
第 1 到 36 筆結果,共 36 筆。

12018水景與社會轉型:以牡丹水庫為例劉紹華 ; 黃樹民 東亞環境、現代化與 發展:環境史的視野 (台北 : 允晨文化)
22017Family, Education and Ethnic Identity among Yunnan Chinese in Northern Thailand.Shu-min Huang Family, Ethnicity and State in Chinese Culture Under the Impact of Globalization. (Dublin, Ireland : Bridge 21)
32017認識史前文化,重建多元社會黃樹民 考古台灣:穿越時空的蒐尋、解謎與保存 (台北 : 經典雜誌社)
42017牡丹水庫與社會變遷:水資源開發與土地爭議劉紹華 ; 黃樹民 民族、地理與發展:人地關係研究的跨學科交會 (台北 : 南天書局)
52016Discrtimination and incorporation of Taiwanese indigenous Austronesian peoples.Shu-min Huang ; Shao-hua Liu Asian Ethnicity Vol. 17, No. 2; pp 294-312.
62016Waterscape and Social Transformation in Southern Taiwan: The Damming of Mudan Creek.Shao-hua Liu ; Shu-min Huang Environment, Modernization and Development in East Asia: Perspective from Environmental History. (London : Palgrave)
72015Situating East Asian Anthropology in the WorldShu-min Huang AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST 117, 41-42.
82015Developing Institutional Monitoring Protocols for Humanities and Social Science Research in TaiwanShu-min Huang Integrity in the Global Research Arena. (New Jersey and London : World Scientific Publishing Co)
92012Gauging the Chinese Reality: 40 Years of Research in Rural ChinaHuang, Shu-min 中共研究 46(11), 131-145
102011人類學與民族學百年學術發展黃樹民 中華民國發展史‧學術發展 (台北 : 聯經出版社)
112011Ethnic Culture Studies: Continuity and Change Among Taiwanese Austronesian PeoplesHuang, Shu-min ; Liu, Shao-hua Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (ELOSS) (Oxford, UK : EOLSS Publishers)
122010序、總論、結論黃樹民 ; 章英華 台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展 (台北市南港中央研究院 : 民族學研究所)
132010全球化與台灣原住民基本政策之變遷與現況黃樹民 台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展 (台北市南港中央研究院 : 民族學研究所)
142010台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展:總論黃樹民 ; 章英華 台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展 (臺北市 : 中研院民族所)
152010台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展:結論黃樹民 ; 章英華 台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展 (臺北市 : 中研院民族所)
162010台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展黃樹民 ; 章英華主編 台北市
172010Reproducing Chinese Culture in Diaspora: Sustainable Agriculture & Petrified Culture in Northern ThailandHuang, Shu-min 
182009閩南的風俗與文化黃樹民 閩南文化國際學術研討會論文集 ( 台南市 : 成功大學中國文學系,金門縣文化局)
192009中國少數民族的飲食文化黃樹民 台灣台北市
202009Four entries, “Zhong Qiu,” “Nongli Nian,” “Chong Yang,” and “Tiangan Dizhi”Huang, Shu-min Encyclopedia of Modern Asia (Great Barrington, MA : Berkshire Publications)
212009Religion as Means of Cultural Reproduction: Popular Rituals in a Yunnan Chinese Village in Northern ThailandHuang, Shu-min Asian Ethnicity 10: 155-176
222008鄒平之行: 關於中國農村轉型的思考及對農村研究的意義黃樹民 鄉土中國的變遷: 美國學者在山東鄒平的社會研究 (山東濟南 : 山東省人民出版社)
232008變化中的馮家村黃樹民 ; 斯圖爾特‧奧登豪鄉土中國的變遷: 美國學者在山東鄒平的社會研究 (中國山東 : 山東人民出版社)
242008東亞小米文化源流黃樹民 知識饗宴:四 (台北南港 : 中央研究院)
25200803.知識饗宴系列04電子書翁啟惠總策畫; 許倬雲; 傅仰止 ; 黃樹民 ; 許雪姬 ; 李有成; 陳定信; 伍焜玉; 鄭天佐; 陳力俊; 馬國鳳; 吳金洌; 陳義裕台北市
262007泰北雲南華人節日祭典食物及其近時的改變黃樹民 第十屆中國飲食文化論文集 (台北市 : 中國飲食文化基金會)
272006A Chinese diasporic community in northern Thailand: contested political loyalty and shifting ethnicityHuang, Shu-min Chinese Transnational Networks (London & New York: Routledge)
282005The Integration of Culture, Agriculture and the Environment in Banmai Nongbua: Chinese Diasporas in Northern ThailandHuang, Shu-min Ethnology 44, 1-12
292005Building a Sustainable Rural Livelihood in Banmain Nongbua: A Chinese Diaspora Community in Northern ThailandHuang, Shu-min 臺灣人類學刊 三(二), 1-21
302005The Process of Professionalization of Traditional Korean MedicineHuang, Shu-min Asian Anthropology 4, 137-148
312003The Use and Abuse of the Comparative Method: A Historical ReviewHuang, Shu-min Journal of Guangxi University of Nationalities 25(3), 32-38
322003PrefaceHuang, Shu-min The Spiral Road: Change in a Chinese Village Through the Eyes of a Communist Party Leader (Seoul, Korea : Yeesan Publishing Co.)
332002Economic Culture and Moral Assumptions in a Chinese Village in FujianHuang, Shu-min Asian Anthropologist 1, 59-85
342002Four entries, “Chinese New Year,” “Qin Ming,” “Mid-Autumn Festival,” and “Dragon Boat Racing,”Huang, Shu-min Encyclopedia of Modern Asia (Great Barrington, MA : Scribners)
351999Imagining China : regional division and national unity (中國文化面新探)Shu-Min Huang ; Cheng-Kuang HsuTaipei
361994Ethnicity in Taiwan : social, historical, and cultural perspectives (臺灣的族群關係:社會、歷史與文化的觀點)Chen, Chung-min; Chuang, Ying-chang ; Huang, Shu-min Taipei