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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022Time-variable Jet Ejections from RW Aur A, RY Tau, and DG Tau*Takami, Michihiro ; Günther, Hans Moritz; Schneider, P. Christian; Beck, Tracy L.; Karr, Jennifer L.; Ohyama, Youichi ; Galván-Madrid, Roberto; Uyama, Taichi; White, Marc; Grankin, Konstantin; Coffey, Deirdre; Liu, Chun-Fan ; Fukagawa, Misato; Manset, Nadine; Chen, Wen-Ping; Pyo, Tae-Soo; Shang, Hsien ; Ray, Thomas P.; Otsuka, Masaaki; Chou, Mei-Yin The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 264(1), 1
22019An Unprecedented Global Communications Campaign for the Event Horizon Telescope First Black Hole ImageChristensen, L. L.; Baloković, M.; Chou, M. -Y. ; Crowley, S.; Edmonds, P.; Foncea, V.; Hiramatsu, M.; Hunter, C.; Königstein, K.; Leach, S.; Lira, N.; Lyubenova, M.; Matsushita, S. ; Parsons, H.; Ros, E.; Sandu, O.; Turner, C.; Watzke, M.; Zacher, K.Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal 26, 11-23