
Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12022A Multiscale Picture of the Magnetic Field and Gravity from a Large-scale Filamentary Envelope to Core-accreting Dust Lanes in the High-mass Star-forming Region W51Koch, Patrick M. ; Tang, Ya-Wen ; Ho, Paul T. P. ; Hsieh, Pei-Ying; Wang, Jia-Wei; Yen, Hsi-Wei ; Duarte-Cabral, Ana; Peretto, Nicolas; Su, Yu-Nung The Astrophysical Journal 940(1), 89
22021K-band High-resolution Spectroscopy of Embedded High-mass ProtostarsHsieh, Tien-Hao; Takami, Michihiro ; Connelley, Michael S.; Liu, Sheng-Yuan ; Su, Yu-Nung ; Hirano, Naomi ; Tamura, Motohide; Otsuka, Masaaki; Karr, Jennifer L.; Pyo, Tae-SooThe Astrophysical Journal 912(2), 108
32020Dense Cores, Filaments, and Outflows in the S255IR Region of High-mass Star FormationZinchenko, Igor I.; Liu, Sheng-Yuan ; Su, Yu-Nung ; Wang, Kuo-Song; Wang, YuanThe Astrophysical Journal 889(1), 43
42019The Infall Motion in the Low-mass Protostellar Binary NGC 1333 IRAS 4A1/4A2Su, Yu-Nung ; Liu, Sheng-Yuan ; Li, Zhi-Yun; Lee, Chin-Fei ; Hirano, Naomi ; Takakuwa, Shigehisa; Hsieh, I-TaThe Astrophysical Journal 885(2), 98
52019Implications of a Hot Atmosphere/Corino from ALMA Observations toward NGC 1333 IRAS 4A1Sahu, Dipen; Liu, Sheng-Yuan ; Su, Yu-Nung ; Li, Zhi-Yun; Lee, Chin-Fei ; Hirano, Naomi ; Takakuwa, ShigehisaThe Astrophysical Journal 872(2), 196
62019A Mini Survey of Methyl Cyanide toward Extended Green ObjectsHung, T.; Liu, Sheng-Yuan ; Su, Yu-Nung ; He, J. H.; Lee, Hsu-Tai; Takahashi, Satoko; Chen, Huei-RuThe Astrophysical Journal 872(1), 61
72018Polarization Properties and Magnetic Field Structures in the High-mass Star-forming Region W51 Observed with ALMAKoch, Patrick M. ; Tang, Ya-Wen ; Ho, Paul T. P. ; Yen, Hsi-Wei ; Su, Yu-Nung ; Takakuwa, Shigehisa The Astrophysical Journal 855(1), 39
82017ALMA Reveals Sequential High-mass Star Formation in the G9.62+0.19 ComplexLiu, Tie; Lacy, John; Li, Pak Shing; Wang, Ke; Qin, Sheng-Li; Zhang, Qizhou; Kim, Kee-Tae; Garay, Guido; Wu, Yuefang; Mardones, Diego; Zhu, Qingfeng; Tatematsu, Ken'ichi; Hirota, Tomoya; Ren, Zhiyuan; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Chen, Huei-Ru; Su, Yu-Nung ; Li, DiThe Astrophysical Journal 849(1), 25
92017Detection of a new methanol maser line with ALMAZinchenko, I.; Liu, S.-Y.; Su, Y.-N. ; Sobolev, A. M.Astronomy & Astrophysics 606, L6
102017Discovery of Striking Difference of Molecular-emission-line Richness in the Potential Proto-binary System NGC 2264 CMM3Watanabe, Yoshimasa; Sakai, Nami; López-Sepulcre, Ana; Sakai, Takeshi; Hirota, Tomoya; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Su, Yu-Nung ; Yamamoto, SatoshiThe Astrophysical Journal 847(2), 108
112016A HOT AND MASSIVE ACCRETION DISK AROUND THE HIGH-MASS PROTOSTAR IRAS 20126+4104Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Keto, Eric; Zhang, Qizhou; Sridharan, T. K.; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Su, Yu-Nung The Astrophysical Journal 823(2), 125
122015SPECTRAL LINE SURVEY TOWARD THE YOUNG MASSIVE PROTOSTAR NGC 2264 CMM3 IN THE 4 mm, 3 mm, AND 0.8 mm BANDSWatanabe, Yoshimasa; Sakai, Nami; López-Sepulcre, Ana; Furuya, Ryuta; Sakai, Takeshi; Hirota, Tomoya; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Su, Yu-Nung ; Yamamoto, SatoshiThe Astrophysical Journal 809(2), 162