Results 1-45 of 45 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)RelationscopusWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Historical Anthropology黃淑莉 Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies (Leiden : Brill)
22022Sounding Revival: Hymns and Voices of Ahmao Christianity in Post-Revolutionary ChinaShu-li Huang 
42022殉道、復活與文革時代:《啟示錄》與滇北阿卯教會的末世民族誌黃淑莉 考古人類學刊 第96期
52022關鍵轉折, 1904-1908:內地會的西南部落宣教與阿卯改宗運動黃淑莉 民俗曲藝
102021基督教的專屬文字:解放前阿卯教會的文字實踐與原生性政治黃淑莉 思與言:人文與社會科學期刊
112021社會主義的民族文字:阿卯苗族的文字改革與族群改造黃淑莉 台灣人類學刊
122021Historical Anthropology of Taiwan StudyShu-li Huang Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies
132020Minzuology:The Awkward Relationship between “Chinese” Ethnology and “Western” Anthropology in Post-revolutionary ChinaShu-li Huang 
142019Subjectivity 主體Shu-li Huang 
152019Ethnographies of Miao(Hmong) Christianity in and beyond ChinaShu-li Huang 
162019苗族、基督教與現代性:石門坎的民族學研究黃淑莉 歷史人類學學刊 第17卷第1期,頁67-112
172018上帝的選民?:阿卯改宗運動與中國內地會西南部落宣教的關鍵轉折, 1900-1910黃淑莉 
182018上帝的選民?:阿卯改宗運動與中國內地會西南部落宣教的關鍵轉折, 1900-1910黃淑莉 
192018苗族為什麼要說苗語:走進眾聲喧嘩的語言田野黃淑莉 人類學家的我們、你們、他們 (台北 : 中央研究院民族學研究所)
242017Recurrence of Denominations?: What happened to the Ahmao Church in the post-reform ChinaShu-li Huang 
252017Bible Translation and Ahmao Church in Contemporary ChinaShu-li Huang 
262017Book Reviews: Critical Christianity: Translation and Denominational Conflict in Papua New Guinea黃淑莉 台灣人類學刊 第15卷第2期,頁186-191
272016岑毓英與清末雲南社會的「亂」與「治」黃淑莉 邊民在內地 (台北 : 國立政治大學人文中心)
282016The Ahmao (Miao) schism: the problem of spiritual agency in encounters between church and state in southwest ChinaShu-li Huang Asian Ethnicity special issue: religion and ethnicity in China, 218-235
292016Emplacing Desire: A Modernist Tale of Christian Salvation at the Provincial Border of Guizhou and Yunnan in Southwest ChinaShu-li Huang 
302015Literacy Matters: Schools and Congregations in the Sapushan Parish of the China Inland Mission, 1900s-1950sShu-li Huang 
312015Communities of Practice in the Borderland: Case Studies in Southwest China and North IndiaShu-li Huang 
332014From Millenarians to Christians: The History of Christian Bureaucracy in Ahmao (Miao/Hmong) Society, 1850s-2012Shu-li Huang University of Michigan, Anthropology
342013Reciting the Words as Doing the Rite: Language Ideology and Its Social Consequence in the Hmong’s Qhuab Kev (Showing the Way)David Faure; Ts’ui-p’ing Ho ; Ruizhi Lian; Shu-li Huang ; James Wilkerson; Xi He; Xiaohui Xie; Ya-ning Kao; Yingqiang ZhangChieftains into Ancestors: Imperial Expansion and Indigenous Society in Southwest China (Vancouver : UBC Press)
352012Other Literacy: Rebellion and Conversion in Guizhou, 1854-1920s黃淑莉 
372011高地東南亞新命名-Zomia-的意義與未來何翠萍 ; 魏捷茲; 黃淑莉 歷史與人類學期刊 9(1), 77-100
382010Are Missionaries “Literati”?:Defining the Consequences of Christian Literacy in Early Protestant Mission in Western China, 1900-1907黃淑莉 
392010Language and Faith: A Preliminary Analysis of Miao(Ahmao) Conversion in Southwest China, 1904-1922Shu-li Huang 
402008What Is in the Name Qhuab Kev (Showing the Way): Language Ideology and Its Social Consequences in Hmong Funeral Ritual黃淑莉 
412007What Does Evidence Mean?Shu-li Huang 
422001Ancestral Ritual and Kinship Practices of Hmong in Southwest ChinaShu-li Huang 
442001雲南Hmong人的親屬實踐黃淑莉 清華大學, 人類學研究所