Results 1-23 of 23 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024Use of phase plate cryo-EM reveals conformation diversity of therapeutic IgG with 50 kDa Fab fragment resolved below 6 ÅLin, Hsin-Hung; Wang, Chun-Hsiung; Huang, Shih-Hsin; Lin, Sung-Yao; Kato, Takayuki; Namba, Keiichi; Hosogi, Naoki; Song, Chihong; Murata, Kazuyoshi; Yen, Ching-Hsuan; Hsu, Tsui-Ling ; Wong, Chi-Huey ; Wu, Yi-Min; Tu, I.-Ping ; Chang, Wei-HauScientific Reports 14(1), 14079
22021Cryo-EM Analyses Permit Visualization of Structural Polymorphism of Biological MacromoleculesWei-Hau Chang; Shih-Hsin Huang; Hsin-Hung Lin; Szu-Chi Chung; I-Ping Tu Frontiers in Bioinformatics 1, 788308
32021rAMI–Rapid Alignment with Moment of Inertia for Cryo-EM Image ProcessingSzu-Chi Chung; Shao-Hsuan Wang; Cheng-Yu Hung; Wei-Hau Chang; I-Ping Tu 
42021Copper Centers in the Cryo-EM Structure of Particulate Methane Monooxygenase Reveal the Catalytic Machinery of Methane OxidationW.-H. Chang; W.-H. Chang; H.-H. Lin; I-K. Tsai; S.-H. Huang; S.-C. Chung; I-P. Tu ; S. S.-F. Yu; S. I. ChanJournal of American Chemical Society 143(26), 9922-9932
52021Grouping 3D Structure Conformations using Network Analysis on 2D Cryo-EM Projection ImagesSzu-Chi Chung; Hung-Yi Wu; Wei-Hau Chang; I-Ping Tu 
62020Quantification of model bias underlying the phenomenon of “Einstein from noise”Shao-Hsuan Wang; Yi-Ching Yao ; Wei-Hau Chang; I-Ping Tu STATISTICA SINICA
72020Endex: Degree of Mining Power Decentralization for Proof-of-Work Based Blockchain SystemsChen, Ren; Tu, I-Ping ; Chuang, Kai-Er; Lin, Qin-Xue; Liao, Shih-Wei; Liao, WanjiunIEEE Network 34(6), 266-271
82020Pre-pro is a fast pre-processor for single-particle cryo-EM by enhancing 2D classificationChung, Szu-Chi; Lin, Hsin-Hung; Niu, Po-Yao; Huang, Shih-Hsin; Tu, I-Ping ; Chang, Wei-HauCommunications Biology 3, 508
92020Two-stage dimension reduction for noisy high-dimensional images and application to Cryogenic Electron MicroscopySzu-Chi Chung; Shao-Hsuan Wang; Po-Yao Niu; Su-Yun Huang ; Wei-Hau Chang; I-Ping Tu Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications 5(2), 283-316
102012Estimating the Occurrence Rate of DNA PalindromesTu, I-Ping ; Wang, Shao-Hsuan; Huang, Yuan-FuAnnals of Applied Statistics  
112012On multilinear principal component analysis of order-two tensorsHung, Hung; Wu, Pei-Hsien; Tu, I-Ping ; Huang, Su-Yun BIOMETRIKA 99(3), 569-583
122012The Maximum of a Ratchet Scanning Process over a Poisson Random FieldTu, I-Ping STATISTICA SINICA  
132012Towards Automated De-Noising of Single Molecular FRET Data: ADN for smFRETLee, Hao-Chih; Lin, Bo-Lin; Chang, Wei-Hau; Tu, I-Ping Journal of Biomedical Optics  17(1)
142011Log-linear, Logistic Model Fitting and Local Score Statistics for Cluster Detection with Covariate AdjustmentsChan, Hock Peng; Tu, I-Ping Statistics in Medicine 30, 91-100
152010A New Approach for Selecting the Number of FactorsChen, Yin-Ping; Huang, Hsin-Cheng ; Tu, I-Ping Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54(12), 2990-2998
162010Zernike phase plate cryo-electron microscopy facilitates single particle analysis of unstained asymmetric protein complexesChang, Wei-Hau; Chiu, Michael T. -K.; Chen, Chin-Yu; Yen, Chi-Fu; Lin, Yen-Cheng; Weng, Yi-Ping; Chang, Ji-Chau; Wu, Yi-Min; Cheng, Holland; Fu, Jianhua; Tu, I-Ping Structure 18(8), 903-912
172009An Eigenvector Variability PlotTu, I-Ping ; Chen, Hung; Chen, XinStatistica Sinica 19, 1741-1754
182009Asymptotic overshoot for arithmetic IID random variablesTu, I-Ping Statistica Sinica 19(1), 315-324
192009Boundary crossing probability computations in the analysis of scan statisticsChan, Hock Peng; Tu, I-Ping ; Zhang, NancyScan Statistics--Methods and Applications (Boston : Birkhauser)
202007The Maximum of A Ratchet Scan Statistic Over A Poisson Random FieldTu, I-Ping 
212007P-Values approximation of scan statistics and its application to genomic dataTu, I-Ping 
222006Comprehensive analysis of 19q12 amplicon in human gastric cancers.Leung, SY; Ho, C; Tu, IP ; Li, R; So, S; Chu, KM; Yuen, ST; Chen, X.MODERN PATHOLOGY 19(6):854-63
232004A method for detecting and correcting gene misidentification on expression microarrays.Tu, I. -P. ; Schaner, M.; Diehn, M.; Sikic, B. I.; Brown, P. O.; Botstein, D.; Fero, M.BMC Genomics 5(64)