Results 1-32 of 32 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023A geometric algorithm for contrastive principal component analysis in high dimensionRung-Sheng Lu; Shao-Hsuan Wang; Su-Yun Huang JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS 33(3), 909-916
22022Machine learning-based monosaccharide profiling for tissue-specific classification of Wolfiporia extensa samplesSY Hsiung; SX Deng; J Li; SY Huang; CK Liaw; SY Huang ; CC Wang; Y HsiehCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 322, 121338
32022A generalized information criterion for high-dimensional PCA rank selectionHung Hung; Su-Yun Huang ; Ching-Kang Ing STATISTICAL PAPERS 63, 1295-1321
42022Robust self-tuning semiparametric PCA for contaminated elliptical distributionHung Hung; Su-Yun Huang ; Shinto EguchiIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING 70, 5885-5897
52022Robust aggregation for federated learning by minimum γ-divergence estimationCen-Jhih Li; Pin-Han Huang; Yi-Ting Ma; Hung Hung; Su-Yun Huang ENTROPY 24(5), 686
62022Perturbation theory for cross data matrix-based PCAShao-Hsuan Wang; Su-Yun Huang JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 190, 104960
72021Radiomic Features at CT Can Distinguish Pancreatic Cancer from Noncancerous PancreasPo-Ting Chen; Dawei Chang; Huihsuan Yen; Kao-Lang Liu; Su-Yun Huang ; Holger Roth; Ming-Shiang Wu; Wei-Chih Liao; Weichung WangRadiology: Imaging Cancer 3(4), e210010
82021Alteration of power law scaling of spontaneous brain activity in schizophreniaYi-Ju Lee; Su-Yun Huang ; Ching-Po Lin; Shih-Jen Tsai; Albert C YangSchizophrenia Research 238, 10-19
92021On the asymptotic normality and efficiency of Kronecker envelope principal component analysisShih-Hao Huang; Su-Yun Huang JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 184, 104761
102020A consistency theorem for randomized singular value decompositionTing-Li Chen ; Su-Yun Huang ; Weichung WangSTATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS 161, 108743
112020On asymptotic normality of cross data matrix-based PCA in high dimension low sample sizeShao-Hsuan Wang; Su-Yun Huang ; Ting-Li Chen JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 175, 104556
122020Two-stage dimension reduction for noisy high-dimensional images and application to Cryogenic Electron MicroscopySzu-Chi Chung; Shao-Hsuan Wang; Po-Yao Niu; Su-Yun Huang ; Wei-Hau Chang; I-Ping Tu Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications 5(2), 283-316
132019Tensor decomposition for dimension reductionYu-Hsiang Cheng; Tzeeming Huang; Su-Yun Huang COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS 12(2), e1482
142019Sufficient dimension reduction via random-partitions for the large-p-small-n problemHung Hung; Su-Yun Huang BIOMETRICS 75(1), 245-255
152019The generalized degrees of freedom of multilinear principal component analysisI-Ping Tu; Su-Yun Huang ; Dai-Ni HsiehJOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 173, 26-37
162018Robust mislabel logistic regression without modeling mislabel probabilities.Hung, H; Jou, ZY; Huang, SY Biometrics 74(1), 145-154
172012On multilinear principal component analysis of order-two tensorsHung, Hung; Wu, Pei-Hsien; Tu, I-Ping ; Huang, Su-Yun BIOMETRIKA 99(3), 569-583
182011Combining an evolution-guided clustering algorithm and haplotype-based LRT in family association studies.Lee, M. H.; Tzeng, J. Y.; Huang, S. Y. ; Hsiao, C. K.BMC Genetics 12:48
192010Nonlinear Regression AnalysisHuang, H. H.; Hsiao, C. K.; Huang, S. Y. The International Encyclopedia of Education (Oxford : Elsevier)
202010Multiclass support vector classification via coding and regressionChen, P. C.; Lee, K. Y.; Lee, T. J.; Lee, Y. J.; Huang, S. Y. NEUROCOMPUTING 73, 1501-1512
212009A new regularized least squares support vector regression for gene selection.Chen, Pei-Chun; Huang, Su-Yun ; Chen, Wei J; Hsiao, Chuhsing KateBMC Bioinformatics 10(44)
222009Robust kernel principal component analysisHuang, S. Y. ; Yeh, Y. R.; Eguchi, S.NEURAL COMPUTATION 21
232009Nonlinear measures of association with kernel canonical correlation analysis and applicationsHuang, S. Y. ; Lee, M. H.; Hsiao, C. K.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 2162-2174
242009Nonlinear dimension reduction with kernel sliced inverse regressionYeh, Y. R.; Huang, S. Y. ; Lee, Y. J.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING 21, 1590-1603
252008Data Visualization via Kernel MachinesChang, Yuan-Chin Ivan; Lee, Yuh-Jye; Pao, Hsing-Kuo; Lee, Mei-Hsien; Huang, Su Yun Handbook of Data Visualization (Heidelberg : Springer)
262007Model selection for support vector machines via uniform designHuang, Chien-Ming; Lee, Yuh-Jye; Lin, Dennis K. J.; Huang, Su-Yun Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(1), 335-346
272007Maximum number of live births per donor in artificial inseminationWang, Charlotte; Tsai, Miao-Yu; Lee, Mei-Hsien; Huang, Su-Yun ; Kao, Chen-Hung ; Ho, Hong-Nerng; Hsiao, Chuhsing KateHuman Reproduction 22(5), 1363-1372
282007Reduced support vector machines: A statistical theoryLee, Yuh-Jye; Huang, Su-Yun Ieee Transactions on Neural Networks 18(1), 1-13
292004Bayesian marginal inference via candidate's formula.Hsiao, C. K.; Huang, S. Y. ; Chang, C. W.Statistics and Computing 14, 59-66
302004Kernel-based discriminant techniques for educational placement.Lin, M. H.; Huang, S. Y. ; Chang, Y. -C. I. Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 29(2), 219-240
312003Generalized cross-validation for wavelet shrinkage in nonparametric mixed-effects modelsLu, H. S.; Huang, S. Y. ; Lin, F. J.J. Computational and Graphical Statistics 12, 714-730
322003Optimal volume-corrected Laplace-Metropolis method.Huang, S. Y. ; Hsiao, C. K.; Chang, C. W.Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 55, 655-670