Results 1-74 of 74 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022Asymptotics and statistics on Fishburn matrices: dimension distribution and a conjecture of StoimenowH.-K. Hwang ; E. Y. Jin; M. SchlosserRandom Structures and Algorithms 62(2), 479-518
22022Bell Numbers in Matsunaga's and Arima's Genjikō Combinatorics: Modern Perspectives and Local Limit TheoremsX. Dou; H.-K. Hwang ; C.-Y. LiELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 29(2), P2.2
32021Asymptotics and statistics on Fishburn matrices and their generalizationsHsien-Kuei Hwang ; Emma Yu JinJournal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 180, 105413
42020Node profiles of symmetric digital search trees: Concentration propertiesMichael Drmota; Michael Fuchs; Hsien-Kuei Hwang ; Ralph NeiningerRANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS 58(3), 430-467
52013Philippe Flajolet's Collected Papers.Hwang, H. -K. ; Salvy, B.; Sedgewick, B.; Soria, M.; Szpankowski, W.; Vallee, B.; Ward, M.Cambridge
62013Psi-series method in random trees and moments of high ordersChern, H. -H.; Fernández-Camacho, M. -I.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Martínez, C.RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS  
72012A fish tank model for assembling food websLiu, Wei-chung ; Chen, Hsuan-Wien; Tsai, Tsung-Hsi; Hwang, Hsien-Kuei Ecological Modelling 245, 166-175
82011Uniform asymptotics of Poisson approximation to the Poisson-binomial distributionHwang, H. -K. ; Zacharovas, V.Theory of Probability and Its Applications 55,(198-224)
92011Threshold phenomena in k-dominant skylines of random samplesHwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, Tsung-Hsi; Chen, Wei-MeiSIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING  
102011A central limit theorem for random factorizations of integersHwang, H. -K. ; Janson, S.Electronic Journal of Probability 16,347-361
112010The connectivity-profile of random increasing k-treesDarrasse, A.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Bodini, O.; Soria, M.
122010Maxima-finding algorithms for multidimensional samples: A two-phase approachChen, W. -M.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H.Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications 45,33-53
132010Multivariate records based on dominanceHwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H.Electronic Journal of Probability 15,1863-1892
142010Asymptotic variance of random digital search treesHwang, H. -K. ; Fuchs, M.; Zacharovas, V.Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 12(2), 103-166)
152010A Charlier-Parseval approach to Poisson approximation and its applicationsZacharovas, V.; Hwang, H. -K. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 50(1), 88-119
162009Profiles of triesHwang, H. -K. ; Park, G.; Nicodème, P.; Szpankowski, W.SIAM Journal on Computing 38(5), 1821-1880
172008Local limit theorems for finite and infinite urn modelsHwang, H. -K. ; Janson, S.Annals of Probability 36(3), 992-1022
182007Analysis of some exactly solvable diminishing urn modelsHwang, Hsien-Kuei ; Kuba, M.; Panholzer, Alois
192007Profiles of random trees: plane-oriented recursive treesHwang, H. -K. Random Structures and Algorithms 30(3), 380-413
202007Phase changes in random point quadtreesChern, Hua-Huai; Fuchs, Michael; Hwang, Hsien-Kuei ACM Transactions on Algorithms Article No.12, 51 pages
212006Partial match queries in random k-d treesChern, H. -H.; Hwang, H. -K. SIAM Journal on Computing 35(6), 1440-1466
222006Width and mode of the profile for some random trees of logarithmic heightDevroye, L.; Hwang, H. -K. Annals of Applied Probability 46(3-4), 367-407
232006Profiles of random trees: Limit theorems for random recursive trees and binary search treesFuchs, M.; Hwang, H.-K. ; Neininger, R.Algorithmica 46(3-4), 367-407
242005Digital sums and divide-and-conquer recurrences: Fourier expansions and absolute convergence.Grabner, P.; Hwang, H. -K. Constructive Approximation 21(2), 149-179
252005Limit distribution of the number of consecutive records.Chern, H. -H.; Hwang, H. -K. Random Structures and Algorithms 26(4), 404-417
262005Bimodality and phase transitions in the profile variance of random binary search trees.Drmota, M.; Hwang, H. -K. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 19(1), 19-45
272005Profiles of random trees: Correlation and width of random recursive trees and binary search trees.Drmota, M.; Hwang, H. -K. Advances in Applied Probability 37(2), 321-341
282005Maxima in hypercubes.Bai, Z. -D.; Devroye, L.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H. Random Structures and Algorithms 27(3), 290-309
292004Phase changes in random recursive structures and algorithms, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Probability with Applications to Finance and Insurance (Hong Kong, July, 2002).Hwang, H. -K. World Scientific June 2004 Based mainly on my Chinese paper published in NSC Natural Science Newsletter 14(3), 74-80
302003Second phase changes in random m-ary search trees, and generalized quicksort: convergence rates.Hwang, H. -K. Annals of Probability 31(2), 609-629
312003Analysis of two randomized algorithms for finding the maximum in a broadcast communication model.Chen, W. -M.; Hwang, H. -K. Journal of Algorithms 46(2), 140-177
322003Partial match queries in random quadtrees.Chern, H. -H.; Hwang, H. -K. SIAM Journal on Computing 32(4), 904-915
332003Berry-Esseen bounds for the number of maxima in planar regions.Bai, Z. -D.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H. Electronic Journal of Probability 8(Paper 9), 26-0
342003An asymptotic theory for recurrence relations based on minimization and maximization.Hwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H. Theoretical Computer Science 290, 1475-1501
352003Efficient maxima-finding algorithms for random planar samples.Chen, W. -M.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Electronic) 6, 107-122
362002Phase changes in random recursive structures and algorithmsH.-K. Hwang 
372002Quickselect and Dickman function, CombinatoricsHwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H.Probability and Computing 11, 353-371
382002On the number of heaps and the cost of heap constructionHwang, H. -K. ; Steyaert, J. -M.Mathematics and computer science, II: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities, Birkauser Verlag, Basel 294-310
392002Phase change of limit laws in the quicksort recurrence under varying toll functionsHwang, H. -K. ; Neininger, R.SIAM Journal on Computing 31, 1687-1722
402002A multivariate view of random bucket digital search treesHubalek, F.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Lew, W.; Mahmoud, H. M.; Prodinger, H.Journal of Algorithms 44, 121-158
412002An asymptotic theory for Cauchy-Euler differential equations with applications to analysis of algorithmsChern, H. -H.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Tsai, T. -H.Journal of Algorithms 44, 177-225
422001Limit theorems for the number of summands in integer partitionsHwang, H. -K. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 96, 89-126
432001Uniform asymptotics of some Abel sums arising in coding theoryHwang, H. -K. Theoretical Computer Science 263, 145-158
442001Phase changes in random m-ary search trees and generalized quicksortChern, H. -H.; Hwang, H. -K. Random Structures and Algorithms 19, 316-358
452001Limit theorems for the number of maxima of random samples from planar regionsBai, Z. -D.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Liang, W. -Q.; Tsai, T. -H.Electronic Journal of Probability 6, Paper 3, 41 pages
462001Transitional behaviors of the average cost of quicksort with median-of-$(2t+1)$Chern, H. -H.; Hwang, H. -K. Algorithmica 29, 44-69
472000Distribution of the number of consecutive recordsChern, H. -H.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Yeh, Y. -N.Random Structures and Algorithms 17, 169-196
482000Presorting algorithms: an average-case point of viewHwang, H. -K. ; Yang, B. -Y.; Yeh, Y. -N.Theoretical Computer Science 242, 29-40
492000Distribution of the number of factors in random ordered factorizations of integersHwang, H. -K. Journal of Number Theory 81, 61-92
501999The cost distribution of queue-mergesort, optimal mergesorts, and power-of-two rulesChen, W. -M.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Chen, G. -H.Journal of Algorithms 30, 423-448
511999Asymptotics of Poisson approximation to random discrete distributions: an analytic approachHwang, H. -K. Advances in Applied Probability 31, 448-491
521998A Poisson * Negative Binomial Convolution Law for Random Polynomials over Finite FieldsHwang, H. -K. Random Structures and Algorithms 13(1), 17-47
531998Large deviations of combinatorial distributions II. local limit theoremsHwang, H. -K. Annals of Applied Probability 8, 163-181
541998On the variance of the number of maxima in random vectors and its applicationsBai, Z. -D.; Chao, C. -C.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Liang, W. -Q.Annals of Applied Probability 8, 886-895
551998Sur la repartition des valeurs des fonctions arithmetiques: le nombre de facteurs premiers d’un entierHwang, H. -K. Journal of Number Theory 69, 135-152
561998A Poisson * Geometric Convolution Law for the Number of Components in Unlabelled Combinatorial StructuresHwang, H. -K. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 7(1), 89-110
571998Expected measure of the union of random rectanglesChao, C. -C.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Liang, W. -Q.Journal of Applied Probability 35, 495-500
581998On convergence rates of central limit theorems for combinatorial structuresHwang, H. -K. European Journal of Combinatorics 19, 329-343
591998Asymptotic expansions of the mergesort recurrencesHwang, H. -K. Acta Informatica 35, 911-919
601998Asymptotics of divide-and-conquer recurrences: Batcher’s sorting algorithm and a minimum Euclidean matching heuristicHwang, H. -K. Algorithmica 22, 529-546
611998Normal approximations of the number of records in geometrically distributed random variablesBai, Z. -D.; Hwang, H. -K. ; Liang, W. -Q.Random Structures and Algorithms 13, 319-334
621997Optimal algorithms for inserting a random element into a random heapHwang, H. -K. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43, 784-787
631997Measures of distinctness for random integer partitions and compositionsHwang, H. -K. ; Yeh, Y. -N.Advances in Applied Mathematics 19, 378-414
641997A constant arising from the analysis of algorithms for determining the maximum of a random walkHwang, H. -K. Random Structures and Algorithms 10, 333-335
651997Distribution of integer partitions with large number of summandsHwang, H. -K. Acta Arithmetica 78, 351-365
661997Asymptotic estimates of elementary probability distributionsHwang, H. -K. Studies in Applied Mathematics 99, 393-417
671996Limit theorems for mergesortHwang, H. -K. Random Structures and Algorithms 8, 319-336
681996Asymptotic behaviour of some infinite products involving prime numbersHwang, H. -K. Acta Arithmetica 75, 339-350
691996Asymptotic expansion for the Lebesgue constants of the Walsh systemHwang, H. -K. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 71, 237-243
701996Large deviations for combinatorial distributions. I: central limit theorems.Hwang, H. -K. Annals of Applied Probability 6, 297-319
711995Asymptotic expansions for the Stirling numbers of the first kind.Hwang, H. -K. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 71, 343-351
72-Analysis of an exhaustive search algorithm in random graphs and the $n^{c log n}$-asymptoticsBanderier, Cyril; Hwang, Hsien-Kuei ; Ravelomanana, Vlady; Zacharovas, Vytas
73-Shape measures of random increasing k-treesDarrasse, Alexis; Hwang, Hsien-Kuei ; Soria, MichèleCOMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING  
74-Probabilistic analysis of the (1+1)-evolutionary algorithmHsien-Kuei Hwang ; Alois Panholzer; Nicolas Rolin; Tsung-Hsi Tsai; Wei-Mei ChenEvolutionary Computation