INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 51, 5997-5999
932011The Influences of Secondary Coordination Sphere Interaction on Electronic Asymmetry within the Biomimetic Iron Azadithiolate Complexes related to the Active Site of Fe-only HydrogenaseTao-Hung Yen; Yu-Chiao Liu; Ling-Kuang Tu; Gene-Hsiang Lee; Ming-Hsi Chiang 
942011Design of Biomimetic Models Related to the Active Sites of Fe-Only HydrogenaseLiu, Yu-Chiao; Yen, Tao-Hung; Tu, Ling-Kuang; Chiang, Ming-Hsi Biomimetic Based Applications (Austria : InTech Publishing)
952011Influences on the Rotated Structure of the Diiron Dithiolate Complexes: Electronic Asymmetry vs. Secondary Coordination Sphere InteractionLiu, Yu-Chiao; Tu, Ling-Kuang; Yen, Tao-Hung; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Chiang, Ming-Hsi DALTON TRANSACTIONS 40, 2528-2541
962011(Invited contribution to a special issue) Influence of the Attached Redox-Active Phosphine on Oxidations of the Diiron Core Related to the Active Site of Fe-Only HydrogenaseLiu, Yu-Chiao; Lee, Chia-Hsin; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Chiang, Ming-Hsi EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1155-1162
972011Hydrogen Activation and Biological Inorganic Mimics of HydrogenasesLiu, Yu-Chiao; Yen, Tao-Hung; Chiang, Ming-Hsi Chemistry (the Chinese Chemical Society, Taipei) 69, 1-19
982011Self-Assembly and Redox Modulation of the Cavity Size of an Unusual Rectangular Iron Thiolate Aryldiisocyanide MetallocyclophaneLin, Pei-Chin; Chen, Hsing-Yin; Chen, Po-Yu; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Chiang, Michael Y.; Kuo, Ting-Shen; Hsu, Sodio C. N.INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 50, 10825-10834
992010Secondary Coordination Sphere Interactions within the Biomimetic Iron Azadithiolate Complexes Related to Fe-Only Hydrogenase: Dynamic Measure of Electron Density about the Fe SitesLiu, Yu-Chiao; Tu, Ling-Kuang; Yen, Tao-Hung; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Yang, Shu-Ting; Chiang, Ming-Hsi INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 49, 6409–6420
1002010Hydro(solvo)thermal Synthesis of Homochiral Metal–Camphorate CoordinationWu, Jing-Yun; Huang, Sheng-Ming; Chiang, Ming-Hsi CrystEngComm 12, 3909-3913
1012009In Situ Measurement of the Preyssler Polyoxometalate Morphology upon Electrochemical Reduction: a Redox System with Born Electrostatic Ion Solvation BehaviorAntonio, Mark R.; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Seifert, Soenke; Tiede, David M.; Thiyagarajan, PappannanJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 626,103-110
1022009Biomimetic Model Featuring the NH Proton and Bridging Hydride Related to a Proposed Intermediate in Enzymatic H2 Production by Fe-Only HydrogenaseChiang, Ming-Hsi ; Liu, Yu-Chiao; Yang, Shu-Ting; Lee, Gene-HsiangINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 48, 7604-7612
1032008Stabilization of Plutonium(III) in the Preyssler PolyoxometalateAntonio, Mark R.; Chiang, Ming-Hsi INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 47, 8278-8285
1042006Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes [E5Fe(NO)2]- (E = S, Se): A Precursor of Roussin's Black Salt [Fe4E3(NO)7]Chen, Tai-Nan; Lo, Feng-Chun; Tsai, Ming-Li; Shih, Ko-Nien; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Liaw, Wen-FengINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA 359, 2525-2533
1052005Homodinuclear Iron Thiolate Nitrosyl Compounds [(ON)Fe(S,S-C6H4)2Fe(NO)2]- and [(ON)Fe(SO2,S-C6H4)(S,S-C6H4)Fe(NO)2]- with {Fe(NO)}7-{Fe(NO)2}9 Electronic Coupling: New Members of a Class of Dinitrosyl Iron ComplexesChen, Hao-Wen; Lin, Chin-Wei; Chen, Chiao-Chun; Yang, Li-Bo; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Liaw, Wen-FengINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 44, 3226-3232
1062005Experimental Study of Neptunyl Adsorption onto Bacillus SubtilisDrew, Gorman-Lewis; Fein, Jeremy B.; Soderholm, Lynne; Jensen, Mark P.; Chiang, Ming-Hsi GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 69, 4837-4844
1072005Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes (DNICs) [L2Fe(NO)2]- (L = Thiolate): Interconversion among {Fe(NO)2}9 DNICs, {Fe(NO)2}10 DNICs, and [2Fe-2S] Clusters, and the Critical Role of the Thiolate Ligands in Regulating NO Release of DNICsTsai, Fu-Te; Chiou, Show-Jen; Tsai, Ming-Che; Tsai, Ming-Li; Huang, Hsiao-Wen; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Liaw, Wen-FengINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 44, 5872-5881
1082004Redox Chemistry of the Keggin Heteropolyoxotungstate Anion in Ionic LiquidsChiang, Ming-Hsi ; Dzielawa, Juile A.; Dietz, Mark L.; Antonio, Mark R.JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 567, 77-84
1092004In Situ Actinide X-ray Absorption SpectroelectrochemistryAntonio, Mark R.; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Williams, Clayton W.; Soderholm, LynneMRS Proc. 802, 157-168
1102004Energetics of the Preyssler Anion’s Molecular Orbitals: Quantifying the Effect of the Encapsulated-Cation’s ChargeChiang, Ming-Hsi ; Antonio, Mark R.; Soderholm, LynneDALTON TRANSACTIONS 3562-3567
1112004A Unique Coordination Environment for an Ion: EXAFS Studies and Bond Valence Model Approach of the Encapsulated Cation in the Preyssler AnionChiang, Ming-Hsi ; Antonio, Mark R.; Williams, Clayton W.; Soderholm, LynneDALTON TRANSACTIONS 801-806
1122003Redox Chemistry of Actinide Ions in Wells-Dawson Heteropolyoxoanion ComplexesChiang, Ming-Hsi ; Soderholm, Lynne; Antonio, Mark R.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2929-2936
1132003Coordination of Actinide Ions in Wells-Dawson Heteropolyoxoanion ComplexesChiang, Ming-Hsi ; Williams, Clayton W.; Soderholm, Lynne; Antonio, Mark R.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2663-2669
1142003Changing Np Redox Speciation in the Synchrotron BeamSkanthakumar, Skantha; Drew, Gorman-Lewis; Locock, Andrew J.; Chiang, Ming-Hsi ; Jensen, Mark P.; Burns, Peter C.; Fein, Jeremey; Jonah, Charles D.; Attenkofer, Klaus; Soderholm, LynneMRS Proc. 802, 151-156