Results 1-25 of 25 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Selection of linear mixed-effects models for clustered dataChih-Hao Chang; Hsin-Cheng Huang ; Ching-Kang Ing Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 50(2), 875-897
22022A generalized information criterion for high-dimensional PCA rank selectionHung Hung; Su-Yun Huang ; Ching-Kang Ing STATISTICAL PAPERS 63, 1295-1321
32015Estimation of inverse autocovariance matrices for long memory processesC.-K. Ing ; H.-T. Chiou; M. GuoBERNOULLI 29 pages
42014Toward optimal model averaging in regression models with time series errorsTzu-Chang F. Cheng; Ching-Kang Ing ; Shu-Hui YuJOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS 30 pages
52013Moment Bounds and Mean Squared Prediction Errors of Long-Memory Time SeriesChan, Ngai Hang; Huang, Shih-Feng; Ing, Ching-Kang ANNALS OF STATISTICS 41, 31 pages
62013Metric entropy and sparse linear approximation of ℓ𝑞-hulls for 0<𝑞≤1Gao, Fuchang; Ing, Ching-Kang ; Yang, YuhongJOURNAL OF APPROXIMATION THEORY 166, 42-55
82011Discussion on ''Two-Stage Procedure for High-Dimensional Data'' by Aoshima and YataIng, Ching-Kang ; Lai, Tze LeungSequential Analysis 30(4), 404-411
92011A stepwise regression method and consistent model selection for high-dimensional sparse linear modelsIng, Ching-Kang ; Lai, Tze LeungSTATISTICA SINICA 21, 1473-1513
102011Uniform moment bounds of Fisher's information with applications to time seriesChan, Nagi Hang; Ing, Ching-Kang ANNALS OF STATISTICS 39, 1526-1550
112010Stepwise regressionLai, Tze Leung; Ing, Ching-Kang The Encyclopedia of Research Design (Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications)
122010Prediction Errors in Nonstationary Autoregressions of Infinate OrderIng, Ching-Kang ; Sin, Chor-Yiu; Yu, Shu-HuiEconometric Theory 26, 774-803
132009Toward optimal multistep forecasts in nonstationary autoregressionsIng, Ching-Kang ; Lin, Jin-Lung; Yu, Shu-HuiBernoulli 15, 402-437
142007Development of service quality scale for surgical hospitalizationTeng, Ching-I; Ing, Ching-Kang ; Chang, Hao-Yuan; Chung, Kuo-PiaoJournal of the Formosan Medical Association 106(6), 475-484
152007Accumulated prediction errors, information criteria and optimal forecasting for autoregressive time seriesIng, Ching-Kang Annals of Statistics 35(3), 1238-1277
162006Time Series and Related Topics: in Memory of Ching-Zong WeiHo, Hwai-Chung ; Ing, Ching-Kang ; Lai, Tze LeungUSA
172006A maximal moment inequality for long range dependent time series with applications to estimation and model selectionIng, Ching-Kang ; Wei, Ching-ZongStatistica Sinica 16(3), 721-740
182006On prediction errors in regression models with nonstationary regressorsIng, Ching-Kang ; Sin, Chor-YiuTime Series and Related Topics: In Memory of Ching-Zong Wei (Beachwood, Ohio, USA :  Institute of Mathematical Statistics)
192006IMS Lecture Notes--Monograph Series, Volume 52Ho, Hwai-Chung; Ing, Ching-Kang ; Lai, Tze-LeungBeachwood, Ohio, USA
202005Order selection for same-realization predictions in autoregressive processes.Ing, Ching-Kang ; Wei, Ching-ZongAnnals of Statistics 33, 2423-2474.
212004Selecting optimal multistep predictors for autoregressive processes of unknown order.Ing, Ching-Kang Annals of Statistics 32, 693-722
222003On same-realization prediction in an autoregressive process.Ing, Ching-Kang ; Wei, Ching-ZongJournal of Multivariate Analysis 85, 130-155
232003On estimating conditional mean-squared prediction errors in autoregressive models.Ing, Ching-Kang ; Yu, Shu-HuiJournal of Time Series Analysis 24, 401-422
242003Multistep prediction in autoregressive processes.Ing, Ching-Kang Econometric Theory 19, 254-279
252001A note on mean-squared prediction errors of the least squares predictors in random walk modelsIng, Ching-Kang Journal of Time Series Analysis 22(6), 711-724